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    Public Administration And Development 36 Management
    (AAU, 2024-06-25) Tewodros Cherie; Challa Amdissa (PhD)
    The study has been carried out to Evaluating urban land use policy implementation: A case Study of cobblestone infrastructure in kirkos sub city”. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the challenges in the practical implementation of the policy on cobble stone infrastructure, evaluate the benefit of cobble stone infrastructure to the community and local government from the urban land use policy evaluate in line with its effect on economic impact for infrastructure development. For the sake of achieving the purposes of this study descriptive method were employed and, questionnaires were analyzed by using table, percentage and average. The results of the data are presented in qualitative and quantitative forms. The information collected through questionnaire from 399 sample respondents out of 203,008 total populations. The respondents were selected using simple random sampling technique. The study was focused on assessing the Evaluating urban land use policy implementation: A case Study of cobblestone infrastructure in kirkos sub city. Foundation on the results, the main recommendations made such as, kirkos sub city administration should take lesson and share the experience of similar well- functioning and land use policy system implemented countries in cobblestone infrastructure global level. The major findings which the researcher point out were, most respondents agreed upon evaluating urban land use policy implementation: A case Study of cobblestone infrastructure (consisting four dimensions indicated above) on cobblestone infrastructure. The research has tried to give conclusion, recommendation and possible solutions for the problems and supporting ideas for positive said on the issue. Key words: Urban Land use Policy, implementation, cobble stone
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    Investigating the Effect of Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) on the performance of Higher Education institutions: A Case study of Addis Ababa University.
    (A.A.U, 2024-07-02) Biniyam Eshetu; Elias Berhanu(PhD)
    This study investigates the impact of the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) on the performance of higher education institutions, specifically Addis Ababa University (AAU). The research examines the effectiveness of IFMIS in enhancing financial management practices, improving transparency, and ensuring efficient resource allocation. It employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data, to evaluate the system's influence on various financial and administrative aspects of the university. Key findings indicate that IFMIS significantly contributes to better financial reporting, effective expenditure management, and improved transparency in the management of public funds. These improvements are linked to the overall performance of AAU, showcasing the importance of integrated financial systems in educational institutions. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and educational administrators aiming to enhance financial management practices through the adoption of advanced information systems.
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    Assessing the Practice, Challenge and Prospects of Health Professional Ethics in Community Service: The Case of Alert Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital, Ethiopa
    (A.A.U, 2024-10-18) Seyoum Shiferaw; Adem Kedir (PhD)
    The study is conducted to assess challenges, prospects and practice of health professional ethics in community service in reference to ALERT Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital. To achieve the research objective descriptive research design was applied. The target population for this study constituted of health professionals and the community. Pertinent data for the study were gathered through structured and open ended questionnaires. This study also used purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Lastly descriptive techniques were used to analyze study participants’ biography, and the practice of ethical principles of health professional. The qualitative part of the study was analyzed using narrative description method. The findings are summarized as follows. In ALERT Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital; Health professionals don’t provide freedom to the community. “This day we are pursuing normative approach rather than being pragmatic i.e.; we follow strict rule; so, this would be considered as the condition backing the implementation of professional ethics”. Based on the finding the study concluded that the overall implementation of professional ethics, in terms of beneficence, is at inadequate level. So, it is better for the referral hospital to put its effort for the beneficence aspect of professional ethics would be improved. On the other hand, referral hospital is in constraints with various challenges. For instance, there is poor relationship between administrators and health professionals. So, in this regard it is better for the referral hospital to reconsider mentorship. The supervisor should not be a boss rather it is also expected for the supervisor to be mentor. Mentorship training packages should be organized to realize professional ethics Key words: Health professional ethics, beneficence, confidentiality, privacy, justice
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    The Influence Working Environment on Employees’ Satisfaction in the Case if Et-Retreading Plc
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-16) Yemsirach Marine; Jemal Abagissa (PhD)
