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Item The Effect of Knowledge Management Processes on Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Organizational Learning: In Case of Addis Ababa and Haramaya Universities(A.A.U, 2024-10-28) Tekle Getachew Desta; Zelalem Gebretsadik (PhD)Organizations are expected to manage their knowledge systematically and scientifically in today’s knowledge-based economy to maintain competitive advantages, especially in the education sector, where knowledge is highly important. The study aimed to examine the processes of knowledge management (KM) and its effects on organizational performance (OP) with a mediating role of organizational learning (OL) in Addis Ababa and Haramaya universities. The study employed an explanatory research design. It adopted a deductive research approach by focusing on all academic staff of the two universities with a sample size of 354. The data was collected online using Google Forms through a questionnaire and analyzed using smart PLS version The reliability and validity (measurement model) were assured using the appropriate validation techniques. Bootstrapping was used to test the significance and relevance of the structural model. The hypothesis testing outcomes reveal several key findings. Knowledge acquisition has a negative significant effect on organizational performance. Knowledge application and protection significantly and positively affect organizational performance; however, knowledge sharing and organizational performance show a positive relationship only at 10% significance level. Organizational learning acts as a partial mediating factor in the relationship between knowledge acquisition (KA), knowledge application (KAP), knowledge protection (KP), and organizational performance. Organizational learning has a full mediation effect between knowledge sharing and organizational performance. Furthermore, organizational learning has a strong and direct positive effect on organizational performance. This implies that while knowledge management processes are crucial, their effectiveness in improving performance is significantly enhanced when organizational learning is present.Item The Effect of Employee Engagement on Job Performance and the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction: The Case of Ethiotelecom (Addis Ababa)(A.A.U, 2020-06-29) Desalegn Sewagegn; Lakew Alemu (PhD)The main purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of employee engagement on job performance and the mediating role of job satisfaction in Ethio telecom (Addis Ababa).The researcher employed Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and the short version of Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) used for measuring employee engagement and Job satisfaction. Descriptive statistics used to analyze the data and cluster sampling used to select the samples. A structured close ended questionnaire used to collect data from a total target population 8,794 permanent employees and sample of 383 professional and managerial employees in Ethio Telecom (Addis Ababa). The SPSS version 22 used to conduct the statistical analysis of all data in this study. Pearson Correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the suggested hypothesis and test the direct and mediated relationships among variables. The findings indicated that the overall employee engagement dimensions have positive and significant relationship with job performance with vigor (r=.544), Absorption (r=.547), and dedication (r=.245) with p=.000 with absorption had the most contribution. The overall Employee Engagement has significant effect on job performance with (Beta=.488, p=0.00). The results suggested that Job satisfaction had also positively and significantly affected Employee’s job performance. Furthermore, four steps and bootstrapping criteria used to analyze the partial mediation of associations between Employee engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption) and job performance of EthioTelecom (Addis Ababa). Therefore, it is better that Ethio Telecom give priority on the dedication dimension Employee engagement and provide due attention how to inspire, proud and enthusiastic about their job to get crucial competitive advantages and successful including higher productivity and lower employee turnover.Item The Impacts of Quality Management on Performance Improvement in the case of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange: the mediation effect of Leadership(AAU, 2024-02-20) Dawit Solomon; Mohammed Seid (PhD)The study aimed to examine the mediation function of authority in navigating the connection between quality assurance and effectiveness enhancement via the Ethiopian Grain Trade (ECX). Formal surveys were conducted with 139 participants, using inductive and descriptive data. The results showed that the Ethiopian commodities Exchange's existing checks and balances were of passable efficacy. However, there is potential for development. Regulatory authorities should prioritize improving supervision procedures and implementing strong quality management procedures. This can be achieved by encouraging an environment of ongoing development and highlighting the value of quality control across all aspects of the business. The research also showed a strong and favorable correlation between boosting productivity, direction, and excellent assurance. The relationship between quality control with productivity enhancement seems to be somewhat mediated by administration. This highlights the importance of strong management in advancing exchange-controlled exchanges effectiveness programs. The study recommends management across the Ethiopian Stock Market embrace the development of a society rooted in greatness through ongoing enhancement. This can be achieved by fostering tasks that promote productivity advantages and cultivating strong managerial skills. It is also crucial for administrators and government organizations to establish processes for ongoing improvement and regular review and improvement of inspection procedures.Item The Impact of Total Quality Management in Customer Satisfaction in the Case of Ethio Telecom, in