The Focus System in Oromo ( A functional Grammar Approach )

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Addis Ababa University


This study deals with the function of focus in Oromo. It attempts to ShO~1 the different me chanisms in which focus functions are realized. Dik (1978) developed the theory of FG with the view point of functional nature of a l anguage . It is stated in his stud y that ~agmatic Functi on is one of the three levels of Functional nations. Focus is regarded as one of the four 1f.ragmat ic Functions. Focus presents .,ha t is r el ative ly the most important or salient informa,tion in ~ given setting . Even though Focus is a universal fa~ture of any language~ 'he types, the scopes, the functions and d istribution of Focus vary from language to language. The " :" distri):JUtion of fo study exam ines the types, the scopes, the funct:l.Ons .Ailu.,,~ll Oromo in the light of Dik (1978) and (1989) . The study has three chapter.: In CMpiiar:<One:tpa.; Statement the Significance, the Objectives, the Limitations and Methods of the study are introduced. In addition, previous related studie s in Oromo are a lso included . The theoretical framework of Functional Grammar with the aim of introducing the bas ic concepts of FG in gener a l and the treatment of f ocus a ~ a p ragmat ic function in particular are described in Chapter T~IO . The Third Chapter discusses t he various focus functions in the language . The focalizing devices, the types, the scopes and functions of focus are raised and discussed. Finally , the study presents the summary of the preceding chapters. Distribution of Oromo in Ethiopia According to Harry Stroomer (1987:x1)



