College of Education and Behavioural Studies
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Item An Investgation Into The Pract'ces And Processes of Curriculum Planning And Development For General Education In Ethiopia Since 1974(Addis Ababauniversity, 1990-06) Deste, Feleke; Bekele, Abebe (PhD)-(ht:: purpose of schooli g is to >ducate I(:~rn ..! rs in SlK.h u "'lay IliJt they will c C'b lt! to cor:tributc to the wclf~ re " nu strength of scci ·!ty, und to r ': eo llze a f II d< v lopment of thir p.)tcnti;:·1 as human ein~s. In order to do t his , curricula are pl "'nr.~ d r'nd Q(;v -Ioped, t (:achers uro trilincd, t <::,·t books and oth-.!r ,l.::'terials rc <"IS0 produced. T ~· attClir its nd-result ~, n cducationol progrum must be planned Qnd d velopcd s / sterr.~, tiCr"~ lI y using () curriculum d v .:; loprr..; 1t model of ne kind. This fact Is one. that h"s jscapcd mt~ r.y ~cr50ns' t.lth.:ntion in s 'vcr;")1 p l n c ~s. f. curriculum dl:velopment m"d;':;! is said t (' be in 13ctu~1 us wh..;r. professionals charg c! with thr.- task shGre <1 sense of comme, rl iity .::xcmplifkd by a strong nl:twork of its concf.:ptual and m ~ 1 commitments that gcv rns their wc.rk. Such a conc ptual schc '!11 ... serves t sy ltheslzc ;) \1 und(;rtakk, gs i:lnd to rGvca l prubk.m sciutions thClt ilrise in I.: rning. he me jor objl..ctiv'· A this study is to make on Invcstigatio"1 into '~he Pr ?ctict;s and Pr ;c~ss,-s r f Curriculum Ploilnl 9 and D v<...lopmcnt for GI:mer ;J1 :::.ducati n in Ethiopia since 197~1 ~Ii h a focus (m thu und rlying m(jd~l. n s J doing, uttcmpts (I r ~ mndc to 9ath~r informCltion from pr tQ s~ionals \'/orki. 9 in th'4 Institute - for Curriculum Dev Icpme: 'It ( 11d ~~ cs~arch and officials charged with Cduc:l tlGn policy d cisivn-m;:>kiIl9 at the lev; 1 of the. istry. This inf_ rm13tion is obtain,-d thrnug quo sti(..nnairl;;s unci Int;rv ·~ws from the twr. grcups fTI ntion ~d . !~ esults hardly sU9S st th(7;t there exists:) ::!gr ·,:-,d- 'pc n curriculum dev ' lopment fr;C'del which con direct the ;:>I ~r.n ing clndItem The Prediction of the Academic Achievement of Students from High School Grade Point Average, ESLCE and Selected Aptitude Tests in the Junior College of Commerce(Addis Ababa University, 1991-06) Aderra, Kebede; Yimer, Mekonnen (PhD)The purpose of this study was to identify the relative effectiveness of high school grade point average (HSGPA), Differential Aptitude test (Verbal & Numerical section), and Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Exarnination(ESLCE) results as predictors of academic success in the Junior College of Commerce. The sample to which the. findings of the study referred were 247 students "Tho were adlni tted to the Junior College of Commerce in the Academic year 1990/91. Using m~tiple correlation and regression analyses, the effectiveness of each independent variable was identified. It revealed that both HSGPA and DAT test scores significantly predicted students academic performance in the college. However, the predictive ability of the DAT test scores varied within different fields of studies. Neither ESICE GPA nor ESICE Maths results significantly contributed in c:redicting colle ge performR.TIce. Hm·rever, ~ICE English test resul t has shown significant correlation coefficient for the total group as well as for the group ma2orL~g in Accounting, Purchasing and Supplies Management and Secret erial Sc i ence and Office Mangement. The ESICE-Englieh test score 21so significantly accounted for the varia'lce in colle!3'e ',rork fer the group majoring in Secreterial f:cience a~d (iffice Man8 f1:ement. Finally , suggestions ,-rere e:iven conceI'!1in~ the Admission p-11d ulacement criteria as well as the need f or further research LTJ. the area.Item Factors That Influence Academic Performance of Trainees in the Hahar Teacher Training(Addis Ababa University, 1991-06) Zergaw, Demis; Bekele, Abebe (PhD)In an attempt made to study the effect of trainee academic background and other related factors in the secondary school upon performance in the T.T.I. and the curricular i mplications thereof, correlation and regression methods, questionnaires, and interviews were used. The study was conducted in order to investigate if there were any problems of poor performance and, with this, to create problem awareness and to seek solutions as well. Results have suggested that there tends to exist a problem of low level of performance in the T.T.I. They have also pointed out that this performance is an outcome not of the level of qualification of teachers, or the volume of books available in the schools from which the trainees were recruited, but of their previous level of academic achievement, and more a function of the degree of differential academic exposure. Outcomes have also indicated that the curriculum development process has not employed the steps in developing the curriculum as effectively as they should ha ve been so as to cont ribute to a rise of performance to a level that could bringabout a desirable level of compet ence. Based on these outcomes, it is recommended that the training programme should devise appropriate mechanisms that c o'uld be he l pful to raise performance l evels such as r emedial cla sses . It is also reco n~ended tha t the process of curriculum construction should strictly adhere to the steps that must be followed in producing the curriculum for better effectiv eness with the programme it guides. At la st , it i s