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Item E-Banking Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: (Mediate and Moderated Model)(A.A.U, 2024-10-19) Ziyad Yassin Ahmed; Abera Legesse (Phd)This study examines how e-banking service quality influences customer loyalty, specifically highlighting the moderating effects of demographic factors such as age, gender, and education level. Additionally, it investigates the mediating role of e-satisfaction in the relationship between e-service quality and e-loyalty among selected private commercial banking customers in Addis Ababa. Data were collected from 308 online banking users in the city through a survey-based method. The research utilized mediation and moderation techniques from Baron and Kenny (1986) and Preacher and Hayes (2008), respectively. The research adopts a quantitative, cross-sectional design to assess these relationships, gathering data through a structured survey administered to 308 e-banking users in Addis Ababa using convenience sampling. The survey instrument, based on established e-service quality frameworks, captures key dimensions of service quality, including efficiency, fulfilment, system availability, and privacy/security, as well as measures of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analysis to determine the direct impact of e-service quality on satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, mediation analysis was used to explore the role of customer satisfaction as a bridge between service quality and loyalty. The study also examines the moderating effects of demographic factors, such as age, gender, and education, on these relationships to provide a nuanced view of customer expectations. Findings indicate that e-service quality positively impacts satisfaction, particularly through efficiency and fulfilment, which are essential for meeting customer expectations in digital banking. Customer satisfaction was also found to mediate the relationship between service quality and loyalty, suggesting that high-quality service alone may not directly lead to loyalty without a satisfying customer experience. The study’s results emphasize the importance of targeted service enhancements, suggesting that banks could improve customer loyalty by tailoring e-banking services to address specific demographic needs and preferences.Item The Effect of workforce Diversity on Team Effectiveness; The Mediating Role of Individual Performance(A.A.U, 2024-09-20) Tefera Kirubel; Abera L.The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the relationship between workforce diversity (including age, gender, ethnicity, and educational background) with individual performance and team effectiveness at Carolina Logistics Corporation. There has been limited research conducted in Ethiopia on this topic, especially within the logistic sector. Furthermore, little attention has been given to examining the impact of workforce diversity on team effectiveness through individual performance as a mediator, which ultimately contributes to overall organizational performance. The methodology was involve an explanatory research design using a total population census. Primary data were collected from 240 respondents through a structured questionnaire. The data were analysed using software packages such as SPSS version 26. Various statistical techniques including mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and analysis of variance were employed for data analysis.The findings indicate that diversity in gender, educational background, ethnicity, and age significantly influences both individual performance and team effectiveness. Gender, ethnicity and age diversity was found to have a positive direct effecton individual performance while education found to be insignificant on the other hand gender, education, ethnicity have a positive direct effect on team effectiveness while age diversity showed a negative effect on team effectiveness. However, these effects were mitigated through the enhancement of individual performance, emphasizing the importance of fostering individual capabilities within diverse teams. The research suggests that Carolina Logistics Corporation can benefit from targeted initiatives to enhance individual performance and leverage diversity for better team outcomes. Recommendations include adopting inclusive recruitment and leadership development strategies, promoting cultural competence, and creating a flexible work environment tailored to diverse employee needs. Continuous evaluation and adaptability training are also advised to optimize team dynamics and ensure sustained organizational growth.Item Effects of Strategic Orientation on Firm Performance in Banking Sector: The Moderating Role of Environmental Turbulence in Ethiopian Banking Sector.(A.A.U, 2024-10-15) Abraham Moges; Lakew Alemu (PhD)In the modern world, business is too dynamic and highly volatile. There is high competition among business firms, and to survive, firms have to make extra efforts .the objective of this study is to analyze the effects of strategic orientation on firm performance with the moderating role of environmental turbulence. To investigate this research, four dimensions of strategic orientation (market, technology, entrepreneur, and learning orientation) were assessed. For this study, explanatory research design methods and quantitative research approaches were used. 252 questionnaire were distributed in person using multistage cluster sampling technique, and 242 were returned. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis methods were used to identify the relationship between independent, dependent, and moderating variables. The result of the study shows that technology orientation and entrepreneur orientation have a positive and significant effect on firm performance, with p value 0.022, and 0.002 respectively. On the other hand, market orientation and learning orientation have no significant effect on firm performance with p value 0.128 and 0.29 respectively. For this study, the results of multiple linear regression analysis also indicate that environmental turbulence moderates the relationship between market orientation with firm performance, and entrepreneur orientation with firm performance. On the other hand, the results of the study prove that environmental turbulence did not moderate the relationship between technology orientation and firm performance. Similarly, the relation between learning orientation and firm performance is not statistically significant for the moderating variable (environmental turbulence) (β = 0.187, P = 0.261, which is larger than 0.05). From the result of the research, the researcher wants to recommend that the banks will give better attention to new and latest technologies, and top managers will be open-minded to accepting diverse viewpoints from employees, and middle-level managers. For this study the data were collected at one time and the geographical location is limited only in Addis Ababa may have its own impact on the result of the study.Item Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices on Organizational Performance: Referenced from Coffee Exporting Companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(AAU, 2024-02-14) Bizuhan Abebe Kebede; Zelalem Gebretsadik (PhD)Recently, in the dramatically developing digital world, the implementation of corporate social responsibility practices plays an essential role on the performance of coffee exporting firms. This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility practices and organizational performance and it emphases on the impact of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance of selected top fifty coffee exporting companies in Ethiopia. Pertinent data was gathered through structured questionnaire via five-point Likert scale and analysis was made using SPSS version 23, so that a cross-sectional data type was used in the study. A total of 110 populations were used through census survey. The study adopted both explanatory and descriptive research designs in integration with a commonly used quantitative research method. The findings shown that, there was positive and significant association between effective implementation of corporate social responsibility practices and organizational performance which was supported by evidence. This study revealed that, in order to achieve significant firm competitiveness and improved performance, priority should be given to the implementation of corporate social responsibility practices in the coffee exporting companies that is supported by regulatory terms and conditions. Recommendations were made for the focal firm to make the CSR practices to be effective and efficient for the accomplishment of organizational performance through improved strong customer, supplier, community and regulatory relationship. The results showed that there is a necessity of effective implementation of the CSR practices supported by policy so that the role and benefits of CSR practices should be examined and outlined for further investigationItem The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Employees Engagement in Government Public service institutions in Addis Ababa: The Mediating Role of Leaders’ Team Building Skill(A,A.U., 2024-01-05) Zelalem Yideg Beyene; Ethiopia Legesse (PhD)This study aims to offer a significant perspective on the impact of transformational leadership on employee engagement and the role of a leaders’ team-building proficiency in particular, with a specific focus on Akaki Kality headquarter. This study focus on transformational leadership dimentions. Explanatory research deign and a quantitative research approach was chosen for this study. A self-administered questionnaire (comprised of 33 questions) was created and distributed from a total population of 384 employees to sample of 189 employees as part of the primary data collection process. Linear regression and correlation are used to analyze the collected data. Key findings showed that the transformative aspect of leadership has a positive and significant effect, predicting a significant portion of variation in employee engagement and leader team building. Hence, it is reasonable to conclude, transformational leadership dimensions are contributing to employee engagement, and sobel test supported leaders’ team building skill having a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived transformational leadership and employee engagement. Public service institutions like Akaki Kaliti sub city administration, need to implement well designed transformational leadership style and should incorporate in their administration policy and strategy. The research limitation is the analyzed data were collected from only one public service sector in the country; more researches are needed before general conclusions can be drawn.Item Factors Affecting Customer’s Decision to Renew A General Insurance Policy: The Case of Selected Private Insurance Companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(A.A.U., 2024-02-05) Mulugeta