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Item The 2011 Humanitarian Intervention in Libya: Rebuilding Libya and the Reasions for the Continuation of Crises After Intervention(Addis Ababa University, 2017-04) Asfaw, Dereje; Mathews, K. (PhD)The purpose of this study is to investigate the roles of international community to rebuild Libya and the major rationales behind the continuation of crises in the aftermath of the 2011 humanitarian intervention. Libya, after the intervention is a country experiencing human rights violations, instability, economic breakdown and deterioration in both quality and quantity of social services like health care and education. So, the study addresses the international roles in the period of crises and the question why the crises continue after Gaddafi. As a research intends to explain the international roles in rebuilding Libya and the chief reasons for the persistence of crises after intervention, it has employed qualitative research methodology which is appropriate for research based on explanations, analysis and conceptualizations of issues and to this end document analysis and key informant interviews were conducted. The study use realistic approach to humanitarian cases to evaluate the behavior of states and the concept of R2P as a tool of analysis. The 2011 Libyan revolt was started because of different root and immediate causes. Chief among the root causes are violation of human rights, regionalism, tribalism and corruption. While the arrest of FathiTerbil, human rights activist and the attorney for the families of those who were killed at Abu Salim prison camp and the inspiration of Libyans by regime changes in some of their neighboring countries such as Tunisia and Egypt were the immediate causes of the revolt. The international community responded to the Libyan crises using the norm of the responsibility to protect as a base, the concept which implies that state has the primary responsibility to protect its own people from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing but the responsibility transferred to international community if the state is unable and/ or unwilling to halt and/or perpetuate these crimes by itself. The international community has been play roles in rebuilding Libya in areas of building institutions, mediating political dialogue among Libyan political parties, providing economic and social assistances. Despite this however, the evaluation of the international presence in Libya was limited. The process of rebuilding Libya is politicized and the approaches of the international community to rebuild it are found to be realistic approach. This was manifested in the increased presence of western actors following the strong establishment of Islamic states after 2014. There are both internal and external factors for the persistence of the crisis in Libya after the 2011 humanitarian intervention. Internally, factors such as weak transitional governments, competitions for political power, political legitimacy and economic resources among Libyan factions, the presence of terrorist groups, Revenge attacks, the Passage of Isolation Law on Perceived Pro- Gaddafi Regime and tribalism have been identified. While externally, limited international roles in rebuilding Libya, the realistic approach of major powers, biased intervention that is supports for rebels, the unmanaged security sector during the transitional period and the immediate end of the mission without establishing an able government after Gaddafi have been identified as a major reasons for the continuation of the crises. The major regional powers support Libya’s major factions, Libya dawn and Libyan dignity, separately for their political, economic and ideological interests. States like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE support operation dignity while Qatar, Turkey and Sudan support operation dawn which in turn makes the crises to persist by creating division between actors and providing them with availability of war weapons. Keyword: Rebuild Libya, humanitarian intervention, international communityItem A Critical Exploration of Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in the Northern Ethiopian Armed Conflict (2020-2022)(Addis Ababa University, 2024-05-01) Hanna Teshome; Solomon Mebrie (Dr.)Compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL) has been subject to heightened examination, emphasizing the impact of armed conflicts and the challenge of implementing the legal principles of action. Despite the mechanisms of compliance under the law, the effectiveness of protecting civilians and their property requires careful evaluation in light of continuous violations of the law. The study critically examines compliance with IHL in northern Ethiopia’s armed conflict (2020-2022) to understand the compliance challenges, given the reported humanitarian consequences. To accomplish this task, a qualitative approach is utilized, involving semi-structured interview with engaged individuals from relevant institutions to investigate the challenges to compliance. Humanitarian investigative reports were reviewed to include violations of the laws of armed conflicts and the overall toll on civilians. Interviews were conducted to probe the challenges to compliance with engaged individuals. The study has revealed an evolved character of warfare and a lapse in compliance mechanisms employed under IHL. The categorization of the conflict affects IHL and international law obligations. Ethnic rivalry was a factor in noncompliance. It has determined the challenges of emotional factors influencing fighters, such as anger and resentment. The role of humanitarian work has grappled with considerable security risks. The study emphasized that discontents have the potential to initiate violence among communities. It suggests the need for a neutral body for justice, addressing community grievances, and establishing