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Item Contribution of Determinant factors at Various Life Cycle Stages on Time Overrun of Road Construction Projects in Ethiopia: Case of projects Administered by Ethiopian Roads Authority(AAU, 2023-09-15) Biruk Adane; Tilahun Teklu (PHD)This research attempts to assess the extent of effect of determinants of time overrun in road construction projects at various life cycle stage by analyzing the compound effect of impact and frequency of occurrence of 12 determinant factors composed of sixty-eight (68) time overrun factors identified from literature. Two determinant factors composed of 11 individual time-overrun factors during project initiation life cycle stage, two determinant groups consisting 11 factors during project planning life cycle stage and eight determinant groups comprising the majority 46 delay factors during project execution life cycle stage. Primary data was collected using questionnaire and SPSS 23 used for analysis. The study finds out the top three determinants of time overrun are Inefficient/insufficient Material and Machinery Management and Utilization and Poor Financial management System during execution lifecycle stage and Poor Data Collection during planning life cycle stage. The criticalness of the delay factors leading into time overrun increases as the project progresses; proportion of critical nature of delay factors leading into time overrun increases from 45.5% at project initiation stage to 67.5 % at project execution life cycle stage. The study also reveals, the responsible stakeholder for the delay causes varies for the different life cycle stages client being responsible during initiation and contractors during execution life cycle stage. Moreover, the researcher used ANOVA, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and regression analysis to test the relationship between variables and to suggest alternative hypothesis. The research also conducts secondary data analysis between 2016 and 2020 and find the number of projects getting into time overrun increase as the projects progress furtherItem Factors Affecting Employee Engagement at Berhan Bank in the case of Central Addis Ababa District(A.A.U, 2023-06-02) Meeraf Semret Hailemariam; Tewodros Wuhib (Assistant Professor)Based on social exchange theory, this study reports on findings linked to factors that affect employee engagement in the case of Berhan Bank S.C. Descriptive and cross-sectional survey research designs were used, as well as a quantitative research approach. The sampling method was utilized to collect data from the bank’s managers, professionals, clerical and non-clerical staffs on the Bank of Central Addis Ababa District. As a result, 266 questionnaires were issued, with 211 returned and used for the further study. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS software version 20, descriptive statistics (frequency, mean and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis) were utilized to examine the collected data. As a result, the four independent variables influence employee engagement in a positive and meaningful way. This study, however, has limitations because the research project utilized descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative, small sample size, and only four independent components, which is a significant constrain. As a result, future research may take a large-scale longitudinal strategy, focusing on Ethiopia’s banking sector and incorporating a number of criteria that may aid in understanding staff engagement. Overall, the four-independent variable (job characteristics, reward and recognition, perception of organizational justice, and perception of organizational support) have a significant effect on employee engagement according to the findings, this had a favorable and considerable impact on employee engagement. As a result, Berahn Bank S.C. should prioritize reward and recognition, perception of organizational justice and perceived organizational support to increase employee engagement and provide adequate attention to how to inspire, be proud of and be enthusiastic about their work in order to gain critical competitive advantages and success, such as higher productivity and lower employee turnoverItem Determinants of Successful Loan Repayment Performance in Project Financing in The Case of Awash Bank(A.A.U, 2024-06-03) Desta Tefera; Demeke Cemdessa (PhD)This study assesses the elements that lead to effective loan repayment performance project financing in case of awash bank. The study used an explanatory design and a quantitative research approach. Secondary data from Awash Bank’s customers file regarding their loan payment is secured for analysis. The information gathered comes from each borrower's file. Therefore, there were seventy-five (75) bank’s customer’s files. Of these, 40 (53%) had successfully funded projects with no defaulters, whereas the remaining 35 (47%) had unsuccessful projects (defaulter). The study's main variables include Amount of loan, loan processing time, educational level, loan repayment performance and managerial experience. The study indicated that the performance of loan repayment is statistically significantly correlated with loan processing time, amount of loan, project follow up, managerial experience, and educational level. The findings of the study suggest as Awash Bank ought to step up its monitoring and follow up tasks for the project to help it make well informed choices and offer technological support for its credit-supported initiatives; raise the debt-to-equity proportion of borrowers to help them become more morally responsible; be mindful to reduce the bureaucracy which slows down loan administration times; crucially evaluate the time frame for project execution when evaluating projects and improve its capacity for project execution; identify and address the underlying reasons behind of project delays; and enhance the effectiveness of its system for attracting customers by taking into account the educational level of borrowers, project managers managerial backgrounds and styles of management.Item The Mediating Role of Employee Engagement in the Relationship Between Core-Self Evaluation and Employee Performance: The Case of Wegagen Bank (S.C.)