Effects of Students ' Physical Attractiveness, Sex, Ethnicity, and Achievement on Teacher Expectancy Formation,

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Addis Ababa University


Several studies indicate that various student characteristics play important roles ln the formation of teacher e xpectation. The ma i n purpose of the present stud y was to in vestigate the effects of students' ph ysical attractl veness, se x , ethnicity, and achievement on teacher expectation formation. To accomplish this task, four photographs with two leve ls of attractiveness, six ethnic names as indicators of student ethnicity, two se xes, and two groups of achievement resu lts were systematically combined to produce 24 hypothetical fifth grade students. An identical essay supposedly written by the student and some other identical information was compiled and written for each of the 24 students. A total of 576 teachers were randomly selected from three regions and were asked to rate the essay and give their future expectat ions. ANOVA results showed that achievement was the prominent factor in influencing both teachers ' rating of th e essay and teachers' future e xpectations. Student sex also influenced teachers' rating of the essay. Fema l e teachers were also found to be more optimistlc in their future e xp ectations than male teachers. Except for few interactlons all other varlables did not show significant differences in biasing teacher essay rating and future expectations.



Effects of Students ' Physical
