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    Philological and Textual Analysis of the Ethiopic Book of Amos
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-07) Tsegaye Abebe; Mersha Alehegne (PhD)
    This thesis focuses on the philological, comparative and textual analysis of the Ethiopic Book of Amos. Among the numerous Ge’ez manuscripts of the Book Amos, located with other prophetic books, the manuscript UNESCO 10.34 is worth studying. When one compares this manuscript with five other manuscripts, namely EMML 7584, Cambridge 1970, EMIP 01029, EMIP 01095 and UNESCO 10.04, one notices surprising phenomena. UNESCO 10.34 contains a considerable amount of unique readings, difficult to explain by scribal errors, by innovative readings. The interesting question would then be to try to explain the reason or reasons for such remarkable differences. One may not exclude here the probability of a Ge’ez translation from a Greek, Hebrew or Arabic text totally different from the one that used for the other five manuscripts. The full text of Ethiopic Amos according to the UNESCO 10.34 is displayed in chapter 2. In order to show the uniqueness of UNESCO 10.34, a table with six columns is prepared (Chapter 3). The types of differences are then presented in following chapters, as far as omissions, additions and substituttions are concerned. The research demonstrates the uniqueness of UNESCO 10.34, leading to need of further researches so as to ascertain the original language and text from which this interesting manuscript has emerged.
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    Language Use in the Amharic Media in Sport, Science and technology, and Medical science
    (Addis Abeba University, 2024-06) Elias Hussien; Abebeyehu Messele(PhD)
    The main objective of this research is to investigate the language use in the Amharic media. Thus, to examine the language use in the Amharic media, the study first look at the patterns of English – Amharic code switching. It then describes the possible types of borrowing from English in the Amharic media. Finally, the study treats the stylistic aspects of the usage of English in the Amharic media language use. To study the patterns of Amharic – English code switching in the Amharic media, the study utilized one of the most influential frameworks in the field of code switching, that is Myers-Scotton’s Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model. The patterns of Amharic – English code switching was studied in mixed constituents. In order to investigate the types of borrowing from English in the Amharic media, the study used Haugen’s typology of borrowing (19 50), which is one of the prominent theoretical frameworks in the study of borrowing. Thus, based on this framework, the study distinguishes the different types of borrowing appearing in the Amharic media language use. To examine the stylistic aspects of borrowed words from English in the Amharic media language use, this research uses Galinsky’s (1963) work. This work is used examine the stylistic motivations for the usage of English words in the Amharic media. Therefore, the analysis of this study came up with the findings which indicate that the mixed constituents found in the Amharic media confirm the framework of the MLF model can satisfactorily explain the patterns of Amharic – English code switching. The findings of this study also confirm that the language use in the Amharic meida show there is a considerable usage of borrowed English words. These include loanwords, loan blend, loan shift, and creation. In addition to this, the findings of this study have shown that English terms are borrowed in to the language use of Amharic media for different stylistic reasons. The stylistc reasons consist of brevity, precision, and variation of expressions
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    Negation in Dawurotsuwa
    (Addis Ababa Univews, 2024-06) Aklilu Abera; Binyam Sisay (PhD)
    This study explores the negation of Dawurotsuwa and provides an exhaustive description ofits structure. Dawurotsuwa is an Ometo language that belongs to the Omotic language familyof the Afroasiatic phylum spoken in Ethiopia. Dawurotsuwa marks negation morphologicallyby suffixing -nn-/-kk- to the verb in the verbal declarative main clause and interrogativeclauses. The imperative and optative is negated by -opp-. The hortative is negated by -kk-/-pp-. Ellipsis can be formed by attaching morpheme -kka to the pronouns or nominal byomitting all other elements to form elliptical construction for both negative and positive antecedents. The single negative replies are given using cíí „no‟ which is inherently negative,even though very rare in the language, and most of the time it is replaced with gíd-enna „no‟which is auxiliary suffixed with negative morpheme -nn-.Indirect negation is also used bymaking affirmative interrogative. In Dawurotsuwa, there is an interaction between negationand aspect. In the co-subordination clause, it is marked by using the negative marker -nn-. Incoordinated clauses, the negative marker -nn-/-kk- is used for negation. In the subordination,there is a restriction of the negative markers where only -nn- is attached. When optative ischanged into negatives, the negative marker –(o)opp- is employed. In modality, the negativemorpheme -nn-/-kk- is used. When the degree of certainty gets lesser and lesser, theauxiliaries come to existence and the negative marker -nn-/-kk- is attached to theseauxiliaries. N-words in Dawurotsuwa are formed by suffixing morphemes -nn/-kka to contentquestion words and numeral one. Dawurotsuwa belongs to strict negative concord languageand can be licensed byboth stronger and weaker licensers. Although the Dawurotsuwa is astrict negative concord language, it still allows the expression of negation in situations suchas fragmented short answers, disjunction, and conjunctions. The n-words which areconsidered as carrying negative features are noted when they are grammatical in a nonveridicalcontext where there is no licenser.