deterrence mechanisms through political dialogue and peaceful negotiationsItem Al-Qaeda Versus the War on Terror :A Study on Psychological and Economic Causal Factors(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Fisseha, Ashenafi; Adebo, Tarekegn(PhD)Enquiring why terrorism occurs is an endeavour to identify the causes and a ‘root cause’ or at least ‘root causes’ of the phenomenon. More importantly, it is also about identifying the causation or causal analysis, the way in which the cause-events or cause-state of affairs are linked with one another and with the effect-event or effect-state of affair, i.e. terrorism. This research thesis, “Al Qaeda versus the War on Terror: A Study on Psychological and Economic Causal Factors”, is a qualitative and descriptive analysis of the psychological and economic causation of terrorism. The research aims at scrutinizing whether psychological or economic causes can avoid the other from causing terrorism and become the sole causes of terrorism by themselves, as it is claimed by primarily 1 economic or primarily psychological cause-causation. Plus, it aims at scrutinizing whether temporal precedence or causal power matters more in the causation of terrorism and whether economic and psychological factors apply their causal power to yield terrorism on the geographic space or on the ’mind’ entity. The research disagrees with primary-cause and chain of causes-causation. To assert that psychological or economic factors are the sole causes of terrorism or that they first cause one another and then cause terrorism based on temporal precedence is unnatural for two reasons. Firstly, this delinks the emotionality and rationality, the purposiveness and motivation as well as the need for material and non-material gains within a single causeagent of terrorism (the individual terrorist or the group terrorist as unified by group think and sense of belongingness to the group). Secondly, this disregards the fact that psychological and economic factors can cause terrorism without being correlated or related on the basis of temporal precedence, but on the basis of causal power. Therefore, the central argument of this thesis is for simultaneous causation of terrorism by psychological and economic factors applying their causal power on the single entity (‘space’) of the mind within a point of time. 1 Key words: Causation, Chain of causes causation, primarily economic causation, primarily psychological causation, simultaneous Causation, TerrorismItem Analysis of the Values and Impacts of Ecosystem Services Dynamics, and Valuation of Selected Provisioning Services in Hare River Catchment, Southern Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2019-07) Abraha, Mehari; Achiso (PhD), DemekeThis thesis intends to assess the dynamics of Ethio - U.S bilateral defense cooperation specifically by identifying the existing challenges to be resolved and that of prospects to build upon since 2011 till date. The thesis has mainly focused on revealing gaps on defense relations of the two countries. The study employs a qualitative research design of which case Study method is selected as it gives authority to the researcher to make the required descriptions and interpretations based on the collected data than the other methods. Besides, this design was found appropriate as the data collection tool and method was revisited a number of times based on the clues and information obtained along the way from one respondent to the other due to the secrecy of subject to prepare a comprehensive questionnaire from the very beginning. In so doing, the study makes use of purposive sampling techniques to choose those potential respondents on both parties to respond to an open ended items and document analysis were used as another important source of data. In relation to the document analysis; the MoU signed between the two countries, agreed meeting minutes, annual reports pertaining to the Ethio - U.S bilateral defense cooperation and the like were consulted. So far as the findings of this study are concerned; the bilateral defense cooperation and partnership of fighting terrorism is characterized by provision of finance, trainings, equipment’s, military advisory on the U.S. side whereas man power to the extent of sacrificing citizens lives has been contributed more of on the Ethiopia part ever since the agreement was signed. In this regard, the researcher finds it difficult to make comparisons whether or not the bilateral defense cooperation is founded on a balanced amount as the contributions on both sides as they are incomparable in the first place except that they are considered negotiable and made in agreement on both parties. The Ethio-U.S bilateral Defense cooperation still awaits further improvement above all to balance the relationship of the two countries. This thesis has tried its level best by analyzing the existing and possibly retrieved data, given the secrecy of the subject itself, attempted to arrive at concluding remarks in relation to the challenges and prospects of the bilateral defense cooperation. Key words: Challenges, Prospects, Bilateral Defense Cooperation, Terrorism, SecurityItem Anti-Human Trafficking Responses in Ethiopia: Legal Frameworks and Local Practices the Case of Saesi’e Tsada-Emba Wereda, Eastern Tigray(Addis Ababa University, 2017-05) Zeru, Mehari; Achiso, Demeke (PhD)Currently transnational human trafficking is affecting almost all countries of the world and Ethiopia is not an exception. Thousands of Ethiopians are exposed to devastating challenges and multitude atrocities in the deserts, sea routes as well as in destination countries. Though the government of Ethiopia had enacted a comprehensive anti-human trafficking law, ratified a number of international conventions, and has been making counteracting efforts, human trafficking is still increasing in Ethiopia. Hence, this study questions why? And