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Item Analysis of Alternative Basic Education (ABE) Intervention By The Organization For Prevention, Rehabilitation And Integration of Female Street Children (Oprifs)(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-07) Kebede, Endale; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)purpose of the study is to analyze the extent of ABE program access to female street children under the intervention of indigenous local NGO named OPRIFS. Therefore, the analysis was made in the light of the government policy intention to provide Universal Basic Education (UBE) by the year 2015. The main research questions addressed the extent of educational access created, quality of education de livered- mainly its relevance to the needs of the beneficiaries, efficiency of the program and level of community participation for the impact analysis. The case study was conducted in two ABE centers in Arada Sub City of Addis Ababa where OPRIFS is conducting its program. Thus, center facilitators, program coordinators, beneficiary students, Kebele Education Desk Officers, Education Supervisors, children's parents and parent committee members were included as respondents. Data were collected from these respondents using questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion guides and observation checklists. From among 74 respondents 60 of them were female street children found in the ABE centers who were selected on the basis of random sampling. The remaining were program coordinators, facilitators, and education desk officials, in Kebele and Sub-city office of Arada. All the respondents had filled and returned the questionnaire to the researcher. Then the quantitative data that involve frequency counting were coded and processed using SPSS. The qualitative data is analyzed with an in depth examination of related documents, interview, FGD and observation check list summarized along key concepts corresponding to the main research questions. The findings of the study revealed that there is problem of confidence about the ABE nature within OPRIFS that helps students to finish the first level primary in three years program, lack of coordinated intervention in ABE project by establishing GO-NGO partnership, problem of insufficient community participation in school management and utilize community resources that insures program sustainability. Therefore, it is concluded that OPRIFS intervention in the ABE program had created an opportunity to this local NGO to contribute its share in opening a limited access to the marginalized female street children in the capital Addis Ababa. Thus, depending on the results of the findings the researcher recommends that due attention need to be given to mobilize the community, design strategies that could enable to utilize community resources, strengthening partnership with a/l stakeholders, exploring possible means that provides more access to female street children, share experiences from other NGOs and reevaluate the three years ABE's program that helps to complete the first cycle primary in light of ABE nature of flexibility and cost effectivenessItem Assessment of Factors Affecting Teachers' Engagement In Conducting Educational Research In Colleges of Teacher Ed"Ccation In Oromiya Regional-State(Addis Ababauniversity, 2006-06) Misso, Gemechu; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)This Sfll{Z\ ' was aillled at assessing factors ajJectillg teachers' clwagelllcllt in cOllductillg educational research. III order to lIIeet this plflpose, sOllie hasic questioll ' were raised regardlllg lIl1ell/pts lIIade hy the teachers to ulldertake research alld factors that halllper research acti\'ities ill eTE of Orollliya, Basic questiolls related to basic research kno II 'ledge. research \Vork plan. opportullity to get research copies, alld research \l'Ork disselllillatioll lI 'ere also raised. The study ell/ployed slflTey as mC!thod of illvestigatioll alld simple ralldom sall/plillg technique for selectillg those who took part ill the stuc(r, Questiollnaire . illterviell' and focll oroup discussion lI'ere IIsed as tools of data gatherillg. According(}', the overall sun'e." revealed that lack of [til all cia I, material ((lid hUll/an illputs alld shortage of sOll/e services alld lack offacilitatillg cOllditiolls made difficllll teachers' engagelllellt ill educatiollal research ({Clivities, Thus it \I'as concluded that the abo\'e factors are impedimellts that made research activities difficult ill colleges of Teacher Educatioll concemed. Thlls, the recommendatioll for addressing these issues illclude creatillg fen 'orable cOllditiolls by alloc((tillg suffiCient [tnancial resource, hiring additional teachillg stajJ alld part till/er. strengthellillg the link betweell RPO at erE alld Office of Research Team at ORE, ratifyillo a charier at regiollal level, which gives value to research ill teachers' professional proll/otioll, C/:;atillg close cOlllacts between different eTE and Universities for experiential exchange, organi:illg research groups of teachers, and formulating guideline to intensively folloll' up teachers' ellgagement in research \Vork.Item An Assessment of The Contribution And Challenges Faced Satellite Schools In Universalization of Primary Education In Borena Zone of Oromia Regional State(Addis Ababauniversity, 2008-06) Emama, Ereti; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)I hI' Jlwill o!