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Item Academic Adjustment Problems of First Year Mada Walabu University Students(Addis Ababa University, 2011-01) Sirak, Teshome; Chalchisa, Desalegn (PhD)The purpose of this study was to in vestigate academic adjustment problems of first year Madawalabu University students. The study was conducted on 2 17 (49 female and 168 male) first year undergraduate students and six informants (four faculty deans, registrar officer, and health/clinic officer) who were purpose ly se lected. Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and interview guide were used to collect data from participants. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of the study revealed that psychosocial adjustment and institutional/goal commitment j ointly accounted for 40% of the variance in students' academic adjustment. However, the sole contribution of soc ial influence was higher '(27%) than other variables. Results from interviews and open ended question showed institutional related factors like prob lems of faci lities/services, educational reso urces, and students' lack of readiness, discrepancy between their expectations, etc. are adverse ly affecting students' academic adjustment. On the other hand, majorities of the students were with moderate level of academic adj ustment and male students were better adjusted than female students. One-way ANOYA revealed that statistica lly significant mean difference in students' academic adj ustment between faculti es/schools was not found. In conclusion, first year students' academic adjustment problems were resulted from psychosocial problems, students' lack of institutional/goal commitment, problems related to un iversity fac il ities, limited educational resources and some students' related problems.Item Academic Adjustment Problems of First Year Madawalabu University Students(Addis Ababa University, 2011) Sirak, Teshome; Chalchisa, Desalegne (PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate academ ic adjustment problems of first year Madawalabu University students. The study was conducted on 217 (49 female and 168 male) first year undergraduate students and six informants (four faculty deans, registrar officer, and health/clinic officer) v,ho were 'purposely se le~ted. Student Adaptation to Col lege Questionnaire (SACQ) and interview gu ide were used to collect data from pm1icipants. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The resu lts of the study revealed that psychosocial adjustment and institutional/goal commitment jointly accounted for 40% of the variance in students' academic adjustment. However, the sole contribution of social influence was higher (27%) than other variables. Results from interviews and open ended question showed institutional related factors like problems of fac ilities/services, educational resources, and students' lack of readiness, discrepancy between their expectations, etc. 1lre adversely affecting students' academic adjustment. On the other hand, majorities of the students were with moderate level of academic adjustment and male students were better adjusted than female students. One-way ANOYA revealed that statisti ca lly significant mean difference in students' academic adjustment between faculties/schools was not found. In conclusion, first year students' academic adjustment problems were resulted from psychosocial problems, students' lack of institutional/goal commitment, problems related to university facilities, limited educational resources and some students' related problems.Item Academic Performance of Children in an Institutional Care : The Case of Selam Children's Village(Addis Ababa University, 2012-09) Zewdie, Ferehiwot; Desta, Daniel (PhD)The purpose of the stud y was to assess the academic performance of children in institutional care and identify factors affecting academic performance. Academic performance refers to the semester average score of students. The questions addressed were: I ) how children perform academically? 2) What are the key factors driving or impeding academic performance? 3) What possible interventions can improve academic performance? A total of 75 children o f Se lam Village No.1 from grade five to eight (2004 academic yea r) were include d as primary respondents. The average score of 575 students in the same grad e was analyzed for the last three semesters of academic year 2003 and 2004. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed . Data collected from primary and secondary sources we re processed using the statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). Statistical test s mainly comparing mean s and Somers'd test were used to see associations between variables. The major findings include (I) v ill age children have low academic performance compared to the total student population; (2) students' educational disciplines and habits have significant correlation with academic performance; 3) Level of satisfaction with caregivers and living environment didn't s how statistically significant association with performance; 4) satisfaction with teachers is relatively low. Structured psychological support, enhancing English proficiency and students' efforts, and m re work to build strong student teacher relationship are recommended to improve academic performance of the students. Moreover, detail research is recommended to check findings that questioned the established theories and principles.Item Academic Procrastination and Students' Causal Perception For Their Achievement at Awassa Tabor Senior Scondary School (Sex and Grade Difference)(Addis Ababa University, 2014-06) Tamiru, Tiruwork; Andualm, Tamirie (PhD)This study focused on the problem of procrastination and causal perception or attribution with regard to high school students. Thus, its purposes were to investigate sex difference in academic procrastination and causal perception of achievement, to examine the extent uf r elationship of achievement to the components of academic procrastination and causal