Belete; Abera Legesse (PhD)This research was about“ Factors Affecting Customer’s decision to renew a General Insurance Policy: The Case of Selected Private Insurance Companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia” and their effect on customer retention and their factors, The major purpose of the research is to investigate the factors affecting independent variables on customer decision’s to renew of selected private insurance companies in Addis Ababa and also their reactions towards customer satisfaction, trust, switching barriers, price, brand image, and the dependent variable (customer retention). Both explanatory and descriptive research designs were adopted for the study by using a quantitative approach. The study focused on a target population of customers of the selected private insurance companies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where the companies were selected based on market share using a multi-stage sampling method. The convenience sampling method was used to select respondents because the population of the insurance companies could not be available at the same time. Primary data was collected from the customers of selected insurance companies through structured questionnaires. The data collected from questionnaires was analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 25, and the findings were interpreted based on the listed hypothesis and regression model and descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study indicated that customer satisfaction, trust, switching barriers, price, and brand image are the factors that have positive and significant effects on customer retention of selected private insurance companies at a 95% confidence levelItem Platform and Pipeline Business Models: In the Case of Woye Transport(A.A.U, 2024-02-19) Hana Bayleyegne; Mesfin Fikre(PhD)This thesis examines the dynamics of transformation in Ethiopia's logistics and transportation industries, focusing on the coexistence of new platform-based innovations and conventional pipeline models. Using a qualitative methodology, the study examines the activities of Woye Transport, a significant participant in Ethiopian logistics, to identify the unique traits and implications of platform and pipeline business models. The research design adopts a descriptive approach, offering a comprehensive understanding of Woye Transport's operations and its unique platform business model. Interviews were done using purposive sampling with customers, drivers registered on the platform, Woye employees, and traditional service providers. These varied viewpoints were essential for examining the interaction between the pipeline and platform models. Four perspectives are used to group the findings: registered drivers, cargo owners, traditional service providers, and internal representatives of Woye Transport. Woye representatives emphasise the platform's future vision, user engagement tactics, and technology-centric approach. The drivers who have registered highlight their distinct experiences on the platform. Cargo owners stress better experiences, dependability, and the platform's transformative potential, while traditional providers recognise the need for adaptation in the face of technological advancements. The analysis highlights how Woye Transport's platform improves communication, transparency, and dependability in the logistics industry. Collaboration and adaptability are emerging as key themes, with traditional and innovative models seen as complementary forces rather than opposing paradigms. The dynamic character of the sector and the possibility of a harmonious fusion of tradition and innovation are emphasized in the conclusion. A strategic plan for developing Ethiopia's logistics ecosystem has implied the recommendations, which include technology adoption, cooperative partnerships, regulatory improvements, customer education, sustainable practices, and talent development. This study offers a roadmap for industry participants to navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by technological advancements and traditional practices, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the logistics landscape as it evolves. Ethiopia's logistics sector is at a turning point in its history, and a future built on resilience, customer focus, and forward-thinking is assured by embracing tradition and innovation.Item Factors Affecting Work Life Balance: A Case of Wegagen Bank Sc. South AA District Branches(A.A.U, 2023-12-18) Hiwot Zenebe; Yared Asrat (PhD)Work-life balance (WLB) is a major aspect of the quality of work and life of individuals and couples trying to manage multiple roles. The objective of this study was to examine the factors affecting work-life balance among the employees of Wegagen bank sc South AA district branches. For this purpose the study selected six important variables through literature review suit to the study context. Accordingly, emotional intelligence, job engagement, work overload, technology advancement, organization support, and family role overload were selected as the factors of work life balance as independent variables and work life balance was selected as dependent variable. To achieve this objective, descriptive and explanatory type of research designs with quantitative approach was employed. The target population of this research was employees of South AA district branches. The data was collected using structured questionnaire to collect the primary data using simple random sampling technique