Archaeology and Heritage Management
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Item Cooperation and Conflict Management Mechanisms among the People of Kalu, North Eastern Ethiopia(AAU, 1995-06) Argaw, Demeke; K.Mohapatra, SThe study area, Kalu, is found in North central highland massif of Ethiopia and on the upper part of the rift valley depression. The Kalu are Amharic speaking people whom they share common boundary with Oromo, Argoba and Afar ethnic groups. The study area selected based on its location is on the main road from Addis Abeba northern Ethiopia Dessie, Mekele and the Afar depression in which the movement of people is too high. The Woreda shares common boundaries with the Argoba, Oromo and Afar Ethnic groups where ethnic interaction has its own effect in the traditional conflict management. Furthermore, most of the population in the Woreda is Muslim where the Islamic religion is believed to have its own contribution to the development of the indigenous institutions of conflict resolutions. In this regard, the Woreda is one of the centers of Islam in the country. I conducted the field work in the Woreda with an objective of examining traditional cooperation and customary conflict management mechanisms within the community. The people have age old tradition of cooperation and customary conflict management mechanisms. In the descriptive study of cooperation and customary conflict management of the Woreda and social, economic and political structure of the people is assessed. The traditional cooperation aspects reflect the mutual support and self help mechanisms while the customary conflict management institutions are the legal system mechanisms out of the court. Furthermore, the study focuses on the major mechanisms of traditional cooperation such as Debo, Azmach, Ertiban, Elf and other major institutions of cooperation. In addition, family, Shimglina and traditional mediators are adequately assessed as institutions of conflict management out of the court system. Finally, the customary conflict management mechanism among the people of Kalu is based on the public opinion, cultural consensus and religious beliefs. In other words, the conflict management mechanisms are basically interrelated with the social, economic and political conditions of the rural agricultural community. The customary conflict management mechanisms of the people of Kalu consider other conflict resolution mechanisms of the horn and Ethiopia studied by other Anthropologists.Item Forest Management From Local Knowledge, Institutions And Livelihood Perspectives: A Case Of Belete -Gera Forest In Southwestern Oromia Region, Ethiopia(AAU, 2010-06) Merga, Disasa; Berisso, Taddesse(DrThis study deals with forest management from the perspectives of local knowledge and institutions in relation to the livelihood of local people with particular reference to Balate Gera Forest Priority Area of Jim a Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. By using material from Ganji-caalla ofGera district, the paper attempted to address the role of local knowledge and institutions in forest management in relation to livelihood of the local p eople. The study was based on the field research conducted in Gera district for two solid months ranging from 21 December 2009 to 21 February 2010. Different tools of data gathering mechanisms were employed: structured and unstructured interviews, focused group discussions, observation and survey were utilized in order to obtain relevant and reliable data. The data were analyzed qualitatively employing conceptual ji-ameworks of political ecology and common property theories. The qualitative analysis of the study revealed that knowledge of local people about the values of fo rest and forest management was incredible. They were well aware of ecological, economic and socio-cultural values of forest in the study area. The study also indicated that customary institutions of the local people have played a great role in forest management. In the study area, the experience of charcoal burning, cutting live trees for fire wood, and extraction of timber were very minimal. However, local people have been utilizing forest resources for subsistence domestic uses cautiously and selectively. Traditional leadership set ups such as abbaa lagaa and shanee were still active and played great role in resource management and other social affctirs like conflict resolution. Above all, findings .!i'·om this study implied the importance of considering existing customary institutions, respecting ownership rights of forest resources users and reducing the role of government to technical support and some aspects of administration for sustainable forest management. Future researches should be directed to how the existing customGlY institutions will be fostered into fo rest management institutions in collaborating with the local government institutions and non-governmental organizations that have interests to work with the local people respecting their customary institutions.Item Ethnoarchaeological Study of Grind stones at Lakia’a in Adwa, Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2012-06) Teklu, Gebre; Negash, Agazi(PhD)The Purpose of this study was to conduct an ethnoarchaeological study of grind stones at Lakia’a in order to generate ethnoarchaeologically based ideas which can help better understand grind stones in the archaeological record. Efforts have been made to address the research questions of this study using primary data and secondary sources. Simple random sampling and purposive method of sampling were employed to prepare a sample size