The Impacts of Quality Management on Performance Improvement in the case of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange: the mediation effect of Leadership

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The study aimed to examine the mediation function of authority in navigating the connection between quality assurance and effectiveness enhancement via the Ethiopian Grain Trade (ECX). Formal surveys were conducted with 139 participants, using inductive and descriptive data. The results showed that the Ethiopian commodities Exchange's existing checks and balances were of passable efficacy. However, there is potential for development. Regulatory authorities should prioritize improving supervision procedures and implementing strong quality management procedures. This can be achieved by encouraging an environment of ongoing development and highlighting the value of quality control across all aspects of the business. The research also showed a strong and favorable correlation between boosting productivity, direction, and excellent assurance. The relationship between quality control with productivity enhancement seems to be somewhat mediated by administration. This highlights the importance of strong management in advancing exchange-controlled exchanges effectiveness programs. The study recommends management across the Ethiopian Stock Market embrace the development of a society rooted in greatness through ongoing enhancement. This can be achieved by fostering tasks that promote productivity advantages and cultivating strong managerial skills. It is also crucial for administrators and government organizations to establish processes for ongoing improvement and regular review and improvement of inspection procedures.


