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Item Assessing the Role of Media Relations in Public Mobilization: The Case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam(AAU, 202-06) Zewdu, Alemseged; Gebru, Amanuel (Phd)Media relations is basically working with media. It is a specialized branch of public relations aiming at building relationships with media in seeking coverage of news. Similarly, journalists need public relations officers or directors as the source of their news package. And this relationship is crucial in pursuing their job well on both sides. The main focus of the study is to assess the media relations role of the National Council for the Coordination of Public Mobilization for the Construction of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Public Relations and Media Communication Directorate. The study employed mixed method of research to give an answer for the research questions in the study and assess the role of media relations in the construction of GERD. The data were collected from 43 journalists and PR director of the National Council purposefully to meet the objectives of the study. The findings were compared with the literature review and theory. The researcher revealed that the National Council has developed relationships with key journalist and the media based on a shared news agenda and is serving as a trusted source of information for journalists. The study concluded that MR practices of the office are not making the journalists’ job easier in delivering news packages on time and the PR tools used by the office have lack of quality. Finally, the study forward recommendations for the National Council Public Relations and Media Communication Directorate to enhance and maximize its media relations practices in building tight relationships to influence the media agenda in the construction of the GERD.Item Ethnically Skewed Media: Representation and Stereotyping the Audience in the Case of ASRAT Television(AAU, 202-06) Birhanu, Daniel; Meksaha, Mekuria (Assistant Professor)The purpose of this study was to investigate the representation and stereotyping of audience in ethnically skewed media with a special focus on ASRAT Television. The study assessed the influence ASRAT Television has on its audience. The researcher employed qualitative methodology to get detail views and used purposive sampling technique to select key informants who watch ASRAT Television. For the conceptual and theoretical frameworks, Agenda Setting Theory and Magic Bullet/ Hypodermic Needle Theory were reviewed respectively. The findings of the study revealed that ASRAT Television misrepresents and stereotypes its audience that their perception about ethnicity was found to be distorted. The television played a paramount role in the audiences’ perception that the Amhara ethnic group is faced with existential threat from other ethnic groups in general from the Oromo ethnic group in particular. Also. It was discovered that ASRAT Television portrays the Federal government possible threats to the Amhara people in that it is secretly interfering and destabilizing the Amhara region. Based on the findings, it was recommended that ASRAT Television avoids misrepresenting its audience that exposes them holding distorted beliefs about their ethnicity. It was also recommended that ASRAT Television works for a peaceful coexistence of the Amhara and Oromo ethnic groups. Last but not least, a recommendation was made that ASRAT Television should avoid sensationalizing ethnic issues, inappropriate characterizations, antagonistic rhetoric and the use of loaded language in its news stories and other productions.Item The Teaching ,Prac t ice Frogramme of Kotebe College of Teacher Education: An Investigation Into Its Adequacy In Preparing Teachers of English For Secondary Schools.(AAU, 1985-06) Gebre Hariam Dagne, Alemayehu; Des pat ie(Phd)TSeveral methods ,"ere employed to investigate into The Adequacy of The Teaching Fractice Programme In Preparing Teachers of English For Seccndary Schools . The findings clearly indicated that :~e way the students are prepared is adequa te:- there is correlat ion between theoretical subjects and the teaching practice; and the instrument of evaluating the student teachers during the teaching practice session is also 2.dequate. From the results obt~ined , it was concluded tha t the Teac,'ing Practice Progre.mme of Kotebe College of Teacher Educ 2tion Is Adequate In Freparing Teachers of English For Seco ~ d.ry Schools. ~e commendations were made in the areas of:- the duration 01 the teaching practice, supervision, micro-teaching, preparation of teaching aids, setting language laboratory, and the role of the Co o~era ting teachers. The r ecommendations were m&de towards improving and reinforcing the existing teaching practice progr2..mme.Item Application and Effectiveness of the Methodology of English by Radio Programmes for the Elementary Schools in Ethiopia(AAU, 1989-06) Bein, Almaz; Dcspqt i c, G c r alThis 'Study Las bt!cn carried out to investigate the p2'e -· sentatio~ t0chni~ues or ~0thodolo&y that are used hy th~ Ethiopian Instructional Radio foi the elementary grades (3"6). Stated brip-fly, these techniq"cs 'cnvolvc use of dramatic di·· alogues, sound effects, drills and songs. Each of the grades receives twenty eight programmes in one academic year. This study describes all the one hundred and twelve programmes , for the l,wels indicated above ill, light of the various presentation t~chniques adopted by the Instructional r~dio which is discussed in detail in chapter II. tn order to determine the effectiveness of the Instruction&l Radio , two techniques were employed : Personal observation inside classrooms during actual r adio transmissions in ttree schools in Addis Ababa; and questionnaire distribution to 120 teachers from 30 schools in one zone and 120 students from the school s ob.5PTved for all the grades 1I!1der stud1.