Addis Ababa(AAU, 2024-01-10) Endalkachew Masresha; Tewodros W. (Asst Prof)Item Analysis of Financial Status of Selected Commercial Banks in Ethiopia: An Examination of Capital Growth Over the Past Ten Years(AAU, 2024-03-05) Tsion Gizachew; Mesfin Fikre (PhD)This study investigates the financial performance of eight commercial banks in Ethiopia over the period from 2013 to 2022 using the CAMEL method. The primary aim is to examine the capital growth trend through CAMEL variables on return on assets (ROA) and ranking the banks based on their individual financial performances. The study adopts a positivist research methodology due to its adaptability in studying pattern for quantitative techniques to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the subject. In this research, the CAMEL framework serves as the foundation, with the performance measure of ROA and CAMEL. The study emphasizes the importance of banks focusing on increasing total assets by mobilizing deposits and efficiently converting them into loans. Notably, the research suggests that total asset size is a determinant factor in enhancing return on assets. This thesis contributes to the existing body of knowledge by shedding light on the specific CAMEL variables that significantly affect financial performance in the Ethiopian banking sector. The findings provide actionable insights for banks to optimize their operations, enhance asset quality, and ultimately improve profitabilityItem The Effect of ATM Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction the case of wegagen Bank Addis Ababa Branches(A.A.U., 2023-01-09) Banteamlak Menweye; Meskrem M. (PhD)The main goal of this study is to assess the effect of ATM service quality on customer satisfaction in wegagen bank S.C. Addis Ababa branches. To this end, the users’ level of customer satisfaction and perception of the quality of service being provided by the bank were investigated. To achieve the objectives of this study, the study adopted descriptive research methods by obtained data from primary and secondary source. The primary data was collected through questionnaires from a Sample of 396 ATM customers wegagen bank Addis Ababa branches. These respondents were selected using convenient sampling method. The data collected from the questionnaire were analysed using Statistical tools such as through descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis and presented in the form of table, graph and pie chart. The secondary data were collected from reviewing magazines, different books, official bank manual, online sources, and other documented materials that provide relevant information to study. The major problems faced by the customers while using the services includes few number of ATM terminals in the branch and different business environments, ATM Machine cannot be properly functioned and cannot provides immediate response to the customers when cash withdraws without tendering of payments and the ATM card often appears to malfunction in the Banks own branch’s as well as other Banks ATM Machine which keeps the Bank at disadvantage position as compared to the other private and government Banks. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and presented in the form of table, graph and pie chart. The descriptive result shows overall customer satisfaction is lower to ATM customers. In addition, inferential result of this study shows all service quality dimensions have positive significant relationship except empathy. Regarding the effects, the researcher recommends to wegagen bank to improvements has to be done on ATM service quality by providing efficient and sustainable network system, maximizing number of ATMs in convenient areas for service and considering high progress on service quality dimensions included in this study.Item Effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) Practice on Organizational Performance in the Case of Buna Insurance SC(A.A.U, 2022-01-28) Abebe Mandefro; Amare Abawa (PhD)The main purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of Total Quality Management prac tices on organizational performance the case of Buna insurance S.C. The study was explanatory research design and the resurcher used quantitative research approach. The sample size of 106 respondents was drawn using Purposive sampling technique. The study findings of correlation and regression analysis showed that all constructs of total quality management (employee’s empowerment, top management commitment, continuous empowerment and work process approach) were positively and significantly affect organizational performance and customer focus has insignificant effect with relation organizational performance. The findings of linear regressions analysis showed that the observed changes in organizational performance attributed by the elements of total quality management practice is 75.7% (r2=0.757). These study also reveals from five major elements of total quality management practices, to fill the gap of explaninig how to affect the organizational performance in the case of buna insurance share company.Item The Mediating Effect of Engagement on The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance, The Case of Ethio Telecom (Head Office)(A.A.U., 2023-06-09) Etsehiwot Habete; Amare Abawa (Ph.D)The purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating effect of employee engagement on the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance, in case of Ethiotelecom head office. The researcher used short form Minnesota satisfaction Questionnaire, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and trait emotional intelligence question, to measure job satisfaction, employee engagement and job performance. Descriptive statistics was used to investigate the data and simple random sampling is used to select the samples. A structured close ended questionnaire was used to collect the data. Version twenty-seven Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, was used to conduct the statistical analysis of all data in this study. Multiple regression and Pearson correlation analysis were used to examine the proposed hypothesis and test the indirect and direct