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    Description of Lexical Semantic Relations in Ethiopian Sign Language: Implications for Sign language Dictionary Making
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-04) Woinshet Girma; Moges Yigezu(PhD)
    Lexical semantic relations are the dominant part of semantic relations in exploring the meanings of words or signs and relevant for dictionary-making. Lexical relations are significant to analyzing the meanings of words or signs in terms of their relation to each other within or without contexts. The analysis of lexical-semantic relations is also important to treat semantic differentiation of words or signs entry in dictionary-making. This study was designed to investigate the lexical-semantic relations of signs in Ethiopian Sign Language (hereafter, EthSL) through the application of linguistic knowledge. Besides the study analyzes the details in which these relations are tackled in the EthSL dictionary and way forward implications for dictionary-making. It was set to identify the semantically related signs and to describe them systematically and the way these relations are tackled in the EthSL dictionary. To achieve the objective of the study, a qualitative descriptive method was employed in the analysis and discussion of the findings. The data were collected through video recording, interview elicitation, observation, and EthSL dictionary analysis. Twelve deaf informants (6 from Addis Ababa and 6 from Hossana) were selected for the study to collect the applicable data. The data were identified, analyzed, and described in line with theories and definitional concepts on lexical relations. The findings of the study indicated the notions of lexical relations in EthSL and the way they are tackled in the EthSL dictionary. The relations included in this study are polysemy, synonymy, antonym, homonymy, and metonymy. Signs in EthSL with multiple meanings and sameness in form (polysemy) are related and associated with certain semantic patterns like the semantic patterns that emerged relating to the case of action vs activity, Noun vs Verb dichotomy, or the relation between function vs object (grammatical), the pattern of signs denoting animals and the meat of those animals, pattern relates to the name of a language, the speakers (the people) -as a polysemous sign is used to refer to the language, the people and the ethnic name and like. The study examined different motivational/ extensional processes to form polysemous signs in EthSL such as metonymically motivated EthSL polysemous signs, for example, the sign for 'car' vs the sign for ‘to drive’, metaphorically motivated EthSL polysemous signs, for example, EthSL sign for 'fish', 'fish food', polysemous EthSL signs that arise from the influence of ASL and the Amharic language; For example, polysemous signs that iconically motivated, as in the sign for ‘pot’, ‘kettle’, ‘jog’. Synonyms in EthSL are described and classified as total, dialectical, ideographic, contextual, and stylistic synonyms. Both types and classifications of synonyms are applied inclusively to describe EthSL synonymous signs. The antonyms in EthSL are formed by changing the movement parameter of the sign to the opposite direction; for example the sign for 'lend' vs ‘borrow’, through changing the palm orientation of the opposing sign; for example; the sign for ‘good’ vs ‘bad’, through opposite relation lexical sign; for example; the sign for ‘alive’ vs 'death', morphological process of forming antonyms; for example the sign for ‘know’ vs ‘not-know’ and by putting the sign at the opposite location; for example the sign for ‘father’ vs ‘mother’. The antonymy signs in EthSL are categorized as reverse opposition, converse opposition, antipodal opposition, kinship opposition, gradable opposition, non-gradable opposition, and directional opposition. Homonymy signs in EthSL are displayed through iconic similarity between entities, and grammatical derivation during conversation as a result of borrowing and sometimes mixing and mistakenly interchanging signs. For metonymic signs in xiv EthSL, the articulator of the sign, the articulator’s resemblance to the entity and pointing of the referents are some aspects that highlight metonymic signs. The study introduced the further structure of semantic relations into the dictionary. To recommend, that morphologically related forms should be grouped where listing these forms separately obscures the lexical relation between them, combining morphologically related entries; distinguishing between homonymy and polysemy in the way that translations are grouped; cross-referencing synonyms would provide a richer and more transparent understanding of the language to a user of the dictionary.