attribution of success or failure , to examine the extent of relationship of academic procrastination to causal perception, and to examine the extent of achievement variation that is accounted for academic procrastination and causal perception of success or failure. A sample of 499 and 372 students of Tabor High School (9-12) were participated in the study for academic procrastination and causal attribution scales respectively. The data was analyzed through independent t-test, Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis. The independent t-test analysis showed statistically significant sex difference in procrastinating behaviors and explanation of success. There is no significant sex difference in attribution of failure . The Pearson correlation coefficients depicted: statistically significant positive correlation between achievement and internal explanation of success, statistically significant ncgativc correlation betwcen achievcmcnt and internal explanation of failure at · grade 9, statistically significant positive correlation between relaxed type of procrastinating behaviors and internal explanation of failure, and relaxed type of procrastinating behavior and external explanation of failure at grade 9 . The .nultiple regression analysis also indicated that 11.5 percent of the variation of achievement is explained to the linear combination of academic procrastination and causal perception of success and that 10.7 percent of the variation in the achievement is attributed to the linear combination of academic procrastination and cau sal perception of failure at the combined grou p . Therefore, Tabor h igh school students' achievement seems to be influenced by academic procrastination and causal p erception of success or failure.Item Academic Staff Compensation Practices: The Case of Unity University(Addis Ababa University, 2002-06) Ayaliew, Getenet; Shibeshi, Ayalew (Associate Professor)The main purpose of the study is to assess the academic staff compensation scheme of Unity University in order 10 determine to what extent the system is market-driven and to what extent it is built on the university's goals. The study employed descriptive survey research. 100 copies of a questionnaire were distributed among randomly selected teachers to gather both qualitative and quantitative data on their affitude towards the compensation package and 68 of them returned. In addition, documents were consulted and the Human Resource Personnel and the Academic Vice President of the university were also interviewed to solicit policy information. The empirical analysis provided was based on survey responses and results were displayed using tables. The result of the survey shows that the pay system of the university is not or somewhat competitive with the local market and it doesn't enable the university to affract, recruit, motivate and retain quality staff. It also reveals that the salmy and benefits the staff receives is unfair, inadequate and unsatisfactory resulting in high turnover in the university. The study also shows that the university doesn't have a unified and \Vel/established performance appraisal system that renders enough information for determ ining j ustifiedfaculty compensation. Finally, the university is recommended to establish a comprehensive academic staff compensation mechanism which represents a strategy for recruiting, attracting, retaining and supporting high quality educators. In addition, the compensation system should be redesigned to enable the university to encourage and reward peak pelformance and the acquisition of new skills and knowledge.Item Academic Stress and coping strategies among Students with disabilities in Addis Ababa University.(Addis Ababa Universty, 2011-06) Sani, Ali; Kumar, R.S (PhD)The main aim a/this study was to examine the level of academic stress and the nature of coping strategies used by university students with various disabilities. The research design used was qualitative survey. One hundred and seventeen students with various disabilities, who were drawn using simple random sampling, participated in The study and 103 students without disability were also participated for comparisons. Dala were collected using General Academic Stress Scale, Specific Academic Stress Scale, Disability Specific Academic Stress Scale and Academic Stress Coping Strategies Scale. The instruments were administered individually. Descriptive statistics, such as mean and standard deviations were used for each group 10 analyze The level 0/ academic stress and coping strategies used. Comparisons were made among and between groups on the level of academic stress and The Types of coping strategies They employed. The result showed that, students with disabilities and without disabilities experienced moderate level of academic stress and used mostly problem focused coping strategies 10 deal with Their academic stress. Though, students with disabilities together did not significantly differ from students without disabilities on academic stress, students with visual impairments as a group had significantly higher level of academic Stress than students without disabilities. Further, it was observed that, students with visual impairments experienced significantly higher level of academic stress than students with hearing impairments and students with molar disabilities. Significant difference was also observed be/ween students with disabilities and students without disabilities on using emotion focused coping strategy, In which, students with hearing impairments used the strategy significantly higher Than students without disabilities as well as students with visual impairments and motor disabilities. In The contrary, The difference observed between students with disabilities together and students without disabilities on using problem focused coping strategy was significant.Item Academic, Psychosocial and Career Problems and Coping Mechansims of Students at Some Selected Technical and Vocational Training Centers in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Asfaw, Mekonnen; Tadesse, Sentayehu (PhD)The purpose of this research was three-types. First. to explore the major academic, psycho- social and CareeriVocational problems of Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) students at Addis Ababa (AA).Second, to iden tify students' preferences for helping agents (who they choose to turn for help) .Third, to determine their preferences for coping sources and coping practices. In pursuiLof this objective, data were collected from different sources by using a Varity of tools (Questionnaire, Interview and Footls· Group Discussion). In this study, a total of 515 participants were randomly selected from four TVET collages (Entoto TVET Collage, Higher 12 TVET Collage Misrak TVET Collage and Higher 7 TVET College). 