(A.A.U, 2024-02-04) Jerusalem Nigussie; Dejene Tulu (PhD)This research aimed to examine the mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between core self-evaluation and employee performance: the case of Wegagen Bank S.C. The target population for the study was employees of Wegagen Bank S.C working in Addis Ababa area. Stratified purposive sampling technique was used and 343 employees of Wegagen Bank S.C in Addis Ababa were selected as the sample of the study. The researcher used explanatory research design and quantitative research approach. To answer research questions and to test the hypothesis questionnaire was distributed and 305 valid questionnaires were collected. Descriptive analysis (frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) was conducted on the collected data. The results show that the four traits of core self-evaluation (self-esteem, emotional stability, generalized self-efficacy and locus of control) are moderately positively correlated with employee engagement and employee performance. In addition, employee performance and employee engagement have significant positive correlation. Furthermore, the results of the regression analysis showed that self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy and emotional stability have significant effect on employee performance and employee engagement has significant impact on employee performance. In addition, the effect of the three traits of core self-evaluation (self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy and locus of control) on employee engagement is significant. The mediation analysis results showed that employee engagement mediates the relationship between self-esteem and employee performance significantly. Therefore, it is recommended that the bank should identify employees with high core self-evaluation in order to create engaged workforce and enhanced performance. Key Words: Core Self-evaluation, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, MediationItem Factor Affecting the Entrepreneurial Intention of undergraduate’s Student: The Case of Business and Engineering Faculty of Addis Ababa University.(A.A.U, 2024-06-02) Eden Moges; Desalegn A. (PhD)Examining the variables influencing the entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate business and engineering faculty students at Addis Ababa University was the primary goal of this study. The conceptual framework was created by taking into account the independent variables factors affecting undergraduate students and the dependent variable, entrepreneurial intention. Six research questions and six hypotheses were developed in order to meet the goal. Undergraduate students' entrepreneurial intention was more clearly articulated when particular elements were taken into account, including entrepreneurship education, societal norms, access to capital, attitude towards entrepreneurship, personality traits, and perceived government policy. A quantitative research approach was used in conjunction with explanatory or causal research designs. Cronbach's alpha was assessed to ensure the questionnaire's internal consistency and dependability. Closed-ended questionnaires containing 43 statements on a five-point Likert scale were used to collect the data. With a sample of 285 responders, the study included 995 target populations, all of whom were returned. SPSS was used to analyze the data (version 24). To examine the data and interpret the findings, both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. The results of correlation analysis demonstrate a statistically significant positive relationship between the entrepreneurial intention of undergraduate students and each of the six factors that were chosen (i.e., entrepreneurship education, social norm, access to capital, attitude toward entrepreneurship, personality traits, and perceived government policy). Furthermore, the regression analysis showed that each of the six variables had a positive and substantial impact on undergraduate students' intentions to pursue entrepreneurship in the Addis Ababa University's business and engineering faculties. The elements that most contributed to the prediction of undergraduate students' propensity to pursue entrepreneurship were found to be those related to entrepreneurial education. The remaining elements personality traits, social norms, perceived government policy, capital access, and attitude toward entrepreneurship all significantly influenced the prediction of undergraduate students' intention to pursue entrepreneurship, in that order. Additionally, 69.1% of the variation in undergraduate students' entrepreneurial intention can be explained by the factors affecting entrepreneurial intention, according to the results of the regression study. The government has to incorporate entrepreneurship into early education to increase stuawareness of it as a potential career path, as per the research findings and concluAdditionally, the institution emphasizes all of the chosen elements; entrepreneurship educsocial norms, financial access, attitude toward entrepreneurship, personality qualitiesperceived government policy that have a significant impact on undergraduate stuintentions to pursue entrepreneurship.Item Impact of Marketing Orientation on Firm Performance: The Mediation Analysis of Customer Value in the Garment Industry, in case of Nifas-Silk Lafto sub city, Addis Ababa.