An Assessment of The Contribution And Challenges Faced Satellite Schools In Universalization of Primary Education In Borena Zone of Oromia Regional State
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Addis Ababauniversity
I hI' Jlwill o!>/l!ctl\'e 0/ thi\' sludy \I'OS to (.IS.\('SS Ilze contribllllOl1 of wtellite schools in
ul//I'('rmli:clllOl1 0/ prilllo/Y educllti(l/1 in nOrenel : IJI7(, in lerlllS (~j' edllco/iol1C11 access, gender
l'(/Ilt/lity, (Illulily and e.///cicl7cy 0/ ('dllcotlOn; (/1/(/ 10 idei71U)' the maior clJllstraints thai 11/((1,,'
IlIlIclt'r rl/(: £Iclil'ilie,' oj sateLlire schools (//u///170/lI ' CO/III! lip 1\'ilh po,ssih/( "traregies that shollid
hi' £I1lplcllI(,lllt!d 10 allel'i(f(l! the prohlellls j'or the pr(JI'tsion u/ (jlllllilV cdllculion. The sludy used
dnL'l'i/Jtin' \1IF\'e.\i appro(lch and il1l'O/I'es /}ol/i IJrilllw}' und ('ec(}J1(lary sources The data l\'a,\
('ullt'cted ji-oJn fOllr ~\,(Jred(/,' of l30rena /.01/1' ,se/eCll!d usillg pUiposil'l!, simple random and
(/I'lli/ahilily \({lIIplin,!!, 117e suhiec;ts ojthe "Illdy "'''ere 1-: supervison, 28 prlll/(/J~V school direclors,
- () '(IIl!/litL' ,'( hoo! tl!(lchers, fOllr lPurec/a cdl/cal iO/1 of/ice heads, one zone educaf ion (~//h:e head
wul jeJ/lr local elders. rhe necessw~\' informatiol7 was secured FOIJ7 lhes'e subjeds through
(/IIl'\/lOflJ1({irl! oncl intt:n'ieH'. [n oddilioll, Ihe c!OCUJlWlltS oj'educalional statistics oflhe l32EO and
If'/:D Il 'ere used to obtain Ihe necessary data regarding students' participalion in first cyc.:le
/)J'fJlwry school and satellite schools oj the \ Zone lInderstudy. rhe da/o obtained frorn
(/1IC!slionl7l1ire I!'cre ana!y:eci using s[({lislical tools likes percentage, mean and mean mIlle, 7he
findings (?/ the s'llId), rCl'eoled (hoi the slotus o/sIudents ' participation in satellite school ' o/the
/.UJ71! is I'ery high It is also revealed thaI Ihere i,\ /0\1' gender disparily ill participalion and loll'
tim/)(Hf{ 0/ children in Ihe satellite schools Regarding the challenges, shortage of manpower and
nIh('/" rnollrc{'\ hu\'c heell ielen/ij/ed us IJwior problems in provision uj (/lIl1/ily educmion in the
'({leI/ill! scflool\ oj Barena Zone. SllOrloge 0/ stlldenls' lexl hook., and reference materials,
shorlage 0/ role modelfemale teachers, sharlUge a/local Irained teuchers, leHI' level o/teochers'
/J/olin/lion to tew:h (It '(lIellite schools. prohlems q/ adequate supervision, lack of compelenJ
/wiIJWI) school directors aJ1d lack o/adeqllCltc budget have ht!cn identif/cd as major constraiJ7l\'
\I hich oflect the (lc/h'ilies 0/ satellite schools for the provision q/ qualilJ' education. From this
finding it 11'(l.\' conelllded thm though Ihe contrihu.tion o./satellile schools IUII'I! heen in incrcasing
a('ce\'s, gender equality and ejJiciem_y asfollnd to be very high, prOl'ision of quality edllcmion in
lhe,\e schools hecome challenging due 10 resource and manpower constrainls, Depending on the
resull or the findings, this study recommended that, the Zone and Woreda fducation Ojfices in
collaboratio/1 with local communities should furnish [he satellite school' with the nece 'swy
school facilities, The Woreda education oj/ice should al. '0 gil'e due affention./or satellite school
\'lItdenls in distrihuting texi hooks to ,'choofs, Clssigninx competent primary school director, ' Clnd
cum/Jelent slIperl'i'iOrs. Clnd sl!fficient nl1mber of fema!e ond trained teachers jor satellite
schoo!s, Fill(J/~l '. il is beller if the H'oredo Cabinels aI/ocate su//iciel1l hudgel Jor educoriC)f]
\ ('clor
Education In Borena Zone of Oromia Regional State