Analysis of the Development Process of the Bahir Dar Teachers' College Pedagogical Syllabus

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to analyze the development process of the Bahir Dar Teachers' College Pedagogical syllabus with the intention of determining its effectiveness. A model was identified and relevant literature was to have an understanding of the principles and employed in the process of syllabus development in the identified model. An attempt was made to see between the model and what has been practiced development of the program. reviewed criteria light of the fit in the To this end different methods of data gathering tools such as questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used to get the necessary information. The data obtained through the different tools and document analysis was interpreted and analyzed. The findings indicate that the syllabus for the pedagogy program was first developed in 1973-74 and was revised 1n 1977-78. The first syllabus was found to have been developed following a systematic procedure guided by a theoretical framework. In the process attempts were made to follow the objectives model to some extent. Needs were assessed and objetives were determined on the basis of the information obtained. content selection and evaluation were also points of conern in the development of the syllabus. However, there were certain limitations and these were attributed to shortage of time caused by the urgency of the task. The second revised program appeared after the "Edget Behiberet Zemecha". The development of the revised program was found out to be lacking any theoretical framework used as a guideline due to lack of clearly set educational aim. This was so because the direction of the Ethiopian Revolution by then was not known to anyone so as to formulate a clearly defined national aims of education. Though the syllabus development process of the college was influenced by factors which hindered it not to follow any systematic procedure at its initial it has remained without being revised since then. After analysing the findings it was concluded syllabus development practice fails to fit the model and is found to be ineffective. that the objectives Based on the findings, which includes the views of the graduates of the program, it is recommended that the program needs to be revised in such a way that defects could be rectified