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    Metaphorical Conceptualization of Emotion in Anywaa
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-03) Okello Ojhu; Dr. Moges Yigezu
    Anywaa is a Western Nilotic language spoken in the Republics of Ethiopia and South Sudan. Under Western Nilotic, Anywaa belongs to the Northern branch of Lwoo. The present study was conducted in Gambella, Ethiopia. Traditionally, metaphor has been concerned with literary devices like poem, fiction, novel, style and short story. Hence, metaphor is understood as the use of figurative language only. Standing in an opposition to traditional approach, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, which was started by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), views metaphor to be used by ordinary people in their daily lives and thinking. Thus, language is considered a surface manifestation of conceptual metaphor. Because our conceptual system is metaphorically structured, the emotion concepts used in people's daily lives are metaphorically structured. Since emotion is complex, understanding it requires simple, basic and concrete concepts and experiences linked with it. Yet, little is understood about the reality of emotion metaphors in Anywaa. Therefore, to carry out the present study and gain detailed understanding of emotion in daily lives of the Anywaa, this study used Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) to investigate the metaphorical conceptualization of anger, fear, happiness, love and jealousy, which are basic emotions in Anywaa. In this study, various approaches were applied to identify and interpret emotion metaphors in Anywaa. To understand the discoursal metaphors, Steen's Five Step Procedures of Metaphor Identification were used. To determine conceptual and linguistic metaphors, the researcher used Top Down and Bottom Up Approaches. Since metaphor and metonymy interface, Source-domain-oriented Approach was used to understand emotion metaphors based on lexical extension. The data for the present study were collected by using elicitation, recording and listening to daily utterances. Hence, the study was designed as qualitative. Different linguistic metaphors of emotion are used in the daily lives of Anywaa. The linguistic metaphor tʃ iɲ t m n m tʃ 'My liver has become fire' is used to realize anger as FIRE and j b 'My stomach is a leaf' is used to realize happiness as A PLANT LEAF. The present study has indicated that there are constraints imposed on emotion metaphors of Anywaa. For example, WHITE COLOUR is used as a source domain of HAPPINESS but RED and BLACK COLOURS are used as source domains of ANGER. In Anywaa, emotion degree is marked by using degree adverb, tone, object size and space between the earth and sky. The source domains of emotions analyzed in the present study have the scopes outside emotion target domains. Keywords: Anywaa, Domain, Emotion, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Mapping, Image Schema.
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    Philological and Content Analysis of Gädlä’äbunä Täklä ’Älfā
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-06) Yordanos Abebe; Mulugeta Seyoum (PhD)
    This paper deals with the Gädl of ’äbunä Täklä ’älfā, its philological and content analysis. The content analysis provides fundamental information concerning the historical, theological, governmental, socio -cultural events of the epoch. It also provides the philological and content value of the manuscript. The main objectives of the study are to conduct philological and content analysis on the manuscript of Gädlä’äbunä Täklä ’älfā and comment on the philological qualities and inconsistencies the encountered on the Gädl. In addition, the researcher tried to identify some of the effects of the attack of Ahmad Gragn on the Orthodox Church. The main concern of the research is the Gädl of ’äbunä Täklä ’älfā, which was found directly from the monastery. The processes included in analyzing the manuscript is identifying the biography of the Saint, giving philological and content analysis of the manuscript, briefing the theological values of the Gädl, and distinguishing the inconsistencies in the Gädl. The method used in the process is, in general, qualitative analysis. From this method, approximate years of birth and death of the saint from the personages in the Gädl, the inconsistencies in the Gädl and their corrections and the writer of the Gädl were identified. The study of the Gädl of this saint is essential in knowing the history of the monastery and the people of Gojjām. Beside this, it is essential in knowing the suffering the Orthodox Church faced at the time of Ahmad Gragn and the system of administrationof monasteries.