relationships and effects among variables. Additionally, bootstrapping method and Baron Kenny’s four steps were used to examine the partial mediation of relations between job satisfaction, job performance and employee engagement. Generally, the study finding shows that all the variables are significantly affected each other and had significant positive relationship, Job satisfaction and Employee engagement are statistically significant contributors to job performance, there is significant partial mediating effect of engagement on the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance and The results of testing the hypotheses showed to accept all four alternative hypotheses. to conclude the researcher recommends using other dimension of measuring tools and mediator variable to investigate the effect of job satisfaction on job performance rather than those used in this study.Item Human Resource Management Practices and Turn Over Intention: The Mediation Effect of Career Satisfaction in Case of National Bank of Ethiopia(A.A.U, 2022-04) Yeshealem, Yilkal; Alemu, Lakew (PhD)The major goal of this study was to see if career satisfaction had a mediating influence on the link between HRMP and employee turnover intentions at the National Bank of Ethiopia. A quantitative research approach employed to conduct the study, and structured questionnaires were adapted from previous research studies. The questionnaires were completed by 272 target respondents out of 279 totals. Explanatory research designs and descriptive and inferential statistics used to examine the relationship between the variables. The study's data was then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 25.0 statistical tool, which included a variety of statistical methodologies and test approaches (i.e. frequency distribution, correlation regression, ANOVA, t-test,). HRMP, Career satisfaction, and Employee Turnover Intention questionnaires were all collected using Likert scales, and their Reliability coefficients were 0.919, 0.880, and 0.937, respectively. In NBE, the levels of HRMP and career satisfaction were poor, although the level of employee turnover intention was modest. The Pearson correlation coefficient demonstrated that HRMP, Career satisfaction, and employee turnover intention have a substantial relationship. Career satisfaction partially mediates the association between HRMP and turnover intention, according to the results of the current study's path analysis. Regulatory agencies and NBE directors must place a high priority on employees' HRMPs in order to increase their career satisfaction and, as a result, reduce their intention to leave. Keywords: HRM Practices, Employees Turnover Intention, Career Satisfaction.Item Determinants of Credit Risk Management Effectiveness in Private Commercial Banks in Ethiopia(A.A.U, 2022-03) Mitiku, Tilahun; Teklu, Tilahun (PhD)Risk management involves a set of tool and models for measuring and controlling risk. There is a research gap in risk understanding, risk identification system, risk assessment and analysis, risk monitoring system, and risk evaluation determinants in the Ethiopian context in general and in the study area in particular. The main objective of this study is to examine determinants of credit risk management effectiveness in Ethiopian private commercial banks in Addis Ababa city. A quantitative research and explanatory research method is used. The data was collected using self-administered close ended structured questionnaires from 166 respondents by using nonrandom sample technique called convenience sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regressions were used for analysis. Assumptions are tested to check the appropriateness of multiple linear regressions for analysis. The descriptive statistics result of (risk understanding, risk assessment and analysis, risk monitoring system, and risk evaluation) mean score is high which is above the mean score of point 3 and risk identification system has medium value. The multiple regression analysis result revealed that the four predictors risk understanding, risk identification system, risk assessment and analysis, and risk evaluation have significant and positive coefficient of beta values indicating that they have positive effect on credit risk management effectiveness under the study while one predictor risk monitoring system has insignificant alpha valve which indicated that it has no any effect on credit risk management effectiveness under the study. It is recommended that the managers of each bank had better to maintain current established risk management techniques and that employees are expected to perceive in the bank; the management of each bank also set up proper risk identification mechanism to minimize occurrence of high risk in the bank; they had better asses and analysis their effectiveness related to loan and repayment performance in the bank ; each private commercial bank in Ethiopia had better continue the timely evaluation of financial risks to find out measurements to be taken in order to maintain safe balance of loan in the bank. Key Words: Credit risk management effectiveness, Risk understanding, risk identification system, risk assessment and analysis, risk monitoring system, and risk evaluationItem The Effect of Performance Management System on Employees' Job Satisfaction: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines Group Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul Strategic Business Unit(A.A.U, 2021-10) Gadissa, Alemayehu; Workaferahu, Yohannes (PhD)The aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of performance management system on employees’ job satisfaction: the case of Ethiopian airlines group maintenance, repair & overhaul strategic business unit. The study used explanatory also known as causal research method to understand the causal relationship between PMS & JS. To analyze the relationship, the researcher adopted both quantitative & qualitative research methods. Among 350 sample employees, 298 which is 85.14% employees returned properly answered self-administered questionnaire distributed using the stratified random sampling techniques. The IBM SPSS