Analysis of Alternative Basic Education (ABE) Intervention By The Organization For Prevention, Rehabilitation And Integration of Female Street Children (Oprifs)
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Addis Ababauniversity
purpose of the study is to analyze the extent of ABE program access to
female street children under the intervention of indigenous local NGO named
OPRIFS. Therefore, the analysis was made in the light of the government policy
intention to provide Universal Basic Education (UBE) by the year 2015. The
main research questions addressed the extent of educational access created,
quality of education de livered- mainly its relevance to the needs of the
beneficiaries, efficiency of the program and level of community participation for
the impact analysis.
The case study was conducted in two ABE centers in Arada Sub City of Addis
Ababa where OPRIFS is conducting its program. Thus, center facilitators,
program coordinators, beneficiary students, Kebele Education Desk Officers,
Education Supervisors, children's parents and parent committee members were
included as respondents. Data were collected from these respondents using
questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion guides and observation
checklists. From among 74 respondents 60 of them were female street children
found in the ABE centers who were selected on the basis of random sampling.
The remaining were program coordinators, facilitators, and education desk
officials, in Kebele and Sub-city office of Arada. All the respondents had filled
and returned the questionnaire to the researcher. Then the quantitative data that
involve frequency counting were coded and processed using SPSS. The
qualitative data is analyzed with an in depth examination of related documents,
interview, FGD and observation check list summarized along key concepts
corresponding to the main research questions.
The findings of the study revealed that there is problem of confidence about the
ABE nature within OPRIFS that helps students to finish the first level primary in
three years program, lack of coordinated intervention in ABE project by
establishing GO-NGO partnership, problem of insufficient community
participation in school management and utilize community resources that insures
program sustainability.
Therefore, it is concluded that OPRIFS intervention in the ABE program had
created an opportunity to this local NGO to contribute its share in opening a
limited access to the marginalized female street children in the capital Addis
Ababa. Thus, depending on the results of the findings the researcher
recommends that due attention need to be given to mobilize the community,
design strategies that could enable to utilize community resources, strengthening
partnership with a/l stakeholders, exploring possible means that provides more
access to female street children, share experiences from other NGOs and
reevaluate the three years ABE's program that helps to complete the first cycle
primary in light of ABE nature of flexibility and cost effectiveness
Organization For Prevention, Rehabilitation