397 students and 96 teachers responded to the questionnaires. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted with 10 student participdnts and structured interview to 4 teachers, 4 deans and 4 counselors. The research result revealed that 71%, 60% and 69% of TVET students encountered various problems (academic, psycho-social and CareeriVocational). 53.4% of the studen ts preferred their friends to get help for problems they . () I I· · .. encountered from various sources. The study made practical recommendations aimed at preventing and alleviating the major problems of students in all the three areas.Item Access to microfinance services for people with disabilities in Kolfie Keranio sub-city of Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa Universty, 2010-05) Mekonnen, Asfaw; Tebeje, . Wegayehu (PhD)This study explores the extent of access to microfinance services to people with disabilities in mainstream society in selected areas of Addis Ababa City Administration. For in-depth understanding of the experiences of people with disabilities, qualitative research design was employed Participants of the study were entrepreneurs with disabilities operating microenterprises. Participants study was purposefully selected based on the anticipated potential of their experiences. Instruments for data collection consisted of observations, interviews, focus group discussion, and investigation of related legal and official documents. These multiple sources of data indicated that people with disabilities have much less access to microjinance services compared to people without disabilities because of different exclusion mechanisms. The inaccessibility of financial services to people with disabilities subjected them to live under poverty. To realize the poverty reduction objectives the study recommends that concerned governmental and non-governmental organizations have to work to remove all the barriers that hamper equal opportunities and participation of persons with disabilities in microfinance activities .Item Accident related psychological problems of children at three selected hospitals in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa Universty, 2006-06) Haile, Amanuel; Taddese, Sintayehu(PhD)The main objective of this study was to examine accident related psychological problems of children at three selected hospitals in Addis Ababa. The study also aimed at finding if there are age, sex and accident type differences in exposure to the ps ychological problems(Anxiety, Emotional Distress and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Score}. Investigation of the p s y chological services in the three hospitals was also another objective. To meet these objectives, 100 victimed children, 100 ' parents of children participants and 20 health professionals were purposively selected and included in the sample. Three scales measuring the psychological problems (anxiety, emotional distress and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms) and two stru ctured interviews were used as instruments. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used to analyze the data obtained through the scales and interviews. Percentage results showed that 75% victimed children s howed clinically s ignificant level of anxiety while 98% had clinically significant level of emotional distress. Se vere . posttraumatic stress symptom was exhibited in 61 % of the cases. Results from the analysis of variance indicated that there were no statistically significant age, sex and accident type differences in experiencing anxiety, emotional distress and posttraumatic stress disorder symptom levels. The main and interaction effects of the three way ANOVA also came up with statistically non significant results. Interview results with health professionals and parents of participants s howed the absence of counseling services In the three hospitals. Recommendations and implications of the study are indicated.Item Achievements and Challenges of People with Physical Disabilities in Employment Opportunities; the Case of Trainees of Mekelle TVET Center.(Addis Ababa University, 2011-02) Mezgebe, Haile; Hagos, Belay (PhD)The purpose of this study is to assess challenge and achievement of people with physical disabilities in employment opportunities after technical and vocational training in Mekelle town TVET center. Descriptive research method was employed. Such tools as questionnaire, interview guide and document were used. Primwy sources like people with physical disabilities, principals and teachers, strategic plan, minutes of meetings, reports, portfolios, stakeholder involvement records and TVET center standards were utilized. Furthermore, secondary sources lilce microfinance officers and employers were also included. Participants were identified through the use of random sampling and samples were drawn among the trained people with physical disabilities, trainers (teachers and principals) and micro finance officers and employers. And, descriptive statistical tools were employed to compute and generate frequencies and percentages for data collected through questionnaire. Narration was also made to summarize about data collected through semi structured interview and document review. The following were major findings: 32 (40%) were not engaged in a job directly relevant to their training. 