suggested that relative spe cialization of trainees in some broader areas of specialization (e.g . Social Sci ence, Na tura l Science) could be taken as a solution to problems emanating f rom the ef fe ct of differential academic exposure. Of course, this i s when consideration is g i ven to trainee n eeds . It could be impelemented by making use of such attributes of trainees as the already recorded ab ility , result s of pretests, and id ent i f i ed int eres ts as a basis for s treaming into different are as or r el a tive specia l ization .Item Analysis of the Development Process of the Bahir Dar Teachers' College Pedagogical Syllabus(Addis Ababa University, 1991-06) Kassahun, Nigussie; Bekele, Abebe (PhD)The purpose of this study was to analyze the development process of the Bahir Dar Teachers' College Pedagogical syllabus with the intention of determining its effectiveness. A model was identified and relevant literature was to have an understanding of the principles and employed in the process of syllabus development in the identified model. An attempt was made to see between the model and what has been practiced development of the program. reviewed criteria light of the fit in the To this end different methods of data gathering tools such as questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used to get the necessary information. The data obtained through the different tools and document analysis was interpreted and analyzed. The findings indicate that the syllabus for the pedagogy program was first developed in 1973-74 and was revised 1n 1977-78. The first syllabus was found to have been developed following a systematic procedure guided by a theoretical framework. In the process attempts were made to follow the objectives model to some extent. Needs were assessed and objetives were determined on the basis of the information obtained. content selection and evaluation were also points of conern in the development of the syllabus. However, there were certain limitations and these were attributed to shortage of time caused by the urgency of the task. The second revised program appeared after the "Edget Behiberet Zemecha". The development of the revised program was found out to be lacking any theoretical framework used as a guideline due to lack of clearly set educational aim. This was so because the direction of the Ethiopian Revolution by then was not known to anyone so as to formulate a clearly defined national aims of education. Though the syllabus development process of the college was influenced by factors which hindered it not to follow any systematic procedure at its initial it has remained without being revised since then. After analysing the findings it was concluded syllabus development practice fails to fit the model and is found to be ineffective. that the objectives Based on the findings, which includes the views of the graduates of the program, it is recommended that the program needs to be revised in such a way that defects could be rectifiedItem All Ass&Ssmelit of Teachers' Peryormabces Iii Currioulum Implbkentati(I{ (Illu.Anor Smior Secondary Schools Ii Focus)(Addis Ababauniversity, 1991-06) Dinka, Hailu; Desta, Azeb (PhD)vItIIa MarO./JUlle 1990, a stuq was oarrie4 > t ill III ~a •• r Seai r Seeoai~ to assess tke pert ~aaees .f teackers .t tile aca4ea:l.c suD~eot. 1». ourricula illpl ' e.tati ••• · ft.. 'itasic q estiollS wlaick tAe s't'aq atteaptet t. uswer were: > (1) n. teacAera select, structare aal ~ rcaaise tAe e •• te.t. _t tAe su.~eets taq teaell t. faoll1tat'etlle pl_i..... .e: Dclisi •• • t hstracti.1 (ii) Do all teac1lera eJDl~ gpropriate aetJa tat tecUiqlles, au. proen.res ia teac1d.ac1 (111) De teacaera Dow ~ attevt t oTero ' ae t~e u.rtace f te~e~-le~ aateriala1 (iv) De teacllera WI. c---.1t:r resn.ree. t. tke M.vaatace -,.f ~:astruct1o.1 ad (T)' Do teaclu~r8 ~r vi ... f.r c ••c eras ot tke learaers?-. Oae alUlirea tllrJ. V tnr tea llera troa a asaple .f teee seAO Is partieipatH. :lA t1le stu..,.. nrouga tlle use .f questieaa1re, o.serYati DS, ani l.tervievs, lata were collect ... troa teaeaers. Directors 'and stuae.ts were alao iaterviev~. T1te lata collecte .. were anaJ.;rzei usiac peree.taces, averaces, mn-8fj,uare tistri8uti.a, aU. iater,retatioJlS ia. re1st1 •• t. Ii terat1lre ill tae fiell ot eurric1ll1lll u4 instruoti... h particular, II J OOsOD. • a 'Ilodel of ovriculua tAeor.r- was taken as .. ,. a tr8lle .t r~ erence;' . ~. . , - . - MaJor tilldiDCa of t e stuq were (i) Teacaers ... 0 .... (select •• , structured, and reorcaaizei) tAe co.teats .t tAe sultjects tA.,. teacll to tacili tate tAe plan.iU.q &:AI execusi.1l ot instructio., (ii) Too m~ teacaers vere uaconceraei a.out tAe sllort~e ot bstructional materials ia th.e su'itjeota tll.~ teacll, (iii) TeacAers tende4 to 4elloutrate a less trequellt use ot appropriate procedures ani tecluri.ques in teaclliDC 04 .. sigDificaat eifference was o.servei aetwee. all teacaers iA regari, (1 v) Iew teacaers used tlle coaamd t.r tor IlUca t taeir teac1liac, aai (v) Teac1I.ers assistea tae lear,aers o~ tllrouga 1nforll8J. uvic~ and ellcourageaeats. 