    This research assessed the influence working environment on employees’ satisfaction in the case of ET-Retreading PLC. The study aimed to ascertain how various aspects of the work environment affect job satisfaction and productivity. In order to understand the factors influencing employees’ satisfaction, the research looked at things like the physical workspace, opportunities for training and development, reward structures, work-life balance, and workload. It also looked at how important these elements are in creating a positive work environment that boosts productivity and helps the company succeed. Data were gathered for the study using a descriptive research approach and self-administered questionnaires as well as interview given to operational workers in the company under investigation. Data were examined using SPSS version 25 software program, which enabled both descriptive and inferential statistics to be applied. A factor analysis was performed to examine the variables affecting worker satisfaction. Investigating the effects of the workplace on employee satisfaction at Et-Retreading PLC required the use of research methodologies. Understanding how the work environment affects employee behavior and outcomes will help Et-Retreading Plc and other organizations get useful insights for their organizational management. Et-Retreading Plc workers said that while they were happy with their workplace, there were still some things they could have done better, including have more workspace, reduce noise, and enhance lighting. Training was given to the majority of employees, who stressed its value in developing new skills. Employees showed an important level of responsibility and confidence in their work's impact on product quality. While there was a positive attitude towards rewards, employees felt they were insufficient but recognized the link between performance and rewards. These findings shed light on the impact of the working environment on employee performance at Et-Retreading Plc. Key words: Employees’ Satisfaction, Physical environment, Psychosocial environment, Work life balance, Workplace Environment
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    The Practices and Challenges of Good Governance in Harari Regional State Shenkor Woreda: With Emphasis to Social Accountability and Community Participation Dimensions
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-09) Zelalem Mamuye; Jemal Abagissa (PhD)
    Social accountability and community participation are very important tools for promoting good governance. It's becoming clearer to more and more people that social accountability and community involvement are important for building good government. The study's purpose is to find out what happens to good governance when social accountability and community participation are put into place in Harari Regional State Shenkor Woreda. The people who are part of this study are service providers and users of the Shenkor woreda Administration. The study uses purposeful sampling to look at how social accountability and community participation affect good governance in the health and education sectors that were chosen. Furthermore, 386 is the sample size when Taro Yamane's formula is used. To get complete information, the researcher used a number of different methods to gather it, such as a survey, a focus group discussion, interviews with key informants, document analysis, and secondary data sources. One important finding of the study is that the people in Shenkor Woreda are involved in local groups and social accountability initiatives. However, they need a lot more education and awareness to better understand and do their part in these areas. People also have a positive view of the government. However, there are still things that need to be fixed in order to improve social accountability and citizen participation, especially when it comes to getting past resistance from authorities and limited resources. Finally, the researcher suggests holding regular interactive workshops and targeted outreach programs to teach people about social responsibility and community involvement. This will make sure that everyone in the community fully understands and is involved.
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    Assessment of the Causes of Staff Turnover in the Ethiopian Press Agency and Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-04) Kalkidan Mersha; Meheret Ayenew (PhD)
    This study, titled "Assessment of the Causes of Staff Turnover in the Ethiopian Press Agency and Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation," investigates the phenomenon of employee turnover within two prominent Ethiopian media organizations: the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) and the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC). The research aims to understand the factors contributing to staff turnover, its impact on organizational performance, and potential strategies for mitigating turnover rates. The primary objectives are to identify and assess the causes of staff turnover on organizations performance and suggest strategies for reducing turnover and improving employee retention. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study integrates quantitative data from surveys of 190 EPA employees and 296 EBC employees, alongside qualitative insights from in-depth interviews with key informants. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS to identify patterns, while the qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis to extract key themes and insights. The core findings indicate that both organizations face significant challenges related to staff turnover, which adversely affects their operational efficiency and productivity. Key factors identified include job dissatisfaction, inadequate compensation, limited career development opportunities, and an unfavorable organizational culture. The study reveals that EBC experiences higher dissatisfaction levels regarding turnover management compared to EPA. Furthermore, high turnover rates are recognized across both organizations, with substantial negative impacts on projects and overall service quality.
