An Investigation o£ History T aching In Eth10pian Senior Secondary School: Historical Perspectives and Curr nt Status

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Addis Ababa University


The study was conducted to 1t1v tigate the teaching o:f his ory i th respect 0 :four d problems, viz., the bas1c reasoning:fo the place nt o:f his ory in the senior cond ry school curriculu, th pr ct c sand p ocesaes o:f yll u. develop en, he teaching strategies, hods and chn ques, and the eaching materials us d both in the pas and h pre n. to this nd both historic land descrip ive- urvey research techniques were employed. the historic 1 earch att mpted to 1nvest1gate what happen d nd hy it happened in a d :f n1te chronological period. it indicated trends, dev lop nts, phas , or perspectives o:f past hi tory teach1ng 1n eth op1an senior condary chools. main :findings o:f the historical study were: (i) the 1ncl usion o:f h1stor y in the en10r secondary school curriculum vas a conca i tant develop en with the beginning o:f secondary education in the country; (ii) at the earlier stage the h1story syllab1 were solely constructed by subject specialists; (iii) be:fore 1963 the teaching o:f history vas not a1 ed at enabling students to know so ething about their 0 n country; (iv) except the 1967 syllabus, all other yllabi re:fl cted the traditional vie o:f his ory te ching; the object1ves o:f the syllabi were the acquisi ion o:f knowledge; the view o:f history reckoned that tudents should learn h s ory to know about the past and history teaching e phasiz d on the transmission o:f 1n:formation. the descriptive-survey research atte pted to describe the present status o:f history teaching, with particular re:ference to the senior secondary schools o:f addis ababa. the :findings o:f this descr1ptiv study are mostly re:flective o:f he situat on in thes chools. the descriptive-survey del" ved data :fro a questionnaire, 1nterv1evs and a classroo observation. the deta obtained :from the quest onneire were tabulated and pre nted 1n tables expressed in nu bers and perc en ages. the views o:f he interviewee ere used to substantiate the int :cpretation, atialy is and the discussion wherever deemed tlecessar"y. the .~requ nci s o:f he categor1es embodied in the 0 servation chedule expressed as average les on percentages. to d r irl<:." v r"1at on among the obse:cv d t achers in us ng the e t gori a, to-way n ly is of ar anc (te cher by v1sit) e rri d out.. if) :findings of the descriptive-survey roh v :ce: i) school dministr tor nd princ1pal to n su ption th t anyon wto could d nd und rand i pr ented in th textbook could teach h1story; ) high level o:f di ati f c on among history te cher qu lity o:f h curl" n" ducational prov1b10ns; ii1) h t• ching h1gh y t x book orient d; 'v) h iz his 0 yes roo i :found to be big. a 1 rge group in with xpository ching s r tegy predo in tes th 0 cl th r is no ~ gni:ficant di :f r nce ong t ch s xpo i ory t t gy (f = .48, 9 d:f, p < 0.001)



Historical Perspectives.