0. tae .asis of the firuJi DeS it was reco_eDd_ to (i) Orgaaize workskops ani semi.ara ter teacaers to 1I.elp taea aaster tae metko4s and teca.iques ot teaclli~, (ii) Aavise teacaers to prociuce their own teac1li~ aiels, (iii) Encourage teacllers to llSe collJlUlli ty resoruces, ~i v) Moaili ze tAe scaool aa t1l.e surrounding coaaunity ter tAe upkeepi., uj, .ailltenaace ot tlle se.ool, and (v) Make eo.tinous follow ups .r teacll.ersItem Personality Types and Academic Achievement Motivation as Correlates of College Academic Performance(Addis Ababa University, 1992) Tefera, Daniel; Wondimu, Habtamu (PhD)Different research outcomes indicate that noncognitive variables play important roles in detemlining students success or failure in educational activities. The present study aimed at the investigation of the effects of some of these noncognitive variables on college academic performance of our students. More specifically, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality types, academic achievement motivation, status on admission and academic performance of college students. A separate and combined effect of each of the independent variable on academic performance was scrntinized. Two hundred thirty nine second year diploma students of KCTE were selected randomly. Data on personality variables and academic achievement motivation were obtained from MPI and AAM Self-Report inventory administered to these subjects. Students' personal documents and academic records were consulted in order to get data concerning status on admission and academic performance. Data were analyzed using chi-square test of independence, analysis of ....... variance, and stepwise regression analysis. The results of statistical analysis indicated that both personality dimensions (Introversion/Extraversion and Stability -Neuroticism) and personality types (stable introversion, stable extraversion, unstable introversion, and unstable extraversion) failed to have significant relationshop with CGPA of the subjects. Above average academic achievement motivation is found to be a factor in academic success. Status on admission is also found to affect academic excellence where the nonregulars were found to be inferior in their academic performance and as well as in their academic achievement motivation. Taken as a whole personality types, academic achievement motivation, and status on admission are found to have significant relationship with first year CGPA of the subj ects. Since the result of this study signals to the educationalists as to the importance of noncognitive variables, further research aimed at investigating the importance of noncognitive variables in the process of education is recommended.Item An Evaluation of Grades 9 -12 English Curriculum and Its Implementation In Schools At Capitals of Ethiopian Adm!Nistrative Regions As Causes For Students' Deficiency in English(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Bedanie, Mellese; Tsehaye, Ambaye (PhD)The purpose of this study is to find out the causes for students' deficiency in English with particular reference to g~ades 9-12 English curriculum and its implementation in schools at capitals of Ethiopian administrative regions. To thi s effect}data on Grades 9-12 English curriculum objectives and content have been secured ~,i th the hel p o f curricular document analyses and unstructured interviews made wi th members of the English Panel in the Institute for Curriculum Development and Research(ICDRJ . On the other hand, info~mation on the curriculum implementation is obtained through questionnaire and interviews conducted to grades 9-12 English teachers; class observations; instructional media chec~~-lists; assessment of course and weekly lesson plans, examination and test papers in 10 senior secondary schools which have been selected with the help o~ quota sampling techn ique. The results o~ data analyses, interpretations and discussions indicate that one of the causes for students' defi ciency in English is the design and implementation of the curriculum, which in accordance to the findings of this paper, focus on: Ambiguity and insufficiency of the curriculum objecti ves ; absence of communicative language; high dosage of grammatical descriptions; irrelevance of reading passages J vocabulary items and e >! erci ses as cur-ricul urn contents and their unsystematic selection and gradation; shortage and or absence of appropriate instructional facilities, plans, methods, techniques and evaluation strategies for implementing it. In synthesis , t hese findings reveal the pitfalls in grades 9-12 English curriculum and it s implementation which caused students' deficiency in English; and hoped to serve policy m a~~ers , the ICDR and teachers as frame of references to change the curricul um and improve its instruction.Item An Investigation o£ History T aching In Eth10pian Senior Secondary School: Historical Perspectives and Curr nt Status(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Fisseha, Abebe; Desta, Azeb (PhD)The study was conducted to 1t1v tigate the teaching o:f his ory i th respect 0 :four d problems, viz., the bas1c reasoning:fo the place nt o:f his ory in the senior cond ry school curriculu, th pr ct c sand p ocesaes o:f yll u. develop en, he teaching strategies, hods and chn ques, and the eaching materials us d both in the pas and h pre n. to this nd both historic land descrip ive- urvey research techniques were employed. the historic 1 earch att mpted to 1nvest1gate what happen d nd hy it happened in a d :f n1te chronological period. it indicated trends, dev lop nts, phas , or perspectives o:f past hi tory teach1ng 1n eth op1an senior condary chools. main :findings o:f the historical study were: (i) the 1ncl usion o:f h1stor y in the en10r secondary school curriculum vas a conca i tant develop en with