A Comparative Study of the African and the European Regional Systems for Protection of Human Rights: Lessons for Africa
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Addis Ababa University
African and European human rights systems are usually described as young-ineffective
and old-effective respectively. Though plenty of scholarly works exists about the two
systems, there is lack of comparative studies which tries to elicit similarities and
differences between the two systems. Other than providing a descriptive account of the
African system and categorizing it as young and ineffective, the existing literatures
particularly failed to point-out lessons which can be drawn from experiences of the
categorically effective European system. Therefore, by employing the Most Similar
Systems Design of the comparative approach under the general qualitative framework,
utilizing descriptive and exploratory techniques and based on documentary sources of
information, this study examined the similarities and differences between the European
and African human rights systems. The intention of the comparison was eliciting lessons
which can be drawn from experiences of the European system to its African counterpart.
Experience of the European system clearly shows that conducive socio-economic and
political conditions, enhanced participation of the Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) and the National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), vibrant role of the regional
organizations, refined legal instruments and well structured and resourced regional
human rights institutions all are vital for the functional efficacy of a regional human
rights scheme. Therefore, for functional efficacy of the African human rights system to be
enhanced, improvement in the socio-economic and political conditions at the continental
level is a fundamental necessity. Secondly, the role of NGOs and NHRIs needs to be
strengthened. Thirdly, the African Union (AU) bears, in similar mantra to the Council of
Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU), the responsibility of fathering the African
system. Fourthly, legal regime of the African system, which basically revolves around the
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AChHPR), needs to be refined in due
consideration of the loopholes such as the claw-back clauses and the ill-defined and/or
sidelined rights. Lastly, the mandate, composition, funding, staffing, physical
infrastructures and enforcement of the decisions of the African Commission on Human
and Peoples’ Rights (ACoHPR) and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
(ACtHPR) requires major overhauling. All in all, the experience of the European system
provides important lessons which may help to enhance functional efficacy of the African
human rights system.
Key Words: Regional Human Rights Systems, African Regional Human Rights System,
European Regional Human Rights System
Regional Human Rights Systems, African Regional Human Rights System, European Regional Human Rights System