that was 190 employees of the total 361 employees by email using bank‟s Outlook web address form. And 154 (81.1%) employees responding the questionnaires & returned back to the researcher. After the data collection, the collected data was entered into SPSS software version 27 to analyze the reliability, descriptive statistic, correlation, and regression analyses. The results of the analysis found that a negative relationship between family role overload with work life balance, also positive relationship found between emotional intelligence, work overload, technology advancement, & organizational support and work life balance. Job engagement has not meaningful relation with WLB. The regression model is a good fit of the data that independent variables have a significant relationship with dependent variable. The regression analysis disclosed that 50.5% variation of work life balance explained by the dependent variables together. Recommendations are made based on the findings and conclusions of the study such as provide good work life balance practices in organization, Day care for, facilities for old parents care, workable employee welfare, physical fitness facilities and financial assistance services.Item Determinants of Agricultural Insurance Uptake Among Agribusiness Enterprises in Meki(A.A.U, 2024-02-07) Getahun Mohammed; Habtamu Endris (PhD)This study the determinants of agricultural insurance among uptake of agribusiness enterprises in Meki. The objective is to identify the determinants of agricultural insurance among uptake of agribusinesses enterprises in Meki, A mixed-methods approach combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews was employed. The variables examined included perceived benefits, access and affordability, trust and social networks, knowledge and awareness, risk attitude, government support, and risk perception. Data from 167 usable questionnaires were analyzed using regression analysis in SPSS version 26.0. The findings revealed that risk perception, knowledge and awareness, access and affordability, government support, and social networks significantly influenced insurance uptake. The study suggests the need for targeted interventions to improve awareness, enhance access and affordability, and strengthen government support and social networks to promote agricultural insurance adoption. These recommendations aim to enhance the sustainability and resilience of agribusiness enterprises in MekiItem Determinants of Bank Profitability in Selected Private Commercial Banks of Ethiopia(A.A.U., 2024-01-06) Eftu Eshetu; Takele Fufa (PhD)The banking industry plays a major role in the development of a country. For financial institutions profitability is a major objective. The performance of banks as compared to other banks in the industry is a crucial information for the bank itself, regulatory bodies such as National bank of Ethiopia, and other stakeholders. This study assessed the determinants of profitability for private commercial banks in Ethiopia using panel data of sixteen commercial banks covering a period of five years (2018-2022). Quantitative approach was applied since all the data used for the study was of secondary type. The target population for the study was the private commercial banks in Ethiopia yet a sample of sixteen banks were taken to implement the study using nonprobability purposive sampling method. Explanatory research design was used to explain the relationship the dependent variable has with the explanatory variables. Fixed effect model was applied to conduct a multiple regression analysis on the balanced panel data sets. The explanatory variables used in the study comprised of both internal and external factors which include revenue diversification, loan to deposit ratio, expense management, capital adequacy, bank size, nonperforming loan ratio, market share, inflation and GDP while the dependent variable chosen to measure profitability was the return on asset. The findings of the study indicate that revenue diversification, capital adequacy, and market share are statistically significant variables that have a positive effect on return on asset while expense management and nonperforming loan ratios have a negative but significant impact on profitability. On the other hand, loan to deposit ratio, size, inflation and GDP were statistically insignificant variables based on the results of the studyItem The Effects of Leadership Styles on Employees Job Satisfaction .The Case of The Motor and Engineering Company of Ethiopia)(A.A.U., 2023-05-06) Leyuwork Eniyew; Abera L. (PhD)Leadership styles are the various approaches that leaders employ to carry out their roles and interact with their followers. The main objective of this study was to identify how leadership styles affect employee job satisfaction in the motor and engineering company of Ethiopia. The study adopted quantitative research approach with explanatory research design and multiple linear repression model analyses along with correlation data analysis method. The study utilized cross-sectional data collected from both the head office and main branch employees of MOENCO, with a total of 144 questionnaires analyzed using descriptive analysis. Further explanatory analysis through correlation and multiple linear regression analysis method was conducted, along with assumption tests. The study's major findings are transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style had a significant and positive effect on employee job satisfaction, while