AAU Institutional Repository (AAU-ETD)
Addis Ababa University Institutional repository is an open access repository that collects,preserves, and disseminates scholarly outputs of the university. AAU-ETD archives' collection of master's theses, doctoral dissertations and preprints showcase the wide range of academic research undertaken by AAU students over the course of the University's long history.
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The repository contains scholarly work, both unpublished and published, by current or former AAU faculty, staff, and students, including Works by AAU students as part of their masters, doctoral, or post-doctoral research
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Recent Submissions
Language Use in the Amharic Media in Sport, Science and technology, and Medical science
(Addis Abeba University, 2024-06) Elias Hussien; Abebeyehu Messele(PhD)
The main objective of this research is to investigate the language use in the Amharic media. Thus, to examine the language use in the Amharic media, the study first look at the patterns of English – Amharic code switching. It then describes the possible types of borrowing from English in the Amharic media. Finally, the study treats the stylistic aspects of the usage of English in the Amharic media language use.
To study the patterns of Amharic – English code switching in the Amharic media, the study utilized one of the most influential frameworks in the field of code switching, that is Myers-Scotton’s Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model. The patterns of Amharic – English code switching was studied in mixed constituents.
In order to investigate the types of borrowing from English in the Amharic media, the study used Haugen’s typology of borrowing (19 50), which is one of the prominent theoretical frameworks in the study of borrowing. Thus, based on this framework, the study distinguishes the different types of borrowing appearing in the Amharic media language use.
To examine the stylistic aspects of borrowed words from English in the Amharic media language use, this research uses Galinsky’s (1963) work. This work is used examine the stylistic motivations for the usage of English words in the Amharic media.
Therefore, the analysis of this study came up with the findings which indicate that the mixed constituents found in the Amharic media confirm the framework of the MLF model can satisfactorily explain the patterns of Amharic – English code switching. The findings of this study also confirm that the language use in the Amharic meida show there is a considerable usage of borrowed English words. These include loanwords, loan blend, loan shift, and creation. In addition to this, the findings of this study have shown that English terms are borrowed in to the language use of Amharic media for different stylistic reasons. The stylistc reasons consist of brevity, precision, and variation of expressions
An Assessment of the Prospects and Challenges of Entoto Park Project for the Entoto Community
(Addis Ababa University, 2024-04-01) Kibrom Shushay; Wassie Kebede (PhD)
The major purpose of this study was to assess the prospects and challenges of EntotoPark for the Entoto community. This study utilized qualitative method. The study was conducted in northern part of the capital city Addis Ababa, the area found under the Addis Ababa City Administration and partly it is bordered with Oromia region. In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling technique to select participants based on their experiences knowledge of the issues being undertaken in the study. The study covered one kebele from the whole community, as stated above that the sample was selected purposefully to reach out the exact targeted population to be studied. The researcher of this study used the suitable method of data analysis techniques for case study. The result of the study has suggested that the local community's economic relationship with EntotoPark is still unclear. Stronger financial linkages exist between the Park and large chain restaurants, housing facilities, resorts, and entertainment service providers than there are with the local population. Additionally, EntotoPark has created job opportunities for residents in various fields of work. The Entoto community is facing challenges with the management of the Park due to a lack of strong management, indifference from government leaders, and inappropriate responses from officials. The community claims that the leaders managing the Park are corrupt and do not address their questions. The Park is highly recommended to strengthen the current economic integration endeavors with the local community to ensure the peaceful cooperation of the local communities’ surroundings the Park as well as to ensure the parks sustainability for the generations to come.
Key Words: Entoto, Livelihood, Local Community
Challenges on the Economic Empowerment of Women in Micro and Small Enterprise Sector: - The Case of Addis Ababa City, Addis Ketema Sub-City
(Addis Ababa University, 2023-11-01) Tewodros Asmare; Wassie Kebede (Ph.D)
The purpose of this study is to assess challenges in the economic empowerment of women's micro and small enterprise (MSE) operators. The study attempted to respond to the questions (1) what are the factors that contributed to the lower performance of women-owned micro and small enterprises (MSEs), (2) the available support services by the government and financial institutions to empower women in the sector, and (3) the structural and systemic barriers in the support service system. The study employed mixed methods research. A total of 178 women MSE operators had taken part in the quantitative survey. A random sampling method was used to select survey respondents and purposive sampling techniques used to conduct qualitative interviews. Findings of the study revealed that women MSE operators faced challenges in accessing credit, input, information, and business training. Support institutions also had found to be challenged to provide context-sensitive services for women MSEs that factors like raw material shortage, lack of finance, financial literacy, and collateral issues in addressing the economic empowerment needs. The study recommends government and financial institutions should provide context-sensitive services, such as targeted incentives, simplified tax systems, and alternative financing options, and that concerned bodies should find a way to economically empower women MSE operators.