version 26 is used in the study to analyze & present the descriptive & inferential statistics. The correlation analysis result indicated that the three stages of PMS: PP, PE & PR have statistically significant positive relationship with employees’ job satisfaction. The regression analysis result of adjusted R2 which is the degree of association between stages of PMS & JS revealed that 60.3% of variation in JS is explained by the change in PMS. The study also found that employees are not satisfied with the current performance monitoring, feedback, performance based benefit distributions, practical application of PMS & its appeal process. In these areas, the researcher forwarded recommendations to the airline to take remedial actions focusing on the important stages of PMS so as to increase employees’ JS which ultimately make them asset for the company. Key words: performance management system, employees’ job satisfaction, performance planning, performance evaluating, performance rewarding.Item E-Banking Service Quality of Ethiopian Banks(A.A.U., 2019-10) Dula, Befikadu; Mohammed, Seid (Dr.)The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of electronic banking services in Ethiopian banking industry. To conduct this study, the researcher collected data from the active electronic banking service users for the past consecutive two months. A mixed approach was used to answer the research questions that obtained from the existing literature and gathered data. A Purposive sampling technique was employed to recruit 150 of respondents representing the target criteria (age, duration of usage, and technology-know-how). The study statistically analyzed data obtained from respondents using SPSS version 20 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The electronic banking service was represented by security, system availability, ease of use, reliability and responsiveness. The result of the study indicates that a significant proportion of the sample respondents e-banking services like POS and Internet banking services potential were not adequately used by customers and the major problem that customers experienced on mobile banking was the lengthy steps in processing transactions. Based on the overall score value, it is possible to conclude that the Internet banking service, which was used by very small proportion of customers, was moderately satisfactory to the customers using the service. Finally, it is possible to suggest that serious measures has to be taken on the ICT and power supply infrastructure, as well as liberating network providers, banks updating their softwares and NBE re-establishing a legal framework on the usage of e-banking services. Last but not least, the National Bank of Ethiopia as the regulatory body of the financial sectors of the country, together with the banking sector stakeholders has to enforce banks to update and modernize their technology in order to satisfy the users of the electronic banking.Item Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Electronic Tax Payment of Selected Branch Office of Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA)(A.A.U., 2019-10) Hewan, Tedla; Yitbarek, Takele(Dr.)The purpose of this study was to identify the factors of customer’s satisfaction on online tax payment system of ERCA large taxpayer’s branch office. The study prepared to obtain a better understanding of the e-tax filing system and the user’s feedback or their perception on the system. To this end system quality, information quality and service quality were the independent variables and customer satisfaction is a dependent variable. Three research questions and six hypotheses developed to address the research objectives. A correlation and multiple regression analysis reveals that, the all hypothesis that information quality, system quality and service quality has an effect on customer satisfaction of online tax payment system are accepted. In line with the hypothesis, the regression result shows that all the independent variables have a positive significant effect. Positive and significant values in the coefficients indicate that all three independent variables namely; information quality, service quality and system quality have positive effect towards customer satisfaction in online tax payment system. Based on the finding investigated the ERCA should be give high emphasis and improving the information quality, service quality and system quality of online tax payment system in order to meet customer satisfaction as well as to increase users in the future.Item Service Quality in Banking(A.A.U, 2019-09) Debebe, Gadissa; Tilahun, Teklu (PhD)Service sector has been increased due to the increment of the competition especially in banking Ethiopia. This study was aimed to measure the level of service quality in banks from the prospective of their clients in Ethiopia with the selected four banks in Addis Ababa. Total of 382 questioners were distributed but 334 respondents were filled prepared questioner correctly taken and use for analysis. Questioner included all quality dimensions of SERVQUAL model namely responsiveness, assurance, empathy, reliability and tangibles and level of customer satisfaction. The collected data were analyzed using SPSSV.25. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and regression analysis was applied. The finding indicates that the mean score of the satisfaction was 3.979(79.58%). Pearson correlation result reveals that there was a positive relationship between the service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. Reliability was found to have the highest correlation with customer satisfaction. In addition, the regression result indicates that all the service quality dimensions had aggregate impact on customer satisfaction with R square value of 0.568 but Empathy and assurance have no significant impact among the five service quality dimensions. Thus bank responsible body should satisfaction with respect to aspects of service quality.Item Success Factors and Criteria in the Management of Humanitarian Projects: Evidence from International NGOs Operating in Ethiopia(A.A.U., 2019-11) Mulunesh, Shiferaw; Yitbarek, Takele (PhD)The objective