laissez-faire leadership styles had a negative and significant effect on employee job satisfaction. The study recommends that MOENCO leaders and other organizations should create a conducive work environment that fosters employee job satisfaction, clear expectations, support, and feedback, while encouraging innovation and creativity and avoiding micromanagement are vital for MOENCO success as a company. Furthermore, recognizing and rewarding good performance can serve as a motivation for employees and increase their job satisfaction.Item An Assessment of Employee Performance Management System Practice -Case of The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia(AAU, 2024-02-20) Niftalem Mengistu Yimenu; Dejene Tulu (PhD)The case study evaluates the employee performance management system of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE), aiming to identify challenges and assess practices, and awareness among managers and employees. Adopting descriptive research design, utilizing quantitative and qualitative research approaches via survey, both primary and secondary data were collected through structured and unstructured interviews with 34 line managers and 127 non-managerial employees. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation, and correlation using SPSS version 26 software. The study examines six variables covering various stages of the performance management system. CBE, a major player in the banking sector with a large workforce and extensive branch network, emphasizes contemporary HR practices for strategic execution. With the assistance of an international consultant, the bank implemented the performance management system. The study recommends several areas for improvement, including Providing appropriate and timely training to staff regarding the various aspects of the performance management system. Establishing a system to track and document performance data. Encouraging and fostering a culture of coaching and feedback within the organization. Revision of metrics and performance standards to minimize subjectivity, impreciseness, and inappropriateness. giving managers and staff the tools, resources, and information they need to become more involved and take responsibility of their work. Expressing the performance management system's overall consequences in a straightforward manner. The bank can improve this system's efficacy and bring it closer to line with its strategic goals by taking care of these issues.Item The Effect of Work Environment on Employees Performance on Selected Private Banks of Ethiopia(AAU, 2023-07-18) Bonsa Tesfaye; Dejen Tullu (PhD)The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of working environment on employee’s performance in the instance of five selected private banks in Ethiopia by comparing them regarding the four factors. The investigation was carried out using a method known as a descriptive research design. Two hundred Employees received surveys to complete on their own. Considering the 180returned survey forms Response rates were 90%.It allows the researcher to use the SPSS version 23 statistical tool to carry out the data analysis. Multiple regression, correlation, and descriptive analyses were therefore carried out. According to the correlation analysis, Physical Environment, Training/ Development, Communication with Supervisor and Job Aid in Work place are positively and highly associated with performance of the employee. The results of the multiple regression analysis showed Physical Environment (β=0.164), Training/ Development (β=0.22), Communication with Supervisor (β =0.217), and Job Aid in Work place (β =0.251) has an important impact on employee’s performance. The regression analysis also demonstrates (adjusted R square =0.575, p<0.05) this implies 57.5 % alterations in employee’s performance explained by a change in each independent variable individually of working environment. In general, this study revealed a favorable and strong correlation between working environment and employee’s performance in those selected banks. The report suggests those banks to keep their training and development and improve some physical environment on their other to keep them happy as those head office branch and improve communication problem of some of their senior staff and supervisor and do more on job aid at work place.Item Analysis of Startups and the Role of Incubators: the Case of Selected Firms in Addis Ababa(AAU, 2024-02-20) Bethelhem Tekalegne; Asres Abitie (PhD)This paper is intended to analyze the startup ecosystem in Addis Ababa and the role incubators play. It started with determining factors that affect the success of startups, measurement of success for the startups, and the moderating role of incubators based on literary articles by different scholars in the field. A model incubating firm, iceaddis is chosen to collect data on incubated startups. 