Assessing the Practice, Challenge and Prospects of Health Professional Ethics in Community Service: The Case of Alert Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital, Ethiopa

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The study is conducted to assess challenges, prospects and practice of health professional ethics in community service in reference to ALERT Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital. To achieve the research objective descriptive research design was applied. The target population for this study constituted of health professionals and the community. Pertinent data for the study were gathered through structured and open ended questionnaires. This study also used purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Lastly descriptive techniques were used to analyze study participants’ biography, and the practice of ethical principles of health professional. The qualitative part of the study was analyzed using narrative description method. The findings are summarized as follows. In ALERT Comprehensive Specialized Referral Hospital; Health professionals don’t provide freedom to the community. “This day we are pursuing normative approach rather than being pragmatic i.e.; we follow strict rule; so, this would be considered as the condition backing the implementation of professional ethics”. Based on the finding the study concluded that the overall implementation of professional ethics, in terms of beneficence, is at inadequate level. So, it is better for the referral hospital to put its effort for the beneficence aspect of professional ethics would be improved. On the other hand, referral hospital is in constraints with various challenges. For instance, there is poor relationship between administrators and health professionals. So, in this regard it is better for the referral hospital to reconsider mentorship. The supervisor should not be a boss rather it is also expected for the supervisor to be mentor. Mentorship training packages should be organized to realize professional ethics Key words: Health professional ethics, beneficence, confidentiality, privacy, justice