· li~ o adly speaking, the findings of the observation support the contention tllat the new series of English by Radio Programmes are effec tive in aiding the teaching of English language in thQ elementary schools , but only when there is full partici ~ ati on by the classroom teachers. The results of the observation findinrs indicate that, in tha schools where the t6achers utilized radio properly the intended objectives of most of the lessons were achieved, whereas ln the school where radio was not utilized properly, little or no change of behaviour in students was observed. - iv - Moreover, all the presentation for~a ts have been found to be suitable for r~Jio i~struction d ~ spite so~e shortcomings indicated in the analysis of the observation r esult s . As a whole, the analysis of the programl'les has r eveal ed t hat ",11 the preselltation forma t s used integrate well with the lesson s tructure for the day and were found to i nvolve pupi ls in the programme . The result s of the Teachers' questionnaire that ware computed for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 show that r adio instruc tion and t he di fferent formats used were found to be effic ient enough to sustain motivation , interest and par ticipat io n and to enhance the students ' ahility to learn the language elaments in the l esson. In gener al t :lD find ings of the most important toaching for~ats within the students activi ty were as follows. In grade 3 t~ · c' I song ' arproac ': in teachi ng the language has the highest prefer ence, by 75.S%, over the other formats us ed. In all the remaini ng grades, 4-6, the 'sound eff ects ' were given a higher rank than all the other formats used and the ' educational songs' were ranked next. That is , 'sound effects' and the 'SOllgS' were ranked by 86.5% and 66.S% respectively ln grade 4; by 85. 5% and 80.5% respectively in grade 5; and by 76.5% and 73 . 5% respectively in grade 6 . An attempt was made to cO'1\pare the r esul t s of each grane. From the computed X scores of the presentation formats for all the grades, it was found that the degree of r esponses t ends to increase from lower to hi r:,ner rrade but suddenly - v - decreases in gracie 6. That i s, tho de nr ee of response for grade 3 was 6 4~. for gr ade t ,751. for grade 5, 76 . 251 a n~ for gr ade 6, 6'; . 87 %. C;rade 5 p:rof :t'aml~e5 wer e :f0und to be more h i ghly f a~nured than a l l t he other gr ade s . Regarding t he ques tionna i r e foy students , the s tudents gave hi gh scores f or what ever questions they we r e asked . And since the r esul ts did not have much variability they were not subj ect to furth er statistical analysis. However, from the personal observation of t he r e s earcI,er, tho students s eem to enjoy and l i ke radio le s sons . Therefore the res earcher assumes that the students did not give their answers blindl y .Item High School Teachers' Attitudes Towards An Awareness-Raising Approach To Vocabulary Teaching(AAU, 1994-06) Hailu, Alemu; Addamu, Taddele (Phd)This study is an attempt to inves ti ga te to what ex tent the teaching and learning of vocabulary by an awareness-raising approach would be considered feasible and acceptable to teachers in high schools . For this investigation, thus, materials represen ting an approach of a different nature to that cu rren tly practised in high schools were collected from di fferent sources. The subjects were made to study th ese materials for three to five days . To determine their attitudes towards the materials at an initial stage and how acceptable or feas ible the activities might be, a ques tionnaire was issued to all the subjects and interviews were conducted with some . Reactions to the materials at this stage were based on past experience, teaching habits , traditional ex pectations, etc . Following this , the researcher arranged practice teach ing sessions in which the use of the tasks was demons trated in typical high school classes while the subjects observed. The same questionnaire was admin istered again and every subject was made to ex press his feelings about the approach . Reactions at this stage were based, on the one hand, on r e flections on the materials in stage 1 and any modification of attitudes that migh t have taken place at this stage and, on the oth er, on the reac tion to observations of the materials and the approach used in the class room . T he emphasis was to find out the degree to wh ich teachers can modify their attitudes in itially throu gh exposure to materials representing a diJferentappr6ach and throu gh observations of such materials being taugh t . Th ere for e, a comparison V.·'lS made between tedchers' I J .. , , initial reactions to the first questionnaire and their attitudes as expressed during discussions and in the same questionnaire administered pas t-teaching. The result of the f indings shows that teachers could modify their attitudes in a fairly short period of time. The teachers also r eported that an awareness-raising approach to vocabulary learning would be acceptable and feas ib le in high school situation. But they hod no much confidence about the value of such on approach in fac ilitating learners' learnings of new lex ical items. On the bases of these findings, it is concluded th at it is possible to introduce an awareness-raising approach to vocabulary learning in new textbooks for high school classes. Finally, recommendations are made.Item The Role of Sabido Entertainment•Education Radio Serial Dramas in the Struggle For the Prevention of Hiv/Aids:(Addis Ababa University, 2004-11) Refera, Tafese; Getaneh, Akalu (PhD)The discussions c ompil ed in this thesis are all about view ing th e tr emendous potential of