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    Assessing the Challenges and Prospects of Deposit Mobilization in Bunna Bank: A Case Study of Selected Branches in East Addis Ababa District
    (AAU, 2024-12-24) Fikremariam Abebe; Adem Kedir (PhD)
    In this study, the primary aim of this project was to Assessing the Challenges and Prospects of Deposit Mobilization in Bunna Bank selected branches in East Addis Ababa District. The panel data covered the period from 2018-2023 and using Primary data from 30 sampled respondents of experienced employee of the bank. Descriptive method design approaches were adopted for the study and none probability sampling techniques or purposive sampling used to collect data. This study data collection depended on both primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through quaternary and secondary data collected from panel data and document review. The key finding was that shows the challenges for deposit mobilization in Bunna bank, The survey identified that, Competition in the banking industry ,cumbersome (complicated) account opening procedure and process , Service delay and duplication, inadequate provision of loans to customers, Poor Customer Service, Less Availability and functional modern ICT facilities, Time consuming loan application process, Location of the branch are inconvenient for customers, poor service delivery and inflation, political instability, and unstable economic conditions are the major challenges for banks deposit mobilization. Finally the management must look, client handling culture and services right the first time improving service quality standard of the bank to introduce to which will enhance deposit mobilization and should prepare for competition that will arise from local bank.
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    Essays on Fiscal Federalism in Ethiopia
    (AAU, 2024-07-02) Million Adafre Bushashe; Yitbarek Takele Bayiley (PhD)
    The dissertation comprises four essays focusing on empirical studies to uncover whether fiscal federalism (decentralization) promotes social public service provision, economic growth, economic development, and macroeconomic stability. Despite the efforts made by the government, rejoicing in the intended fruits of fiscal federalism has remained in vain and is becoming a prime policy issue in Ethiopia. Also, prior empirical studies exhibited inconclusive results. It put the plausibility of the studies into question. First, the study examined fiscal federalism's effect on public service provision in Ethiopia. The study adopted an explanatory research design. Considering ten Sub-National Governments (SNGs) from 2005 to 2018, it employed Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). It also utilized Gaussian copula (GC) estimations since it helps to deal with potential endogeneity problems. The study showed that expenditure decentralization significantly fosters public service provision. However, revenue decentralization showed no significant role in enhancing public service provision. Besides, though expenditure decentralization has adversely affected SNGs' capacity, revenue decentralization positively contributes to SNGs' capacity. On the one hand, SNG's capacity plays a significant positive mediating role in the impact of revenue decentralization on public service provision. On the other hand, it negatively mediates the contribution of expenditure decentralization on public provision. secondly, the study examines the impact of fiscal decentralization on Ethiopia’s SNG economic growth. The study followed a quantitative research procedure employing data from 2008 to 2021. The units of analysis in the study are SNGs. The study used the two-step System General Method of Moments (SYS-GMM) of dynamic panel estimation because it resolves concerns such as endogeneity and heteroscedasticity. The study’s findings revealed that expenditure, revenue, and composite decentralization showed a significant negative effect on regional economic growth. iii Moreover, among the control variables, inflation and government size revealed a detrimental effect on regional economic growth. Thirdly, the study aimed to scrutinize the association between fiscal federalism and economic development in Ethiopia. By employing ten SNGs’ data over the period 2005–2018, the study used the PLS-SEM. The study found that revenue decentralization and Fiscal incentives significantly enhance economic development. Nevertheless, expenditure decentralization significantly deteriorated economic development. Besides, economic instability has an adverse moderating role on the contribution of revenue decentralization to economic development. Fourthly, the study aimed to investigate fiscal decentralization's effects on Ethiopia's SNGs macroeconomic stability. The study followed a causational research design employing data from 2005 to 2018. The units of analysis in the study are SNGs. The study utilized the two-step SYS-GMM model. The study findings revealed that revenue and composite decentralization significantly shielded macroeconomic instability. In contrast, expenditure and fiscal dependency are significantly aggravated macroeconomic instability. Besides, to grasp the shielding effect of revenue decentralization from macroeconomic instability, there should be incentive devices to boost SNG's tax collection efforts. Since capital and welfare expenditures exacerbate macroeconomic instability, the study urges the government to follow a contractionary fiscal policy by cutting its expenditures.