(A.A.U, 2024-06-02) Eleni Hailu; Lakew Alemu (PhD)An essential component of organizational culture, marketing orientation places a strong emphasis on providing customers with higher value through ongoing cross-functional learning and coordination efforts. More specifically, market orientation has evolved as critical concept in business strategy, focusing on understanding and meeting customer needs better that competitors. However there has been enough research endeavor on the area. This study exhibits the role of Market Orientation on firm Performance, focusing on garment industry in Addis Ababa. The primary goal of the study is to comprehend how customer value functions as a mediating factor in the relationship between marketing orientation and Organizational performance. The study employs a descriptive and explanatory research design, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population comprises garment manufacturing firms in the district, with data collected through standardized questionnaires and interview. That analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between Market Orientation and Organizational Performance. Specifically, inter-functional coordination and long-term development emerged as strong predictors of performance. However, customer orientation and competitor orientation showed weak impacts. The mediation analysis indicated that customer value partially mediates the relationship between market orientation and performance, suggesting that while market orientation directly influence performance, as its effect is enhanced through customer value. Implications, limitations, and future research directions are suggested.Item Exploring Distribution Process and Customer Experience: The Case of Liquified Petroleum Gas in Addis Ababa(A.A.U, 2023-06-05) Hailu Ayalew; Ethiopia Legesse (PhD)Nations face distinct and significant issues in the quickly changing and expanding world, particularly countries that are developing, where energy needs are rising due to population expansion, economic progress, and individual fuel/energy consumption. Currently countries are looking for efficient, reliable, environmental friendly and cost effective source of energy for house hold consumption and for their industries. Even though LPG product is very sensitive, efficient and effective means of alternative source of energy in Ethiopia and Addis Ababa, it is rounded with a lots of challenges and hustles through availability and accessibility by participant bodies of the business and we can’t get the fruit of competitive advantage of LPG product on the country economy and individuals energy’s satisfaction levels. The purpose of this research paper is to explore distribution process and Customer Experiences on LPG business. Using Exploratory study approach data were collected from targeted populations that are Bulk Importers and Distributors, whole sellers, retailers and LPG customer’s thorough interview as a primary source and related literature as secondary sources. Those data were analyzed by qualitative case study methods. Using thematic analysis method discussion was made on the result using Microsoft word coding in to themes, the study identify major distribution process challenges and opportunities, customers experience on the field and propose the necessary remedies, suggestion to be taken for the effective distribution and usage of LPG.Item Financial Technology in Ethiopia: The Strategies of Development and How It Has Challenged The Status Quo Focusing on Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.(A.A.U, 2024-05-03) Hanna Kimemu; Takele Fufa(PhD)This thesis explores the development and implications of financial technology (FinTech) in Ethiopia, with a focus on the strategies employed by the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE). FinTech involves innovative technologies that enhance and automate financial services using specialized software and smartphone algorithms. The study examines how FinTech has disrupted traditional banking practices and evaluates the strategies CBE has adopted to navigate and leverage these changes. Key objectives include identifying significant FinTech strategies, understanding the challenges they pose to the existing banking system, and assessing the role of digital payment systems such as mobile banking. The research also considers the impact of infrastructure, connectivity, cybersecurity, financial literacy, and the dominance of conventional banking on FinTech development within CBE. Utilizing a qualitative methodology with purposive and snowball sampling, the findings demonstrate FinTech's potential to boost customer satisfaction, financial inclusion, and operational efficiency. The study highlights critical issues such as technological infrastructure gaps, inadequate financial literacy, cybersecurity threats, and resistance from traditional banking sectors. It provides practical recommendations for decision-makers and financial institutions to effectively harness FinTech's benefits while mitigating associated risks. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to the modernization and efficiency of financial services in developing countries by offering insights for developing robust FinTech strategies in Ethiopia and similar contexts.Item The Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction between Reward Practice and Employee Retention: The Case of Private Banks in Ethiopia(A.A.U, 2024-05-30) Hiwot Shifa; Yohannes Workeaferahu (PhD)This research examined the mediating role of job satisfaction in the nexus between reward practice and employee retention in the private banking sector of Ethiopia. Using quantitative methodology, the study distributed a standardized questionnaire to employees of Dashen, Lion, and Bunna banks. These institutions were chosen to represent the first, second, and third generations of banks in the country. Out of the 380-target participants, 335 successfully completed the surveys. Analytical methods both descriptive and inferential (correlation, regression, and mediation) analysis have been used to examine the link between independent variable (reward practice; salary, benefits, promotion, recognition, and working conditions) and the dependent variables (employee retention), alongside the mediating variable (job satisfaction). The Data analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0. The result of this study found that all reward practices– salary, benefits, promotion, recognition, and working conditions have statistically significant and positive relationship with employee retention. The regression analysis identified that salary is the predominant reward practice. The research has also established a strong, positive correlation between reward practices, job satisfaction, and employee retention. Baron and Kenny mediation analysis revealed that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between reward practices and employee retention. Overall, Regression analysis confirms job satisfaction's mediating effect, supporting all eight hypotheses of the study. The study findings suggest that among the studied private banks, while promotion, recognition and working condition have some impact, compensation is key to boosting job satisfaction and employee retention. Banks focusing on compensation-driven reward approach are likely to see improved employee satisfaction and loyalty.Item Factors That Can Influence Buyer’s Buying Decision of Locally Assembled Truck in Ethiopia: Case of Sinotruk(A.A.U, 2023-06-11) Nura Godana; Amare Abawa (PhD)It is very essential for companies in truck industry to have clear understanding of the factors that influence the purchase decision of locally assemble trucks. The main objective of this research is to investigate factors that can influence purchase decision towards locally assembled Sinotruk. This research used Mixed methods research. Mixed methods research collects and combines quantitative and qualitative data into a single study, which may lead to a more thorough knowledge of the topic being studied. This research used independent variables (reference group, price factor, quality, aftersales service and perceived risk) and dependent variable which is purchase decision. To answer research question and to meet the objective of the research both quantitative and qualitative was used. Quantitative research was done first, and then to answer some of unexpected research findings in quantitative result, qualitative research was used. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed for quantitative research, and only 170 were returned. From 170 only 154 were usable for statistical analysis. 10 interviews were done for qualitative analysis. The research findings showed that reference group had positive and significant effect (with effect of β=0.573) on variation of dependent variable (purchase decision). Availability of after sales service had positive and significant effect on purchase decision (with effect of β=0.253). Quality attitude toward locally assembled Sinotruk affect purchase decision positively and significantly (with effect of β=0.167). while independent variables (price factor and perceived risk) had insignificant effect on purchase decision. Keywords: Reference Group, Price Factor, Quality, Aftersales Service and Perceived Risk Purchase DecisionItem Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Credit Risk Management of Digital Loan: The Case of Cooperative Bank of Oromia S.C.(A.A.U, 2024-06-13) Rebira Birhanu; Abera Legese (PhD)Artificial Intelligence is a computer integrated and developed system that accomplish jobs that previously used human intelligence which includes identify models, making decision and speech recognizing. However, empirical studies aimed at addressing the effect of Artificial Intelligence on credit risk management of digital loan is not well studied. Specifically there is no any researches conducted either in Ethiopian banking industry or Coop bank till this study is proposed to do. As a result, the major objective of this research is to assess the effect of Artificial Intelligence on credit risk management of digital loan. Artificial Intelligence Applications on digital lending are independent variables (Artificial Intelligence Credit scoring, lending decision and personalized loan offering), while the dependent variable is Credit risk management. The study targeted a population of Coop bank employees found in head office and branches. The study was employed close ended structured questionnaires that was prepared by the five points Likert scale form. The explanatory research design was employed in the study to ascertain the association the cause and effect between independent and dependent variables descriptive analysis was employed to analyze Indicators of central tendencies such as mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage. A quantitative research approach was used in this study. This study was used primary data gathered by a researcher using a questionnaire. The multiple regression results indicated that all of the three Independent variables have positive significant relationship with dependent variable. Finally, depending on the finding from the study, a researcher was recommended the studied bank and the future studies to expand the topic and related measurements. Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Lending, Credit risk management, credit scoring, lending decisions and personalized loanItem The Effect of Leadership Style on Organizational Culture Mediated by Change Management: The case of Ethio-Telecom(A.A.U, 2024-07-12) Tigist Desalegn; Asres Abitie (PhD)This study investigates the impact of leadership style on organizational culture and the mediating role of change management at Ethio-telecom. The research aims to establish the relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and change management within the context of Ethio-telecom. A quantitative research approach was adopted, with primary data collected through questionnaires distributed at the Ethio-telecom Head Office in Addis Ababa. Data analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 27, employing descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics such as correlation and mediation analysis. The findings reveal that change management significantly mediates the influence of leadership style on organizational culture, indicating a preference for transformational leadership at Ethio-telecom. The study findings indicate that there is a moderate positive correlation between leadership style and organizational culture, as well as between leadership style and change management. The regression analysis reveals that 19.2% of the variation in organizational culture can be explained by leadership style, suggesting a moderate relationship between the two. Moreover, the total indirect effect of leadership style on organizational culture through change management is 0.138, signifying that a significant portion of the relationship between leadership style and organizational culture is mediated by change management practices at Ethio-Telecom. These results support the hypothesis that change management acts as a mediator between leadership style and organizational culture. Future research should delve deeper into this topic through longitudinal studies with larger sample sizes and diverse organizational settings to provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to enhance their organizational culture through effective leadership strategies and change management practices. Keywords: Leadership style, Organizational culture, Change management, Ethio-telecomItem Factors Affect Competitiveness of Ethiopian Local Construction Companies, the Case of Some Selected Local Companies(A.A.U, 2024-05-20) Getachew Dinberu; Hailemariam G. (PhD)Due to rapid population growth and fast urbanization, the demands of infrastructure and other types of construction increases in Ethiopian. As result of this, large number of local and international constructions companies involved in Ethiopian construction industry. But, local construction companies are poor competitive in local construction market. Thus, “the main objective of this study” was identifying the factors affect competitiveness of local construction companies in Ethiopia. Descriptive and explanatory research design and quantitative research approach were used in this study. Adopted 76 structured items used for collecting primary data. Convenience sampling techniques were used for infinite population of 384 respondents. The reliability of the dependent variables was 0.844. Ranked the items were using relative importance index (RII). Based on descriptive statistical analysis and weighted average mean out of these 72 items, 51 items or (70.83%) were extremely significant, 21items (29.17%) were strongly significant competitiveness of local construction companies. Foreign or international construction companies have an ample of experience in the sector. So, put a strategy how to use or change these experiences to national level and enhance competitiveness of local construction company.Item Effect of Leadership Styles on Employee Engagement: In the Case of Dashen Bank Share Company, Addis Ababa(A.A.U, 2024-06-05) Lidiya Legesse; Hailemariam Gebremichael (PhD)Leadership styles such as transformative, servant, democratic, laissez-faire and transactional, are effective in promoting employee engagement and productivity. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to ascertain how various leadership philosophies affect employee engagement at Dashen Bank S.C. Given this, a person-based cross- sectional survey with an 85% repose rate was conducted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, involving 188 employees of Dashen Bank. The research participants were selected by a combination of proportional, random, and stratified by branching sampling approaches. A semi-structured questionnaire and interview checklist were developed in addition to the use of an in-person data collection method. To enter the data for the statistical analysis, SPSS version 27 was utilized. In this study, inferential analysis (correlational and multiple regression) as well as descriptive statistics were employed. To find the independent determinants of leadership styles on employee engagement, multivariable regression was fitted. The results show that servant, democratic, transactional, transformational, and laissez-faire leadership are positively influencing employee engagement. These leadership styles are also found to have a substantial beneficial impact on employee engagement but the dominate effect was observed by transformational leadership style. This study came to the conclusion that both of these leadership philosophies are supported by the majority of employee engagement. As a result, this study advises banks to place a greater emphasis on leadership behaviours that might enhance employee engagement in banking sector.Item The Moderating Effect of Top Management Support in the Relationship Between Project Managers’ Leadership Styles and Project Success: The Case of Building Megaprojects in Addis Ababa(A.A.U, 2024-06-04) Lelisa Markos; Asres Abitie (PhD)The concept of project success in today’s project management is the core concern due to increased project failures. So many studies have been done in this area because several factors contributed to the projects’ success. The leadership skills of project managers are one of the critical factors contributing to the success of projects. The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating role of top management support in the relationship between project managers' leadership styles and project success on mega projects undertaken by the Addis Ababa City Government Mega Projects Construction Office. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey of descriptive and explanatory design with a quantitative approach to test the study hypothesis. Data were collected from the total population of the study area because it was small and accessible. Eleven (11) projects were selected for the study sample, all the projects currently run under the authority of the Addis Ababa City Government Mega Projects Construction Office. One (1) project manager and 3 (three) key respondents from each project were selected for the questionnaire. Among the total forty-four (44) distributed questionnaires only 36 were responded to and used for analysis. The result of the study shows that transformational and democratic leadership have a statistically significant positive relationship with project success. However, no statistically significant relationship between transactional, laissez-faire, and authoritarian leadership and project success. This implies that contractors and project owners should emphasize the leadership style of the project managers before assigning them to lead projects. In addition, top management support strengthens the relationship between project success and transformational, transactional, and democratic leadership. Nonetheless, top management support did not have a significant role in the relationship between project success and laissez-faire and authoritarian leadership. It shows that to enable the success of a project the multidimensional contribution of the top management on the project has a crucial impact by strengthening the relationship between project success and project managers' leadership styles.Item The Mediating Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Product Differentiation and Customer Loyalty: The Case of Habesha Brewery(A.A,U, 2024-06-03) Matiwos Terefe; Abera L. (PhD)The study aim to examine the Mediating effect of customer satisfaction between product differentiation and customer loyalty: The case of Habesha Breweries. Descriptive and explanatory design were employed and mixed research approach of quantitative and qualitative research approach was used. Hence, questionnaire were distributed to sample of 384 randomly selected customers of Habesha breweries shared company. The data types were both primary and secondary data types and the result were analyzed by both descriptive and inferential analysis. Hence the result the analysis of the data revealed several key findings. The overall positive sentiment towards the products provided by Habesha Breweries, as indicated by the aggregate mean score of 3.69 for customer satisfaction, suggests a strong foundation for customer loyalty. Correlation analysis demonstrated significant positive relationships between product differentiation factors and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, the mediation models involving customer loyalty as the outcome, product price and product delivery as predictors, and customer satisfaction as the mediator revealed that customer satisfaction plays a crucial mediating role in shaping customer loyalty in response to product pricing and delivery strategies. The estimated structural equation model demonstrates a good fit to the data, highlighting the positive relationships between customer satisfaction, loyalty, and product differentiation. The path coefficients reveal the significant impact of customer satisfaction and product differentiation on customer loyalty, with satisfaction with the product strongly influencing overall satisfaction with service. Finally, it is recommended that the positive relationship between product differentiation and customer loyalty suggests the importance of offering unique and distinctive products or services. Therefore, it is recommended to explore strategies to differentiate the offerings from competitors in ways that are meaningful to customers.Item The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction: The Case of Selected Private Commercial Banks in Ethiopia(A.A.U, 2024-06-06) Berkenesh Tekalegn; Jemal Mohammed (PhD)The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the effect of leadership styles on employee job satisfaction in the case of selected private commercial banks of Ethiopia. The study used quantitative research approach, both descriptive research and explanatory research design due to its intent to find the effect of the independent variables transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laissez-faire leadership, democratic leadership, and autocratic leadership on the dependent variable employee job satisfaction. This study used proportionate sampling and simple random sampling technique. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaires. The study also used a cross-sectional research survey, in which data from respondents was gathered at a single point in time. In this study, a total of 338 questionnaires were provided to the respondents. To analyse the collected data through questionnaires from the respondents, the researcher used SPSS version 23. The researcher used descriptive statistics to describe & summarizing data and inferential statistic such as correlation analysis and multiple linear regressions analysis. Accordingly, the Pearson correlation test revealed that all the two independent variables have a positive and significant relationship with dependent variable employee job satisfaction. The regression result confirmed that, two independent variables (transactional leadership and democratic leadership have positive and significant impact and the