research based medi a communi cation in art to address social problems and mob ili ze peop le towards certain end. It s ingles out the HIV /AIDS pandemi c as the major social problem threatenin g Ethiopia, Africa and other countries across the wor ld. It trie s to view th e paramount contri bution of art (d ram a) in the prevention e nd eavo r above many other simil ar d isc iplines The inception of the research project came from the reali zation of t he tremendous potential of the Sabido Method Enteltainm ent Edu cati o n Dramas . Th e Sabido method dramas h ave been tri ed out and proven to have a remarkable success in man y countri es in prom oti ng pro soc ial issues . The thesis thu s took the two Sabido Method Entertainment-Education Serial Radio Dramas , the Amharic Yeken Ki g nit and the Afan Oro mo Dhim biba dramas as pract ica l examples and exam in ed the contribution of th e dramas to the HIV I A ID S prevention endeavors in the Ethiopian con tex t. The thesis compnses five chapters. The fi rst chapter presents the philosophical background of the thesis as b eing 'art for soc iety's sake' as opposed to 'alt for art sake.' It also rev iews the hi storical development of using li terary products in addressing soc ial problems The Second chapter is a review of some academic and non-acade mi c research works pr ev iously undeltak en on similar iss ues as well as a review of the th eo reti cal framework of the Sabido Methodology. The latter part of this chapter espec iall y presen ts th e hi stori ca l a cc ount of t he invention oft he method b y t he M exican Pl aywri ght Miguel Sa b ido . The intell ectual basis, the expans ion o f the method and the resu lt s obtained in var iou s countri es as well as the pec uliariti es of the Sabido Method drama productions are indicated here. The third chapter examines the production procedures followed to produce the dr am as in view of the technical procedures ind icated in the review part. It tries to present some of the in vestigati ons ca rri ed out on the pre, while and po st-production processes. This chapter further analyzes the script contents of the dramas. The script content analyses measure to what extent the drama scripts articulate the problems and show the peculiarities of the method from other conventional dramas Both those methods of evaluations are used to examine the effectiveness of the drama production in atiiculating the main messages of the drama. The evaluations are also intended to serve as a model for future research initiatives, too. The summary reports of impact assessments are included in the fourth chapter. Both the quantitative and qualitative research methods are used in the study. The qualitative study is done by organizing Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), In-depth Interviews, and Interview with Key Informants. The quantitative study is carried out by distributing questiolU1aires. All these researches were held to decide the effectiveness of the dramas in bringing behavioral changes against HIV/AIDS. The results are summarized at the end of each assessment. Chapter five summarizes the major points discussed and findings achieved by the research and recommends ways to expand the method in the Ethiopian context. It then forwards suggestions to expand such media based intervention of art into various socioeconomIc Issues.Item Audience Satisfaction with Ethiopian Television Evening Amharic Program(Addis Ababa University, 2005-02) Adamu, Abel; Simon, Gebremedhin (PhD)Television with its audiovisual nature plays a great role in presenting events within their contexts to its audiences. Similarly, ETV has been serving its audiences since its establishment in 1964. Although audiences continue watching ETV, they are usually heard airing their dissatisfaction regarding the quality of ETV services. Despite the fact that audience satisfaction study is invaluable, it is difficult to get such a comprehensive research in Ethiopia. This paper, therefore, aims at investigating how the complaints of audiences of ETV evening Amharic program are deeper. That is, it tries to assess the satisfaction/dissatisfaction level of audiences with the programs. The study focuses on Amharic language since most of ETV’s airtime is covered by this language. The subjects of the study are 300 TV viewers of Bahir Dar, Dessie and Gondar towns residents who have television sets and pay annual service charge. Most of the respondents are young people. Audience satisfaction studies are usually done using survey methods. As a result, a questionnaire, to find out the audiences’ level of satisfaction based on Likert’s scales, is used to collect the required data. Mean scores of satisfaction scales and percentages of respondents are used for the analysis and interpretation of the data. The questions are analyzed in terms of eleven factors that affect audiences’ gratifications. The results, however, represent tendencies rather than actual facts because they are based on personal opinions and predispositions. The degree of gratification (satisfaction, dissatisfaction or neutral) is determined based on three assumptions that basis on the mean scores of responses on satisfaction scales. Accordingly, the main findings are the following. Audiences’ level of satisfaction is very low. They show their dissatisfaction with the overall services of the channel. Most of the programs lack credibility. Moreover, among the programs Local News and Current Affairs reports and Advertisements are the most dissatisfying programs. Only Q&A, Sport and ’50 Lemon’ programs are relatively the most satisfying ones. Furthermore, most of the audiences watch ETV either as a habit or due to lack of an alternative channel. Hence, looking through these results, it is possible to say that ETV Amharic programs are unable to