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    Branch Banking Expansion: Opportunities and Challenges (The Case of Dashen Bank S.C)
    (A.A.U, 2022-11-06) Yabebal Gete; Jemal Abagissa (PhD)
    Opportunities and challenges of branch expansion practice expected benefits with an outlay of costs; the Dashen needs to manage it carefully as it was detrimental effect on its entire performance and profitability eventually. The types of data used were both primary and secondary as the research design employed was mixed-method (Qualitative and quantitative) approach. A questionnaire derived from prior studies and relevant literatures is completed by the target employees of Dashen bank. A total of 95 questionnaires were distributed to Dashen bank head office and Addis Ababa district area employees holding managerial & higher positions, of this is considered in the unit of analysis of this study. Descriptive methods were used to analyze the effect, relationship and significant level of selected opportunities (economic factors, government policy and leadership) and challenge factors (cost, location & competition) with the Dashen bank‘s branch expansion. The variables were banking branch expansion dependent variable and opportunities economic, government policy and leadership and challenging factors cost, location and competition are independent variables and confirms reliable fulfilling the minimum 70% requirement of Cronbach‘s alpha value. Analysis of this study, respondents agreed with the three opportunity factors (Economic, government and leadership) are positive impact on branch banking expansion of the Dashen bank However based on their level of rating, leadership role took the high-side followed by economic factors & government policies. Similarly, respondents had agreed that all the three challenging factors (economic, location and competition) have initially negative effects on expanding of the Dashen bank branches, with the leading factor as location followed by cost of expansions. It is highly recommended to pursue the momentum of committed management and strong strategic planning mechanisms for an effective branching of the Dashen Bank and to reduce the location problem the bank use preliminary study about the area and as much as possible the bank minimize branch costs.
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    Practices and Challenges of Balanced Scorecard Implementation: The Case of AkakiKality sub-city Woreda 07 in Addis Ababa
    (A.A.U, 2023-07-25) Tomas Tamiru; BirhanuTemesgen (PhD)
    BSC was introduced in Ethiopia following the civil service reform in 2010. This study asses the practice and challenges of BSC implementation. The study was conducted in Akaki Kality sub city woreda 07 administration office. The woreda have a total of 374 employees. Among them 13 of them are top level and 25 of them are middle level management and 338 officers and supportive staffs. A total of 130 questioners are distributed and111 of the questionnaires were filled and returned .Information is collected through document review, questionnaire and interview with 10 employees and managements as well as observation of the student researcher .Data’s from the questionnaire are analyzed through SPSS version 26 and interpreted. According to the study BSC have many outcomes such as creating coordination between management and employees which create clarity of organizational vision. It also gives a sense of responsibility among the employees .In addition it enables the employees to perform well due to training and development. Furthermore it reduce cycle time of work done so that it creates ability to perform more work than before and to serve more number of customer. Currently there are some limitations in the woreda which hinders the practice of BSC implementation. Those limitations includes shortage of BSC experts , information technology expertise ,redundancy and complexity of the measurement practice, poor commitment, shortage of office infrastructures and the like are the major ones. To acquire the desired outcome as it is expected integration of other systems, commitment of the management and employees, simplifying the performance measure system, automating the system with information communication expertise, continuous professional development and training is required
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    The assessmentof Procurement Planning and Implementation on Organizational Performance: the Case study of ETHIOPOST (EP)
    (A.A.U., 2023-01-04) Yohannes Abatneh; Jemal Abagissa (PhD)
    The main aim of this study was to examine the practices in procurement and their effects to organizational performance. The study based on the assumption that proper inventory management; procurement monitoring, procurement controls, procurement planning, as well as training of workforce can result to better organizational performance. Descriptive research design was followed. The target population of the study was the employees working at the department of procurement from which primary data was collected using structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done using descriptive and regression methods. The study had adopted procurement practices to a moderate extent. It further found out that procurement planning and training workforce are important in influencing the organization’s performance.. Therefore, recommends that the key procurement actors should come up with viable ways of managing procurement process. Revitalization of the entire procurement process should be a requirement as it can help in ensuring that organizations embrace modern technological ways and trends in handling and addressing procurement issues.The target populations were 35 staffs who are working on procurement core process and End users of different departments in ETHIOPOST. Procurement, Planning, Implementation,Organizational performance