of the study is to identify and evaluate the success factors and criteria in the management of humanitarian projects implemented by international NGOs operating in Ethiopia. The study also intended to explain the relationship between the critical success factors (CSFs) and project success of humanitarian projects as perceived by the targeted international NGOs implementing humanitarian projects in Ethiopia and the concerned government organization. The research followed interpretive research methodology, survey as a strategy and questionnaire as data collection instrument. Both primary and secondary data were used to gather data. The primary data was collected from a sample of 50 respondents (managers and staff members) from five humanitarian emergency food aid INGOs in Ethiopia and 30 respondents from government organization. Exploratory design was employed to identify CSFs and explanatory design to explain relationships between success factors and project success. By using the different evaluation technique, the study revealed that the five most important factors of project success, which can be considered as critical for humanitarian projects executed under the management of INGOs in Ethiopia in their descending orders are; clear policy of donors and government, strong local ownership of the project, effective consultation during planning, having commitment to project goals and compatible rules and procedures respectively. The study also revealed that all five CSFs are positively related to project success and there is very strong relationship between CSFs and project success in humanitarian project implemented by INGOs in Ethiopia. The findings of this study will not only make an academic contribution to the field of project management for humanitarian projects, but also will guide practitioners like project managers and implementing agencies through the success and achievement of project objectives by providing documentation and recommendations for adapting humanitarian project CSFs to the Ethiopian context.Item The Mediating Role of Employees Training in the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Employees Commitment: The Case of Hidassie Telecom Share Company(A.A.U., 2019-10) Eyerusalem, Ajibew; Lakew, Alemu (PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of employee’s trainings as a mediating role on the relationship between organizational culture and employee’s commitment in Hidassie Telecom private Share Company. The study adopted the quantitative research method and a systematic sampling method was used. The data was collected using questioners from 125 (80.8% response rate) from the head offices and three districts of HTSC on Addis Ababa. The obtained data was analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) by means of descriptive and inferential analyses. The result of this study indicates that majority of the respondents agreed that the company culture is hierarchical culture which emphasize more on rules and policy in order to accomplish its purpose. The correlation result shows that the relationships between three variables of the study such as organizational culture, employee’s commitment and employees training were positive and moderate. And adhocracy culture has significant and positive correlations with both employees training as well as employee’s commitment. Moreover, out of the four facets of organizational culture clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchical cultures employees training was partially mediate the relationship between adhocracy culture and employee’s commitment. The result shows there is significant direct impact of adhocracy culture on employee’s commitment, and indirect impact using employees training as a mediator. The present paper recommends to HTSC about the need to implement a dynamic, risk taking and entrepreneurial working culture to change the attitudes of employees towards training and to evolve between management practices so that employee’s commitment is maintained at high level. The implications from this study suggests a message that telecom companies like HTSC as it is a business organization will benefit if adopting specific culture.Item The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship between Career Development and Employee Turnover Intention: A Case in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia(A.A.U., 2019-10) Mulugeta, Estifanos; Lakew, Alemu (PhD)The objective of this study was to assess the mediating effect of job satisfaction in the relationship between career development and employee turnover intention of commercial bank of Ethiopia. A total of 396 questionnaires were distributed to employees of CBE. From the distributed questioners 387(97.73%) were collected and used in the data analysis. Likert scales were used for data collection which contains career development, job satisfaction and employee turnover intention questionnaires and their Reliability coefficient was 0.973, 0.819 and 0.924 respectively. The study used a cross sectional survey with descriptive and explanatory research design that uses a quantitative research approach. Results of the level of Career development and job satisfaction were low in CBE, however, the level of employee turnover intention in CBE is moderate. The result in the Pearson correlation coefficient revealed that there is a significant correlation between career development, job satisfaction and employee turnover intention. The path analysis result of the present study also shows that job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between career development and turnover intention. T-test and one-way ANOVA were used to compare the different sub groups of employees based on demographic and organizational variables. The difference in employees gender have no significant impact on career development, job satisfaction and employee turnover intention. The different groups of employees on the bases of age group, education level, tenure and position/job level have significant difference on employee’s perception of career development, job satisfaction and employee turnover intention. Regulatory bodies and Managers of CBE shall give due