68 (85%) of respondents were self employed. 50 (62.5%) and 22(10%) of respondents earned low monthly income. 68 (85%) of respondents did not use the credit services. Fear of failure the reason for not talcing credit service which was additional hindering factor. 12(15%) of people with physical disability were served from a single credit source. The training center was established to serve for 60 trainees but currently serving for over 200 which is out of the standard. Relatively there was fair training duration. The majority of people with physical disabilities have lower educational status. Most of people with physical disabilities were denied their right to job opportunity when compared with the able ones. Majorities of p e.)ple with physical disability have no fair access to employment opportunity in government institutions and were suffering from prejudice. They did not benefit from immediate job opportunity and were not engaged in a job directly relevant to their training. Individual credit service was less attention area. Absence of legal support, negligence on the part of officials, and absence of interest on the part of beneficiaries and fear of high amount of interest were major reasons not to take credit services. Relevant stakeholders are required to give employment opportunity. They should also work to raise the awareness towards people with physical disabilities and create support system that facilitates employment of persons with disabilities.Item Achievements, Challenges and Prospects in Implementing Information and Communication Technology Expansion Program: The Case of Selected Preparatory Schools in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa Univerisity, 2010-06) W/Hanna, Leoulseged; Desta, Daniel(PhD)The aim of the study was to assess the current status of ICT program in education specifically in preparatory schools. In order to fulfill this, descriptive survey method was employed to identify the perceptions and stands of the teachers and students towards the implementation and advantages of ICT for the teaching-learning process so as to impart quality education. To this end, data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documents. For analysis, mean scores and percentages were used to see the perceptions and attitudes of the respondents. And also, data collected through interviews, observation and documents were analyzed in relation with the results of the questionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents had a positive perception on the values of ICT use in education to improve the quality of education in terms of accessing qualified teachers, getting teaching materials that were not accessed other wise and information needed for their subject matter, promoting student-center method of education and community participation, and improve the knowledge and skills of teachers and students even for future career. However, most of the respondents agreed that the implementations of ICT in the schools faced a lot of problems such as inadequate supply of ICT equipment such as computers, plasma television display and their necessary accessories and scarce skilled personnel and insufficient ICT rooms, electric disconnection, network problem, with a heavy background of unfriendliness to technology and little involvements of stakeholders. Due to these findings, it is strongly recommended that the ICTECWP structured under the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the stakeholders should work hard to solve those challenges of the schools in order to implement the ICT program effectively and improve the quality of education given in the countryItem Achievements, Challenges and Prospects in Implementing Information and Communication Technology Expansion Program: The Case of Selected Preparatory Schools in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2013-06) W/HannaA, Leoulseged; Desta, Daniel (PhD)The aim of the study was to assess the current status of ICT program in education specifically in preparatory schools. In order to fulfill this, descriptive survey method was employed to identify the perceptions and stands of the teachers and students towards the implementation and advantages of ICT for the teaching-learning process so as to impart quality education. To this end, data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documents. For analysis, mean scores and percentages were used to see the perceptions and attitudes of the respondents. And also, data collected through interviews, observation and documents were analyzed in relation with the results of the questionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents had a positive perception on the values of ICT use in education to improve the quality of education in terms of accessing qualified teachers, getting teaching materials that were not accessed other wise and information needed for their subject matter, promoting student-center method of education and community participation, and improve the knowledge and skills of teachers and students even for future career. However, most of the respondents agreed that the implementations of ICT in the schools faced a lot of problems such as inadequate supply of ICT equipment such as computers, plasma television display and their necessary accessories and scarce skilled personnel and insufficient ICT rooms, electric disconnection, network problem, with a heavy background of unfriendliness to technology and little involvements of stakeholders. Due to these findings, it is strongly recommended that the ICTECWP structured under the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the stakeholders should work hard to solve those challenges of the schools in order to implement the ICT program effectively and improve the quality of education given in the countryItem Achievements, Challenges and Prospects in Implementing Information and Communication Technology