the beginning o:f secondary education in the country; (ii) at the earlier stage the h1story syllab1 were solely constructed by subject specialists; (iii) be:fore 1963 the teaching o:f history vas not a1 ed at enabling students to know so ething about their 0 n country; (iv) except the 1967 syllabus, all other yllabi re:fl cted the traditional vie o:f his ory te ching; the object1ves o:f the syllabi were the acquisi ion o:f knowledge; the view o:f history reckoned that tudents should learn h s ory to know about the past and history teaching e phasiz d on the transmission o:f 1n:formation. the descriptive-survey research atte pted to describe the present status o:f history teaching, with particular re:ference to the senior secondary schools o:f addis ababa. the :findings o:f this descr1ptiv study are mostly re:flective o:f he situat on in thes chools. the descriptive-survey del" ved data :fro a questionnaire, 1nterv1evs and a classroo observation. the deta obtained :from the quest onneire were tabulated and pre nted 1n tables expressed in nu bers and perc en ages. the views o:f he interviewee ere used to substantiate the int :cpretation, atialy is and the discussion wherever deemed tlecessar"y. the .~requ nci s o:f he categor1es embodied in the 0 servation chedule expressed as average les on percentages. to d r irl<:." v r"1at on among the obse:cv d t achers in us ng the e t gori a, to-way n ly is of ar anc (te cher by v1sit) e rri d out.. if) :findings of the descriptive-survey roh v :ce: i) school dministr tor nd princ1pal to n su ption th t anyon wto could d nd und rand i pr ented in th textbook could teach h1story; ) high level o:f di ati f c on among history te cher qu lity o:f h curl" n" ducational prov1b10ns; ii1) h t• ching h1gh y t x book orient d; 'v) h iz his 0 yes roo i :found to be big. a 1 rge group in with xpository ching s r tegy predo in tes th 0 cl th r is no ~ gni:ficant di :f r nce ong t ch s xpo i ory t t gy (f = .48, 9 d:f, p < 0.001)Item Leader Role Behavior of Senior Secondary School Principals in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Baraki, Zenebe; Shibeshi, Ayalew (Ass.Prof)This study was undertaken to assess the level of effectiveness of senior secondary school principals in Ethiopia as they predispose their influence over their staff both in task performance and group satisfaction (morale) activities. The analysis was based on the application of Halpin's 'Behavioral' model. A rigorous statistical procedure was employed on the data derived basically from the perceptual ratings of the three independent groups that bear a direct impact on the principalS leadership rQle. !he outcome of the data analysia revealed that, fewer principals were on the 'trans~~tional style' with the largest proportion emphasizing a consideration behavior~ perhaps affecting school effectiveness. On the whole, the findings showed that factors significant in school leadership are centred around student enrolle~ent size, staff motivation, principals' manag~ent training, and the attitudes of the '!Iork groups towards the power of the principal. It was thus suggested that to improve the leadership capacity of principals the present status of schools with respect to ever increasing enrollment, lower staff morale, and bottlenecks in finance and facilities must be tackled adequately before individual principal's excellence and effectiveness can be realized.Item An Evaluation of the Planning System of the Adult Literacy Programmed of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Dessie, Yalew; Ghedai, Abebe (PhD)This study has attempted to evaluate the planning system practiced in the literacy progr8Jllme of Ethiopia. It tried to investigate whether there is substantial relationship between the programme planning system experienced in the literacy programme of Ethiopia and the planning system advocated by unesco sponsered conferences, and different adult educators. The study used a combination of descriptive and analytical research methods. The data for the study were obtained from three sources i.e. review of related literature, the documents issued in the programme, and interview. Puprosive sample of people, in the Department of Adult Education, were used in the process. Unstructured interview instruments were developed and used in the study. As a consequence of the nature of the instrument used, the findings of the study were presented by way of qUQlitative explanations about the adequacies and inadequacies of the planning system deployed. According to the findings of the study, the literacy programme was massive C8Jllpaign thQt sought to make all adult men and women in the nation literate within around seven years. In this perspective, the programme's plan resembled to be ambitious. The intention of the government to promote the literacy programme was mainly for political purposes which appear to be narrow in its scope. In the planning process of the literacy programme, no study of the melieu had been executed to integrate the national necessities with the needs expressed by the different social groups. A Single model was· used without any adaptation being made to different geographical areas or the needs of different social groups. The planning system exercised in the literacy programme was based on a centralized model as that of the formal ed~cation. This approach is contradictory to the principles of adult literacy programmes. The needs and problems of the local communities