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    Copula Constructions and Information Structure in Muher
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-07) Workie Musa Arega; Baye Yimam(Professor )
    The main objective of this study is to describe copula constructions and information structure in Muher. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research method. Data have mainly been accessed through elicitation by consulting purposively selected Muher native speakers. Both elicitation and recording of free speech and narratives have been employed as major datagathering tools. Besides, data have been extracted from the Muher corpus compiled by the NORHED project, and some stories in Muher. The linguistic data were presented in three-line interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glossing. Phonemic transcription is employed by using IPA consistently. This study identified the copular morphemes -n for equation and non-past or -ja for the third person singular feminine, nən- for existential and non-past, and bannə- for past in the affirmative main clause, where nən-and bannə- are followed by MVMs. nən- and bannə have both BE and HAVE interpretations. In their BE interpretation, they are inflected for subject agreement. The predicates that nən- appears with is PPs with a locative function, but bannəshows up with all predicates i,e. NPs, PPs, and As. In their HAVE interpretation both nən- and bannə are inflected for object agreement. The complement to the present tense copula -n is a noun phrase, prepositional phrase, or adjectival phrase. In negation, the verbs anxən- „not become‟, jǝnnə „there is no‟ and annəbbər „didn‟t exist‟ are used as copula although they are not “true” copulas. Although questions in Muher follow the same structure as declarative clauses, they are constructed using rising intonation and/or with -we. Based on the semantic, morphosyntactic and pragmatic functions, the affirmative present tense copular clauses are equative, predicational, specificational, identificational, locative, possessive, and presentational. Muher encodes topic prosodically, lexically, morphologically and syntactically. In Muher, the word order of the direct and indirect objects is relatively free. However, Topic is established in the clause-initial position where a non-subject argument or constituent is fronted via syntactic topicalization. If an NP is mentioned as a subject, it is always the topic sentence initially; salient topics are not overt NPs but only marked by person markers on the verb. Topic-comment sentences are pragmatically and prosodically unmarked for their information structure since the clause-initial constituent is the topic of the clause. Besides, Muher employs various strategies to mark topic. For instance, contrastive topic can be marked morphologically by the morpheme -mma which is commonly an emphatic topic change. Although the functionality of -ʃ in Muher is much wider, it is also used to mark contrastive topic. Syntactically, topic is marked through basic word order change, topicalization (fronting), passivization, cleft constructions, and left and right dislocations. The constituent that becomes a topic through clefting and dislocations are also the element that receives focus. In Muher, focus is prosodically marked by intonation, and lexically by looking at answers for Wh-question words. Morphologically, focus can be marked by using the morpheme -m that subsumes completive, additive, expanding, replacing, parallel, restricting, and selective focus types. Although the basic word order of Muher is SOV, focus can be marked syntactically via basic word order change or scrambling, and by clefting. Focus domain, in Muher, can be the subject of the clause (argument focus), the subject and the predicate (sentence focus), or only the predicate (predicate focus).
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    Philological and Anthropological Analysis With Annotated Translation
    (Addis Ababa University, 2020-09) Wosenseged Kidane Sahile; Mersha Alehegne (PhD)
    The research explores philological and anthropological aspects of herbal medicine. As an interdisciplinary project, the research employed philological and anthropological methods. It aims at elucidating the Ethiopian medicinal system of knowledge based on the Ethiopian medicinal manuscript of ʾƎṣä Däbdabbe. It gives annotated translation of the selected text (NALA 489) and anthropological analysis on the five selected herbs (Qäbärǝččo ቀበርቾ Echinops, Dädäho ደደሆ Eucleaschimperi, Kǝtkǝta ክትክታ Dodonae aviscose, Mǝsǝrǝčǝ ምስርች Clerodendrum myricoides and ḥärägǝresa ሐረግሬሳ Zehneriascabra). It also gives the history of medicinal manuscripts and distribution in and outside of Ethiopia. The study also tries to forward ways to keep medicinal manuscripts of the country towards their revival and assessed Ethiopian policy towards traditional medicine. Comparative and critical investigation were conducted on manuscripts such as Mäṣḥafä Fäws, ʾƎṣä Mädǝḥanit and notes on medicinal prescriptions in varia / marginalia folios of other medicinal manuscripts. The study explored Ethiopian manuscripts and manuscript microfilm collections in Ethiopia, Germany and the United States of America. In addition, it surveyed printed and online catalogues of Ethiopian manuscripts worldwide; and conducted key informant interview with traditional medicine practitioners. The research was conducted in two regions (Maychew and Assosa) and ten practitioners had participated in focus group discussion (FGD). The findings of the research have shown the similarity between the uses laid out in the studied base manuscript and the information obtained from the oral sources.
