AAU Institutional Repository (AAU-ETD)
Addis Ababa University Institutional repository is an open access repository that collects,preserves, and disseminates scholarly outputs of the university. AAU-ETD archives' collection of master's theses, doctoral dissertations and preprints showcase the wide range of academic research undertaken by AAU students over the course of the University's long history.
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The repository contains scholarly work, both unpublished and published, by current or former AAU faculty, staff, and students, including Works by AAU students as part of their masters, doctoral, or post-doctoral research
- All AAU faculty, staff, and students are invited to submit their work to the repository. Please contact the library at your college.
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Colleges,Institutes in AAU-ETD
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Recent Submissions
Rainfall Prediction using Combined Satellite and Station Data: Adeep Learning Approach
(Addis Ababa University, 2023-07-01) Mubarek Jemal; Melkamu Beyene (PhD)
Currently, Ethiopia has high rainfall variance, which is a result of global climate change that has an influence on the environment, property values, and human lives. Accurate rainfall prediction is highly important to smart agriculture practices for developing countries. For rainfall prediction, using station data alone often lacks the required accuracy and spatial coverage, and satellite data has spatial coverage but cannot predict rainfall as accurately as station data. The objective of this research is to develop a model for rainfall prediction using deep learning approaches by combining weather station and satellite data. A design science research methodology was used to develop a rainfall prediction model with 30 years (1990 - 2020) of daily weather station data from the National Meteorological Agency Ethiopian and satellite data from TAMSAT v3.1 and JRA-55 climate models. In data engineering, missing values were handled using mean imputation by dividing the dataset based on the three seasons of Ethiopia. Deep learning approach that includes multi-layer perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) were experimentally evaluated to predict rainfall for selected areas. Lastly, we proposed a model using Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) architecture that capable of forecasting daily rainfall for Ethiopia. The performance of the model is evaluated using the state of the art performance evaluation metrics such as; Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Square Error (MSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and the results were 0.0472, 0.0025, and 0.021 respectively. We also compared the proposed model with other deep learning approaches like MLP, CNN, and LSTM. The proposed BiLSTM model outperformed LSTM with an RMSE of 0.0015; CNN with RMSE of 0.0023, and MLP with RMSE of 0.0025. The experimental results show that the Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) model has a lower RMSE, MSE, and MAE.
DevOps Implementation Practices and Challenges in the Ethiopian Software Development Industries
(Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Mesfin Tafese; Tibebe Behah (PhD)
The objective of this study is to investigate the practices and chal lenges of DevOps
implementation in Ethiopian software development companies. This study used a mixed research
approach with an explanatory sequential de ign method to collect and analyze data quantitatively
and qualitatively. Based on a thorough literature review and empirical data findings, a research
guideline was created. The survey questionnaires and interview outlines were designed with the
established research objectives in mind, with some adaptations from existing literature and new
ones developed as needed. The quantitative component of the study included 107 respondents
from ten Ethiopian software development companies that implement the DevOps process either
partially or fu lly. Interviews were also conducted to gather information [Tom senior staff,
managers, directors, and DevOps implementation teams. The quantitative data sets were
analyzed using descriptive methods. OpenCoding approaches were used to examine the
qualitative data. The findings revealed challenge in transitioning from traditional developme.rit
to a DevOps approach; building DevOps infrastructure and applications with complex processes;
and configuring DevOps tools and technology. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that the
companies in the study faced a variety of challenges when implementing DevOps in culturerelated
practices. Employee resistance to new culture and technology; a culture of team
collaboration and commw1ication; a misunderstanding of DevOps envirolUnents and culture; and
a lack of organizational commitment to DevOps culture changes were the major challenges.
Expert validation and descriptive approaches were used to assess the study'S outcome (proposed
guideline). Expert validation was obtained as a result of company mail and survey
questionnaires. As a result, the research process and results of this study are thought to be valid,
indicating the usability and applicability of the study'S output. This study is expected to produce
insights that will assist Ethiopian Software Development Companies' DevOps teams in better
understanding and implementing DevOps. Finally, in order to sustain the DevOps
implementation process, it is suggested that the proposed guidelines be implemented by
prioritizing the team work theme as a priority goal.
Maturity as a Critical Sustainability Factor for E-Government: Towards A Conceptual Framework
(Addis Ababa University, 2022-06) Hiwot Feleke; Lemma Lessa (PhD)
Extant literature reveals that many e-government initiatives fail, especially in developing
countries. Despite the alanning failure rate of e-government initiatives, the governments of
developing countries are allocating a huge budget out of their limited resources to support and
improve e-government services.Prior research suggested that maturity is a prerequisite for egovernment
sustainability, but the relationship between e-government maturity and sustainability
has not been investigated. Hence, this research is aimed at developing a conceptual framework that
maps e-government maturity to a sustainable e-government service.