emphasis to employees’ career development so that employees’ job satisfaction level would be escalated and hence, their turn over intention would be diminished.Item Service Quality of Broadband Internet in Ethio Telecom(Addis Ababa University, 2019-06) Daniel, Mekuriaw; Tilahun, Teklu (PhD)The aim of this thesis was to assess the service quality of Ethiotelecom broadband. In particular, the study deals about the broadband internet of enterprise customers of Ethiotelecom, Addis Ababa City only. In this study was tried to investigate how is the performance of service quality of broadband in Ethiotelecom, Addis Ababa. For the purpose of the study both primary and secondary data are used. The primary data are collected through distributed SERVQUAL instrument questionnaires and interview with enterprise customers of broadband internet in Ethiotelecom. Secondary data are collected books, previous studies, unpublished data of Ethiotelecom and broacher’s. The research approach employed is deductive research approach. The research design employed is both descriptive and explanatory research design is utilize i.e. both qualitative and qualitative research design used to find out the performance of service quality of broadband internet in Ethiotelecom. A sample of 399 was selected through using simple random sampling from the total population. The reliability of the five(5) service quality dimensions which are assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness and tangibility were used to analyze the overall service quality, overall customer satisfaction, gap model service quality analysis, and used to analyze independent valuables influence on dependent variables of the study. As of the finding, all independent variables (assurance, empathy, reliability, responsibility and tangibility) influenced the dependent variables (customer satisfaction), and explained through linear regression analysis. There is a gap on the service quality dimensions form customer expectation and perception (the customer expectation exceeds actual performance of service). In the last chapter discussed the summery of findings, recommendations and limitations of the study.Item Effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) Dimensions on Operational Performance of Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plants(Addis Ababa University, 2019-05) Shegaw, Aderaw; Mohammed, Seid (PhD)The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of TQM dimensions on the operational performances of the pharmaceutical manufacturing companies operating in Ethiopia. Data for this study was collected using self-administered questionnaires that were distributed to the 13 companies. Census was carried out due to the relatively small number of Ethiopian pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The target populations for study are plant technical managers, operational managers (production managers), quality control & assurance managers and other senior experts who are assumed to provide the most relevant information of the respective companies. Out of 65 questionnaires distributed to the companies a total of 57 were returned. Through comprehensive literature review, seven critical success factors of TQM that are relevant to the pharmaceutical industries were identified. Using correlation & regression analysis the relationship between TQM variables and common operational performance measures (Quality, Cost, and Delivery & Flexibility to volume) was investigated. The Correlation analysis reveals that there is strong relationship between TQM dimensions and operational performances of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies. The outcome of regression analysis indicate that customer focus, process management, product design and people management have significant contribution to at least one of the operational performance measures. Top Management support, supplier quality management and continuous improvement do not appear to contribute to higher performance. This study offers pharmaceutical companies and their managers a better understanding of the relationship and impact that some of TQM elements have on the performance of their operations. Thus managers will get an opportunity to take better & more effective decisions about the implementation of TQM. Due to nature of the study, the sample size is small and performance measures was based on the perceptions of managers, therefore generalization should be made with caution.Item Effect of Total Quality Management on Business Performance of Banks: The Case of Bunna International Bank S.C(Addis Ababa University, 2019-06) Gadissa, Aga; Mohammed, Seid (PhD)Total quality management (TQM) has become an accepted technique to ensure performance and survival in the modern economies. Recent studies have claimed that the successful implementation of TQM could generate improved products and services, as well as reduced costs, more satisfied customers and employees, and improved financial performance. The purpose of this study was determining the effect of TQM on the business performance of bunna international bank S.C. This study was limited to establishing how the pillars of TQM, namely employee relationship, customer relationship, processes and top management involvement relate to business performance. The four pillars of tqm formed the independent variables of this study while business performance was the dependent variable. These variables were studied to fill the gap of explaining how the use of tqm in Bunna international bank S.C affects its business performance. This study was descriptive in nature and the researcher used case study method. The target population of the study comprised of Bunna international bank employees. The researcher used stratified random sampling in selecting respondents. The findings indicated a positive relationship between top management involvement, process and employee relationship, customer relationship and business performance. The cross used to analyze the results from the study. The research recommends that steps to improve top management involvement, process, Employee involvement and customer relationship to improve business performance.