>/l!ctl\'e 0/ thi\' sludy \I'OS to (.IS.\('SS Ilze contribllllOl1 of wtellite schools in ul//I'('rmli:clllOl1 0/ prilllo/Y educllti(l/1 in nOrenel : IJI7(, in lerlllS (~j' edllco/iol1C11 access, gender l'(/Ilt/lity, (Illulily and e.///cicl7cy 0/ ('dllcotlOn; (/1/(/ 10 idei71U)' the maior clJllstraints thai 11/((1,,' IlIlIclt'r rl/(: £Iclil'ilie,' oj sateLlire schools (//u///170/lI ' CO/III! lip 1\'ilh po,ssih/( "traregies that shollid hi' £I1lplcllI(,lllt!d 10 allel'i(f(l! the prohlellls j'or the pr(JI'tsion u/ (jlllllilV cdllculion. The sludy used dnL'l'i/Jtin' \1IF\'e.\i appro(lch and il1l'O/I'es /}ol/i IJrilllw}' und ('ec(}J1(lary sources The data l\'a,\ ('ullt'cted ji-oJn fOllr ~\,(Jred(/,' of l30rena /.01/1' ,se/eCll!d usillg pUiposil'l!, simple random and (/I'lli/ahilily \({lIIplin,!!, 117e suhiec;ts ojthe "Illdy "'''ere 1-: supervison, 28 prlll/(/J~V school direclors, - () '(IIl!/litL' ,'( hoo! tl!(lchers, fOllr lPurec/a cdl/cal iO/1 of/ice heads, one zone educaf ion (~//h:e head wul jeJ/lr local elders. rhe necessw~\' informatiol7 was secured FOIJ7 lhes'e subjeds through (/IIl'\/lOflJ1({irl! oncl intt:n'ieH'. [n oddilioll, Ihe c!OCUJlWlltS oj'educalional statistics oflhe l32EO and If'/:D Il 'ere used to obtain Ihe necessary data regarding students' participalion in first cyc.:le /)J'fJlwry school and satellite schools oj the \ Zone lInderstudy. rhe da/o obtained frorn (/1IC!slionl7l1ire I!'cre ana!y:eci using s[({lislical tools likes percentage, mean and mean mIlle, 7he findings (?/ the s'llId), rCl'eoled (hoi the slotus o/sIudents ' participation in satellite school ' o/the /.UJ71! is I'ery high It is also revealed thaI Ihere i,\ /0\1' gender disparily ill participalion and loll' tim/)(Hf{ 0/ children in Ihe satellite schools Regarding the challenges, shortage of manpower and nIh('/" rnollrc{'\ hu\'c heell ielen/ij/ed us IJwior problems in provision uj (/lIl1/ily educmion in the '({leI/ill! scflool\ oj Barena Zone. SllOrloge 0/ stlldenls' lexl hook., and reference materials, shorlage 0/ role modelfemale teachers, sharlUge a/local Irained teuchers, leHI' level o/teochers' /J/olin/lion to tew:h (It '(lIellite schools. prohlems q/ adequate supervision, lack of compelenJ /wiIJWI) school directors aJ1d lack o/adeqllCltc budget have ht!cn identif/cd as major constraiJ7l\' \I hich oflect the (lc/h'ilies 0/ satellite schools for the provision q/ qualilJ' education. From this finding it 11'(l.\' conelllded thm though Ihe contrihu.tion o./satellile schools IUII'I! heen in incrcasing a('ce\'s, gender equality and ejJiciem_y asfollnd to be very high, prOl'ision of quality edllcmion in lhe,\e schools hecome challenging due 10 resource and manpower constrainls, Depending on the resull or the findings, this study recommended that, the Zone and Woreda fducation Ojfices in collaboratio/1 with local communities should furnish [he satellite school' with the nece 'swy school facilities, The Woreda education oj/ice should al. '0 gil'e due affention./or satellite school \'lItdenls in distrihuting texi hooks to ,'choofs, Clssigninx competent primary school director, ' Clnd cum/Jelent slIperl'i'iOrs. Clnd sl!fficient nl1mber of fema!e ond trained teachers jor satellite schoo!s, Fill(J/~l '. il is beller if the H'oredo Cabinels aI/ocate su//iciel1l hudgel Jor educoriC)f] \ ('clorItem The Current Practice and Challenges of Preprimary School Education in Haw Assa City Administration(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Kebede, Mesay; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main objective of this study was to investigate the practices and challenges of preprimary education in Hawassa City Administration. To achieve this end, a descriptive survey method was employed. The sources of the data for the study were 92 pre primary teachers, J 6 head teachers (principals), 3 education experts, and J 2 parents selected from sixteen preprimary schools and education offices using stratified, random, available and purposive sampling techniques. The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaires, interviews and observations. The data collected were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data gathered through questionnaires were analyzed by using frequency counts and their percentages; where as the data gathered through observation and interview were analyzed qualitatively under each categOlY to supplement the quantitative data. The findings of the study indicated that the curriculum implementation in the preprimary schools was found to be low. In the study, it was also found out that the physical organization of classrooms and outdoor spaces and playgrounds were inadequate and materials and equipments in the preprimaty schools were found to be insufficient. The findings also revealed that teachers were inadequate and they were not equipped with the necessary competencies and pedagogical skills to implement the preprimaty curriculum effectively. The study further indicated that the degree of parent-school relationship to assist children's learning was low. Moreover, reluctance to the relation, lack of time to involve, considering teaching only teachers concern, lack of skill due to poor training on the part of teachers and principals, inability to create conducive environment for the relation were the major problems identified