Statistics for AAU-ETD

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Qaacceessa Qabiyyee Mammaaksota Oromoo Cimina Dubartoota Ibsan: Aanaa Ada'aatti 1147
Assessment of Budget Preparation and Utilization in the Case of World Vision Ethiopia 729
The Effect of Project Time Management Practices on Project Performance: The Case of Heineken Breweries S.C. 662
Assessment of Factors Causing Project Delay :The Case of Ethio Telecom’s ODN Projects 613
Challenges and practice of Employee Performance Management System in the case of Awash Bank 540
Assessment of Project Management Practice and Challenges of NGOs in Ethiopia: The Case of Rotary Ethiopia 463
An Assessment on Credit Management Practices of Commercial Banks in Ethiopia: /The Case of Six Selected Private Commercial Banks/ 459
Assessment of Factors Affecting the Value-Added Tax Collection Performance in the Case of Gullele Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 393
Assesment of Project Management Practices in Digital Banking Projects: A case of Bank of Abyssinia 381
Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy Under Emperor Haile Selassie I: An Appraisal. 370