Major Factors Affecting The English Achievement Upper Primary School Pupils Ik Gondar Town

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Addis Ababauniversity


The quality of education as reflected in academic achievement can not be divorced from the complex set of social and educational factors which interplay to affect learning processes and outcomes. The qu e stion "what makes a difference in academic performance?" has been addressed by different researchers from both the developed and the developing countries. Within the developed countries much is known about the determinant-achievement relationships. In the developing countries, however, the findings are inconclusive and inconsistent. The purpose of the study was to examine the extent to which variables used in the Educational Production Function and the Process-Product research approaches explain differences in grade five and six pupils ' English achievement. Specifically, the study attempted to investigate the relative impact on pupils' achievement of seven home, six pupil, six schoolclassroom and eleven teacher related variables. This task was accompl ished by regressing thirty independent variables for each grade level. The dependent variable used as a criterion measure was achievement test prepared by the investigator based on the objectives and contents determined by the Ministry of Education for the respective grade levels. The thirty independent variables were selected on the basis of revi ew of literature. Information on the independent variables was secured using three basic tools of data collection: Questionnnaire. school and classroom inventory. and classroom evaluation rating scale. The r e lati onship b e tween the thirty ind ependent variables and pu p ils ' a c hi evement at each grade l evel was analysed by the me thod of multipl e r egression. A variable ' s statistical impact on the d epend ent va riabl e was a c cept ed as significant at 0.05 a level or better. Results of the analysis revealed that variables describing home. pupil. school-classroom and teacher attributes have differential impacts on stud ents ' English achievement~ some var iables (such as class repeti tion, father ' s education and planning skill) show ed statistically significant impacts while others ( s u ch as pupl sex, cla ss - ize, and family-size) exerted nonsignificant influence. Based on these findings some basic co n c lu~i o ns ar e r each ed and r e lat ed r ecomm endations forwarded



English Achievement Upper Primary School Pupils Ik Gondar Town
