Application and Effectiveness of the Methodology of English by Radio Programmes for the Elementary Schools in Ethiopia

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Bein, Almaz

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This 'Study Las bt!cn carried out to investigate the p2'e -· sentatio~ t0chni~ues or ~0thodolo&y that are used hy th~ Ethiopian Instructional Radio foi the elementary grades (3"6). Stated brip-fly, these techniq"cs 'cnvolvc use of dramatic di·· alogues, sound effects, drills and songs. Each of the grades receives twenty eight programmes in one academic year. This study describes all the one hundred and twelve programmes , for the l,wels indicated above ill, light of the various presentation t~chniques adopted by the Instructional r~dio which is discussed in detail in chapter II. tn order to determine the effectiveness of the Instruction&l Radio , two techniques were employed : Personal observation inside classrooms during actual r adio transmissions in ttree schools in Addis Ababa; and questionnaire distribution to 120 teachers from 30 schools in one zone and 120 students from the school s ob.5PTved for all the grades 1I!1der stud1.· li~ o adly speaking, the findings of the observation support the contention tllat the new series of English by Radio Programmes are effec tive in aiding the teaching of English language in thQ elementary schools , but only when there is full partici ~ ati on by the classroom teachers. The results of the observation findinrs indicate that, in tha schools where the t6achers utilized radio properly the intended objectives of most of the lessons were achieved, whereas ln the school where radio was not utilized properly, little or no change of behaviour in students was observed. - iv - Moreover, all the presentation for~a ts have been found to be suitable for r~Jio i~struction d ~ spite so~e shortcomings indicated in the analysis of the observation r esult s . As a whole, the analysis of the programl'les has r eveal ed t hat ",11 the preselltation forma t s used integrate well with the lesson s tructure for the day and were found to i nvolve pupi ls in the programme . The result s of the Teachers' questionnaire that ware computed for grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 show that r adio instruc tion and t he di fferent formats used were found to be effic ient enough to sustain motivation , interest and par ticipat io n and to enhance the students ' ahility to learn the language elaments in the l esson. In gener al t :lD find ings of the most important toaching for~ats within the students activi ty were as follows. In grade 3 t~ · c' I song ' arproac ': in teachi ng the language has the highest prefer ence, by 75.S%, over the other formats us ed. In all the remaini ng grades, 4-6, the 'sound eff ects ' were given a higher rank than all the other formats used and the ' educational songs' were ranked next. That is , 'sound effects' and the 'SOllgS' were ranked by 86.5% and 66.S% respectively ln grade 4; by 85. 5% and 80.5% respectively in grade 5; and by 76.5% and 73 . 5% respectively in grade 6 . An attempt was made to cO'1\pare the r esul t s of each grane. From the computed X scores of the presentation formats for all the grades, it was found that the degree of r esponses t ends to increase from lower to hi r:,ner rrade but suddenly - v - decreases in gracie 6. That i s, tho de nr ee of response for grade 3 was 6 4~. for gr ade t ,751. for grade 5, 76 . 251 a n~ for gr ade 6, 6'; . 87 %. C;rade 5 p:rof :t'aml~e5 wer e :f0und to be more h i ghly f a~nured than a l l t he other gr ade s . Regarding t he ques tionna i r e foy students , the s tudents gave hi gh scores f or what ever questions they we r e asked . And since the r esul ts did not have much variability they were not subj ect to furth er statistical analysis. However, from the personal observation of t he r e s earcI,er, tho students s eem to enjoy and l i ke radio le s sons . Therefore the res earcher assumes that the students did not give their answers blindl y .



techniq"cs 'cnvolvc use of dramatic di·· alogues, sound effects, drills and songs.