aims to assess the anti-human trafficking legal frameworks and examine the local practices particularly, in Saesi’e Tsada-emba Wereda. In doing so, the study had critically analyzed the major anti-human trafficking laws, proclamations, documents, provisions, policies, manuals and action plans. Then the undergoing anti-human trafficking activities were examined in line with the existing legal frameworks. To obtain the primary data, in-depth interviews were made with purposively selected practitioners and victim returnees. Besides, focus group discussion was made with residents of the study area. Consequently, findings of the study show, the issue of human trafficking is mainly connected to individuals’ desire to migrate illegally as an ‘exit strategy’ from poverty, unemployment and lack of economic opportunities in their local area. Though attempts were made to create awareness, provide loans and prosecute traffickers, these attempts could not reduce the problem. Lack of coordination, capacity, commitment, and appropriate amount of resources are the main reasons behind. In general, it can be concluded that the existing anti-human trafficking legal frameworks are far from a straightforward matter in practice because, the reality is more fragmented at the ground. This study argues that anti-human trafficking responses can be successful if interventions aimed at investing in individuals’ all rounded development. Therefore, addressing the practical vulnerability issues of the potential migrants is central to enhance the impact and efficacy of the undergoing anti-human trafficking responses. Key Words: Anti-human trafficking responses, human Trafficking, illegal migration, legal frameworks, local practices, Saesi‟e Tsada-emba Wereda, VulnerabilityItem An Appraisal of the Enforcement of International and Regional Human Rights Obligations in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2011-05) Lisanework, Bayenew; Mebrie, Solomon (PhD)The implementation of international human rights standards at a domestic level is well recognized as crucial for protecting human rights. Enforcing human rights is basically a responsibility of individual states. States must ensure an effective protection of human rights at the domestic level through various means, which may include enactment of the necessary laws and to abide by the principles and standards of the several international instruments on human rights. Human rights have recently become a sensitive issue in Ethiopia, a major field of debates between the government and different opposition groups; and between the Government and national and international human rights organizations. This research is an attempt to an appraisal of national efforts to promote and protect human rights given the fact that Ethiopia is part of the international human rights system. The appraisal is based on the legal and institutional frameworks in the country which are important for the enforcement of treaty-based obligations concerning human rights. The research has found out that violations of human rights have been and continue to be committed in the country by state and non-state actors. Numerous accounts of human rights abuses in different corners of the country have been observed and reported by international and national bodies concerned with the issue. These facts call for due regard from the Government as well as individuals acting in their official and individual capacity. Generally, the appraisal of the enforcement of the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution in line with the treaty obligations that the country has entered to observe those rights and freedoms is the ultimate concern of this research paper. Key Words: - Appraisal, Enforcement, Human Rights, International Human Rights System, Human Rights Protection, Human Rights ViolationItem Assesing the Post-1991 Ethio-India Economic Relations: A Study on Trade and Agricultural Investments(Addis Ababa University, 2016-05) Leta, Belayneh; Padmanabhan, V.K(PhD)Ethiopia has had long-standing bilateral relations with India. Trade and commercial contacts between the two countries flourished during and since the ancient Axumite Empire. India achieved its independence from British colonial rule in August 1947. After one year of its independence, India has established official diplomatic relations with Ethiopia. However, the year 1991 was the turning point in the relations between the two countries. After 1991, the bilateral relations manifest in terms of economics and trade. The main objective of this study is to critically examine the Post-1991 Ethio-India economic relations. It aims to assess the bilateral trade relations between the two countries and Indian agricultural investments in Ethiopia. To study these issues, the study has used qualitative research methodology. Data have been collected both from primary and secondary sources. Available literatures were reviewed to discuss about historical relations and bilateral economic relations between the two countries. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with officials from Ethiopian Investment Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Trade, and Agricultural Investment Land Administration Agency for the collection of primary data. The findings from data analysis show that the economic relationships between the two countries are in favor of India in trade and agricultural investments. After critical analysis of trade data between Ethiopia and India, this paper has found that Ethiopia has chronically run a negative balance in its trade with India. Ethiopia’s trade deficit can largely be explained by the unequal terms of trade between agricultural commodities (the country’s major exports) and capital goods (the country’s major imports). With regard to agricultural investment, Indian agricultural investments have both positive and negative impacts on local peoples where they are