Achievements and Challenges of People with Physical Disabilities in Employment Opportunities; the Case of Trainees of Mekelle TVET Center.
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study is to assess challenge and achievement of people with
physical disabilities in employment opportunities after technical and vocational
training in Mekelle town TVET center. Descriptive research method was
employed. Such tools as questionnaire, interview guide and document were
used. Primwy sources like people with physical disabilities, principals and
teachers, strategic plan, minutes of meetings, reports, portfolios, stakeholder
involvement records and TVET center standards were utilized. Furthermore,
secondary sources lilce microfinance officers and employers were also included.
Participants were identified through the use of random sampling and samples
were drawn among the trained people with physical disabilities, trainers
(teachers and principals) and micro finance officers and employers. And,
descriptive statistical tools were employed to compute and generate frequencies
and percentages for data collected through questionnaire. Narration was also
made to summarize about data collected through semi structured interview and
document review. The following were major findings: 32 (40%) were not engaged
in a job directly relevant to their training. 68 (85%) of respondents were self
employed. 50 (62.5%) and 22(10%) of respondents earned low monthly income.
68 (85%) of respondents did not use the credit services. Fear of failure the reason
for not talcing credit service which was additional hindering factor. 12(15%) of
people with physical disability were served from a single credit source. The
training center was established to serve for 60 trainees but currently serving for
over 200 which is out of the standard. Relatively there was fair training duration.
The majority of people with physical disabilities have lower educational status.
Most of people with physical disabilities were denied their right to job opportunity
when compared with the able ones. Majorities of p e.)ple with physical disability
have no fair access to employment opportunity in government institutions and
were suffering from prejudice. They did not benefit from immediate job
opportunity and were not engaged in a job directly relevant to their training.
Individual credit service was less attention area. Absence of legal support,
negligence on the part of officials, and absence of interest on the part of
beneficiaries and fear of high amount of interest were major reasons not to take
credit services. Relevant stakeholders are required to give employment
opportunity. They should also work to raise the awareness towards people with
physical disabilities and create support system that facilitates employment of
persons with disabilities.