other transformational, laissez-faire and autocratic leader ship style are insignificant) on the employee job satisfaction. Transactional and democratic leadership styles were identified as the most influential predictors of employee job satisfaction. These leadership styles appear to foster a work environment that enhances satisfaction among employees, thereby highlighting the importance of effective leadership in organizational settingsItem Corporate Governance Practices and Future Direction In the case of Ethio Life and General Insurance Share Company(A.A.U, 2024-05-04) Nigussie Asfaw; Ethiopia Legesse (PhD)This study looked at how crucial corporate governance is for giving stakeholders and investors a clear picture of the direction and morality of a corporation. The study's specific goal was to evaluate how corporate governance techniques and principles were being applied in Ethio Life and General Insurance, a corporate entity (ELiG). In order to analyze and interpret the results, the study used a mixed technique that combined the use of qualitative and quantitative data in a descriptive research design. Primary data was gathered from the board of directors, management team, and branch managers of ELiG via questionnaires and interviews. 39 respondents in all were initially found; 38 of them filled out the questionnaires, and 13 members of the management team—including the CEO and Deputy CEOs—participated in in-person interviews. Excel was used to do a thematic analysis of the data. The analysis indicates that ELiG has strong conformity to the corporate governance guidelines provided by the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE). The study suggests that ELiG create its own comprehensive Corporate Governance guidebook in accordance with NBE's Insurance Corporate Governance Directives No. 188/2020, based on the findings. It is thought that ELiG will gain a number of advantages from the implementation of good corporate governance, such as increased investor confidence, better access to capital, better risk management, talent attraction and retention, stakeholder trust and reputation, regulatory compliance, and long-term sustainability.Item Exploring Determinants of Mini-Grid Business Sustainability in Ethiopia(A.A.U, 2024-06-03) Selamawit Beneberu; Meskerem Mitiku(PhD)The thesis titled "Exploring Determinants of Mini-grid Business Sustainability in Ethiopia" aims to comprehensively investigate and analyze the factors crucial to ensuring the long-term viability of mini-grid businesses in Ethiopia, employing a hybrid model approach. The study employs a mixed-method research design, integrating qualitative insights gathered through rigorous document review, including detailed analysis of reports, project documents, and existing literature, alongside quantitative data collected through questionnaires. The study's target population comprises 101 participants from key organizations such as GIZ EnDev, ERG, Renesys Engineering, USAID, UNIDO, Petroleum and Energy Agency, and the Ministry of Water and Energy, selected using an available sampling method encompassing all relevant stakeholders within the mini-grid ecosystem. "Both the literature review and regression analysis reveal a robust and statistically significant relationship between regulatory frameworks, access to finance, technical capacity, grid integration, pricing strategies, community engagement, maintenance protocols, and the sustainability of mini-grid businesses. This is evidenced by a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.896) and a strong adjusted Rsquared value (0.892). ANOVA results further validate the model's robustness, showing a significant F-value of 1815.215 with a p-value below 0.001."The study concludes by advocating for a holistic strategy that integrates supportive policies, financial innovations, technological advancements, and community involvement to foster sustainable mini-grid business models in Ethiopia.Item The Impact of Work Life Balance on Female Employee Job Performance: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines Employees(A.A.U, 2022-09-03) Solomon Tesfaye; Yohannes Workeaferahu(PhD)In today's dynamic airlines business environment, work life balance has become one of the key issues faced by many female employees all over the world. Maintaining work life balance is an issue increasingly recognized as of strategic importance to organization and of significance to employees. The research work sought to examine extensively whether there is a relationship between work life balance and employees job performance. A lack of work life balance also has an adverse effect on Ethiopian airlines prospects for success in many respects. The main objective of this study is to carry out research on the Ethiopian Airlines industry and recognize the impact of work life balance on the female employee‟s performance. And also to identify whether the work life balance leads to higher employee performance. The target population of this research is all female employees of Ethiopian Airlines at bole international airport. This investigation area is used Cluster sampling method to select main office of Ethiopian Airlines Industries. (i.e., Bole International Airport- Sample Size 404). Data were gathered through questionnaire method. In this study, for the purpose of hypothesis testing the researcher used univariate, and bivariate statistics methods. The Data were analyzed through SPSS 15.0 software to find out the relationship between variables. Findings of the study reveal that there is a strong relationship between work life balance and employee performance. These relationships are positive and have significant levels. The research findings give evidence that the better work life balance of female Ethiopian airlines employees leads to increased employee performance.