for this study. Observation and interview methods were used to gather data from the sample and their grind stones, and grind stone quarry sites. The gathered data were analyzed and interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. Correspondingly, the results of this study reveal that the society used grind stones of different raw materials across time. Men undertake practical raw material choice and initial stage of grind stone preparation at the quarry site while women participate in a consultation regarding raw material choice at home and prepare food for the quarry men. Women also perform exclusively the leveling work of grind stone production at home, hammerstone acquisition and the work of foodstuffs grinding. The grind stones are placed in the kitchen and are used to process wide range of foodstuffs. Grind stones are one of the best bridges that connect the people socially and economically. A grind stone and a mano can serve approximately 20-80 years and 4-7 years respectively. Grind stones are reused in the area for different uses after discard. The finding also shows that significant number of people take their useable grind stones with them while they change their settlement mainly due to cultural preference and the fear to take the risk of grind stone production. Furthermore, the finding shows that modern grinding machine could not replace traditional grind stones especially to process ceremonial foods. The results from Lakia’a are combined with the available archaeological data to strengthen the conclusions given by scholars about grinding equipmentsItem An Archaeological Survey of Islamic Shrines in Jimma Zone, South western Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2012-06) Merga, Seyoum; Burka, Temesgen(PhD)Islamic shrines are a sanctuary devoted to Muslim saints and used for ritual practices. As defined by Braukamper.U (2002), shrine is any man made sanctuary (sometimes associated with natural objects) devoted to a Muslim saint (wali). The custom of venerating saints and visiting their shrines is a common phenomena found in the Muslim world (Ishihara 2009). In Ethiopia, the presences of several shrines are typical proofs of the existence of a deep rooted tradition of venerating saints among the Muslim people. Islamic shrines in Ethiopia are not only a religious place, but are also important depositors of the pre-Islamic cultures of the indigenous communities (Trimingham 1965; Hussein 1994; Braukamper 2002; Kassaye 2009). Hence, Islamic shrines are important heritages used to understand cultural changes and continuities of the past and the present. However, due to the past socio-political and historical marginalization of Islam in Ethiopia, Islamic shrines have been studied very little. The previous researches conducted on Islamic shrines have been geographically and thematically limited. Consequently, shrines in the historically prominent Muslim lands (the five Gibe states) of the present day Jimma zone remained unstudied. Therefore, this paper presents archaeological survey research conducted on the Islamic shrine sites of Jimma zone. The study identified and documented two Islamic shrines namely; shrines of Sadeqiyo and Abba Arabu, located in Sokoru district and around Jimma town respectively. The shrines, being located near the former economic and administrative sites; have great significance to understand the history of Islamic relation with the past political and economic scenario of the area. In addition to this, the pre-Islamic Oromo cultural and ritual traditions are well preserved in the two shrines of Jimma zone. Albeit scholars such as Terje Ostebo (2009) claimed the ‘Islamaization of the pre-Islamic Oromo cultures’, the ritual performances conducted at the shrines of Arabu and Sadeqiyo, clearly indicates the ‘Oromization of Islamic religion’. Moreover, the shrines have actual and potential economic, scholastic, and cultural significances. Despite this fact, the shrines are presently endangered from deliberate anthropogenic actions as well as natural factorsItem Assement of the Organijation and Mangement of Functional Adult Literacy Program in Selected Woredas of West Harerghe Zone of Oromia(Addis Ababa Universty, 2012-06) Kumsa, Ayele; Ingidayehu, YalewThe study was intended to assessing The Organization And Management Of Functional Adult Literacy Program in Selected Woredas of West Harerghe Zone of Oromia. In the study, a descriptive survey method was used. Six Woredas were selected by purposive samplin method. From the six (6) Woredas, six FAL centers together with 1 faCilitators, J Woredas Adult Education boarded and technical Committee (AEB'f, ') and 7 Zone (AE8J', ') were selected by purposive sampling technique. In addition, 78(52.6)( 42 male trainees and 36 f emale) trainees were included using proportional stratified folLo wed by simple random sampling technique to supplement the data gained from the practitioners. uestionnaire, interviews, observation, as well as document revie'w were used to gather data and enricli the study. Data analysis was made by using percentile, chi square lest, t-te t and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS of version 15. The finding ' revealed cU/pnt conditions and major factors related to organization and management of FALP offered in FAL centers. The respondents, nonetheless, listed a number of constraints like: lnadequa }' of resources (finance, human, and materials),' lack of faCilitators training, lack of facilitators recruitment fr0111 community, lack of clear and convel/ient or anizational strIfetures absence of income generation mec.:hanisms, lack of qllalified tmind faCilitators, private resistance for the establishment of FAL training program, un willingness to send family members to the FAL centers, religions problem to attend ." 