Expansion Program: The Case of Selected Preparatory Schools in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2010-06) W /Hanna, Leoulseged; Desta, Danielle (PhD)The arm of the study was to assess the current status of ICT program in education specifically in preparatory schools. In order to fulfill this, descriptive survey method was employed to identify the perceptions and stands of the teachers and students towards the implementation and advantages of ICT for the teaching-learning process so as to impart quality education. To this end, data • were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documents. For analysis, mean scores and percentages were used to see the perceptions and attitudes of the respondents. And also, data collected through interviews, observation and documents were analyzed in relation with the results of the questionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents had a positive perception on the values of JCT use in education to improve the quality of education in terms of accessing qualified teachers, getting teaching materials that were not accessed other wise and information needed for their subject matter, promoting student-center method of education and community participation, and improve the knowledge and skills of teachers and students even for future career. However, most of the respondents agre~d that the implementations of ICT in the schools faced a lot of problems such as inadequate supply of ICT equipment such as compute rs, plasma television display and their necessary accessories and scarce skilled personnel and insufficient ICT rooms, electric disconnection, network problem, with a heavy background of unfriendliness to technology and little involvements of s takeholders. Due to these findings, it is strongly recommended that the ICTECWP structured under the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the stakeholders should work hard to solve those challenges of the schools in order to implement the ICT program effectively and improve the quality of education given in the country.Item Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects in Implementing School Mapping and Micro Planning Project: the Case of - Wolayta Zone(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Lamaro, Mengistu; Dufera, Derebssa ( Professor)In this study, the author has assessed the achievements, challenges and prospects in implementing the School Mapping and Micro Planning Project in wolayta Zone, The study examined the impacts of implementing the project in terms of access, equity, internal efficiency, and quality of primary education in 3 sample woredas and 2 town administrations where the project was carried out, The key question that guided the study is To what extent has the School Mapping and Micro Planning Project increased access, equity, efficiency and quality of primary education?' A quantitative research design was employed to conduct a descriptive survey on the case at hand. Primary data were collected from zone education department head, officers of woreda education offices, primary schools principals, chairpersons of Kebelelmunicipality Education and Training Management Board and Parent-Teacher-Association, 101 altogether, Besides, education-related statistical data were collected from Annual Education Abstracts of the SNNP REB and other relevant sources, Key variables analyzed were intake rates, enrolment rates, GPI, GG, dropout and repetition rates, PTR, PSR, PTBR, catchment areas, and representation index, Through a combination of instruments- interviews, questionnaires, and document analysisthe study found that implementation of the School Mapping and Micro Planning Project impacted in varying degrees positively on development of primary education in the zone in terms of increased intake and enrolment rates, gender equity, decreased incidence of dropping out and repetition in the years 2007108-2010111, Among all other things, however, internal efficiency and quality of primmy education demand much effort in order to contribute for the UP E national goals, Meanwhile, lack of community participation, which was at the center of the project's planning, and capacity and skill of planners and administrators at the lower tiers hamper the micro le vel plan's implementation. Hence, fulfilling appropriate inputs (teachers and textbooks, among others) and enhancing community partiCipation in financing schools should continuously be employed to maximize and sustain successes of implementation of the micro level project and tackle the challenges,Item Action Reseach on reflctive teaching in the Plasma context: the case of Menelik II Preparatory School(Addis Ababa Universty, 2008-06) Zewdu, Alebachew; Asgedom, Amare(PhD)The present study has been conducted for fifteen weeks during the first semester of the present academic year. Disciplinary problems, lack of preparedness of students before coming to school, lack of direct involvement of students in classroom exercises, problems of posing questions and of organizing their own notes have been identified and tackled with contextual solutions along the study. Classroom observations, test and exam results, focus group discussion with students and the deliberation of the research report to the general teaching staff members were the instruments for data gathering. Reflection on the contextual problems led me to design appropriate strategies, actions and observations along with data collection were the next steps; the cycle ended up with the recognition of change with respect to the / strategies interventions . The attendance problem of grade twelve students have been improved, students became aware of the knowledge reconstruction paradigm and had demonstrated in their conceptions of the necessity of preparedness before coming to school as part and parcel of the classroom .activities. Their tendencies towards attempting classroom activities, how to probe into new ideas and the habit of organizing their own notes have been improved through the process. Their