Female Students Achievement and Factors Influencing Their Participation in General Secondary Schools in East Wollega Zone

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study is to investigate major factors that have an impact on female student's academic achievement in general secondary schools of East wel/ega zone. The study attempt to identity in school and out of school factors related to girls' education. To attain the objectives, the study employed descriptive survey method. Thus, the study was conducted on five general secondary schools of East Wollega zone that were selected using simple random sampling techniques from 20 general secondary schools of the zone including Ne/eemte special town. The study includes 300 female students selected from grade 9 and 10, and 50 teachers by using simple random sampling; 5 principals and 5 woreda education office leaders by availability sampling respectively, and 10 parents of females students by simple random sampling technique from sample schools. Document analysis, questionnaires and interview were the instruments for data collection. The data gathered were analyzed by statistical tools such as percentage, chi-square and rank order correlations. Generally, the study identified some of the major findings such as lack of parental support, lack of how level of parental education, females lack of motivation to learn, lack of guidance and counseling services in schools, lack of educational materials, home school distance etc. Based on the results of the findings, some identified school related factors associated with female students low academic achievement were: lack of instructional materials, lack of available guidance and counseling services in schools, females lacle of motivation to learn, and females absenteeism from the class. On the other hand, lack of parental support, parental lack or low level of education, female students lacle of study time at home, and home school distance are some of the out-of-schools factors for low academic achievement of f emale students in the zone. It was also found that the factors that affect the academic performance of female students is a function of multi dimensional variables which generally emanate from in school and out of school systems. Therefore, timely correction of the above variables should bring a considerable change in academic achievement of female students. Thus, it was recommended that the government, the school community. NGDs, and the society in general should work hand in hand to change the existing s ituation to up bring the academic achievement of female students in general secondary schools.



Female Students Achievement
