The Current Practice and Challenges of Preprimary School Education in Haw Assa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study was to investigate the practices and challenges of
preprimary education in Hawassa City Administration. To achieve this end, a descriptive
survey method was employed. The sources of the data for the study were 92 pre primary
teachers, J 6 head teachers (principals), 3 education experts, and J 2 parents selected
from sixteen preprimary schools and education offices using stratified, random, available
and purposive sampling techniques. The instruments used to collect the data were
questionnaires, interviews and observations. The data collected were analyzed both
quantitatively and qualitatively. The data gathered through questionnaires were analyzed
by using frequency counts and their percentages; where as the data gathered through
observation and interview were analyzed qualitatively under each categOlY to supplement
the quantitative data. The findings of the study indicated that the curriculum
implementation in the preprimary schools was found to be low. In the study, it was also
found out that the physical organization of classrooms and outdoor spaces and playgrounds
were inadequate and materials and equipments in the preprimaty schools were
found to be insufficient. The findings also revealed that teachers were inadequate and
they were not equipped with the necessary competencies and pedagogical skills to
implement the preprimaty curriculum effectively. The study further indicated that the
degree of parent-school relationship to assist children's learning was low. Moreover,
reluctance to the relation, lack of time to involve, considering teaching only teachers
concern, lack of skill due to poor training on the part of teachers and principals, inability
to create conducive environment for the relation were the major problems identified
during the study. On the bases of the findings it was concluded that the preprimary
schools in Hawassa city administration are not up to the standard in terms of facilities,
materials and human resources and in involving parents. The findings also revealed that
the support given to pre primary schools was low. However the above conditions are
relatively betler in few NGOs and public schools. Based on the findings and conclusions
, establishment of communication and feedback channels, making a study on the
implementation, supervising and evaluating the program, improving and enhancing the
condition of school physical and material organization, updating and upgrading
teachers, improving the partnership with parents and enhancing government support
were suggested. Moreover, further investigations in other selling were also
Challenges of Preprimary School Education