progressive tests and final exam results were also enhanced, though they faced them without any prior orientations and couching, as a strategy so as develop a habit of independent learning. Dialoguing became the feature of my class and we were friendly by narrowing the teacher-student dichotomy. My conclusion is that reflective teaching was a fruitful approach to teaching chemistry in the plasma context.Item Action Research Practice in Government Secondary Schools: the Case of Addis Ababa City Administration(Addis Ababa University, 2012-10) Halefom, Azeb; Jebessa, Firdissa (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess the practices of action research in government secondary of Addis Ababa city administration. An attempt was made whether action research schools was conducted and implemented in the schools to solve real educational problems in classrooms. To this end, 10 sample Government secondary schools were selected out of the 50 found in the ten sub-cities of the City Administration (one from each sub-city) using purposive sampling technique. The sample schools considered for the study were Addis ketema, Bulbula, Tikur Anbessa, Beshali, Medhnialem, Temenga yaz, Ayer-tena, Africa Hibret, Lafto and Higher–12. Descriptive survey method supplemented by structured interview and document analysis was used to collect relevant data from the respondents of each selected government high school. School level respondents comprised of directors, teachers, members of student council and members of PTAs. Experts of Sub-city Education Office have also participated in the study. A total of 194 respondents were selected as a sample for the study. These comprised of 10 directors, 10 members of student council, 10 members of PTAs 10 experts of Sub-city Education Office and154 teachers selected using purposive sampling methods, which is a quota sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted in SPSS software using percentages. The findings of the study revealed that the practice of action research in Addis Ababa City Government high schools was not adequate to solve day-to-day teaching learning problems of all high schools. Almost leadership of the schools under investigation was found poor supportive and the involvement of experts, members of PTAs and members of students’ council was also poor. The tendency to conduct action research of teachers’ was weak, and lack of capacity to conduct action research was seen as a problem of the schools. The scarcity of finance and other resources were also found as aggravating for the failure of participation in conducting action research. Accordingly, the above problems seem to have led the practice of action research in Addis Ababa city government high schools to be poor. To alleviate the above-mentioned problems, the schools should organize training programs to the teachers and other concerned bodies at the school level. The leadership should be supportive and committed in assisting and designing systems to develop full participation of teachers to undertake action research in the schools. School leadership should also prepare and provide incentives to encourage teachers’ involvement in action researchItem Action Research Practices, Challenges and Prospects: The Case of Bole Preparatory School(Addis Ababa Univerisity, 2016-03) Biratu, Samuel; jebbissa, Firdissa(PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices and challenges of conducting action research at Bole Preparatory Secondary School. Mixed method was employed in this study. Questionnaire was used to collect data from teachers. To complement the information obtained through questionnaire, interviews were held with the principal and the Deputy Principal of Bole preparatory School. To analyze quantitative data, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation), were used. The questionnaire was pilot tested and administered to 15 teachers at Lem Secondary School in Addis Ababa. The results of the study suggested that, the practices of action research by Bole preparatory School‘s teachers is very low, even though the level of knowledge and skills of the teachers in the School was sufficient, their involvement in practicing action research was very low, school management‘s role in encouraging teachers to conduct action research was insufficient such as incentives, pay rise, etc., the study also indicated that there are shortages of training, seminars and workshops regarding action research; insufficient budget, insufficient reference materials and library services and etc that hindered the teachers from conducting the research. Therefore, to solve these problems and enhance the level of practice of action research it has been recommended that the school management in cooperation with Sub-City and City Administration Education Bureaus should try to overcome the aforementioned problems.Item Adjustment Challenges to Healthy Psychosocial Development of Aids-Orphaned Children of Adama Town(Addis Ababa University, 2006-06) Garuma, Desalegn; Zewudie, Teka (PhD)The objective of this study has been to investigate the adjustment challenges of AIDS olphans, that is, their psychological and social adjustment to AIDS related parental death, their assumed connectedness to their caregivers, the nature of their social interactions, their self-esteem and their emotional adjustments. Hence, 61 AIDS orphans and 4 counselors were selected from OSSA (Organization for Social Services for AIDS) in Adama city using random sampling method. Regarding assumed connectedness, 32 (52.46%) of those children have no assumed connectedness to their guardians, 17 (27.86%) have very weak assumed connectedness to their guardian, 6 (9.84%) have weak assumed connectedness to their guardians, 5 (8.19%) have strong assumed connectedness to their guardians and one child has very strong assumed connectedness to his guardian. Thus, the majority of AIDS OIphans do not assume themselves to be psychologically connected to their guardians. When Chisquare test of independence was