Assement of the Organijation and Mangement of Functional Adult Literacy Program in Selected Woredas of West Harerghe Zone of Oromia

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Addis Ababa Universty


The study was intended to assessing The Organization And Management Of Functional Adult Literacy Program in Selected Woredas of West Harerghe Zone of Oromia. In the study, a descriptive survey method was used. Six Woredas were selected by purposive samplin method. From the six (6) Woredas, six FAL centers together with 1 faCilitators, J Woredas Adult Education boarded and technical Committee (AEB'f, ') and 7 Zone (AE8J', ') were selected by purposive sampling technique. In addition, 78(52.6)( 42 male trainees and 36 f emale) trainees were included using proportional stratified folLo wed by simple random sampling technique to supplement the data gained from the practitioners. uestionnaire, interviews, observation, as well as document revie'w were used to gather data and enricli the study. Data analysis was made by using percentile, chi square lest, t-te t and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS of version 15. The finding ' revealed cU/pnt conditions and major factors related to organization and management of FALP offered in FAL centers. The respondents, nonetheless, listed a number of constraints like: lnadequa }' of resources (finance, human, and materials),' lack of faCilitators training, lack of facilitators recruitment fr0111 community, lack of clear and convel/ient or anizational strIfetures absence of income generation mec.:hanisms, lack of qllalified tmind faCilitators, private resistance for the establishment of FAL training program, un willingness to send family members to the FAL centers, religions problem to attend ." 'ALP, unde;' valuing fun 'lional adult literacy program, lack of non gmernment support at [til, lack of e"alu((tion materials based on quality standard out comes, lad of follow lip the (Ictivities of c.:oncerned 'ector on FALP implementation were some of th2 hil1drances re'. ealed in the stlldy. Thus, the 'e problems made organization and management of FALP ยท0 be incapable of meeting their purposes and the interests of disadvantages adults al :d you'lL'. it i ', therefore, recoll1mended that the Oromia Education beuros, Zone and W.Jreda A.EBTC mell1bers and diffe rent concerned sectors have to make maximum possi:)le efforts to /I1obilize all re 'ources, stakeholders and institutions under them to rel'erse the current situati:Jn of FALP organization and management in FAL centers.



Organization and mangement of functional adult