operating. Indian Agriculture investments in Ethiopia created permanent and temporary job opportunities for Ethiopians; it has also increased government revenues, and has brought foreign currency and technology transfer. On the other hand, Indian investments in agriculture do not alleviate food insecurity in Ethiopia and it has also caused the displacement of smallholder farmers and the degradation of natural resources. In response to trade imbalance, Ethiopia needs to focus on diversifying the composition of its exports and improving the business climate through infrastructural development, building strong institutions and reducing bureaucratic problems. Indian agricultural investments in Ethiopia also need encouragement, support and critical follow up in order to provide the expected benefits for Ethiopians. Key Concepts: Globalization, Economic Cooperation, South-South Cooperation, FDI and TradeItem Assessing the Effectivness of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission in Light of the 1991 Paris Principles(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Azeze, Helina; Mebrie, Solomon (PhD)National Human Rights Commissions are institutions established by nations across the world to protect and promote human rights. As such, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission is established for similar purpose. Hence, this thesis aims at assessing the effectiveness of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission. It seeks to discover whether the Commission has met up with the protection and promotion of human rights as the sole purpose for which it was created. To achieve this, the thesis examines the activities of the Commission since it started operation. It generally assesses the Commission’s effectiveness in light of some key elements of the Paris Principles particularly its mandate and powers; accessibility; independence; operational efficiency; accountability and its cooperation with international organizations, other human rights institutions and the civil society. By using qualitative methodology, this thesis analyzed both primary and secondary sources of data collection. The primary sources include analysis of the Proclamation which established the Commission, Reports of the Commission, the 1991 Paris principles, interview with the Commissioner, representatives and leaders of EPRDF and opposition political parties, journalists, activists, and representatives of some selected civil society organizations. To reflect the views of those sections of the society who are vulnerable to human rights violation the empirical data presented in this research paper has been supplemented by an interview with some human rights violation victims who have filed a complaint to the Commission. In addition, to validate the argument of those selected opinion makers a Focus Group Discussion has also been carried out with some selected sections of the society who are believed to represent andrelate to the public. This thesis finally has found that all the assessed elements of the Paris Principles are inadequate and insufficient for the Commission to perform to the expected level. As a result of these findings, the thesis recommends some legislative amendments in order to strengthen the legal framework of the Commission. It also recommends some far reaching measures to both the government and the Commission so as to enhance the Commission’s performance and enable it to meet international standards of protecting and promoting human rightsItem Assessing the Impacts of South Sudanese Refugees on the Host Communities of Itang Woreda: A Case Study of Tierkidi Refugee Camp in Gambella Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2016-07) Girma, Endalkachew; Achiso, Demeke (PhD)With the core objective of analyzing the relationships between refugees and host communities, this study assesses the economic, socio-cultural and security impacts of South Sudanese refugees on the host communities of Itang special Woreda in Gambella region of Ethiopia. Attempts have also been made to point out the existing impacts of refugees on the host communities. The magnitude of refugee influx in Gambella region in recent years has generated alarm throughout the region. The unprecedented crisis have produced a mixture of humanitarian concern for thousands of people forced into exile and potential threat to the social, economical and political stability of host communities caused by its influxes. The refugees cannot return to their home due to the political instability and this produces diverse economic, socio-cultural and security impacts and potential threats on the host communities of Itang special Woreda. The findings are more emphasized and analyzed qualitatively in light of primary sources gathered by interviewing of informants from refugees, host communities and officials from the camp and field observation. On the other hand, secondary sources were used in order to address the basic objectives of the research. To this end, the study used snowball sampling technique for collecting data from the study area. The refugee population in Gambella is significantly matches the size of the local host community which has brought many impacts on the host communities. The findings of this study indicate that the presence of refugees in the region has both negative and positive impacts. As the findings show, the presence of South Sudanese refugees are having negative environmental, health, sanitation, socio-cultural and security impacts on the host community. On the other hand, economic impacts have been positive such as new job opportunity, small business activity and availability of market for local farmers around the refugee camp. Finally, the study comes up with the conclusion that the negative impacts of refugees are found to be greater than its positive impacts and this put the region in unstable situation, and potential threat for