during the study. On the bases of the findings it was concluded that the preprimary schools in Hawassa city administration are not up to the standard in terms of facilities, materials and human resources and in involving parents. The findings also revealed that the support given to pre primary schools was low. However the above conditions are relatively betler in few NGOs and public schools. Based on the findings and conclusions , establishment of communication and feedback channels, making a study on the implementation, supervising and evaluating the program, improving and enhancing the condition of school physical and material organization, updating and upgrading teachers, improving the partnership with parents and enhancing government support were suggested. Moreover, further investigations in other selling were also recommended.Item Education for All: Successes and Challenges to Achieve Universal Primary Education in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Jembere, Mamush; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main purpose of the study was to make an investigation on the current status of Universal Primary Education in Addis Ababa, and challenging jactors that impede the realization of UPE. In order to realize this pU/pose, questions regarding the status of Universal Primary Education (UP E) in the regional Administration, Socio-Cultural and socio-economic impediments that affect the attainment of UPE, school related factors and administrative linstilutional impediments that hinder the progress to wardl' UPE as well as measures that are being taken to address the major problems to attain UPE were raised as basic questions of the study. The study utilized a descriptive survey method and involves both primary and secondary data sources. The data obtained through questionnaire, interview and documents were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Relevant statistical tools such as graphs, tables, percentages and the mean were used to analyze the quantitative data. The analysis of the data revealed that coverage and access to basic primary education is increasing and the enrollment of girls appears higher than boys. However, still a number of poor, disabled, working, orphan and street children of right school age are denied of schooling. On the other hand, quality, equity and efficiency issues of the education system are found to be not satisfactoly. The results of the findings also indicate that socio-cultural constraints like gender bias and stereotyping, belittling the value of girls' education, negligence to the education of physically impaired and AIDS Orphan children were identified as major problems in the strive to attain UP E. In addition to this, socia-economic factors like demand for child labour in poor house hold, low house hold income, health problem and poor nutrition, ever increasing school age population, and direct and indirect school costs were found to be major constraints. Furthermore, school related factors: lack of school facilities and service, large class size, poor quality of education, and lack of quality teaching materials were considered as barriers. Insufficient budget and finanCial resources, and lack of incentives for teachers are found to be major barriers to the success of UPE in Addis Ababa. increasing the number of qualified teachers have been used as strategies by the city administration. On the basis of the jindings, it was concluded that Addis Ababa City Administration is progressing well in the area of access and coverage. However, socia cultural socioeconomic school related and administrative jactors are challenging the efforts being made to realize UP E. Finally, expansion of non- formal education, increasing the role of private sector, expansion of available school buildings and classrooms, implementation of double shift flystem, improving school environment , giving tutorial support, strengthening school community relation ship, , improving teachers' capacity through training, provision of high quality teaching materials, school feeding programs, provision of grants or scholarships, bursaries and incentives for vulnerable children, expansion of inclusive and special needs education, providing gender awareness training, formulation of pro-poor and other supportive social policies, and improving collection and consolidation of statistical data were recommended as interventions for the successful attainment of Universal Primary Education.Item Female Students Achievement and Factors Influencing Their Participation in General Secondary Schools in East Wollega Zone(Addis Ababa University, 2008-07) Hundie, Takele; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main purpose of this study is to investigate major factors that have an impact on female student's academic achievement in general secondary schools of East wel/ega zone. The study attempt to identity in school and out of school factors related to girls' education. To attain the objectives, the study employed descriptive survey method. Thus, the study was conducted on five general secondary schools of East Wollega zone that were selected using simple random sampling techniques from 20 general secondary schools of the zone including Ne/eemte special town. The study includes 300 female students selected from grade 9 and 10, and 50 teachers by using simple random sampling; 5 principals