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    Gädlä FƏqƏrtä KrƏstos: Critical Edition with Annotated Translation
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-04-18) Zewdie Gebreegziabher; Abba Petros Solomon (PhD)
    This study is a critical edition and annotated translation work on Gädlä FƏqƏrtä KrƏstos, a text which records the life, deeds and struggles of a martyr and monastic figure who lived in the 17th c. during the reign of king Susənyos. St. FƏqƏrtä KrƏstos is regarded as the defender of Orthodox Christianity and venerated as a great martyr, a monastic and a prominent saint by the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahədo Church. She had lived in three ways of life, which is quite unusual and rare: as a married woman, a martyr, and an abbess of a monastery. The Gädl narrates her amazing life from conception to her last breath including her suffering and struggle against king Susənyos and contains her miracles, covenant and mälkƏ’ The Gädl has not been critically studied and catalogued so far. The researcher has made a careful collation of six manuscripts found from three monasteries for the preparation of this edition. Out of the three, two of the monasteries were established by St. FƏqƏrtä KrƏstos. The physical and content descriptions of all the available MSS are demonstrated, including their quire structures illustrated in graphics. The description shows the right order of all folios, the structure of the quires, how they are assembled, how many folios are in each quire and which folios are absent. The edition comprises of the critical apparatus at the foot of each page to indicate the variant readings of the manuscripts, annotated English translation of the Gädl with mälkƏ’, Biblical allusions, linguistic, literary, textual analysis and the genealogical tree or stemma codicum. The dissertation is organized in eight chapters and 484 pages. The text has great significance and value when placed in the historical, social, cultural, philological, and theological contexts of 17th c. Ethiopia,
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    “Šayḫ Nurye ‘Omar and His Amharic ʻAğamī Text of Ğawharāt Al-Tawḥ󠆭id”
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-06) Moḥammed, Raḥma; Abubeker Dr., Muna
    The spread of Islamic litrature in Ethiopia has a great impact on the Ethiopian indigenous culture, and they used the Arabic loanwords in Ethiopian languages, the other effect on languages is the writing of some Ethiopian languages using the Arabic letters thatis called ʻAğamī. On the other hand, there are few Ethiopian languages written in Arabic letters. Amharic, Oromiffa, Somali, Harari, Afar, Silt`i and Argoba are cases in point. The traditional muslims had their contributions in Islamic sciences and the Arabic language, and they wrote poetry in praise of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH); they write also invaluable poem to teach the people and in order to make clear the teachings of Islam. This study attempts to introduce one of those scholars who had contribution to ʻAğamī, Sheikh Nuriye ‘Omar from Wollo, Amhara region, and to present hisʻAğamī Amharic manuscriptwhich is a translation of an Arabic poem into Amharic poem using Arabic alphabets (ʻAğamī) that deals with Islamic monotheism. The work will further present this manuscript and analyze it from philological and linguistic perspective. Transliteration of theʻAğamī manuscript is given in Amharic alphabet here with annotation. The text was translated from an Arabic origin called Jawharatu al-Tawhid, written by the Egyptian Scholar Sheikh Ibrahim al-Luqani (d.1632).
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    Gädlä Qäwéstos: Critical edition with annotated translation
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-02) Eshete, Fiseha; Gebreyes PhD, Solomon
    Gädlä Qäwéstos is one of the Ethiopian medieval hagiography, originally it was composed by his disciple Abunä Mäbaýa Séyon. The gädl was briefly narrates about how the saint was born, his mother prenatal period of time full of miracles; such as, since his mother chore the flour for the Holy Communion while her belly touched where our father Qäwéstos had been conceived; and that flour grew to the edge of the sieve and overflowed from it and also descended on the mat of the wheat the flour of the Eucharist, how the Ark of the Covenant came to Ethiopia, the distruction of Jerusalem, the controversy of the two Sabbaths and the journey of Abunä Qäwéstos with his father to Jerusalem, The gädl also discusses about his monastic activities, preaching gospel, fighting pagan cults, the construction of churches, finally he became martyrdom; because of he accused king ŸAmdä Séyon of his polygamy marriage; and also his having concubines and also an incestuous liaison with his mother. Following this, ŸAmdä Séyon persecuted him; then, finishing his combat Jesus Christ gave him seven crown and got pact from the Lord God. The study has employed eleven witnesses of Gädlä Qäwéstos that are collected from different monasteries, archives and institutions. The researchser has applied these eleven Mss. for the critical edition. Among the eleven Mss, four of them (G, Q1, Q2 and C) are belong to the 19th century and the rest seven Mss. (N, N1, N2, B, D, I and G) are dated to 20th century. The thesis is organized into seven chapters; the first chapter contains the introductory part which provides the general information about the Ethiopian hagiographies and monastic histories in general and the hagiography of Abunä Qäwéstos in particular. The researcher briefly stated his justification for the re-editing of the gädl and has commented on the previous editions done by the previous researchers. Chapter two is devoted to the contents of the Gädl, the date of the composition and the author of