the people of Gambella region of EthiopiaItem Assessing the Local Integration of Urban Refugees: A Compartive Study of Eritrean and Somali Refugees in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2017-06) Berhanu, Wogene; Abdilahi, Abdiwasa (PhD)The study examines the local integration of Somali and Eritrean refugees in Addis Ababa. It is a comparative study of the host-refugees integration taking the case study of Eritreans and Somali refugees. In this study, Gofa Mebrat Hail for Eritrean refugees and Bole Michael for Somali refugees in Addis Ababa were selected based on their numerical upper hand as well as the prolonged settlement of the refugees in the respective areas. Qualitative research methodology was employed and semi-structured interviews with refugees and host communities, and key informant interviews with ARRA and local authorities were conducted. In addition, FGDs with refugees and host communities of the study areas were held. The respondents for both interviews and FGDs were selected purposively. The historical and ongoing relations between Ethiopia and the refugee producing countries, as structural factor, impacted not only the country’s policy direction towards the refugees’ but also the refugees’ and the hosts’ perception towards local integration. The study revealed that Somali refugees are more integrated with the host communities than Eritrean refugee in the respective areas despite the cultural compatibility of the latter because of the interplay of structural, refugee and host community related factors. The prolonged settlement and engagement of Somali refugees in both formal and informal economy in the area resulted in the refugees’ progressive integration with the host communities by dwindling prior mutual mistrust and misperceptions. However, the securitization of Somali refugees in the area by interlinking them with the insecurity and terrorism in their country has been obstructing the intensive integration by creating fear among the refugees and the host communities. On the other hand, the Eritrean refugees perceive the especial treatment provided for them as politically motivated and temporary. Consideration of Ethiopia as country of transit and the subsequent lack of motive on the side of host communities caused low level of the refugees’ integration with locals. Key words: Refugee, urban refugees, local integrations, status fluidity, de facto integrationItem Cause and Consequences of Human Trafficking to the Middle East: The Role of Government in Tackling the Problem(Addis Ababa University, 2007-05) Yigzaw, Asfaw; Birhanu, Kassahun (PhD)Item Causes of Popular Protests and Violations of Human Rights in Ethiopia, 2015-2018(Addis Ababa University, 2021-04) Kefyalew, Abemelek; Jemma, Dr. HusseinThis study examines the causes of the popular protests in Ethiopia during 2015-2018 that led to massive human rights violations, and the dynamics in the human rights records of Ethiopia after PM Dr. Abiy held office. Data was gathered through key informant interviews. According to the findings of the study, there has been deprivation in Ethiopia since the EPRDF held office, which was intensified in the post-2015. Citizens were aware of the ongoing deprivation. The popular movements had similar slogans to topple the government. There were also event full protests that followed the Irrecha incident, and the arrest of Col. Demeke that changed the protests into a nascent movement. The finding also suggested that the people were open along with some officials within the government. It was noted that resource mobilization contributed by large to the success of the popular protests. There had been gross human rights violations in Ethiopia since the EPRDF took office, the magnitude intensified since the popular protests erupted in 2015. The dynamism of the human rights landscape in Ethiopia changed since PM Dr. Abiy took office in April 2018. Since then, the government’s direct human rights violations reduced, however, other human rights-violating actors appeared in the picture. These human rights violations were based on ethnic, territorial, and identity claims. These non-governmental human rights violators violated the right to life and also the freedom of expression and association. Because of that, PM Abiy’s administration, regardless of the promise for building a better human rights landscape, success was very much limited, while the human rights violations caused by non-governmental actors increasedItem Challenges Of Cooperation in the Nile and Euphrates-Tigris Basins: A Comparative Analysis(Addis Ababa University, 2014-05) Raga, Tariku; Arsano, Yacob(PhD)The Nile and Euphrates-Tigris Rivers are shared Rivers known by tensions between the riparians over its utilization, despite attempts at cooperation has been made at different times. This study aimed to make a comparative analysis of challenges to cooperation in the Nile and Euphrates-Tigris basins in order to identify from the two basins which is better in terms of attempts of cooperation. Eventhough numerous scholarly works exists on the two River basins, there is a lack of comparative studies which tries to examine challenges to cooperation and identify the river basins approaching to create consensus on its utilization. The research has mainly based on secondary resources and related literature. To this end, the study has been employed the qualitative research method and utilized descriptive and exploratory techniques in order to review the factors hindering cooperation in the shared Rivers of the Nile and Euphrates-Tigris. Despite several factors which hampered the cooperation efforts in the two river basins, attempts at cooperation is not ignored. This can be observed from attempts at cooperation from Hydromet, Undugu, TECCONILE and NBI and later CFA in the Nile basin. In case of the Euphrates-Tigris River various agreements and protocols have been signed and