'ALP, unde;' valuing fun 'lional adult literacy program, lack of non gmernment support at [til, lack of e"alu((tion materials based on quality standard out comes, lad of follow lip the (Ictivities of c.:oncerned 'ector on FALP implementation were some of th2 hil1drances re'. ealed in the stlldy. Thus, the 'e problems made organization and management of FALP ·0 be incapable of meeting their purposes and the interests of disadvantages adults al :d you'lL'. it i ', therefore, recoll1mended that the Oromia Education beuros, Zone and W.Jreda A.EBTC mell1bers and diffe rent concerned sectors have to make maximum possi:)le efforts to /I1obilize all re 'ources, stakeholders and institutions under them to rel'erse the current situati:Jn of FALP organization and management in FAL centers.Item An archaeological study of rock churches in Lasta, Northern Wollo(Addis Ababa University, 2012-07) Ketema, Natnael; Begashaw, Kassaye(PhD)Early churches constructed in Lasta from the sixth to the fifteenth century include churches built under protective roof of caves of different rock types and rock hewn churches excavated from largely volcanic rock with varying degree of detachment from bed rocks. The churches are believed to be hewn and constructed based on basilica architectural styles and adopting elements of Pre-Christian Axumite structures. The dates for the churches are highly depended on traditional sources. Based on these accounts more than seven churches in Lasta are established during the 6th century. Thus, they were built during the Axumite Kingdom. The expansion of the Axumite Kingdom to Lasta in the 6th century provided suitable ground for expansion of Christianity and resultant establishment of churches in the area. Cultural continuity between the Axum and the later periods is endured in rock churches of Lasta. Built up churches of Debre Damo, Yimrehane Kiristos and Imekina Medihanialem are churches product of different periods which show great resemblance to each other. There are also strong similarities in their plan and individual architectural elements of the churches of Bete Medihanialem and Genete Maryam. The churches remained hidden in mountainous landscape of Lasta. Through time some of the churches are deteriorated because of natural and manmade causes. Little is done to document, promote, conserve and research the churches. As a result the contribution of the tourism sector for development of the region and the country at large remained insignificantItem A Survey of Rock Hewn Churches in Mäqet Warada, Northern Wallo(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Ebabey, Tsegaye; Begashaw, Kassaye(PhD)The rock hewn churches of Mäqét roughly cover the time between the 4th and 14th centuries A.D based on traditional sources. This dating is not reliable without tangible archeological sources and future researches are expected to provide archaeological sources to discuss the detail of their chronology. The churches are cave and monolithic hewn rocks in type. No built up churches are found in the Wäräda. The tradition of the Wäräda is cave oriented which might be influenced by the nature and setting of the rocks in which the churches are hewed. These churches are hidden behind the escarpments, mountains or hills of Mäqét. They are built in the inaccessible areas of Mäqét that isolated the churches from heritage managers and researchers. They have common and unique architectural features and cultural heritages. The churches are recognized by their unique architectures, locally produced hand craft materials, and by other essential movable treasures in many of the churches. The architectures of the churches resemble dominantly indigenous technologies. The tradition of the Wäräda is claimed to be the base for the later rock hewn church development of the country, by recognizing the churches as parts of the early Aksumite Christian traditions. Suspiciously, there are some features such as basilica styles and domes which might be adapted from the early Byzantine Christian traditions probably introduced by Abunä Musé. The churches have intangible heritages which are significant by their spiritual, socio-cultural and economic manifestations of the people which need future detail studies. Despite this, the heritage management and tourism activities of the churches are challenged by both natural and anthropogenic related problems. This research indicated the need of further detail studies concerning the management and conservation of these churchesItem Archaeological Investigation in Ahferom Woreda, Tigray: Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Zerue, Kifle; Beldados, Alemseged(PhD)This study has been attempted to assess and document the hitherto uninvestigated but potentially rich archaeological area of Ahferom Woreda, in central Tigray highland of northern Ethiopia. To this end, systematic reconnaissance survey, oral history, and typological analysis of ceramics as well as other archaeological remains have been done. Based on this, eight new archaeological sites have been discovered and documented. The study also provides key insights into settlement distributions and cultural traditions of the area. Most of the sites are strategically located along the traditional trade routes and in the place where abundant natural resources like high potential water flow is found for irrigation agriculture. This indicates ecological and socio-economic (trade) factors contribute for the development of ancient village settlements in the region. Decoration and color analysis of pottery along with other archaeological evidence show that period occupation of the three settlement sites has been dated from the earliest phase of first millennium BC to the Middle and/or late phase of the first Millennium AD. This suggests that they had experienced marked continuity in site occupation. Detailed study of settlement findings and ceramic artifact analysis from the five sites, on the other hand, reflects evidence of Pre-Aksumite period occupation. Bidirectional cultural interactions (locally and regionally) are also evident from typological analyses of ceramics, bronze ornaments, masonry architecture, and astonishing monolithic pillars. This study also presents the threats to the archaeological sites and archaeological objects. Moreover, it produced baseline data for future archaeological investigations and possible conservation worksItem Techno Typological Analysis of Developed Oldowan Early Acheulean Assemblages from Garba IV C and D, Melka Kunture (Upper Awash), Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2015-06) Gitaw, Niguss; Beldados, Alemseged(PhD)This thesis conceives of an analysis of Early Stone Age collections from Melka Kunture, particularly at Garba IV levels C and D. They were excavated between 1972 to 1985 and are today stored at the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. In spite of ongoing researches conducted at these localities, raw material influence on the knapping process of the knappers and the technological features of the previously nominated artifact traditions called “Developed Oldowan” is poorly understood. Methodologies like typological classification, measurement of the technological axis, width, depth and so forth, identification of raw material, understanding of thickness evennes along the technological line of artifacts were employed to address the problem. The production techniques were influenced by the type of raw material. Although large flake productions are not large in number, their appearance is an essential indicator about the emergence of the Acheulean. The low number of Large Cutting Tools is determined by the original size of the unworked material. On account of this, not only frequency of Large Cutting Tools, but also understanding various technological innovations of an artifact has been found to be important in characterizing Early Acheulean site. Therefore, the artifact tradition called “Developed Oldowan” was not understood to be independet technologicaly. It, rather, bears an evidence of technological similarities with the Early AcheuleanItem Reconstructing Food Systems from the Late Holocene Context of Mochena Borago Rock shelter, Wolayta, Southern Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2015-06) Tamerat, Medhanit; Beldados, Alemseged(PhD)Mochena Borago rock shelter is a very rich archaeological site with one of the most complete late Pleistocene cultural sequence in the Horn of Africa. Despite the rich cultural sequence, the pre-history and historic period of human and plant interaction and ecological history of this site are poorly documented and reconstructed. The objective of this study was to reconstruct food systems of the ancient inhabitants of Mochena Borago rock shelter in the Late Holocene period. Archaeobotanical investigation was conducted on a 27 soil sample bags of 2000 and 2001 French Field seasons at the Laboratory of the ARCCH (Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage).For the better interpretation of the archaeaobotanical materials and data, ethnoarcheological studies were undertaken in the five Kebeles of Sodo Zurea Woreda. Based on this, a total of 64 plant spices were documented and 112 seeds and fruit stones were identified by the Archaeobotanical investigation which included Sapindaceae cf. Deinbollia type (n=55), Myrtaceae cf. Syzigium guineense type (n=33), Plectranthus edulis (n=9), Euphorbiaceae Croton sp. (n=7), Cordia cf. africana (n=2), Ebenaceae cf. Diospyros (n=1), Olea europaea sub sp. cuspidate (n=1) and the rest four were unidentified. The ethnobotanical documentation reveled that five plant types that were used as food, medicine and raw materials to be similar with the plants recovered by Archaeobotanical investigation. Among the identified botanical remains, Plectranthus edulis which is an indigenous crop for the study area, Cordia cf.africana and Olea europaea sub sp. cusipdata are reported for the first time in archaeobotanical context in the whole region of EthiopiaMochenaItem An Assessment on the Effectiveness of Temporary Exhibition at the National Museum of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-03) Tegene, Belayneh; Said, Hasen(PhD); Begashaw, Kassaye(PhD)The exhibition is a communication medium based on objects and selected elements seeking unique interpretation techniques. Everybody, regardless of age, sex, religion, wealth and status have the opportunities to observe and judge real objects. The “National Museum of Ethiopia” is one of the relatively oldest museum establishments with seven decades of experience in organizing both temporary and permanent exhibition to date. So far few researchers have touched the nature and the content of these exhibitions. However, something we believe that the status of the temporary exhibition should be adequately evaluated whether they meet internationally settled standards. Therefore, the overall objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the temporary exhibition in the “National Museum