159 responses are collected from 90 incubated startups in different sectors. Explanatory and Descriptive research designs are applied and a Five-point Likert Scale questionnaire is used to record responses. The questionnaire mainly contains questions related to factors affecting the success of startups which is measured by a) access to finance b) business model c) marketing strategy d) quality of product or service provision e) management skills and f) government policy, the next set of questions are related to the measurement of success for the startups, finally the role of incubators is tried to be captured with various questions. The data gathered is then entered into SPSS for analysis. Descriptive and Inferential statistics, classic linear regression model, and moderated regression are used to do further analysis. The final result suggested that all the success factors and moderator has a positive relationship with the success of startups. However, a significant relationship can not be proven between the two variables; quality of product or service provision and government policy with the success of startups. On the other hand, the moderating role of incubator is proved with the significant increment of explanatory power of the factors to the success of startups.Item The Impact of Mobile Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction(AAU, 2024-02-19) Leyou Sirage; Tilahun Teklu (PhD)Customer satisfaction is a measure of how happy customers are with a product or service, it is an important goal for all businesses. By focusing on customer satisfaction, banks can improve their bottom line and create a more positive customer experience.. This study was conducted with the objective to assess the effect of Mobile Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of customers of Zemen Bank, Awash Bank, and Bank of Abyssinia in Addis Ababa. A self administered, structured questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents which were sampled out of 384 customers targeted in the study, there were 338 completed questionnaires representing 88% response. The statistical part of analysis is based on descriptive statistic and and regression analysis. To analyze the results, SPSS version 25 was used. Results show that Reliability, perceived usefulness, pivacy and securitys, and Ease of use are important variables that have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The findings of the study demonstrated a favorable and substantial association between the independent variables of Reliability, perceived usefulness, pivacy and securitys, and Ease of us and the dependent variable of customer satisfaction. Finding of the study concludes majority of respondents were satisfied with overall mobile service. It’s recommended to focus on quality, to listen customers and to be responsiveItem The impact of Mobile Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction(AAU, 2024-02-19) Leyou Sirage; Tilahun Teklu (PhD)Customer satisfaction is a measure of how happy customers are with a product or service, it is an important goal for all businesses. By focusing on customer satisfaction, banks can improve their bottom line and create a more positive customer experience.. This study was conducted with the objective to assess the effect of Mobile Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of customers of Zemen Bank, Awash Bank, and Bank of Abyssinia in Addis Ababa. A self administered, structured questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents which were sampled out of 384 customers targeted in the study, there were 338 completed questionnaires representing 88% response. The statistical part of analysis is based on descriptive statistic and and regression analysis. To analyze the results, SPSS version 25 was used. Results show that Reliability, perceived usefulness, pivacy and securitys, and Ease of use are important variables that have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. The findings of the study demonstrated a favorable and substantial association between the independent variables of Reliability, perceived usefulness, pivacy and securitys, and Ease of us and the dependent variable of customer satisfaction. Finding of the study concludes majority of respondents were satisfied with overall mobile service. It’s recommended to focus on quality, to listen customers and to be responsiveItem Determinants of Inflation and Effective Management Strategies: An Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia(AAU, 2023-09-21) Winta Ekubay; Asres Abitie (PhD)This research investigates the multifaceted nature of inflation in Ethiopia, aiming to propose effective management strategies. It examines the influence of economic factors such as money supply, exchange rates, and government spending on inflation, while also exploring the potential impact of internal conflicts. Leveraging the ordinary least squares method facilitated by EViews 9 software, the study analyzes data from the Ministry of Finance, including variables such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), broad money supply (M2), and indicators of internal conflict. Through descriptive and diagnostic analyses, the study establishes correlations between these factors and inflation. The findings highlight significant relationships between inflation and variables like money supply, exchange rates, and GDP, as well as a connection between internal conflicts and inflationary pressures. Consequently, the study recommends targeted policy interventions focused on regulating money supply, stabilizing exchange rates, and controlling government spending to effectively manage inflation in Ethiopia. These insights offer valuable guidance for policymakers aiming to foster economic stability and growth in the countryItem Application of Data Driven Decision Making in Case of Zewditu Memorial Hospital Antiretroviral Therapy Client Management(AAU, 2024-01-10) Mamo Edris; Mesfin Fikre (PhD)In today's dynamic business landscape, leveraging big data analytics is essential for gaining competitive advantages. However, despite the abundance of data in the healthcare sector, particularly in developing nations