Achievements, Challenges and Prospects in Implementing Information and Communication Technology Expansion Program: The Case of Selected Preparatory Schools in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
The arm of the study was to assess the current status of ICT program in
education specifically in preparatory schools. In order to fulfill this, descriptive
survey method was employed to identify the perceptions and stands of the
teachers and students towards the implementation and advantages of ICT for
the teaching-learning process so as to impart quality education. To this end, data
were gathered through questionnaires, interviews, observation and documents.
For analysis, mean scores and percentages were used to see the perceptions and
attitudes of the respondents. And also, data collected through interviews,
observation and documents were analyzed in relation with the results of the
questionnaires. The findings of the study revealed that most of the respondents
had a positive perception on the values of JCT use in education to improve the
quality of education in terms of accessing qualified teachers, getting teaching
materials that were not accessed other wise and information needed for their
subject matter, promoting student-center method of education and community
participation, and improve the knowledge and skills of teachers and students
even for future career. However, most of the respondents agre~d that the
implementations of ICT in the schools faced a lot of problems such as inadequate
supply of ICT equipment such as compute rs, plasma television display and their
necessary accessories and scarce skilled personnel and insufficient ICT rooms,
electric disconnection, network problem, with a heavy background of
unfriendliness to technology and little involvements of s takeholders. Due to these
findings, it is strongly recommended that the ICTECWP structured under the
Ministry of Education in collaboration with the stakeholders should work hard to
solve those challenges of the schools in order to implement the ICT program
effectively and improve the quality of education given in the country.
Communication Technology Expansion Program