Women MSE operators, Women empowerment, economic empowerment, Addis Ababa
The Bilateral Diplomatic Relation between Ethiopia and Kenya Since2018: Continuities and Challenges
(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06-01) Edlawit Yeshewalul; Yonas Ashine (PhD)
Bilateral diplomacy is an ancient sort of diplomacy. As the prefix ‘Bi’ indicates, bilateral diplomacy is a diplomatic relation between and among the two states. The bilateral diplomacy is significant since the core area of the relationship is for cooperation and mutual benefit. Ethiopia, the ancient state in the world has had bilateral diplomatic relations with the neighboring countries and beyond. The study attempted to examine Ethiopia and Kenya's bilateral diplomatic relations in the context of continuity and challenges, by anchoring historical relations and tracing internal and external dynamics based on both sides' desire to be the hegemon in the region, with a focus on the period since 2018. Thus, a qualitative research approach with an exploratory design was utilized in this study. Accordingly, the study adopted both primary and secondary sources and, evaluated, examined, and analyzed the sources used in the study. The study identified that the dual relationship between the two countries has had a cooperative and hegemonic rivalry nature since 2018 from both sides and as a result, there are opportunities and challenges regarding the cordial relations between the two countries. Therefore, it is recommended that hegemony is a means to an end. Since there is a sort of dual relation- Ethiopia's cooperative and hegemonic rivalry with Kenya, Ethiopia must aim to establish a balance of power and achieve regional hegemony by employing the English School notion of societal integration, structural realism-offensive and defensive thinking, and idealism-economic development. To challenge regional hegemony, Ethiopia must take pragmatic political, social, and economic measures toward its neighbors, particularly Somalia. Moreover, Ethiopia must acquire internal peace and security to pursue regional power and to have a balanced dual relationship with Kenya. Key Words: Bilateral Diplomacy, Hegemony, Rivalry, Cooperation, Since 2018, Opportunities, Challenges
Transboundary River Policy and Governance for Water Conservation and Sustainable Water Use among the Eastern Nile Basin Countries
(Addis Ababa University, 2024-05-01) Emiru Gemechu; Yacob Arsano (PhD)
This dissertation work aims to explore the need for a transboundary water management policy regime in the Eastern Nile Basin. It attempts to demonstrate the need for new and robust national and regional policy regimes in order to deal with water management challenges that are transboundary in nature. Accordingly, the study sheds light on the need for a policy regime in the Eastern Nile basin, not only because of the inadequacy of the existing water governance regime at the national and regional levels but also because of the new compelling developments such as the commencement of mega projects like GERD. It attempts to clarify the shortcomings of current unilateral water management policies that fail to tackle the challenges of sustainable usage and conservation of the Nile's water resources, as well as the transboundary water management issues. The study employed a qualitative research approach, and data were collected through key informant interviews. Different secondary sources of water issues that are transnational are thoroughly reviewed. The data were analyzed based on thematic analysis methods. The key finding of this research indicates that the existing water resource management policy regimes are inadequate and that there is a clear void in the policy regime hampering sustainable utilization and management of the shared Nile waters among riparian countries. The research finally suggests pathways for replacing the existing Nile water management policy regimes and for establishing comprehensive sub-basin policy regimes in the Eastern Nile Basin. A new pathway should satisfy the water needs of the ever-increasing populations and the ever-expanding development requirements in each riparian country through collaboration that enables the countries to deal with the common challenges that are otherwise difficult to address. Keywords: Eastern Nile Basin; Water conservation; transboundary water management policy regime; Water use; Water governance