gratify its audiences by producing and broadcasting programs that go with the needs of its viewers. All these indicate that ETV, being the only medium in the country, to gratify its audiences, should exert more efforts to improve its programs in line with the needs of its viewers.Item Transforming State Broadcasting into Public Service Broadcasting in Ethiopia: Challenges and Prospects(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Hailemariam, Solomon; Skjerdal, Terje (Assistant Professor); Tefera, Negussie (PhD)The existence of freedom of_ expression in general and media freedom in particular is one of the most important indicators of the presence of democracy in a given country. Article 29 of the 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has laid the legal structure for the existence of freedom of _expression in Ethiopia. Accordingly, all the subsidiary laws advocate the flourishing of media freedom in Ethiopia. The legal framework for transforming state broadcasting into public service broadcasting (PSB) is encouraging. However, what is happening in practice is questionable. This thesis looks at the state of affairs of State Broadcasting in Ethiopia, using content analysis as a quantitative data-gathering instrument. Key informant interviews and legal documents have been used to collect data as a qualitative means. The study has selected 131 news items from 15 days of Ethiopian Radio Amharic prime time news bulletin. The data collected via content analysis has been supplemented by the data gathered through qualitative means. In this study, the practice of state broadcasting has been tested against the principles and practices of public service broadcasting. One of the findings of the study is that there is a very tight form of political control in the activities of journalists working in state broadcasting in general, and in Ethiopian Radio in particular. Government officials, predominantly from the Ministry of Information, directly and indirectly interfere in the editorial independence of journalists working on Ethiopian Radio. In order to protect state broadcasting from political interference, and to maintain editorial independence, the study suggests a new law should be drafted by the Ethiopian Parliament. This would facilitate a smooth transformation from state broadcasting to public service broadcasting. Article 29, sub Article 2 of the 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia explicitly supports the enactment of a law that promotes media independence in the country. [ iii 10 Public service broadcasting must be guaranteed protection from political and/or commercial interference. This will be closer to reality when the appointment and accountability of PSB officials, their duties and responsibilities are clearly supported by a law according to the accepted principles of PSB. Public service broadcasting demands that editorial independence be respected. Moreover, the programming should serve the public interest and, in particular, should be balanced and impartial. At the very least, PSB should be editorially independent as an institution, and should serve the public fairly, helping to empower people so as to enable them make to decisions and to play a role towards the establishment and continuity of a democracy.Item Press and Election in Ethiopia: An Analysis of the Extent and Bias of the Press on the Coverage of the 2005 Ethiopian Election(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Girmay, Yosef; R. Ford, Abiyi (Professor)One of the most basic expressions of democracy is election. The place of multi-party elections is practically meaningless without free press. The role of mass media and its active role in opening up the democratization process is indeed highly important matter. Fair and competitive elections require freedom of expressions and/or freedom of the press. Freedom of the press requires the availability of alternative sources of information or vibrant media, as part and parcel of democratization process. Mass media offer the public a choice among various political parties, candidates, and even polices as a platform for discussion. The press empowers their reader by making them aware of the civil and political rights and explaining how and why these rights should be exercised. Yet, in a modern, largely less developed country, where the mass media exercise relative freedom, they will always devote considerable, and often partisan, coverage to the general election. The relationship between the press and election is an intricate business. Indeed the consensus in international election research and observation is that electoral process cannot be evaluated and understood without free press. To explore the wider political climate in which the press operates; and to deepen and accelerate democratization, the role of press in general and newspapers published during election time in particular should be investigated. Therefore, this thesis attempts to examine the press’s coverage of the election in order to determine the extent and nature of, and bias in the coverage of the May 2005 Ethiopian election. The thesis also measures how these forces promote, spread and even manipulate the press in the time of election. It calls attention to how different forces use and misuse the press. 8 Then, the following questions attempted to be covered: what are roles of the press play in the democratization process in Ethiopia? Who and what spread the bias? How much? Which determining factors contribute to the bias in coverage? Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collections are used in this study. Literature related with the topic of the research is reviewed. The primary data is gathered and analyzed from seven selected Amharic newspapers published in the final four weeks of election campaign in the country; and, to this effect 796 titles by way of content analysis are employed to cover events and circumstances on the electoral processes at specific times of the election. Many variables and unit of analysis are used to substantiate the analysis of the extent and nature of bias in the May 2005 Ethiopian Election. As the period from 12 April to 12 May 2005, a period of intensive election campaign, the data was examined and as the sampling was broad and representative on the whole, the results are considered to be accurate, typical and relevant. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the scholarship of media in Ethiopia; and also to serve as a seminal study in the relationship between the press and election, as well as to the democratization process in Ethiopia.Item A comparative study on the representation of women in Addis Zemen and Reporter newspapers(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Kabtamu, Nardos; Daniel, Abiye (PhD)Item Ethical Issues in News Reporting With Particular Reference to the Ethiopian Herald Newspaper(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Endeshaw, Haile-Gebriel; Tiruneh, Andargachew (professor)This research is a pilot study, or a kind done as experiment, intended to identify ethical problems in news reporting with particular reference to The Ethiopian Herald Newspaper. In conducting the research, the following major questions were taken in to account. What are the ethical problems in news reporting in The Ethiopian Herald newspaper? And what are the causes for these ethical problems? The research method employed for the study is content analysis. Sampling population for the analysis was taken from issues of The Ethiopian Herald published between March and August 2005. Some 55 Election news stories printed during the stated period were drawn from the sampling population as unit of analysis. Questionnaire and interview were also employed as supportive instruments of data gathering for the study. Accordingly, the final results of the study indicate in the first place that the majority of the election news stories published in The Ethiopian Herald do not fulfill one of the major ethical principles of journalism, fairness. Secondly, the journalists working for the paper carry out their journalistic duties under the interference of their employers, government officials. Finally, it was possible to see through the study that censorship, which is prohibited by the constitution of the land, Article 29 (3a), is practiced by the state paper under study.Item The Significance of Alternative Media in Hiv/Aids Communication: Hiv/Aids Coverage in Two Mainstream Newspapers and A Case of an Alternative Newspaper(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Shiferaw, Teshager; Womdimu, Habtamu (PhD)Many media researchers doubt the role of the mainstream media as genuine instrument of communication for the poor. The dictates of market mechanism and the interests of economic and political powers are counted as major factors that obstruct the duty of the media in serving the real needs of the society at large. The standards of news reporting that are rooted in commercial and professional journalism are regarded as instruments that marginalize important social issues such as HIV/AIDS. The craving of the media for prominence and to be authoritative sources tends to deny voice to ordinary citizens who constitute the largest portion of the society. To address the communication needs of the society at grassroots level scholars emphasize the significance of alternative media. In order to test the validity of the doubt regarding the mainstream media and the significance attached to alternative media this study investigated two mainstream newspapers Addis Zemen and medical as well as an alternative newspaper Libona. The main research questions of the study inquire whether the two conventional papers marginalize HIV/AIDS and people living with HIV/AIDS. The significance of Libona in HIV/AIDS coverage was also examined. The study employed content analysis, which included identifying materials on HIV/AIDS, genres, specific themes, types of news and information sources. Three coders, who participated in doing the job, were in agreement on 87 percent of their coding. 8 The findings indicated that the sample issues of Addis Zemen devoted 2.41 per cent of their total area to materials on HIV/AIDS. Sports and entertainment covered a wider space. The paper is biased to wards authoritative sources. These groups constituted 71.3 percent of the sources. PLWHA and ordinary citizens represented only 7.7 and 9 per cent respectively. They appeared to be marginalized. Sample issues of Medical newspaper devoted 4.95 per cent to HIV/AIDS. The sources are 67.3 per cent professionals and scientists. Out of 19 HIV/AIDS stories printed in 13 issues only two were local. The papers coverage of the issue appeared to be inadequate in terms of quantity and quality. Libona, which is fully devoted to HIV/AIDS, promotes Dawn of Hope Ethiopia Association and PLWHA. It reflects the perspectives of ordinary people. Horizontal and bottom communication appears real in the paper. However the participation of PLWHA in expressing views in Libona is motivated by financial rewards. The paper is supported by donors funding. Inability to sustain itself shadows its significance in HIV/AIDS communication. Libona, as an alternative newspaper, could play more significant role if it encourage free participation of PLWHA in communication. Addis Zemen and Medical should improve their coverage of HIV/AIDS by entertaining the ideas of ordinary citizens and PLWHA. Their reporting on the issue should reflect the seriousness of pandemic.Item Censorship and Ethics: Practice and Problems in Ethiopian Television(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Alemu, Solomon; Arsano, Yacob (PhD)This study generally deals with the practice of censorship and its ethical effects in the government owned Ethiopian Television. It has been based on the hypothesis that direct censorship imposed by the government authorities or politicians and self-censorship which is the result of internalized fear of punishment among the journalists are the reasons for underreporting contending political views. The rational to study this issue is the threat that repressive governmental influence and control of the media could pose to the newly emerging multi-party politics in the country. The broadcast media in general and the television in particular have remained under the monopoly of government fourteen years after the promise for democracy and the democratic media that can entertain plural voices. This medium has made a bad name for itself, for its lack of depth and one-side reporting of events. It has been restricted to serving the political propaganda of the party in power to the extent of committing out right bias and bombarding opposition parties that holds viewpoints critical to or different from the government. This is what has made imperative a need to study the problem of censorship and its ethical consequences. Three methods are employed to conduct this study. The first is survey method. Selfadministered questioner is responded by the editors and reporters working in four newsrooms of ETV to elicit the forms of direct censorship, self-censorship and the major target issues. Secondly, the contents of some news stories selected from post-election 2005 ETV coverage are analyzed to show the fairness of the coverage towards the ruling and opposition political parties. Thirdly interviews are conducted with five selected and willing journalists to supplement the responses given by the questionnaire. The analysis of the data has shown direct censorship is practiced in ETV through assigning faithful 5 party members, providing guidelines or directives to the journalists and directly reviewing the contents of the news stories. Self-censorship is also manifested in several forms. One is dodging political issues particularly reporting opposition parties. The journalists also tone up and tone down political issues based on the interests of the ruling party. The other form of self-censorship is that journalists are externalizing their responsibility regarding the transmission of sensitive new stories. This is often practiced by consulting the faithful party members in the medium to decide on the fate of the sensitive issues like coverage of the opposition parties. It is a tactic used by editors to manage the risk of punishment.Item Effectiveness of Health Posters in Awareness Creation and Promoting Behavior Change. A Case Study of UNICEF’s Billboards: Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Kebede, Lulit; Simon, Gebremedhin (PhD)This study is designed to examine how effectively UNICEF’s billboards in Addis Ababa communicate health message. In other words it looks into whether the billboards are designed in a way the audience understands them. It also explores the strategy employed to design health posters and billboards. Since the major concern of the research is to know how effectively the billboards transmit the intended message towards the audience, 120 respondents are randomly selected as research participants. Questionnaire is used as a major datagathering instrument. Besides, to substantiate the study UNICEF’s communication planners and programme officers as well as health workers in Family Health International (FHI) are purposively selected. Interview is conducted with UNICEF’s communication planners and programme officers while focus group discussion is made among FHI health workers. Accordingly, the data gathered is analyzed by using different methods of data analysis, like: descriptive approach for qualitative data and using frequency and percentage for quantitative data. The result shows that unsuccessful message transmission of UNICEF’s billboards is related significantly with inadequate skill of message designing proficiency of UNICEF’s communication planners. Generally, it is noted that the target audiences have not participated in message designing and in the decision process, which contributes for unsuccessful message transmission. This result of the study, therefore, proves unsuccessful communication flow through UNICEF’s billboards.Item A Comparative Analysis of the Coverage of NEBE in Addis Zemen and Reporter Newspapers BY MESFIN BOGALE(Addis Ababa University, 2005-12) Bogale, Mesfin; Jones, Nicola (PhD)These days, the role of media is vital in informing, educating, and controlling the malpractices of democratic institutions in any country, regardless of their level of development. But this importance becomes even more crucial in countries that are undergoing transitions to full-fledged democracies. As elections are the gateway to democracy, the role of the media should be prominent when it comes to covering elections. In this study, the researcher aimed to analyze and compare coverage by the government and the private press of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) while the May 2005 general elections were being conducted. To this effect, the researcher mainly used content analysis to investigate coverage of two purposely selected newspapers, the government-run Amharic daily, Addis Zemen, and the private biweekly Reporter, in order to examine the media’s role during elections, keeping in mind its watchdog and agenda setting roles. A total of 575 stories in 118 publications were reviewed. Supplementary to the quantitative data, qualitative data was collected through key informant interviews. Data was analyzed using an appropriate statistical tool (SPSS). Accordingly, Addis