entered into at different times; institution like JTC was created to this end. The major findings among other things include, even though various factors might challenge the cooperation efforts of the two basins, the important ones include: the unbalanced nature of water contribution and benefit accrued between the riparian states, the role of colonial legacy, Non-water issue/issue linkages/, Absence of NGO/CSO involvement and public participation, unilateral water development activities, Adherence to conflicting international water law doctrines, the existence of weak institutional mechanism, the role of power distribution between the riparians. Thus, the challenges observed in both basins are similar with different magnitudes of impeding their cooperation efforts. In addition, as observed from the result of the comparative analysis of the two basins, the Nile River Basin riparians is more approaching to consensus on equitable utilization than the Euphrates-Tigris basin. The evidence for this is that the Nile basin riparians are on the last step of creating Nile Basin Commission while the Euphrates-Tigris riparians are on the initial step of Joint Technical Committee meeting which at this time is not effectively functioning. Key Words: Cooperation, Conflict, Euphrates-Tigris, Nile River, Shared River BasinsItem Challenges of Cooperation in the Nile and Indus River Basins: A Comparative Analysis(Addis Ababa University, 2020-06) Alemneh, Ashumar; Arsano (Phd), YacobThis thesis has made a comparative analysis of the Nile and Indus river basins in specific hydro-political characteristics, hindering factors and challenges to cooperation, and the current hydro-political dynamics in the respective basins. In conducting this particular research, a comparative research design and qualitative research method was employed. With regard to data collection, the research has benefited from various approaches of data collection mainly document analysis. The research has explored the various conceptual, legal, and theoretical frameworks about trans-boundary hydro-politics. Several legal and theoretical doctrines and principles about the use of trans-boundary waters have also been discussed. The researcher has made a comparison in the cooperative attempts made by the Nile and Indus river basins. The findings showed that the Nile and Indus river basins have both similarities and differences in their respective challenges to cooperation. The similarities observed include: prevalence of unilateralism, power asymmetry, colonial legacy, institutional inadequacy, conflicting water use doctrines/ principles, and recently environmental pressure. In some of the hindering factors and challenges to cooperation, there are unique features in the respective basins. While the downstream riparian state is a hydro-hegemonic power in the Nile river basin, the upper riparian state is the case in the Indus river basin. Whereas, political sabotage and proxy war is prominent in the Nile case, Prevalence of terror attack as a means of water security is observed in the Indus basin. In both river basins the possibility to reach conclusive cooperation is severely affected by the mistrust and suspicion of one another. And, the findings concluded that due to the numerous challenges that both the Nile and Indus river basins are faced with, they are both unlikely to attain genuine cooperation at least in the foreseeable future. Key words: Challenges, Cooperation, Nile Basin, Indus Basin, and Trans-boundary RiversItem Changes and Continuities in Ethio Us Security Relationships(Addis Ababa University, 2011-04) Debela, Feleke; Kefale, Asnake(PhD)International relations as a discipline that studies the interactions between and among states have gripped the attention of many scholars. These scholars have derived different theories and principles that are presumed to result in smoother and cooperative relations between and among states. Despite the development of diverse theories and principles of international relations, contacts between and among states have not been as contemplated by those good wishing scholars. In this regard, the coherent nature of international relations- cooperation and conflict-have persistently continued. Plus, these features of international relations are still governing the trends of relations between states. Ethio-US relation is not an exception in this regard. The century old relations between Ethiopia and the United States have so far been traversing through these controversial features- conflict and cooperation. The cooperative features of the Ethio-US relations have contributed to the buildup and the continuity of the cordial relations. On the other hand, the conflicting characteristic of the relations between the two countries have brought in changes in the manner of the relations from a friendly type to an unfriendly mode, or have contributed to the shaping of unpleasant and hostile relations. This essay endeavors to identify the factors that have contributed to the continuity of the friendly relations between the United States and Ethiopia. On the other hand, the factors that have resulted in changes in the gracious relations between the two countries have also been scrutinized. The methodology applied to gather the data is a qualitative one. This method is put in use because; the data used in conducting the research is totally related to words observations, and the approach has been analyzing and interpreting the data. By examining, analyzing and interpreting the data the thesis has identified the factors of Ethio-US security relations. Accordingly, the Kagnew Communication Base, the secessionist group in Eritrea, the Republic of Somalia before and after its disintegration, the Cold War phenomena, the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the geo-political position of Ethiopia, and the international political system have been identified as the