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    A Critical Analysis of The Practice of Fiscal Federalism In Ethiopia: The Case of Oromia and Afar Regional States (1991–2015)
    (AAU, 2023-06-10) Samson Mesfin; Tegegne Teka (PhD)
    The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the practices of fiscal federalism in Ethiopia (1995- 2015) with reference to Federal-Regional interface and Woredas (districts) context by selecting two Regional States; namely Oromia (representing the relatively 'developed regions') and Afar (representing the 'emerging regions'). The study employed more of qualitative research approach to achieve the objective mentioned above. Both Primary and secondary data sources were used in gathering relevant data for the study. The techniques that have been used for gathering primary data are in-depth interview and discussion with key-informants at all levels of governments focusing on group discussion with local communities and field observation. Secondary data were gathered from published and unpublished materials available in various forms including books, journal articles and official annual reports of government institutions at federal, regional and local levels. The study also reviewed the experiences of some federal countries around the world on the issue of fiscal federalism with the aim of obtaining best practices and use as input in modifying the decentralized fiscal system of Ethiopia. To analyze the date gathered through above means, the study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the Constitutional assignment of expenditure responsibility in Ethiopia is more or less in compliance with the theoretical literature of fiscal federalism while the assignment of taxation power does not agree with the theoretical and empirical literatures of fiscal federalism. The practice, however, shows lack of clarity on the assignment of power and fiscal responsibilities, particularly on shared responsibilities. As the result, it creates duplication and overlapping responsibility problems and may lead to conflict between federal and regional governments as well as regional and local governments. The findings also show that the devolution of expenditure responsibilities to the sub-national governments (SNGs) is not accompanied by adequate financial resources, resulting in high vertical and horizontal fiscal imbalances in Ethiopia. As the result, SNGs in Ethiopia rely heavily on federal transfers to cover the costs of the functions that devolved to them by laws. This, in turn, limits the fiscal autonomy of authorities at sub-national levels, which adversely affected the efficiency of public service delivery and accountability at the grass root levels. Overall, the study found out that there are several problems and challenges faced while implementing fiscal decentralization at sub-national levels in Ethiopia. It includes lack of clarity in the assignment of power and fiscal responsibilities, particularly on shared responsibilities; lack of fiscal autonomy due to insufficient own revenues; weak administration and institutional capacity. This happened because of lack of trained and experienced human resources; poor political willingness and commitment of authorities at higher level to devolve taxing and spending powers in real sense; as well as lack of a stable, predictable and transparent intergovernmental fiscal transfer system. Thus, the research recommends that the federal government should give more emphasis to enhance the fiscal autonomy of sub-national governments so as to realize the potential benefits of effective fiscal federalism in Ethiopia
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    A Critical Analysis of the Practice of Fiscal Federalism in Ethiopia: the Case of Oromia and Afar Regional States (1991–2015)
    (AAU, 2023-06-10) Samson Mesfin; Tegegne Teka (PhD)
    The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the practices of fiscal federalism in Ethiopia (1995- 2015) with reference to Federal-Regional interface and Woredas (districts) context by selecting two Regional States; namely Oromia (representing the relatively 'developed regions') and Afar (representing the 'emerging regions'). The study employed more of qualitative research approach to achieve the objective mentioned above. Both Primary and secondary data sources were used in gathering relevant data for the study. The techniques that have been used for gathering primary data are in-depth interview and discussion with key-informants at all levels of governments focusing on group discussion with local communities and field observation. Secondary data were gathered from published and unpublished materials available in various forms including books, journal articles and official annual reports of government institutions at federal, regional and local levels. The study also reviewed the experiences of some federal countries around the world on the issue of fiscal federalism with the aim of obtaining best practices and use as input in modifying the decentralized fiscal system of Ethiopia. To analyze the date gathered through above means, the study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the Constitutional assignment of expenditure responsibility in Ethiopia is more or less in compliance with the theoretical literature of fiscal federalism while the assignment of taxation power does not agree with the theoretical and empirical literatures of fiscal federalism. The practice, however, shows lack of clarity on the assignment of power and fiscal responsibilities, particularly on shared responsibilities. As the result, it creates duplication and overlapping responsibility problems and may lead to conflict between federal and regional governments as well as regional