were largely overlooked and not reflected in the curriculum designed. This. imply that the curriaulum was not functional and responsive to the local needs of adult participants. Several problems were inherent in the progr8JllJlle as a result of the defects of the planning system used.The programme planning and the implementation pattenms applied in the literacy programme were not adopted and adhered to the basic principles of functional literacy that have been widely acknovdedged for effective literacy programmes. The implication the writer has drawn from this is that the effectiveness of , the literacy programme is doubtful. Over and above, the progralJlllle has been characterized by acute shortage of specially trained literacy workers 1n the field of adult education. This suggests that the programme's activities were mainly based on mere chances. Very little attention has been given to the training of literacy agents compared to the formal education in the country. Consequently, it is difficult to expect effective qualitative outcomes from the programme. In conclusion, there are clearly noticed differences between the planning system experienced in the literacy and the planning system vlidely advocated by different adult educators. On the basis of the findings of the study recommendations were made with the premise of improving the programme planning system. Moreover, the paper suggests for the restructuring of the exieting adult lieracy programme of the nation.Item An Evaluation of the Teaching of Biology in Some Selected Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa Vis-A-Vis An Enquiry Model(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Kelemu, Mekuanent; Desta, Azeb (PhD)An evaluation of the Teaching of Biology in Some selected Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Abeba vis avis an Enquiry Model. It has been reiterated that sc i e nce teaching can by no mea ns be properly accomplished by merely telling s tudents abou t sc i e ntific f acts , principles and genera liza ti ons. Science educators, school science teache rs and s cientists have emphasized the need for a problem-solving or enquiry approach to science teachi ng rather th a n presenting it as sa nctifi ed body of knowledge. To this end, they have stressed a nd pOinted out the preferred way; i.e ., science teaching shou ld be based on the nature of science and s hould help students understand the process of scientific enquiry without which an ad e qua t e understanding of any science subject would not be possible. The teaching of biol ogy, as a science, follows the premises of s cience teaching. The object of this study was to evaluate the present Biology Cur riculum for Senior Secondary Schools of Ethiopia and its implementation aga inst an Enquiry Model for Biology Teaching and thereby see whether or not it is in line with modern trends in science teaching. For this purpos e, the questions, practical activities and "Narrations of enquiry " included in 15 even numbered units of the four textbooksItem An Investigation of History Teaching in Ethiopian Senior Secondary Schools: Historical Perspective and Current StatuB(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Fisseha, Abebe; Desta, Azeb (PhD)The study was conducted to investigate the teaching of history with respect to four associated problema, viz., the basic reasoning for the placement of history in the senior secondary school curriculum, the practices and processes o£ syllabus development, the teaching strategies, methods and techniques, and the teaching materials used both in t he past and the present. To this end both historical and descriptive survey research techniques were employed. The historical research attempted to investigate what happened and why it happened in a definite chronological period. It indicated trends, de~elo-pments, phases_lor p.arspec_LLves o£_ teaching in Ethiopian senior secondary schools. Main findings of the historical study were: (i) The inclusion of history in the senior secondary school curriculum was a concomitant development with the beginning of secondary education in the country;Item Communication Problems in Government Senior Secondary Schools of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) K/Mariam, Girmay; Workineh, Tilahun (PhD)The abjective of this. study was to investigate the effectiveness of organizational communication taking place between the school principals and the two groups of subordinates - the academic and administrative staft members. The data was collected from 28 principals, administrative s~affeo members, and 310 teachers selected 12 senior secondary achools of Ethiopia by systematic: sampling method. Two schoolS were picked by lottery (simple random. sampling method) from each zone in the country. types of uestionnairea Two were employed to collect th necessary data from the principals and their subordinates. The study revealed that principals do not have a thorough understanding of the general principles of organizational communication and they have not applied them in their schools • . Because of this and other reasons, staff member a seem to lack the courage and interest to transmit the-ir suggestions, comments, etc. upwards. Although the flow of messages is primarily downward that even not , ' look to be effective. Generally, it appea~sdoes tha.t there is no conducive climate for communication and this; has m the networks; faulty and not able to facilitate school work. It