Teaching in Large Classes of West Hararghe Zone General Secondary Schools: Challenges and Prospects
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Addis Ababauniversity
The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges and prospects of teaching in large
classes of secondary schools of west Hararghe zone. Though many research conducted in large
class and its challenge encountered, they all limited to some specific areas. Since the area for
this study is different from the area studied before in different situation like environment, custom,
economic and way of living, conducting this research was important and timely. To, con:!u~!thiS
research, descriptive survey method was employed. The primary sources of data were
165teachers, 400 students of secondary school (9-10) and 10 principals, vice-principals and
school supervisors. Purposive sampling, simple random sampling and stratified random
sampling techniques were employed to select secondary schools, teachers and students
respectively. QU!!Eionnaires were the main data gathering instruments while interview,
observation and document analysis were employed to enrich the data gathered through
questionnaires. Likewise, the collected data were analyzed quantitatively using percentage and
mean values, and qualitatively by using descriptive narration. The finding of the study mirrors
that, on average, the number of students accommodated in a section was 80 and above which is
relatively very large. There was an implementation bott~eneck with respect to methods of
teaching used in large classes. Most frequently teachers utilized lecture method of teaching in
these classes. Disciplinary problems, lack of communication, lack of effective assessment and
feedback, class involvement and inability to identify students need and behaviors.'> by teachers
were problems observed in large classes. Majority of the teachers teaching in the large classes
were not acquainted with the know-how of teaching large classes. Besides, they didn't get initial
and on-job trainings on how to teach large classes and the support provided to them by the
principals and school supervisors were not sufficient. Qn top of these, educational facilities /
material including textbooks were not sufficient enough to materialize effective teachinglearning
proc~ss in large classes. Finally, necessary recommendations regarding teachers load
and training, leaching method (promoting active learning) deeper understanding of callses and
types of conflict with careful planning and implementing it for classroom management, teaching
methods that increase students involvement, text books and the neces ary materials, and
professional support given by principals and supervisors were given for improving the
challenges of teaching in large classes of secondary school
Zone General Secondary Schools: Challenges