and local governments. The findings also show that the devolution of expenditure responsibilities to the sub-national governments (SNGs) is not accompanied by adequate financial resources, resulting in high vertical and horizontal fiscal imbalances in Ethiopia. As the result, SNGs in Ethiopia rely heavily on federal transfers to cover the costs of the functions that devolved to them by laws. This, in turn, limits the fiscal autonomy of authorities at sub-national levels, which adversely affected the efficiency of public service delivery and accountability at the grass root levels. Overall, the study found out that there are several problems and challenges faced while implementing fiscal decentralization at sub-national levels in Ethiopia. It includes lack of clarity in the assignment of power and fiscal responsibilities, particularly on shared responsibilities; lack of fiscal autonomy due to insufficient own revenues; weak administration and institutional capacity. This happened because of lack of trained and experienced human resources; poor political willingness and commitment of authorities at higher level to devolve taxing and spending powers in real sense; as well as lack of a stable, predictable and transparent intergovernmental fiscal transfer system. Thus, the research recommends that the federal government should give more emphasis to enhance the fiscal autonomy of sub-national governments so as to realize the potential benefits of effective fiscal federalism in Ethiopia
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    The Role of Good Governance on Promoting Urban Development in the Public Sector Governance: In Woliso Town Public Sector Governance
    (AAU, 2022-12-10) Gemechu Kebede; Meheret Ayenew (PhD)
    This study aimed at finding out the role of good governance in promoting urban development in Woliso town public institutions.. The methodology used to conduct this study was quantitative research design where purposive sampling method was employed to select respondents. Questionnaires were made use of to gather raw data from the respondents. Secondary data was also used. The data was analyzed by using, data analysis software SPSS version 20 and presented using tables. The study found that good governance has role in promoting urban economy development and urban social development. It was also revealed that good governance has impact on urban development. The study recommended that, In order to promote urban development and bring fast and sustainable urban economic development, public institution should give due attention to the role of good governance. Since participation plays a central role in urban economic development, public institutions should create conducive environment for community participation. It was also suggested, building the capacity of human resources through education and training, providing good governance and the policy should create strong relationship or nexus between Good governance and urban development
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    A Critical Assessment of the Practices of Fiscal Federalism in Ethiopia: The Case of Oromia and Afar Regional States (1991–2015)
    (AAU, 2023-06-23) Samson Mesfin; Dr. Tegegne Teka
    The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the practices of fiscal federalism in Ethiopia (1995- 2015) with reference to Federal-Regional interface and Woredas (districts) context by selecting two Regional States; namely Oromia (representing the relatively 'developed regions') and Afar (representing the 'emerging regions'). The study employed more of qualitative research approach to achieve the objective mentioned above. Both Primary and secondary data sources were used in gathering relevant data for the study. The techniques that have been used for gathering primary data are in-depth interview and discussion with key-informants at all levels of governments focusing on group discussion with local communities and field observation. Secondary data were gathered from published and unpublished materials available in various forms including books, journal articles and official annual reports of government institutions at federal, regional and local levels. The study also reviewed the experiences of some federal countries around the world on the issue of fiscal federalism with the aim of obtaining best practices and use as input in modifying the decentralized fiscal system of Ethiopia. To analyze the date gathered through above means, the study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. The findings of the study indicated that the Constitutional assignment of expenditure responsibility in Ethiopia is more or less in compliance with the theoretical literature of fiscal federalism while the assignment of taxation power does not agree with the theoretical and empirical literatures of fiscal federalism. The practice, however, shows lack of clarity on the assignment of power and fiscal responsibilities, particularly on shared responsibilities. As the result, it creates duplication and overlapping responsibility problems and may lead to conflict between federal and regional governments as well as regional and local governments. The findings also show that the devolution of expenditure responsibilities to the sub-national governments (SNGs) is not accompanied by adequate financial resources, resulting in high vertical and horizontal fiscal imbalances in Ethiopia. As the result, SNGs in Ethiopia rely heavily on federal transfers to cover the costs of the functions that devolved to them by laws. This, in turn, limits the fiscal autonomy of authorities at sub-national levels, which adversely affected the efficiency of public service delivery and accountability at the grass root levels. Overall, the study found out that there are several problems and challenges faced while