Academic, Psychosocial and Career Problems and Coping Mechansims of Students at Some Selected Technical and Vocational Training Centers in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this research was three-types. First. to explore the major academic, psycho- social
and CareeriVocational problems of Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) students
at Addis Ababa (AA).Second, to iden tify students' preferences for helping agents (who they choose
to turn for help) .Third, to determine their preferences for coping sources and coping practices. In
pursuiLof this objective, data were collected from different sources by using a Varity of tools
(Questionnaire, Interview and Footls· Group Discussion). In this study, a total of 515 participants
were randomly selected from four TVET collages (Entoto TVET Collage, Higher 12 TVET Collage
Misrak TVET Collage and Higher 7 TVET College). 397 students and 96 teachers responded to the
questionnaires. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted with 10 student participdnts and
structured interview to 4 teachers, 4 deans and 4 counselors. The research result revealed that
71%, 60% and 69% of TVET students encountered various problems (academic, psycho-social
and CareeriVocational). 53.4% of the studen ts preferred their friends to get help for problems they
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encountered from various sources. The study made practical recommendations aimed at
preventing and alleviating the major problems of students in all the three areas.
Psychosocial and Career Problems