is believed that these problems can be alleviated by organizing worksAops and training programs to acquaint prinoipals witA the basic prinoiples of communication 80 tha,t thel oen 1.Jlprove cOJ1Ullu.nication ill the .s chools.Item Type of Schooling, Socioeconomic Status Grade Level and Sex Differences on Raven's Progressive Matrices Test(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Mekonnen, Fisseha; Hussein, Abraham (PhD)The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not scores on Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Test, a 'culture-fair' measure of general mental ability, are affected by cultural and environmental influences. The Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Test (1958) Was therefore, administered to 599, Seventh; ninth-, and eleventh-grade Ethiopian students who had a considerably heterogeneous. cultural and environmental experiences. It was hypothesized that, the mean scores obtained on the Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices Test would not be different when the subjects are grouped under type of schooling, socioeconomic status, grade level and sex. Different levels of factorial designs were employed to examine group mean differences, and simple and partial correlations were computed in examining relatio~ships between the Raven's Test and the treatment variables. The results of the study indicated that, mean scores on the Raven's Test vary significantly with type of schooling, SES, and grade level. No significant mean difference was obtained for sex. In addition, very low but significant correlations were obtained between the Raven's Test and the treatment variablea except wi th sex. The results generally support the previous. findings obtained in other contexts, and suggest that the Baven's Test is not a 'culture-fair' test of general mental ability. Future. research may be undertaken to find out the effect of factors considered in this study and other factors with regard to the usefulness of the Raven's Test, more specifically the influence of environmental experiences and academic achievement on the Bevan Test.Item Evaluation of the Teaching Skill of Pedagogical Course Instructors in Some Selected Teacher Training Institutes of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 1992-07) Gebreyesus, Getachew; Bekele, Abebe (PhD)The purpose of this study was two fold. First, it attempted to appraise the classroom teaching skill of the instructors of professional courses (Pedagogics and Psychology) in Harar and Debrebirhan Teacher Training Institutes. Secondly, it examined the implications of factors; such as skill training experience (both at pre-service and in service levels) to the instructors- present classroom performance. Moreover, it investigated as to whether or not contextual factors - classroom condition, size of trainees, teaching load and years of teaching experience have bearing upon the instructional performance of the teachers. Two complementary forma ts (Preliminary assessment and Final evaluation) were employed to appraise the instructional performance of each instructor in two different sessions. following the appraisal, questionnaire and document analyses were used to obtain information pertaining to the factors expected to have bearing upon the evaluative results. The findings related to the appraisal showed that greater number of the instructors (51.25%) were ranked less adequate in view of the majority of the criterion variables in the final-evaluation format. 24.25% of them were judged average, while the remaining 24.50% were found more adequate. In connection with this, the skill training programmes which the instructors have experienced both at pre-service and in-service levels were found inadequate and identified as major factors which have worked along with the instructors' teaching skill. In contrast, the contextual factors were found to have little impact upon the instructors performance, and were taken to have little effect upon the evaluative results. Finally, the practical implications of the findings to the practices of teacher education programmes both at college and T.T.I levels were discussedItem Effects of Students ' Physical Attractiveness, Sex, Ethnicity, and Achievement on Teacher Expectancy Formation,(Addis Ababa University, 1993) Jemberu, Tsehaie; Teffera, Tirusew (PhD)Several studies indicate that various student characteristics play important roles ln the formation of teacher e xpectation. The ma i n purpose of the present stud y was to in vestigate the effects of students' ph ysical attractl veness, se x , ethnicity, and achievement on teacher expectation formation. To accomplish this task, four photographs with two leve ls of attractiveness, six ethnic names as indicators of student ethnicity, two se xes, and two groups of achievement resu lts were systematically combined to produce 24 hypothetical fifth grade students. An identical essay supposedly written by the student and some other identical information was compiled and written for each of the 24 students. A total of 576 teachers were randomly selected from three regions and were asked to rate the essay and give their future expectat ions. ANOVA results showed that achievement was the prominent factor in influencing both teachers ' rating of th e essay and teachers' future e xpectations. Student sex also influenced teachers' rating of the essay. Fema l e teachers were also found to be more optimistlc in their