like Ethiopia, there remains a notable gap in comprehensive data analysis and decision-making. This study focuses on analyzing the Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) client data from Zewditu Memorial Hospital to uncover hidden insights spanning several years. By employing a quantitative and exploratory research framework, the study integrates Business Intelligence and Data Mining methodologies to investigate the impact of data-driven approaches on patient care quality, resource optimization, and operational efficiency within ART client management. Utilizing visualization techniques through Power BI and predictive modeling with electronic patient information, the study yields concrete results that unveil patterns and trends, offering invaluable insights for predicting treatment outcomes. These findings are anticipated to not only advance academic understanding but also provide practical guidance for care providers, emphasizing the crucial role of data-driven decision-making in optimizing ART client management processes.Item Work life Balance and Turnover Intention: The' Mediating Role's of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction A Case Study in Hibret Bank S.C(A.A.U., 2023-06-02) Abdurehman Siraj Mohammed; Zelalem Gebretsadik (PhD)The objective of the study was to investigate the correlation between Work -life Balance and Turnover Intention within the context of Hibret Bank S.c., emphasizing the mediating elements of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. The findings of the study indicate that job satisfaction has a negative impact on turnover intention, implying that individuals who report higher levels of job satisfaction are less likely to have the intention to leave their current job. This emphasizes the importance of fostering job satisfaction as a strategy to reduce turnover and retain valuable employees within the organization. Furthermore, the analysis reveals a marginally significant examining the impact of work-life balance on turnover intention, indicating a plausible connection between these variables, although it falls just short of reaching conventional levels of statistical significance. This indicates that work-life balance may have a slight influence on turnover intention, highlighting the need for further investigation in future studies. The R-squared value, which measures the extent to which the model explains the observed variability in turnover intention, indicates that the variables considered in the analysis explain only a small proportion of the variation. This suggests that there are likely other unaccounted factors contributing to turnover intention, emphasizing the complexity of this phenomenon. Future research should explore additional variables or factors that may play a more substantial role in explaining the variations observed in turnover intention. Overall, this analysis provides valuable insights into the factors influencing turnover intention. The results demonstrate the significant impact of variables such as gender, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on turnover intention, while variables such as age, education, and position do not appear to have a substantial influence. These findings contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of turnover intention and can inform organizational strategies aimed at reducing turnover and enhancing employee retention.Item Assessment of Strategic Management Practices: in the Case of Ethio Telecom(A.A.U, 2023-12-23) Leykun Arega; Yohannes Workaferahu (PhD)The aim of this research paper was to assess strategic management practices in telecom context in the case of Ethio telecom. To conduct this study, the researcher used a descriptive research design to explain the assessment of strategic management practices (strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation) on Ethio telecom. The target population comprised 517 Ethio telecom employees and 226 samples drawn. The study utilized primary and secondary data sources to obtain the desired information and fulfill the research objectives. The study used questionnaires for data collection, accordingly 226 questionnaires were distributed through a google form link and 210 collected online and 206 questionnaires were properly filled and used for analysis while 4 returned incomplete. The Stratified sampling technique was used. The study applied quantitative research approach and Cronbach Alpha was used for reliability test. The overall practices of strategic management analysis findings show that the extent to which strategic management practice which incorporates strategic formulation, strategic implementation and strategic evaluation being applied by Ethio telecom is good, particularly the highest score belongs to strategic formulation, which implies that Ethio telecom is doing better in the environmental scanning to use as a basis for developing strategy, in generating and selecting appropriate strategic actions and initiatives to achieve corporate mission and objectives. Furthermore, Ethio telecom needs an improvement on inter functional plan alignment and integration, in devising motivational scheme to ensure planned strategies effectively implemented and on establishing a system based strategic performance monitoring. Generally, the researcher expects that the findings of this research would be useful for Ethio telecom in effectively formulating strategy, implementing and evaluation appropriately in order to achieve a better organizational performance.