computed to test whether depression was related to the assumed connectedness of these children, the calculated x 2 value was 42.77 - significant. This shows that the level of depression is not independent of the extent to which these children assume themselves to be psychologically connected to their caregivers. This means, there was relationship between the levels of depression and degree of connectedness of AIDS orphans to their guardians!caregivers. It was also found out from the research that AIDS orphans have scary dreams, feel unhappy, prefer to be alone, are worried, view themselves as hopeless about the future, and demonstrate low self-esteem. Chi-square test of independence showed that there was no relationship between sex and age of these children. Besides, the children exhibit social adjustment problems. This means, they are socially awkward, shy, and show no interest in social relationships. Independent sample t-test was used to test if the way AIDS orphans express their internal anxiety or emotion such as nervousness, tension and worry was related to the age andlor sex of these children. For age, the observed value of twas 1.29- not Significant. This means, the way AIDS orphans express their internal an.xiety or emotion such as n.ervousness, tension and worry was not related to the age of these children. For sex, the observed value of twas 3.08- far greater than the table value of t, Qnd hence it is significant. This shows that there was relationship between the sex of AIDS orphans and the way they express their internal anxiety or emotion such as nervousness, tension and worry. Thus, no matter how both males and female AIDS orphans express their nervousness, tension and worry highly in the same way, male AIDS orphans seem to express their internal anxiety more than female AIDS orphans. Independent sample t-test shows that the more mature AIDS orphans (16-18 years) have more social adjustment problems when compared to the younger AIDS orphans (l3-15).However, no significant sex difference had been obtained on the social adjustment problems of the AIDS orphans. FinQlly, it was recommended that training has to be given to communities at large, AIDS orphans and guardians.Item Administrative and Staff Readiness for Potential Use of ICT in Education: The Case of College of Education, AAU(Addis Ababa Univerisity, 2007-05) Neme, Miressa; Chalchisa, Dessalegn(PhD)This work presents an investigation of ICT policy of AA U and preparedness of College of Education to integrate ICT into the teaching-learning process. The ICT policy of the University and the readiness of the administrative bodies of the College of Education to integrate ICT were investigated using interview and document analysis. Preparedness of the teaching staff of the College of Education in terms of ICT use, awareness of emerging ICTs, attitude towards ICT and competency(skill) in the use of emerging ICTs were studied using questionnaire. The data obtained through interview and document analysis were analyzed qualitatively while the one obtained through the questionnaire was analyzed using frequency tables and graphs. It was found that ICT policy is currently non-existent at AA U It was, however, found that the University was on the way of developing ICT policy. The .findings also showed that the majority of the teaching staff were using ICTs particularly computers (96.9%) and internet (95.7%). Most of the teaching staffs (93.4%) were found to be using computers daily. As of the competence of the teaching staff on some of the basic ICT applications the study exhibited that the perception of the majority was promising especially on word processing, emailing and internet browsing. The teaching staff and the management team were also found to have positive attitude towards ICT in education. An investigation of the College's infrastructure readiness revealed that there was a serious problem of access to ICTs by the students i.e. the current ICTs were only serving the teaching staff and the administrative offices. The ICT integration level -at AA U, College of Education was seen in light of a proposed ICT integration model. It was f ound that the characteristics of the College of Education resemble a typical institution at the first phase, Emerging Phase, of the proposed ICT integration model. It was, so, recommended that the College of Education needs to work hard to meaningfully integrate ICT into the education sy tem so that movement to the next phases, applying, integrating and transforming could be possible .Item Admission Criteria, Overall Curriculum Satisfaction and Scademic Performance of Adult learners in Mekane Yesus Anagement and leadership College(Addis Ababa Universty, 2014-10) Terefe, Ayalu; Fanta, Tilahun(Ato)This study was to investigate the relations of Admission Criteria and Overall Curriculum Satisfaction on CGPA Academic Performance in college. The research was done in Mekane Yesus Management and Leadership College (MY-MLC) on adult learners in the regular, extension and summer degree programs. Questionnaire, containing Background Information, Close-ended and Open-ended items as well as interview were used to collect data for the study. Admission and CGPA of respondents were taken from record office. The data collected was analyzed and interpreted using percentages, means and Pearson’s correlation coefficientan. Ten factors (parameters) were applied to affect overall curriculum satisfaction. These were analyzed to see their correlation with each other and with CGPA. The overall curriculum satisfaction was considered to be the average satisfaction of these ten parameters. The result of the research showed that the ten factors, affecting overall curriculum satisfaction, are strongly positively correlated to each other. The overall curriculum satisfaction has moderate positive correlation with CGPA. The admission criteria, studied separately in two cases, showed that admission by diploma affects college CGPA weakly while admission by EUEE significantly affects CGPA.