Education for All: Successes and Challenges to Achieve Universal Primary Education in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of the study was to make an investigation on the current status of
Universal Primary Education in Addis Ababa, and challenging jactors that impede the
realization of UPE.
In order to realize this pU/pose, questions regarding the status of Universal Primary
Education (UP E) in the regional Administration, Socio-Cultural and socio-economic
impediments that affect the attainment of UPE, school related factors and administrative
linstilutional impediments that hinder the progress to wardl' UPE as well as measures that
are being taken to address the major problems to attain UPE were raised as basic questions
of the study.
The study utilized a descriptive survey method and involves both primary and secondary data
sources. The data obtained through questionnaire, interview and documents were analyzed
qualitatively and quantitatively. Relevant statistical tools such as graphs, tables, percentages
and the mean were used to analyze the quantitative data.
The analysis of the data revealed that coverage and access to basic primary education is
increasing and the enrollment of girls appears higher than boys. However, still a number of
poor, disabled, working, orphan and street children of right school age are denied of
schooling. On the other hand, quality, equity and efficiency issues of the education system
are found to be not satisfactoly. The results of the findings also indicate that socio-cultural
constraints like gender bias and stereotyping, belittling the value of girls' education,
negligence to the education of physically impaired and AIDS Orphan children were identified
as major problems in the strive to attain UP E.
In addition to this, socia-economic factors like demand for child labour in poor house hold,
low house hold income, health problem and poor nutrition, ever increasing school age
population, and direct and indirect school costs were found to be major constraints.
Furthermore, school related factors: lack of school facilities and service, large class size,
poor quality of education, and lack of quality teaching materials were considered as
barriers. Insufficient budget and finanCial resources, and lack of incentives for teachers are
found to be major barriers to the success of UPE in Addis Ababa.
increasing the number of qualified teachers have been used as strategies by the city
On the basis of the jindings, it was concluded that Addis Ababa City Administration is
progressing well in the area of access and coverage. However, socia cultural socioeconomic
school related and administrative jactors are challenging the efforts being made to
realize UP E.
Finally, expansion of non- formal education, increasing the role of private sector, expansion
of available school buildings and classrooms, implementation of double shift flystem,
improving school environment , giving tutorial support, strengthening school community
relation ship, , improving teachers' capacity through training, provision of high quality
teaching materials, school feeding programs, provision of grants or scholarships, bursaries
and incentives for vulnerable children, expansion of inclusive and special needs education,
providing gender awareness training, formulation of pro-poor and other supportive social
policies, and improving collection and consolidation of statistical data were recommended as
interventions for the successful attainment of Universal Primary Education.
Education for All: Successes, and Challenges