major ones. These factors of relations have played different roles in shaping the relations to continue either in a friendly fashion or to change the mode of the relationsItem Changes and Continuities in Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy Since 1991(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10-01) Abdurahman Edao; Hussein Jemma (Dr.)The study focuses on the changes and continuities in the country's foreign policy since 1991. In terms of data gathering, this study consulted both primary and secondary sources of information. Primary data were collected through a series of interviews with key informants. Secondary data were collected from books, journals, published articles, speeches, published and unpublished documents, and internet archives. The study reveals that the post 1991 Ethiopia's foreign relations has been guided by the principle of good neighborliness and peaceful relations with both nearby and distant countries. However, the study found that due to uncertainties in the Horn of Africa region and some of its member states like Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea, Ethiopia's foreign policy under the EPRDF's regime was flawed and initially characterized by passiveness which was reactive in nature. After the 2018, the country's foreign policy underwent another significant shift. The reconciliation with Eritrea after a two-decade-long stalemate received great support both regionally and internationally. On the other hand, this study identifies continuities in Ethiopia's foreign policy despite a change in regime. These include economic diplomacy, regional integration, and multilateralism. Additionally, the study thoroughly examines the challenges to the country's foreign policy. These challenges primarily stem from domestic political unrest, border disputes, terrorism, and cybersecurity. Finally, based on the empirical discussions, the researcher argues that Ethiopia's foreign policy should be guided by the principle of 'peace at home first' and assertive diplomacy.Item Child Rights Protection in Ethiopia And Kenya: A Comparative Analysis(Addis Ababa University, 2015-06) Teka, Birhan; Mebrie, Solomon (PhD)In the four corners of world the notion of protecting the rights of children has got more focus till the ratification of the CRC. So does in Ethiopia and Kenya. Therefore, this research paper comparatively analyzes child rights protection in Ethiopia and Kenya based on the requirements of CRC to which both states are parties. The Main Objective of this study is to explore the experience of Kenya and analyze the challenges and prospects for effective child rights protection in Ethiopia. Qualitative research approach and also comparative research approach for methodology, both primary and secondary data as a data source, Purposive sampling technique for sampling and interview for data collection, exploratory as well as analytical technique for data analysis and system theory, particularly ecological system theory as a theoretical framework is adopted. On the basis of the data analysis the research has found out as both Ethiopia and Kenya are taking legislative as well as administrative and other measures in order facilitated the implementation of CRC. However, Kenya is taking considerable measure that let the country to go at least a step ahead than Ethiopia in terms of protecting the rights of children effectively. In light of Kenya’s experience, the prospects for effective child rights protection in Ethiopia are the very existence of laws as well as their continuous revision and also institutions as well as their efforts like taking part in the law making process via conducting impact assessment and impact evaluation, installing IMS, organizing children parliament and giving training in order to protect the rights of children. There are also certain challenges for effective child rights protection in Ethiopia due to the absence of certain components that create more enabling or protective environment. These are the absence of domestic legislation that entail the mechanism, procedure and remedies for implementing the whole provisions of the Convention, self monitoring mechanism with adequate backing in terms of authority, budget and human resource, CSOs cooperation with independent monitoring mechanisms let alone to function independently in effective manner, continuous assessment of the effectiveness of training in practice, and also the absence of institutions with the necessary services and facilities in order to host children in conflict with law. Thus, in order to protect the rights of children effectively like Kenya among others, legal and institutional measures that solve the challenges should be taken in EthiopiaItem China-Ethiopia Economic and Political Relations Post 1991 Period(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Xiaoguang, Wang; Mathews, K. (PhD)Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1970, particularly since the creation of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2000, China and Ethiopia have forge fruitful exchanges and all-round interaction in the political, economic and cultural areas and also enjoyed closer cooperation in international and regional affairs. Based on this, the main objective of this study is to examine the economic and political relations between China and Ethiopia post 1991. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to assess the economic and political ties. Data were also collected both from primary and secondary sources. The economic and political cooperation between the two countries has shown improvement particularly since 1991. Bilateral political relations have been undergoing healthy and sustainable development and exchanging high level visits are made frequently. Economic cooperation between China and Ethiopia has also expanded rapidly, especially in the areas like agricultural cooperation, renewable and clean energy industry, railway and expressway constructions, and telecommunications. Four important factors have strengthened the current bilateral political and economic relations between China and Ethiopia, and make the bilateral relations indeed bright and promising. However, there have been many challenges to the bilateral relationship between the two countries. FOCAC reflects the form and content of Sino-African relations. Mapping a future for both sides to achieve common prosperity, and Ethiopia greatly benefits from FOCAC, especially from the binding mechanism of FOCAC, diversifying product and export market, financial cooperation, debt relief and cancellations, job creation and poverty alleviation, tourism development, health sector development, human resources development and so on. Further cooperation between China and Ethiopia and China‘s experience of its own development shows that a country cannot develop through dependence on aid, and as a result China‘s cooperation with Ethiopia is based on trade and investment over aid for development. Ethiopia can benefits from pro-business cooperation investments with China. Finally, some suggestions are given to Ethiopian government in order to enable Ethiopia secure the full benefits following the Chinese development model.Item A Comparative Analysis of Hydropolitics in the Rhine and Nile River Basins(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Abebe, Yeshihareg; Arsano, Yacob(PhD)Hydropolitics has gained prime importance in the world as transboundary water resources cover nearly half of the earth surface connecting many states. The Nile and Rhine river basins are among the largest river basins in the world connecting several states. This study proposes to make a comparative analysis of the hydro-politics of these river basins. The study extensively examines the existing hydro-political features and investigates the achievements in terms of legal and institutional cooperation in the two basins. The similarities and differences of river basin management in both basins and the factors rendering those similarities and differences are broadly analyzed. The research is mainly based on secondary resources and related literature. It also has reviewed primary sources extracted from relevant institutions and authorities found in Addis Ababa. The available sources are analyzed through descriptive and explanatory approaches. The findings, among others, include the existence of both similarities and differences of hydropolitical features in the Nile and the Rhine River basins. Similarity is observed in terms of engagement of several states and existence of both tension and cooperation over the shared rivers. Disparity, on the other hand, is observed from the existing difference in range and status of cooperative initiatives along with variations with respect to geographical, economic and political features between the riparian states of the river basins. The findings show the existence of vast differences with limited similarities of hydropolicts in the two river basinsItem A Comparative Study of the African and the European Regional Systems for Protection of Human Rights: Lessons for Africa(Addis Ababa University, 2013-06) Bogale, Befekadu; Mebrie, Solomon (PhD)African and European human rights systems are usually described as young-ineffective and old-effective respectively. Though plenty of scholarly works exists about the two systems, there is lack of comparative studies which tries to elicit similarities and differences between the two systems. Other than providing a descriptive account of the African system and categorizing it as young and ineffective, the existing literatures particularly failed to point-out lessons which can be drawn from experiences of the categorically effective European system. Therefore, by employing the Most Similar Systems Design of the comparative approach under the general qualitative framework, utilizing descriptive and exploratory techniques and based on documentary sources of information, this study examined the similarities and differences between the European and African human rights systems. The intention of the comparison was eliciting lessons which can be drawn from experiences of the European system to its African counterpart. Experience of the European system clearly shows that conducive socio-economic and political conditions, enhanced participation of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), vibrant role of the regional organizations, refined legal instruments and well structured and resourced regional human rights institutions all are vital for the functional efficacy of a regional human rights scheme. Therefore, for functional efficacy of the African human rights system to be enhanced, improvement in the socio-economic and political conditions at the continental level is a fundamental necessity. Secondly, the role of NGOs and NHRIs needs to be strengthened. Thirdly, the African Union (AU) bears, in similar mantra to the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU), the responsibility of fathering the African system. Fourthly, legal regime of the African system, which basically revolves around the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AChHPR), needs to be refined in due consideration of the loopholes such as the claw-back clauses and the ill-defined and/or sidelined rights. Lastly, the mandate, composition, funding, staffing, physical infrastructures and enforcement of the decisions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACoHPR) and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACtHPR) requires major overhauling. All in all, the experience of the European system provides important lessons which may help to enhance functional efficacy of the African human rights system. Key Words: Regional Human Rights Systems, African Regional Human Rights System, European Regional Human Rights System