Zemen was found to be partisan to the government. In particular, editorials were found to be biased towards the NEBE. In contrast, Reporter was highly critical of the NEBE. It published stories that appeared more neutral and positive-toned. In light of the findings, the researcher concluded that Addis Zemen was unethical in the way it covered the May elections. The paper failed to meet professional standards. Based on the findings and reviewed literature, the researcher recommended that journalists working for the governmentaffiliated Addis Zemen needed to work towards impartiality, the core of journalistic ethics, in all kinds of reporting and particularly in such delicate matters as elections. One of the ways they could develop sensitivity to neutrality, it was recommended, would be by undergoing professional training in journalism.Item The Ethiopian Media Law with Particular Reference to The Broadcasting Proclamation No. 178/1999(Addis Ababa University, 2006-01) Berhane, Meron; Tiruneh, Andargachew (professor)Freedom of expression devoid of any interference has been guaranteed to all by the Ethiopian Constitution. Rights of expression include the “freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or though any media of [her]/his choice” (Article 29 (2)). In an effort to reconcile certain imperatives of public interest, however, the Constitution stipulates that some limitations may be imposed on freedom of expression (Article 29 (6)). However, the article further stipulates interference on such freedom is allowed only if there is a law which authorizes it, and it requires that such law cannot limit expression on account of content or point of view expressed. This study attempts to examine critically the constitutionality of the Ethiopian Broadcasting Proclamation (EBP), through comparing it to literature on freedom of expression, and the principles of regulating broadcasting in regional, national and international legal frameworks within which the media in Ethiopia operates. A close examination of the EBP apparently enacted in accordance with and for the realization of Article 29 of the Constitution, reveals that the conditions of limitation are not observed as they should be. The study critically analyzes the consistency of the EBP in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, and identifies some contradictory and inconsistent clauses that enforce undue limitation on freedom of expression. The limitation clauses under EBP include: blanket prohibition of religious and political parties, content restrictions, arbitrary revocation and confiscation, undue interventions on sponsored programs and media operations. Some recommendations are put forward in the final part of the study so that the EBP could play a role in the promotion of freedom of expression in the country.Item The Portrayal of Women in Ethiopian Television Advertisements(Addis Ababa University, 2006-06) Gebreselassie, Kenaw; Sparks, Glenn (Professor); Daniel, Abiye (Professor)This study examined the portrayal of women in Ethiopian television advertisements and documented the various depictions associated with women as compared to men. Content analysis was chosen as a method of inquiry for this study. 140 advertisements were initially recorded, of which 94 advertisements were taken as a final sample (from the ETV Amharic language primetime evening programmes and Sunday ‘Meto-Haya’ entertainment programme). Each advertisement was initially coded for all character mix category and for primary character or figure - whether the primary figure was a male or a female. In addition, each primary figure in the advertisement was coded for the following categories: 1) Product type, 2) role, 3) setting, 4) basis for credibility, 5) voice-over announcer, and 6) sexual imagery or sex object. Using these dimensions, analysis was performed to determine how women are portrayed in the advertisements. The analysis of the data gathered revealed that portrayal of women in ETV advertisements is in many ways stereotyped and demeaning. The study found out that the stereotypes associated with women are widespread. Along with this, the study provided evidence of the existence of similar trend in many cases toward portraying women and men as different in their earmarked roles, positions and behaviors.Item Topic• Based Approach Versus Task•Based Approach In Teaching Writing Skills To First Year Prepara Tory (Grade 10+ 1) Students At Bethel Mekane Yesus School(AAU, 2006-06) Gemechu, Abebe; Lemu, Geremew (Phd)The purpose of the study was to compare topic-based approach with task-based approach and determine the more effective one to teach writing skills to first year preparatory students. Based on the purpose of the study, the following Null (Ho) hypothesis and Alternative (HI) hypothesis were made. The null hypothesis states that there is no statistically significant difference between topic-based and task-based approaches to teaching writing skills. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis states that there is statistically significant difference between them. In order to see the difference between the two approaches and determine the more effective one in teaching writing skills to Ethiopian students, the following steps were undertaken. Firstly, 74 students were randomly selected as the subjects of the study. Secondly, the subjects were grouped into control and experimental. Finally, they were taught for three months through the two approaches. After the researcher taught the two groups, a post-writing test was prepared and administered to them. Then in order to test the hypotheses, the mean writing scores of the two groups were compared. The result of the finding showed that the mean writing score of the experimenta l group students was higher than that of the control group. The result was also statistically a nalysed. Depending upon the finding, it was concluded that task-based language teaching approach is more effective than topic-based approach in teaching writing skills to Ethiopian students. Based on the finding, valid recommendations were forwarded.Item A Critical Analysis of Front Page Design Characteristics of English-Medium Ethiopian Newspapers in 2000 and 2005 And The Editors'/Designers' Perception Towards Newspaper Design(Addis Ababa University, 2006-06) Chanyalew, Sintayehu; S. Skjerdal, Mr. Terje (Assistant Professor); Zenaye, TadessePartly due to the competition from the electronic media, layout and design in newspapers have gained an increased focus over the last years. The focus has largely shifted from content to appearance. As a result, the front pages of many newspapers, particularly in the developed world, are getting more and more attractive. The objective of this study has been to identify the front-page design characteristics of Ethiopian newspapers published in the English language and to examine the editors'/designers' perceptions towards issues of design. The Ethiopian Herald from the government press and The Reporter, Fortune and Capital from the private press were selected as samples using a purposive sampling method. Ten issues of each sample newspaper (a total of 40 issues for all four newspapers) from the year 2000 and 2005 were included in the study using systematic sampling method. The data were gathered using coding sheet, unstructured observation and interviews, which in turn made the ground for an analysis and discussion by means of percentile and qualitative descriptions. The data analysis and discussion reveal that the sample newspapers have been mainly dominated by horizontal design patterns, while the variety of design comes for the most part only in relation to the number of stories, the size of headlines and photos. Except The Ethiopian Herald, the sample newspapers seem to have a promising tendency for change in the future. However, the data generated through the observations of the newspapers imply that editors and designers seem to maintain the established trend of design, though they (in the interviews) said otherwise. Moreover, the readers’ lifestyle and perceptions about time might also have its own indirect impact on the appearance of the newspapers. This might have forced the editors and designers to strive to meet the needs of their readers. Lack of finance as well as proper design knowledge and skills are among the factors, which hinder the sample newspapers from becoming more attractive and from following trends of contemporary newspaper design.Item An Investigation Of The Professional Relationship In The Practicum With Particular Reference To Third Year Language Major Students In Kotebe College Of Teacher Education(Kcte)(AAU, 2006-06) Baraki, Almaz; Kitila, Tamene (Phd)This research paper was aims at investigating the professional relationship in the practicum between language major third year students, tutors and cooperating teachers assigned to work with them in Practicum III. The paper was designed to investigate the professional relationship among the practicum participants in 2005/06 in KCTE and the cooperating teachers in the schools the students go to do practicum activities. It thus investi1ated the extent to which tutors at KCTE and cooperating English teachers in the selected 2n cycle primary schools perceive their supporting roles and participate in guiding and supporting the student-teachers who were assigned to work with them. Four basic questions were asked to find out the prevailing situation. The questions were: What is the nature of professional support tutors and cooperating teachers offer to student teachers in Practicum III factual teaching practice? What factors affect the extent of the professional support that has to be offered by tutors and teachers? To what extent do the perceptions each participant (tutors, teachers, and student-teachers) affect professional relationship in the practicum? What can be done to improve the professional relationship in the practicum situation in KCTE? To find answers to these questions, different instruments were designed and administered. Three sets of questionnaire were developed and administered. Each set went to different subjects: a set to 60 third year language major students, a set to 14 tutors at KCTE, and another set to 22 to 2nd cycle primary school English teachers. Interviews were also conducted with the practicum coordinator at KCTE, 5 tutors and 7 student-teachers. Furthermore, classroom/school observation was made, and feedback conferences attended. This study revealed the type of professional relationship among the subjects of the study. It has assessed the understanding, effectiveness of relationship and roles of practicum partners: cooperating teachers, student-teachers and tutors. Although it was found that there is a considerable good intent within the members of the practicum, the situation has been less than it should have been for all the members. During the interviews held with the tutors they admitted that they did not support the students as much as they should. The majority of the students perceived the practicum to be indispensable. They believed that it has too many activities, although enjoyable. They also said the time allotted for teaching practice is short. Students perceived that peers, teachers and tutors were not supportive enough. It was generally felt by many §tudents thJlt this might be due to their lack of time or awareness about how their support is essential for the development of the students' future profession. Based on the findings, recommendations were also made so that the practice in KCTE may improve and professional reiationships in the practicum become stronger.