Qualitative case study was employed in selected government organizations in Ethiopia that provide
e-service through the e-government portal of Ethiopia. The detenninants of e-government maturity
and sustainability were derived from extant literature and the relationship between them were
conceptualized. The conceptual framework was evaluated through document analysis and
interview with experts. A six-step qualitative data analysis framework by Kiger and Varpio (2020)
has been used to identify, analyze, organize, describe, and report patterns within the collected data.
The study results show that availability of an ICT department with an independent annual budget
for the e-government development, human resource capability/ human and intellectual capability,
staff retention, manager's commitment to prioritize e-government projects, degree and frequency
of customer contacts, customer satisfaction, ICT infrastructure development, integration, Website
age, legal and political strategies, institutional instability, organizational e-government operational
plan, political environment and e-payments were identified to be the detenninants of egovernment
maturity. These detenninants are found as the key factors that affect e-govemment
service maturity. Some of the detenninants identified from the literature review were excluded
after the case study investigation and some other detenninants are newly identified. The study
contributes to e-govemment literature by providing a better understanding on the detenninants of
e-government service maturity and sustainability. Identifying the detenninants of maturity and
sustainability and exploring the link between the two constructs improve our understanding of
sustainable e-government services. The outcome of the research could also be of value for
practitioners as a quality tool to assess the maturity and sustainability of e-govemment initiatives.
keywords: Maturity, Sustainability, E-government maturity, E-government sustainaoility, Egovernment
Exploring the Influence of Facebook on Traditional Media in Ethiopia: The Case of Ethiopia Broadcasting Corporation
(Addis Ababa University, 2024-05) Netsnanet Tsegay; Yohannes Shiferaw (PhD)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate Facebook's impact on Ethiopian traditional media, particularly with regard to information sharing. Using a mixed-methods design, the study's main data-gathering instruments were a survey questionnaire and an in-depth interview. 68 journalists, 45 of whom were men and 23 of whom were women, from EBC's web and television broadcasting divisions participated in the study. There are 28 journalists in the web department of this. Consequently, the results showed that Facebook had a big impact on Ethiopian conventional media and made them adjust to the changing nature of news consumption. Traditional media channels must compete for audience attention as more people rely on Facebook for news updates. Information is usually gathered by journalists from a variety of sources, such as press releases, interviews, social media, and official announcements. of socialThe distinction between content providers and consumers has become more hazy due to the rise of social media platforms, with Facebook being the medium of choice for journalists. In order to overcome the challenges posed by these platforms, conventional media needs to build credibility and trust, make investments in digital innovations and audience engagement, and collaborate with social media companies such as Facebook. Different viewpoints on Facebook's impact over traditional media in Ethiopia are revealed by survey results. About 25% of people think Facebook has a beneficial impact, while 30.9% think it has a negative one. 44.1% of respondents are neutral, suggesting that a variety of variables influence these differing viewpoints. Facebook's engagement with conventional media has benefits and drawbacks. While it increases visibility and reach, there is a chance of false information and fake news, which could compromise Facebook's credibility.
Key words: Facebook, Traditional media, social media
Factors Affecting Information Systems Security Investment in Selected Public Organizations in Ethiopia
(Addis Ababa University, 2023-06) Eden Zewdie; Lemma Lessa (PhD)
Ethiopian public institutions are investing in various IT infrastructure and systems to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations. Organizations are highly dependent on network connection and information systems which make them to become hot point of cyber-security. With respect to this, the government of Ethiopia adopts a digitization strategy that strength security capacity as a key element. However, most Organizations have hesitated to make security investments due to several reasons. Most organizations do not consider how cyber-attacks affect the costs and benefits, which results in underinvestment in cyber-security. Due to the dearth of information determining the benefit on information security investment (ROSI) is always challenging. Decision-makers are frequently confused by the abundance of competing solutions and unsure of whether their investments in security are appropriate or even effective. The goal of this study is to identify the factors that affect investment in information security based on TOE framework. In addition, the study determines the significance of those factors that affect information system security investment and provide suggestion on how information system security could be guided. Identifying the factors that influence security investment decisions will assist decision-makers to drive better cyber-security investment decision-making in a proper manner. The study used a quantitative research method using questionnaires as a data collection tool. A total of 105 questionnaire sets were distributed, and 86 were returned, which accounts for 81.9% of the total response rate. Descriptive and explanatory analyses were used to examine the data. The result revealed that among organizational factors: management support, economy, awareness, decision support process, risk assessment, future Growth, and organization culture have significant impact on information security investment. Similarly, environmental factors, namely; legal and regulatory framework, have an impact on security investment. Based on the results, information system security investment could be guided by the support and commitment of management. Raising the information system security awareness among management and key decision makers can increase investment in information system security. The greater awareness and support on security among the decision makers, the greater the security investment. Furthermore, Organizations must take risk assessment; create security controls, policies, and frameworks in order to maintain their spending in information security.
Key words: Information system security, Information system security investment, Technology, Organization, Environment