The Teaching ,Prac t ice Frogramme of Kotebe College of Teacher Education: An Investigation Into Its Adequacy In Preparing Teachers of English For Secondary Schools.
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methods ,"ere employed to investigate into The
Adequacy of The Teaching Fractice Programme In Preparing
Teachers of English For Seccndary Schools . The findings
clearly indicated that :~e way the students are prepared is
adequa te:- there is correlat ion between theoretical subjects
and the teaching practice; and the instrument of evaluating
the student teachers during the teaching practice session is
also 2.dequate.
From the results obt~ined , it was concluded tha t the
Teac,'ing Practice Progre.mme of Kotebe College of Teacher
Educ 2tion Is Adequate In Freparing Teachers of English For
Seco ~ d.ry Schools.
~e commendations were made in the areas of:- the duration
01 the teaching practice, supervision, micro-teaching,
preparation of teaching aids, setting language laboratory,
and the role of the Co o~era ting teachers. The r ecommendations
were m&de towards improving and reinforcing the existing
teaching practice progr2..mme.
teaching practice