gädl. Finally, the genealogy of the Saint is clearly presented. VII Chapter three covers the method, the textual history of the gädl, description and grouping the manuscripts, and the drawing of the stemma. Chapter four presents the linguistic features and figurative langauges that are extracted from the gädl. Chapter five contains the critical text; and chapter six contains the translation and annotation. Finally, chapter seven presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations. This dissertation aims to reconstructing the original text of Gädlä Qäwéstos applying the Neo-Lachmannian [textual edition] method and translating the text into English accompanied with a detailed commentary. Based on the principle, the eleven witnesses of Gädlä Qäwǝsṭos are grouped into family based on shared common errors (Conjunctive errors). Therefore, the classification of the stemma comes from an archetype [Ω] has two branches [α] and [β] and became bipartite stemma. Again, the two branches also produce the following sub families. The sub archetype [γ] and [η] form the family [α], which is the left wing of the stemma codicum calculated as: N+Q1 = η; N1+I = N2+  = ζ; G+ζ= γ, and the other sub archetype [ε] and [δ] form the family [β] is the right wing of the stemma codicum calculated as: C+D =; Q2+ B = ; Ê+ δ
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    News Framing Analysis of First Round Filling of GERD: Comparative Study on the Ethiopian Herald, Sudan Tribune and Ahram Online Media Outlets
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-06) Taye Alemayehu, Alemayehu; Mekasha, Prof. Mekuria
    The issue of the GERD has reached its climax when Ethiopia was ready to impound the reservoir leading the three riparian countries /Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt/ to a new round of intense debate disagreement and controversy. Taking this crucial historical moment as an interesting and significant topic of research, this thesis is set out with a key purpose of examining how the media outlets in the three countries reported and framed issues related to the first round filling of the GERD. The Ethiopian Herald, Sudan Tribune and Ahram online with their news stories written from June 1st to July 31st have been examined. Ten news stories from each media outlet have been studied in conjunction with in-depth interviews and close examination of related literatures to provide the thesis with additional substance. Theoretical framework utilized for the study is framing and agenda setting theories. Research findings revealed that the Ethiopian Herald and Ahram online have reported extensively about the first impoundment of the GERD than Sudan Tribune. Prominent frames observed in The Ethiopian Herald were Natural rights frame, exclusion frame and mutual benefit frame. Sudan Tribune has prominently used economic consequence frame and conflict frame while Ahram online inclined to dominantly utilize historic rights frame and conflict frame. The issue of the first round filling of the GERD has been reported and framed in a distinctive manner that goes in line with the interest of their respective countries and the agenda setting policy of the media outlets in focus. Drawing a recommendation from the research a couple of reflections has been forwarded for further studies to be conducted on the issue of the GERD. Impartiality, balance and professionalism have also been recommended for the three media outlets studied under this research.
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    Philological and Textual Analysis of Gädlä Məlkam
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-07) Getie, Muluneh; Solomon PhD., Abba Petros
    Ethiopian has developed a rich Ethiopic, Gǝʿǝz, literary tradition since the Aksumite period. This rich literary tradition embraces different literary genres such as Bible, Homily, Hagiography, and History which are translated from foreign languages- Greek, Hebrew, Coptic, Arabic- and other local developments of Gǝʿǝz literatures. These different genres of Gǝʿǝz literatures have both religious and secular values and contribute higher significance for the overall understanding of Ethiopia. This thesis tries to analyze Gädlä Məlkam so as to explore different facts and elements hidden in it. Gädlä Məlkam is a local Gǝʿǝz hagiography which tells about the life of Saint Məlkam- his birth, growth, monastic life, education, combating, miracles, and death. Even though the gädl includes several intertwined significances, it is still far from the eyes of the philological researchers; it has not been studied, and even has not been catalogued yet. Therefore, the aim of this study is to introduce the manuscript of Gädlä Məlkam and to examine different valuable elements, namely philological, historical, cultural, social, literary, linguistic, religious which are included in it. The primary data source for the study is a manuscript of Gädlä Məlkam which is found in the monastery of Kəbran Gabriel and the National Archive and Library Agency (NALA) being both microfilmed and digitalized. As a result of deep qualitative analysis of the manuscript it is estimated, using philological tools, that the gädl was composed in the first half of 16th century. The subject of the gädl, Məlkam, is the saint who has combated and did several miracles in the monastery of Däbrä Halleluya found in the Western Tigray. In addition to his monastic life, he is described in the manuscript as he was Bible scholar, author, prophet of the New Testament and singer of the chant of St. Yared. As findings, the manuscript comprises different values and importance which are significant for both religious and secular purposes. Among the investigated values of the manuscript philological, historical, social, cultural, theological, literary, and linguistic elements are included.