of Ethiopia” (here after “NME”) with regard to its exhibition standards, diversity and management as well as suggesting possible meanness of improvement on the identified gaps in the “NME”. This thesis is significant in filling the temporary exhibition gaps. Qualitative data collecting techniques, analysis and interpretation were used and supported by quantitative. To address those objective questionnaires was given to those who have directly or indirectly relations with the subject matter. To assess the effectiveness of the temporary exhibition organized by the “NME” to date is thoroughly evaluated. The scope of this paper is entirely limited to the rich experience of the temporary exhibition in the context of the “NME”. The key findings are the temporary exhibition at the “NME” is below exhibition standard in terms of exhibition elements, exhibition inputs and directives and guidelines. It is recommended that the temporary exhibition should have guideline, standards, format and professionally trained curator. Therefore, providing exhibitions policy and putting in place other related guidelines which ultimately helps towards museum exhibition benchmarksItem Current Practices and Challenges of Addis Ababa Museum(Addis Ababa University, 2016-03) Birhane, Solomon; Teffera, Zelalem(PhD)The aim of this thesis is to investigate and to identify the current practices and challenges of Addis Ababa Museum. The finding of this paper will show when and how the museum was opened. The nature of current practices and its challenges are going to be addressed in this study. The number of Ethiopian and foreign visitors and amount of money generated will be clearly seen in the finding of this study. Moreover, the significance of museums to the general public in promoting culture, identity, history and economy will be discussed. Data will be collected in terms of interview, questionnaire, personal observation, photographs, archives and other means. Purposeful sampling will be used to select informants and individuals who are going to fill the questionnaire will be selected through random sampling. The finding of this study will recommend many stockholders to contribute their share in order to solve some challenges that are affecting the museum so that the country can generate good income from itItem The state of painting Collections at the National Museum of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-04) Bulti, Girma; Begashaw, Kassaye(PhD)The main objective of this study is to create understanding and identify the problems of painting collection, documentation, acquisition, and conservation of painting at‖NME‖ fine arts storage room. The methodology used to address the research. To this end, in order to gather the data, interviews were conducted among eighteen people who are relevant to the field of art. On top of this questionnaires were distributed among seventy-five people. After careful analysis and investigation of the data obtained, the research has revealed that there were problems of acquiring, acquisition, accession, documentation, conservation and handling of painting collection in ARCCH Cultural Heritage Collection Directorate. The significance of this study is that give an appropriate ways for preserving and conserving of painting in fine art collection storage. Painting being the reflection of culture and history which should be for image building of the country, income generating and tourist attraction. Beside this it helps to transmit our cultural heritage for generations to come.Item Stakeholder Engagement at the National Museum of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-04) Mekonnen, Nigussu; Burka, Temesgen(PhD)The main objective of this study was to investigate the status of stakeholder engagement practice at the “NME”. A renewed interest in stakeholder engagement approaches has been identified, as organizations experience increasing pressures with regard to social accountability and transparency. The subject is of particular interest within the public sector, where involving stakeholder views into decision- making is becoming a crucial part of museum governance strategies. This study engages with very topical subject and aims to explore the value of stakeholder engagement practices in museums. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were employed to enhance the completion of this study. The data collection involved 7 in-depth semi-structured interviewees, 216 questionnaire and critical observation. The collected data from questionnaire was incorporated with the interviews for triangulation purposes. The overall data analysis was conducted via a systematic content analysis approach for qualitative data where as the quantitative data was analyzed with a one-way ANOVA. The study’s findings revealed that the “NME’’ must take seriously its stakeholder engagement practice as its core activities and to open its door for all stakeholder groups. In light of this, the main conclusions to be drawn from this study revealed that stakeholder engagement practice plays a vital role at the “NME” enabling it to successfully adapt itself to the current trends of stakeholder engagement approaches. The study adds its own share to the scarce literature regarding stakeholder engagement in the museum sector of the country in general and the “NME” in particular.Item An Ethonarchaeological Study of Pottery Production in Tigray: The Case of Saharti Samre and Hintalo Wajirat Districts(Addis Ababa University, 2016-06) Asefa, Tilahun; Burka, Temesgen(PhD)It has been described that little is done on ethnoarchaeological investigation