All Ass&Ssmelit of Teachers' Peryormabces Iii Currioulum Implbkentati(I{ (Illu.Anor Smior Secondary Schools Ii Focus)

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Addis Ababauniversity


vItIIa MarO./JUlle 1990, a stuq was oarrie4 > t ill III ~a •• r Seai r Seeoai~ to assess tke pert ~aaees .f teackers .t tile aca4ea:l.c suD~eot. 1». ourricula illpl ' e.tati ••• · ft.. 'itasic q estiollS wlaick tAe s't'aq atteaptet t. uswer were: > (1) n. teacAera select, structare aal ~ rcaaise tAe e •• te.t. _t tAe su.~eets taq teaell t. faoll1tat'etlle pl_i..... .e: Dclisi •• • t hstracti.1 (ii) Do all teac1lera eJDl~ gpropriate aetJa tat tecUiqlles, au. proen.res ia teac1d.ac1 (111) De teacaera Dow ~ attevt t oTero ' ae t~e u.rtace f te~e~-le~ aateriala1 (iv) De teacllera WI. c---.1t:r resn.ree. t. tke M.vaatace -,.f ~:astruct1o.1 ad (T)' Do teaclu~r8 ~r vi ... f.r c ••c eras ot tke learaers?-. Oae alUlirea tllrJ. V tnr tea llera troa a asaple .f teee seAO Is partieipatH. :lA t1le stu..,.. nrouga tlle use .f questieaa1re, o.serYati DS, ani l.tervievs, lata were collect ... troa teaeaers. Directors 'and stuae.ts were alao iaterviev~. T1te lata collecte .. were anaJ.;rzei usiac peree.taces, averaces, mn-8fj,uare tistri8uti.a, aU. iater,retatioJlS ia. re1st1 •• t. Ii terat1lre ill tae fiell ot eurric1ll1lll u4 instruoti... h particular, II J OOsOD. • a 'Ilodel of ovriculua tAeor.r- was taken as .. ,. a tr8lle .t r~ erence;' . ~. . , - . - MaJor tilldiDCa of t e stuq were (i) Teacaers ... 0 .... (select •• , structured, and reorcaaizei) tAe co.teats .t tAe sultjects tA.,. teacll to tacili tate tAe plan.iU.q &:AI execusi.1l ot instructio., (ii) Too m~ teacaers vere uaconceraei a.out tAe sllort~e ot bstructional materials ia th.e su'itjeota tll.~ teacll, (iii) TeacAers tende4 to 4elloutrate a less trequellt use ot appropriate procedures ani tecluri.ques in teaclliDC 04 .. sigDificaat eifference was o.servei aetwee. all teacaers iA regari, (1 v) Iew teacaers used tlle coaamd t.r tor IlUca t taeir teac1liac, aai (v) Teac1I.ers assistea tae lear,aers o~ tllrouga 1nforll8J. uvic~ and ellcourageaeats. 0. tae .asis of the firuJi DeS it was reco_eDd_ to (i) Orgaaize workskops ani semi.ara ter teacaers to 1I.elp taea aaster tae metko4s and teca.iques ot teaclli~, (ii) Aavise teacaers to prociuce their own teac1li~ aiels, (iii) Encourage teacllers to llSe collJlUlli ty resoruces, ~i v) Moaili ze tAe scaool aa t1l.e surrounding coaaunity ter tAe upkeepi., uj, .ailltenaace ot tlle se.ool, and (v) Make eo.tinous follow ups .r teacll.ers



Currioulum Implbkentati