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    Forensic Linguistic in Analysis of Suspects’ and Witnesses’ Expressions in Selected Criminal Cases: The Case of Federal Courts in Addis Ababa
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-02) Assefa, Zinawork; Yimam Prof., Baye
    Crime is rapidly growing and evolving around the world. This phenomenon has been attracting the interest of different fields of studies. Also, in forensic linguistics, studies are being done and developed from time to time in exposing criminals. This study focuses on bribery, sexual misconduct, and murder cases. The research has been prompted because no studies have been done, and there is no practice and experience of the implementation of forensic linguistic skills in the courts and police stations. Therefore, the study has designed the following research questions. These are (1) what are the linguistic features attested in bribery cases? (2) What are distinctive linguistic features verified in the language of murder cases? (3) What are the linguistic features ascribed in the language of sexual crime cases? (4) How do direct and cross-examination questions play a role in courtroom investigations? And (5) what are the linguistic tools and procedures used to detect language threats in courtrooms? The study carried out recording and observation tools and explanatory and exploratory designs, and the data is analyzed qualitatively. Then, the study has identified linguistic cues of bribery, murder, and sexual misconduct cases. These include avoiding liabilities, contradictions, use of the pronoun, social introduction, change in reference, temporal lacuna, passive voice, false supportive evidence, and fabricated time or date. Besides, the study has identified features of cross-examination and direct-examination questions and answers of recorded and unrecorded themes. On the one hand, direct-examination questions and unrecorded themes have been used to meet the demands of the person who is called to testify. On the other hand, cross-examination questions are used to test the truth about events and to impose one-sided intentions and win the case. Competitions on both sides focus on winning the case, and at the time of direct examination question, some witnesses are forced to speak more than they know. On the contrary, the opposing side uses a cross-examination to terminate testimony has been given by the witness. To do this, the prosecutor/attorney has used different types of questions, such as declarative, tag, modal verb, and projection questions.
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    Mäśǝhafä Hawi Content Analysis of Revenge
    (Addis Ababa Universiy, 2021-09) Lidetewold, Ayisanew; Assefa, Dr. Abba Daniel
    Throughout history, literary knowledge and wisdom is a part of human life. As we know,Ethiopia is one of the oldest countries that developed a rich literature. Most of the ancient Manuscripts that reflect this literature are studied by foreign scholars, in their own languages for their national institutions. Yet there is still much to be studied both abroad and locally. Modern studies to be carried out by Ethiopian scholars face the challenge of financial constraints and lack of research material.This research intends to offer a content analysis of selected readings from Mäśǝhafä Hawi, more precisely the readings that focus on the theme of revenge, with their annotated translations. This thesis follows a qualitative approach. Both primary and secondary data sources are treated textually and philologically based on the study of revenge.The conclusions of the study have mainly focused on the analysis of the selected texts from the readings of Mäśǝhafä Hawi. The selected texts are approached philologically and translated by paying attention to foreign and ambiguous words. Besides, the alphabetical errors are edited.Furthermore, the thesis attempts to analyze the selected portions from the manuscript. The background history and philological works for Mäśǝhafä Hawi are taken into consideration.The conceptual implications are discussed to achieve the goal of the study and for the better understanding of human society. This research on the Book of Hawi will hopefully open the door for further studies on this area.Finally, it is hoped that the study of such texts will contribute to the society at large by inspiring all ecclesiastical, governmental and private organizations who are concerned with the values of forgiveness, reconciliation and peace.