and 5 woreda education office leaders by availability sampling respectively, and 10 parents of females students by simple random sampling technique from sample schools. Document analysis, questionnaires and interview were the instruments for data collection. The data gathered were analyzed by statistical tools such as percentage, chi-square and rank order correlations. Generally, the study identified some of the major findings such as lack of parental support, lack of how level of parental education, females lack of motivation to learn, lack of guidance and counseling services in schools, lack of educational materials, home school distance etc. Based on the results of the findings, some identified school related factors associated with female students low academic achievement were: lack of instructional materials, lack of available guidance and counseling services in schools, females lacle of motivation to learn, and females absenteeism from the class. On the other hand, lack of parental support, parental lack or low level of education, female students lacle of study time at home, and home school distance are some of the out-of-schools factors for low academic achievement of f emale students in the zone. It was also found that the factors that affect the academic performance of female students is a function of multi dimensional variables which generally emanate from in school and out of school systems. Therefore, timely correction of the above variables should bring a considerable change in academic achievement of female students. Thus, it was recommended that the government, the school community. NGDs, and the society in general should work hand in hand to change the existing s ituation to up bring the academic achievement of female students in general secondary schools.Item Follow-Up Study of Graduates of Integrated Adult Functional Literacy Program In Extending Literacy Skills: The Case of Kirkose Sub-City(Addis Ababauniversity, 2016-06) Hailemikael, Getahun; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main purpose of this study was to investigate how graduates IFAL extend literacy skill after graduation in Kirkos Sub City. To achieve these objectives and to answer the research questions, the researcher employed a mixed method, Primary and secondary sources of data used and four data collection instruments were utilized in the research design and methodology. These were questionnaire for the participants, interview for the woreda education experts, sub city education experts; woreda supervisor, document analysis and focal group discussion were employed. The findings revealed that adult's literacy skill was not effectively extended after the graduation of IFALP in kirkos sub city. Because the stake-holders did not give due attention for adult literacy skill extending by creating conducive environment, follow up and support the adults to extend literacy skill and create the awareness how to practice adults after graduation of IFAL to extend literacy skill. The researcher suggests that the Government, stakeholders, community and other concerned bodies had better give adequate attention and should play their roles properly to extend literacy skill by fulfilling the required facility, by creating conducive learning environments, by creating awareness for adults about the significance of extending literacy skill, hence, for the effective implementation of this program every stake-holders should play their roles properlyItem Impact Assessment of Literacy Skills on the Income Generating Schemes for Poor Women in Addis Ketema Sub City The Case of Organization for Women in Self Employment jWISEj(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Zenebe, Tibebu; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess the Impact of WISE project intervention on the income generating schemes for poor women in Addis Ketema Sub City. In order to achieve this purpose, basic questions were raised • that were intended to address the project · overall design, implementation activities and impact on the livelihoods generation capabilities of targeted beneficiaries in the study area. Case study method was employed to carry out the research. Both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered using questionnaire, interview FGD and document reviewing as a method of data collection. The analysis of data was carried out using descriptive narrative and percentage analysis method. The participants of the study were categorized into seven groups and different sampling techniques were employed to select samples from each group. A total of 44 beneficiaries of the project were selected using availability sampling method, to fill out the questionnaire; and another 53 were selected using the same sampling technique and got involved as participants in an in depth interview and FGD. The purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from 2 literacy facilitators and 8 project staffs. The findings of the study indicated that the project has been designed and implemented in the area with the view of promoting income generating schemes for poor women by maximizing the beneficiaries' income generating capabilities using tools; skills trainings, saving, loan and micro business development. The project created an opportunity for literacy learning and easy access to loan for many women beneficiaries. The study finding disclosed