of pottery crafts in Ethiopia. Furthermore, except some attempts made in Hintalo-wajirat, detailed ethnoarchaeological study on pottery production in Saharti-Samre and Hintalo-Wajirat districts of Tigray region has not been conducted so far. Thus, the purpose of this study was to document the over all aspects of pottery production from ethnoarchaeological perspective so as to gain better understanding of pottery in the archaeological record. To achieve this, purposive sampling technique was employed to select both samples of pottery making villages and sample of informants. The data gathered through survey, observation and interview were analyzed qualitatively. Accordingly, the results of this study revealed that clay and sand are the basic elements for pottery making across the selected villages. In the study area pottery production is generally performed through various processes beginning from raw material procurement to paste preparation, forming and shaping, making decoration, drying, polishing and firing. Though some difference and similarities are observable in some of the stated processes among potters of the selected villages, none of these differences reflect variation in ethnicity as all potters of the selected villages belong to the same ethnic group. However, the presence of similarities in some aspects indicates the prevalence of socio-cultural contact among the artisans of the different villages. Since most activities are performed in the compound of the potters, firing pits with debris of ash, fragments of pots and toolkits employed to perform various steps of pottery making could be left in the compound of potters. Furthermore, pots could be broken and discarded outside production areas at market places and households of consumers. Thus, this study suggests that production areas, market places and households of consumers could become sources of archaeological site formation in Saharti-Samre and Hintalo- Wajirat districtsItem Documentation and Conservation Status of Bete Mulu Castle in Welkait, Western Tigray(Addis Ababa University, 2016-10) Hailu, Feyissa; Hagos, Tekle(Ass.Prof.)This thesis presents the documentation and conservation status of Bete Mulu in Western Tigray. This building is currently facing threats coming from various problems; natural and anthropogenic problems. Therefore, this research intended to investigate historical context, architectural design, significance and current status of Bete Mulu castle. While studying about historic buildings various approaches could be employed. Qualitative study, as one of the approaches in social sciences, was used. Major limitations of the existing building services systems were evaluated through analysis of building’s architectural, safety aspects and technical facilities. In addition, documenting the original building’s features by observing and measuring all about the appearance of the building was carried out. The conservation and management aspect of the study area was also carried. Finally, its historical context and values, its current condition, architectural aspect is presented after analysis and correlated with other design of building in the country. Similarly, the possible required conservation activities have been studied and possible recommendation is forwardedItem Significance of Melka Kunture Prehistoric Site for Sustainable Tourism Development of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-11) Kebede, Solomon; Hagos, Tekle(Ato)This study documents the importance of archeological sites of Melka Kunture and its environs. To deal with this issue, the qualitative method and descriptive approaches are employed using interviews, questioners, personal observations and related literature reviews. Due to the nature of the data purposive sampling was preferred to gather data from purposely selected key informant groups to meet the objective of the study. As the result of this thesis, indicates, the possible establishment of integrated archeological and cultural sites within the proposed corridor would bring significant positive impact in the development of sustainable tourism. Among all findings, the proximity of the archeological site to the capital city, as well as the presence of closely located archeological and paleontological localities, the Open Air Museum, the natural resource sites in the wide area, as well as the flourishing living cultural qualities of the Oromo people and the natural habitat are taken as the major findings of this thesis. At present compared to many other archeological sites, Melka Kunture archeological site is considered to be in a better position. Based on its proximity to the capital city and the frequent visit by researchers from abroad this research paper thoroughly discussed issues related to the need to formulate strategies for sustainable tourism development that benefits the local community. Possibly this would help propel the development of rural tourism, cultural industry as well as preserve the indigenous heritage of the local community. The paper deals with such an institutional development in the locality would provide opportunities for local and international researcher to respond and to overcome problems associated with the absence of sustainable tourism development. Therefore, the various sections of the community, Non-Governmental Organizations and the government should properly focus on conducting critical researches, capacity building and appropriate interventions by using integrative approaches developing heritage sites to meet international standardsItem Classification of Pottery Collections from the Site