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    Mäṣḥafä Qedär (መጽሐፈ፡ ቄደር): Critical Edition and Annotated Translation
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-09) Girume, Beaman; Assefa, Dr. Abba Daniel
    Mäṣḥafä Qedär (መጽሐፈ፡ ቄደር), produced in the 16th century, is a type of liturgical book designed to purify people who have denied their faith and who have defiled their flesh with unbelievers through sexual intercourse. However, MQ is one of the many Ethiopic texts that have not been scientifically studied and critically edited. The main purpose of this study was to reconstruct and approximate the text of MQ into its original content as much as possible, for the text has lost its original content due to copyists errors either intentionally or unintentionally. In order to do this, the medium-sized recension was selected, for the short and long recensions are not analyzable due to their inadequacies for the task of critical edition. The specific reason I was not able to work for the long recension was because it was problematic as መጽሐፈ፡ ባርቶስ (Mäṣḥafä Barətos), another book, was embedded into MQ. Upon a preliminary reading of the eight witnesses that were accessible, it was learnt that there existed differences among them. Thus, a critical edition that employed the Neo-Lachmannian method was prepared followed by an annotated translation of MQ from Geez into English. Consequently, the results from the critical edition revealed the existence of variations among the different witnesses of MQ. Hence, the hypothetical relationships of these families (α and β) and subfamilies (γ, δ and ε) to their ancestors may be written as: Ω = (α (γ[A + H] + [D]) + β (δ[B + C] + ε[E + F + G])). The emendation procedure followed this stemmatic formula.
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    The syntax of simple declarative clauses in zaysse
    (Addis Ababa University, 1989-06) Yemer, Teshome; Yimer, baye (PhD)
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    Word Formation in Oremo
    (Addis Ababa University, 1993-06) Negassa, Temesgen; Yimam, Ambaye (PhD)
    Word formation is a process of creatin9 new words from existing . _a. Derivation aDll ceape\IIIIIU.Df are tile .. at c_n precessea ef word formation. Xn this study, an atteapt is aade to des=i.e such verd foraation processes in Oromo. The aain body of the paper haa two parts. Xn the first part derviational processes are described. Xt is shown that different lexical categories are derived by adding various affixes to bases belonging to different lexical categories; and that the addition of the affixes entails different properties of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. In the second part, the process of compounding is desCribed. Xt is shown that different lexical categories are formed by combining two words or stems ; and that such a process also entails different phonological, IIOrphological, syntactic and seaantic characteristics. Furtheraore, the gaps to be found in the combination of different lexical categories in word formation of the language are explained.
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    The Focus System in Oromo ( A functional Grammar Approach )
    (Addis Ababa University, 1990-06) Yassin, Tara; Wedekind, Kiaus (PhD)
    This study deals with the function of focus in Oromo. It attempts to ShO~1 the different me chanisms in which focus functions are realized. Dik (1978) developed the theory of FG with the view point of functional nature of a l anguage . It is stated in his stud y that ~agmatic Functi on is one of the three levels of Functional nations. Focus is regarded as one of the four 1f.ragmat ic Functions. Focus presents .,ha t is r el ative ly the most important or salient informa,tion in ~ given setting . Even though Focus is a universal fa~ture of any language~ 'he types, the scopes, the functions and d istribution of Focus vary from language to language. The " :" distri):JUtion of fo study exam ines the types, the scopes, the funct:l.Ons .Ailu.,,~ll Oromo in the light of Dik (1978) and (1989) . The study has three chapter.: In CMpiiar:
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    The Noun Phrase in Awngi
    (Addis Ababa University, 1984-06) Mengistu, Taddesse; Manahlot, Demissie (PhD)
    This thesis attempts to examine the syntactic structures of the noun phrase in Awngi. The ~aper contains three chapters including the conclusion. Chapter 1 explains the background work of the thesis which involves a description about the lcgew people, the Agew language and its classificat ion, studies on Awngi and the purpose of the study. Chapter 2 discusses the noun phrase in Awngi. In so doing, methods of identifying l.wngi noun phrases and the internal structure of the ~oun phrase, the distribution of the constituents, external distribution and functions of the noun phrase in j,wngi have been presented. Chapter 3 deals with a summary of the major points discussed in the thesis. Awngi is an inflectional language. 1 Any syntactic analysis may not be clearly discussed without an attempt of its morpho~ogical categories. Hence, a brief description of the noun morphology (gender, number and case inflections) has been appended to help readers understand the various inflectional elements in the thesis.