implementing fiscal decentralization at sub-national levels in Ethiopia. It includes lack of clarity in the assignment of power and fiscal responsibilities, particularly on shared responsibilities; lack of fiscal autonomy due to insufficient own revenues; weak administration and institutional capacity. This happened because of lack of trained and experienced human resources; poor political willingness and commitment of authorities at higher level to devolve taxing and spending powers in real sense; as well as lack of a stable, predictable and transparent intergovernmental fiscal transfer system. Thus, the research recommends that the federal government should give more emphasis to enhance the fiscal autonomy of sub-national governments so as to realize the potential benefits of effective fiscal federalism in Ethiopia. Fiscal Federalism, Assignment of expenditure, taxing responsibility, vertical fiscal imbalance, Fiscal autonomy and Intergovernmental fiscal transfer
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    The Role of Good Governance on Promoting Urban Development in The Public Sector Governance: In Woliso Town Public Sector Governance
    (AAU, 2022-12-05) Gemechu Kebede; Meheret Ayenew (Phd)
    This study aimed at finding out the role of good governance in promoting urban development in Woliso town public institutions.. The methodology used to conduct this study was quantitative research design where purposive sampling method was employed to select respondents. Questionnaires were made use of to gather raw data from the respondents. Secondary data was also used. The data was analyzed by using, data analysis software SPSS version 20 and presented using tables. The study found that good governance has role in promoting urban economy development and urban social development. It was also revealed that good governance has impact on urban development. The study recommended that, In order to promote urban development and bring fast and sustainable urban economic development, public institution should give due attention to the role of good governance. Since participation plays a central role in urban economic development, public institutions should create conducive environment for community participation. It was also suggested, building the capacity of human resources through education and training, providing good governance and the policy should create strong relationship or nexus between Good governance and urban development.
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    The Achievements and Challenges of 20/80 Condominium Housing Project in Lemi Kura Sub-City, The Case of Yeka Tafo Site, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
    (A.A.U, 2022-06) Nigussie, Getaneh; Abagissa, Jemal (Phd)
    The study achieved its goals by offering answers to the fundamental questions. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the accomplishments and challenges of the 20/80 Condominium Housing Project in Lemi Kura Sub-city, with a focus on the Yeka Tafo site in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For the study's completion, both primary and secondary data were gathered. Data was collected through structured questioners, interviews, and an office document review, all of which were created using factors described in the literature. A total of 180 questionnaires were distributed, with 174 respondents filling them out and returning them, accounting for 96.6 percent of the total. In addition to the surveys, interviews were performed with eight members of the client's management team, as well as a consultant and a contractor from the project office and all of them were interviewed. Furthermore, secondary data were collected from Addis Ababa housing project office five years annual plan of 20/80 Condominium housing project and the study area of project sites, central statistical agency, five years infrastructures plan and population project for Ethiopia. The reason why the researcher used different data sources was to increase the reliability and validity of data. This in turn enhances the quality of the research findings up which the conclusion can be drawn made. The data collected was examined using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The frequency and percentage techniques were utilized to examine the data using SPSS software. The analysis determined whether the government meets its goal of constructing 20/80 condominium housing units in the Lemi kuria sub-city on the yeka tafo site. Categorize the key factors that affect the project's time, cost, and quantity performance. According to the results of the open ended question, the majority of respondents believed that the project did not achieve its set objectives because of untimely release of funds, poor construction process follow-up, poor management system, inaccessibility of construction materials related to supply, transportation, and delivery for the project, and corruption. In general, but especially vital, all project participants must coordinate their efforts to build a large number of dwellings in order to create a more developed housing delivery system. Due to the increase in population, the demand for housing in the city is currently very strong. As a result, all interested parties should support the condominium housing project's construction in order to realize the project's objectives. Finally, this research offers its own recommendations for improving the project's performance. Key words: project Performance, time, cost and quantity factor.
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    The Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Public Service Motivation, Affective Commitment and Organizational Performance in Public Service Employees Transport Service Enterprise (PSETSE)
    (A.A.U, 2021-10) Molla, Tesfaye; Temesgen, Berhanu (Dr.)