of Hawlti-Melazo at ARCCH and its Regional Implications(Addis Ababa University, 2016-11) Girmaye, Andualem; Beldados, Alemseged(PhD)The main purpose of this study is to classify and analyze the pottery collections from the Hawlti-Melazo site housed in the Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage store room and compare it with other previous findings in the region. The classification of the Hawelti-Melazo collection carried out in the ARCCH laboratory resulted in the division of the collection into nine categories based on their major attributes such as type, form, shape and function. These major divisions include figurine, bowl, handle, jar, pot, body sherd, rim sherd, cup, incense burner and others. The study has revealed that the site could have been settled during both pre-Aksumite and Aksumite times. The study also indicated that the site might have been either a sanctuary or a settlement where both the ruling elite and the common people might have lived together. Based on the comparisons made with previous studies, the ceramic technology has direct and indirect parallels with Aksum, Yeha, Adulis, Nubia, the Mediterranean world and the Byzantine VesselsItem Documentation of Cultural Landscapes in Welkait Woreda: Western Tigray, North Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2016-11) Demis, Yilikal; Beldados, Alemseged(PhD)This study was conducted in Welkait Woreda, Western Tigray in particular the heritage sites of Bete Mulu, the Burials of Women (“Weyzazirt Mekabir”), Ona Eyesus Church, Zuwa Kidne Mihret Church, May Gaba Mikael, and Medhanialem Holy Water. The main objective of this study is to document the cultural values and history of these sites for the purpose of heritage management and possibly tourism development. To achieve the stated objectives, the researcher designed a proper methodology which includes both primary and secondary data sources. The primary data was collected through pedestrian survey, interview and field observation from these study sites. To support the primary data, secondary data was also collected and all were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. However, the research has involved more of qualitative than quantitative method. Purposive (judgmental) sampling techniques were employed in order to select the study sites and respondents within the study area. During the study, a total of 8 tumuli, 3 churches, a Castle, and Holy Water sites were identified. The burial tradition in this area was also compared with other sites in the country and the region. Accordingly, it is observed that there is a similarity and continuity of the tradition in terms of the material composition, shape and spatial coverage. Ruined churches and medieval structures were also documented for the first time. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommends that creating community awareness, establishing sufficient infrastructural conditions, and continuous promotion of the area should be the focus done by the concerned authority. This paper also recommends that participation and coordination of all concerned bodies and stake holders is imperative in supporting and conserving the unique landscape values of the study areaItem The Palace of Guzara And its Environs: its Heritage Management and Conservation(Addis Ababa University, 2018-11) Endris, Kedir; Begashaw (PhD), KassayeThe Palace of Guzara and its Environs: its Heritage Management and Conservation Kedir Endris Addis Ababa University, 2018 Ethiopia is both fortunate and unfortunate as far as Cultural Heritage Management is concerned. It is fortunate because the country at large and the study area in particular are home for various heritages. Unfortunately, it is very unfortunate that we are unable to take care of our spectacular cultural heritages. As a result, they are all in a deplorable state which could be totally damaged soon unless immediate action is devised. The problem is becoming intense as these heritages are not adequately researched, documented, conserved, and promoted. The study assessed the management and conservation of Guzara Palace and its surrounding monuments, located in the Woredas of Gonda Zuria and Libo Kemkem, Amhara National Regional state, North West Ethiopia. To attain the objective of the research, seven heritages namely, the Palace of Guzara, Dil Amba Giorgis Church, Gobatit Dildey, Debsan/Debresan Gemb, Bahri Gemb, Debre Mitmak Cave Church, and Washa Endrias Cave Church were selected purposely based on the objective of the research. In order to collect data, the researcher conducted serious field observation, and field survey. And, field data recording tools were also used to collect information on the field. Interview was also employed to collect data (23 informants were selected purposely). Additionally, the researcher has also consulted secondary sources from previous researches, books, internet sources, and regional and Wereda’s documents. To analyze the gathered data, qualitative method was used. The finding of the study shows that all of the selected monuments of the study area are in a deplorable state. The study reveals that both man-made and natural-made hazards were the cause for the deterioration of the heritages. This is due to the less attention given for the protection, preservation, and conservation of the monuments by the government. This shows that Heritage Management activity in the study area is negligible. Hence, immediate preservation and conservation measures are crucial to keep the resources from any threat, to use it for sustainable development and transfer to the next generation