future e xp ectations than male teachers. Except for few interactlons all other varlables did not show significant differences in biasing teacher essay rating and future expectations.Item A Study On Ability Grouping and Its Effects on Selected Instructional Aspects In Selected Senior Secondary Schools of Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 1993-06) Setegn, Lemma; Gehdai, Abebe (PhD)The purpose of this study has been to find out the effects of ability grouping on the instructional processes , that is, on the uti lization of resources, application of the different methods and techniques of teaching , the academic achievement; the socials and emo tional development of the students; and final l y, its effects on the working cond i t i ons and work relationship of the teaching staff in selected senior secondary schools of Addis Ababa. To this end, samples of students and members of the academic staff have been selected random l y and were made to fill in the questionnaires prepared for each of them. In addition to this, a randomly selected the Ethiopi ~Sc h oo ls Leav ing Cert if icate Examination ( ESLCE ) results of a matching he terogeneously taught students and a homogeneously treated g r oups; a randomly selected c l assroom observations and interviews with the regional education office authorities have been used as the sources of data. The analysis o f the data col l ected fr om the d ifferent sources s h owed that there are no significant differences in the utilization of the resources o f the schoo l s , in the application of the different methods and techniques of teaching. Similarly, the comparison of the academic achiev ements of t he heterogeneously taug.t students of thepre -g r ouping ability prac tice and those o f the homogeneously grouped and taught students haven 't shown significant differences which are in favour o f the special grouping. Thus. showing that the expected purpose s o f the grouping practice in the region have not been attained. Although the re are no significant differences in the Academic ach ievements. the grouping practice has showed some positive and negative effects on the social and e motional development of both special and non-special group student. However . the negative effects seem to be more and stron/j[er on the non-special group students. Though there are the des ire to exce 1. high inte llectua l curiosity, self-reliance. sociability and truthfulness among the independence. spec ial c lass students. t here are some negat i ve c haracte ristics that are man ifested by them. These inc l ude. the artif i cially inflated self-esteem or superio rity corrlPelex. boasting. and some others which have not been o bserved in the heterogeneo u s l y grouped students by the staff and the students the mselves . The negative effects o f the prac tices seem to be higher and stronger on the non-special class students than on the special c l ass stude nts. It has stigmatized t hem . It made them feel inferior to their pee rs . lose interest in the school. develop low self-image. lac k self-contro l . etc.Finally, the findings showed that the ability grouping practice has not showed any significant effect on the teachers' working conditions and work relationships. This is so, because there have been no clearly stated guidelines as to how the practice has to be accomplished and the demands and competenc i es required from the teaching staff whic h consquenty would have affected then!. They teach almost as wha t they had been doing in a heterogeneously grouped classes . The teaching met hods and techniques they use in the special and non- special classes are more or less the same . Therefore, the effects o f the practice on the teaching staff are lirr!ited. Eventhough the contribut i on o f the ability grouping in the schools a re very limited, its negative effects on the students are higher than its pos itive effects. To maximize the contribution of t he p r actice i n the instructiona l p r ocess and minimize t.he negat i ve effec ts, it needs a c l early set guidelines on the different activities. The teachers need training. The separation o f the school who lly f o r the special students seems logical. In addition t o this, the number of sections and the large size of the students in each sec tions are Borne o f the great obstacles to mate rialize the plan. So it needs great attention to get good results from the practice .Item Major Factors Affecting The English Achievement Upper Primary School Pupils Ik Gondar Town(Addis Ababauniversity, 1993-06) Ayele, Abera; Bekele, Abebe (PhD)The quality of education as reflected in academic achievement can not be divorced from the complex set of social and educational factors which interplay to affect learning processes and outcomes. The qu e stion "what makes a difference in academic performance?" has been addressed by different researchers from both the developed and the developing countries. Within the developed countries much is known about the determinant-achievement relationships. In the developing countries, however, the findings are inconclusive and inconsistent. The purpose of the study was to examine the extent to which variables used in the Educational Production Function and the Process-Product research approaches explain differences in grade five and six pupils ' English achievement. Specifically, the study attempted to investigate the relative impact on pupils' achievement of seven home, six pupil, six