    This study examines the relationship between transformational leadership, affective organizational commitment, public service motivation, and perceived organizational performance. A structural equation modeling was used to examine the perceptions of 112 public employees in Ethiopian Public Service Employees Transport Service Enterprise. The result indicates that transformational leadership has a positive, significant but medium relationship with perceived organization performance, affective organizational commitment, and public service motivation. It is also found that transformational leadership has a positive effect on AOC, PSM and POP. However, the level of influence slightly differs. It is revealed that 29.6%, 41.6% and 23.5% of change on civil servant’s perceived organizational performance, affective organizational commitment, and public service motivation respectively is explained by the variation in the transformational leadership at the Enterprise. It is found that affective organizational commitment has significant contribution in the improvement of organization performance at Enterprise. The result also indicated that public service motivation has a significantly positive relation with and impacts on both perceived organizational performance and affective organizational commitment. In all these cases, however, the relationships and effects are found to be moderate except transformation leadership with public service motivation. Affective organizational commitment and public service motivation have mediating effect on perceived organizational performance albeit the indirect effect is weak. It is also found that none of the control variables (gender, age, marital status, educational background and work experience) has any significant effect on affective organizational commitment, public service motivation, and perceived organizational performance. It is possible to conclude that transformational leadership does play an important role in determining the levels of perceived organizational performance, both directly and indirectly, but only at medium level. Thus, in order to elevate its effects to a higher level, sustained and long-term management development programs should be designed to promote the existing status of transformation leadership at Enterprise; and the level of centralization, formalization and routinization should also be reduced.
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    Double Taxation Avoidances Treaty on Tax Revenue Collection: The Case Large Taxpayer Offices, Ministry of Revenue
    (A.A.U, 2021-12) Fana, Dereje; Berhanu, Elias (Dr.)
    The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges of double taxation avoidances agreement on tax revenue collection and its impact on the current capability of minister of revenue. The study specifically aimed at assessing lack of capacity and the technical problems which are critical for efficient tax revenue performances. The study used a closed ended questionnaire and open-ended interview to collect primary data. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze frequencies, and percentages. Data analysis was conducted using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study findings were presented using tables and figures. The findings revealed that The complexity of accounting resources, the technical problem with permanent establishment, lack of joint effort, the complexity in substantive provision of the treaties, treaty shopping, lack of proper capacity and experiences can cause the tax collected become very low from what expected from the potential of the economy currently (the tax to GDP ratio is around 10%) which is very far from most African country. modern tax administration expected to be efficient in many perspective while the joint effort between stockholders is not sufficient to tackling treaty related difficulties (outdate treaties) in such a way it can affect the tax sovereignty and make the tax revenue collection difficult finally, the government especially (Ministry of revenue) needs to give emphasis on building its tax training center, change the compliances level of taxpayers to improve its tax performances and create ease of doing business for taxpayers. The study concluded that based on the findings and suggest recommendation based on the conclusions made.
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    The Practice and Challenges of E-Tax Implementation in Ethiopia: The Case of Ministry of Revenue (MOR) Large Taxpayers Office
    (A.A.U, 2021-08) Tamiru, Anteneh; Berhanu, Elias (Dr.)
    Electronic filing is the process of submitting tax returns via the internet. It allows taxpayers to file taxes from home at their leisure and returns refunds much faster than by filing paper tax forms.The goal of this study was to look into the prospects and challenges of e-filing major tax payers in Ethiopia. To accomplish this goal, descriptive study was conducted using a Likert scale questionnaire and interviews from the Ethiopian Ministry of Revenue Large tax payer’s office. A systematic sample technique was employed on 260 tax payers. The data was analyzed and interpreted accordingly. According to the study, some of the practical challenges that taxpayers face when using e-filing include unreliable e-filing service, system inefficiency because it isn't fully operational, and e-filing isn't well supported by an e-payment supplementary system, so taxpayers are still forced to visit the tax office. The findings revealed that electronic tax filing systems improve tax payer satisfaction and save time by avoiding emotional stress caused by long lines, as well as making them more efficient and effective because they can administer their own taxes and create flexibility in recording tax credits and refunding tax at any time. The study advised that the tax authorities improve the quality of the system by offering an electronic registration, clearance, and payment method.