a well organized and efficient skill training program delivery, close follow up and supervision support, excellent business management counseling service, respectful and worthwhile treatment to . the beneficiaries that contributed to the paramount effect of promoting the living standard of the beneficiaries. Finally, the study concluded that there is a high demand for the expansion of the project intervention in the study area. Hence due consideration should be given to the establishment of' networking and partnership promotion; with different funding organization to expand the contribution of the project and ensure its sustairiability to other deprived women.Item Practices and CalengesofSchool Based Tutorial Program forFemale Students' In General Secondary Schools of North Western Zone of Tigray National Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Nigusse, Hagos; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main objective of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of school based tutorial program for female students’ in general secondary schools of North Western zone of Tigray National Regional State. To this effect, basic questions were raised regarding the implementation of school based tutorial program for female students, the necessary supports and facilities made available to implement school based tutorial program and the major factors influencing female students’ school based tutorial program implementation. This study employed descriptive survey design and made use of quantitative and qualitative approaches. To get valid and reliable information this study obtained data from both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources were female students, teachers, school principals, vice principals and supervisors of Woreda education office using questionnaires, semi structured interview and observation checklist. The secondary sources were school documents and guidelines. In this study, both probability and non-probability sampling techniques were employed. From 8 Woredas of the zone, one urban and four rural Woredas were selected using stratified sampling technique. A total of 175 female students and 69 teachers were taken using simple random sampling. A total of 5 school principals, 5 vice principals and 5 Woreda supervisors were used as a source of data using purposive sampling method, and 50 parents of female students were taken using snow ball technique. The data gathered were analyzed by percentage and mean. The results of the data analysis revealed that the school management did not make the necessary follow up of the tutorial program. The cooperation of the stakeholders and school level actors for female students’ school based tutorial program was not sufficient. Incentives for teachers /high scored female students were low. Lack of interest of female students, home school distance, and inconsistency of the tutorial program and shortage of classrooms were the major school related factors negatively influencing the implementation of female students’ tutorial programs. Early marriage, using girls as care givers and assistants for mothers and as source of labor were major socio cultural factors impacting the implementation of the tutorial programs. Low economic level of parents had also negative impact on female students’ tutorial program. Therefore, to alleviate these problems, stakeholders and school level actors should be interconnected and play a significant role in coordinating, supporting, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of tutorial programs. Schools and Woreda education offices should allocate annual budget from the school budget. It is also advisable for other government offices and NGOs to encourage the implementation of the tutorial program in opening schools closer to the local community and building additional classes in the existing schools to minimize the challenges of female student’s tutorial program.Item The Practices and Challenges of School Development planning and Implementation: The Case of Diga Woreda Secondary Schools(Addis Ababa University, 2019-06) Tolesa, Dessalegn; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of school development plan implementation in Diga woreda Secondary Schools. The researcher used descriptive survey design using mixed methods research approach of both quantitative and qualitative data. The data sources were both primary and secondary sources. The primary sources were Diga woreda secondary schools principals, teachers, students, school board management committees and department heads from four secondary schools of the woreda. The researcher took Ifa, Fododo, Diga, and ArjoGudetu secondary schools were for this study. Participants’ were147teachers, 40 department heads and 51 school board management committees who were selected by purposive sampling techniques and 162 students were selected using systematic random sampling while the four school principals were included with the availability sampling technique. The main data gathering tools used in the study were questionnaire, interview and document analysis. Questionnaire were prepared to collect data from teachers, students, department heads and school board management committees while interview question was prepared to gather information from school principals. Quantitative data that were gathered through questionnaire were analyzed with the