schoolclassroom and eleven teacher related variables. This task was accompl ished by regressing thirty independent variables for each grade level. The dependent variable used as a criterion measure was achievement test prepared by the investigator based on the objectives and contents determined by the Ministry of Education for the respective grade levels. The thirty independent variables were selected on the basis of revi ew of literature. Information on the independent variables was secured using three basic tools of data collection: Questionnnaire. school and classroom inventory. and classroom evaluation rating scale. The r e lati onship b e tween the thirty ind ependent variables and pu p ils ' a c hi evement at each grade l evel was analysed by the me thod of multipl e r egression. A variable ' s statistical impact on the d epend ent va riabl e was a c cept ed as significant at 0.05 a level or better. Results of the analysis revealed that variables describing home. pupil. school-classroom and teacher attributes have differential impacts on stud ents ' English achievement~ some var iables (such as class repeti tion, father ' s education and planning skill) show ed statistically significant impacts while others ( s u ch as pupl sex, cla ss - ize, and family-size) exerted nonsignificant influence. Based on these findings some basic co n c lu~i o ns ar e r each ed and r e lat ed r ecomm endations forwardedItem A Strategy for Managing Conflict in the Primary Teachers Training Institutes Ofetidopia(Addis Ababa University, 1993-06) Wele, Fekru; Tefera, Seyoum (PhD)The purpose of this study is, to investigate the individual, at the managing conflict strategies of interpersonal, group, and intergroup levels, as well as, to device appropriate tactics for the effective management of conflict arising in the Primary Teachers' Training Institutes of Ethiopia. Efforts were made to identify the types and causes of conflicts, conflict resolving and disciplinary mechanisms; and the major duties conflicts. Were Hence, the sample population used in the study ~4l staffs of principals in the management of randomly selected academic and administrative They are from the five zonal sampled institutes. At the same time, interviews, individual reports, and selected case studies were used to sUbstantiate the data. The computed data, using arthimatic mean, t-tests, spearman-Rank-order-correlation coefficient (rs)~Chi-square goodness-or-fit, and percentages, were used and the findings and conclusions conflict: intergroup were drawn. intrapersonal,conflicts with In this interpersonal their way, the type intragroup generating factors of and were identified. Integrating, compromising and problem solving mechanisms, oral and written reprimands, and punishment in fine disciplinary techniques showed high rate of applications for the management of conflicts. The high rank order correlation (.86) and t-tes t (no significant mean rank difference) between the academic and the administrative staffs indicated that there was high degree of agreement of attitudes towards the duties of the principals on controlling conflicts in the institutes.Item Assessing the T.T.I. Amharic Syllabus(Addis Ababa University, 1993-06) G/kirkos, Amdeselasie; Adamu, TaddeleThe purpose of this thesis is to assess the developmental processes of the Amharic syllabus for the Teachers Training Institutes (T.T.I's). It is the purpose of this thesis to examine whether or not the Amharic syllabus is properly developed and processed on the basis of the Tyler Model. The thesis further fries to determine whether the concerned head officials of the Institute for Curriculum Development and Research, the Department of Teacher Education and the T.T.I's Amharic instructors - are well aloare of or/ and have a clear knowledge of the Tyler Model, In connection with this, it attempts to clearly indicate whether there i s any definite model that the concerned professionals adhere to when developing a curriculum or/ and a syllabus. To achieve these objectives, the necessary data were collected, analysed ~nd discussed. Initially, for a syllabus to be well planned, developed and prepared, many factors have to be considered. These include the involvement of experienced experts, the cooperation and devotion of the experts and the continuous effort of the concerned professionals in general. Taking this point into account, however, the results of the study have show~d that: 1. There is no definite model whatsoever throughout the educational system in general and for the designing of the T.T.I. Amharic syllabus in particular. 2. The Amharic syllabus for the T.T.I's is not properly planned and developed on the basis of the Tyler Model. There has not been any change O( improvement made on the syllabus since was :' { "~; )1Q(fy Fi€;lClltcJ ,',1 ( 9 f~C E' C)3. Most of the Amharic instructors are not clear about the basic ~~f principles of the Tyler Model. This doesAmean, however, that they do not have a theoretica l knowledge of the model. The point is that they are not clear about the guiding principles of the model. On the basis of the finding s , an attempt has been made to put forward releyant recommendations towards taking deliberate actions for the proper planning, deve l oping and improvement of the Amharic syllabus for the T.T.l's so that there will be a possi~ bility of producing effective primary teachers of enhancing the teaching-~earning process of the elementary education