Percentage, mean and standard deviations. Data obtained from interview responses and documents review was analyzed and discussed using narration. The results of the study revealed that the priority in school development planning and implementation of secondary school were not similarly emphasized among teachers, students, department heads, school board management and principals. The level of stakeholders’ participation in the school development planning and implementation identified as to be low. The major problems that face secondary schools in practice and challenges of school development planning and implementation were identified inadequate technical support from the higher officials, shortage of training and awareness for stakeholders to participate in sdp, inadequate materials and resource. Based on findings of the study the researcher recommended that secondary schools have better to build common understanding, strong communication and making collaboration among stakeholdersItem The Status and Challenges of Girls’ Primary Education. The case of Dessie Zuria Woreda(Addis Ababauniversity, 2010-07) Damte, Getnet; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main objective of the study was to investigate the current status and challenges of female’s participation in primary education in Dessie Zuria Woreda. In order to attain the objective of the study a descriptive survey research method was used. The first sources of information used in this study include primary school teachers, female students of grade 7 and grade 8, school directors, woreda education offices, woreda women Affair head and parents. Secondary data was gathered from documents found in the South Wollo zone education department Dessie Zuria woreda education office and ten sample primary schools. Primary Data relevant to the study were collected using questionnaire and interview and secondary data were gathered from documents. Based on documentary analysis, through the gender gap has been observed to be narrowed, still there exists high drop out and repetition rates of females that aggravate gender disparity in the study woreda. Moreover, based on the results of the analysis traditional views of the society to girls' education, early marriage and pregnancy, low economic status of parents and household activities of girls at home were found to be major challenges of females' participation. Thus, it is recommended that the education sector at the regional, zone and woreda level should exert maximum effort to attune provision of education with the national commitments and international agreementsItem Teaching in Large Classes of West Hararghe Zone General Secondary Schools: Challenges and Prospects(Addis Ababauniversity, 2012-06) Tibabu, Andinet; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges and prospects of teaching in large classes of secondary schools of west Hararghe zone. Though many research conducted in large class and its challenge encountered, they all limited to some specific areas. Since the area for this study is different from the area studied before in different situation like environment, custom, economic and way of living, conducting this research was important and timely. To, con:!u~!thiS research, descriptive survey method was employed. The primary sources of data were 165teachers, 400 students of secondary school (9-10) and 10 principals, vice-principals and school supervisors. Purposive sampling, simple random sampling and stratified random sampling techniques were employed to select secondary schools, teachers and students respectively. QU!!Eionnaires were the main data gathering instruments while interview, observation and document analysis were employed to enrich the data gathered through questionnaires. Likewise, the collected data were analyzed quantitatively using percentage and mean values, and qualitatively by using descriptive narration. The finding of the study mirrors that, on average, the number of students accommodated in a section was 80 and above which is relatively very large. There was an implementation bott~eneck with respect to methods of teaching used in large classes. Most frequently teachers utilized lecture method of teaching in these classes. Disciplinary problems, lack of communication, lack of effective assessment and ....:-- feedback, class involvement and inability to identify students need and behaviors.'> by teachers were problems observed in large classes. Majority of the teachers teaching in the large classes were not acquainted with the know-how of teaching large classes. Besides, they didn't get initial and on-job trainings on how to teach large classes and the support provided to them by the principals and school supervisors were not sufficient. Qn top of these, educational facilities / material including textbooks were not sufficient enough to materialize effective teachinglearning proc~ss in large classes. Finally, necessary recommendations regarding teachers load and training, leaching method (promoting active learning) deeper understanding of callses and /" types of conflict with careful planning and implementing it for classroom management, teaching methods that increase students involvement, text books and the neces ary materials, and professional support given by principals and supervisors were given for improving the challenges of teaching in large classes of secondary school