Academic Adjustment Problems of First Year Madawalabu University Students
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to investigate academ ic adjustment problems of first year
Madawalabu University students. The study was conducted on 217 (49 female and 168
male) first year undergraduate students and six informants (four faculty deans, registrar
officer, and health/clinic officer) v,ho were 'purposely se le~ted. Student Adaptation to
Col lege Questionnaire (SACQ) and interview gu ide were used to collect data from
pm1icipants. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The resu lts of the
study revealed that psychosocial adjustment and institutional/goal commitment jointly
accounted for 40% of the variance in students' academic adjustment. However, the sole
contribution of social influence was higher (27%) than other variables. Results from
interviews and open ended question showed institutional related factors like problems of
fac ilities/services, educational resources, and students' lack of readiness, discrepancy
between their expectations, etc. 1lre adversely affecting students' academic adjustment.
On the other hand, majorities of the students were with moderate level of academic
adjustment and male students were better adjusted than female students. One-way
ANOYA revealed that statisti ca lly significant mean difference in students' academic
adjustment between faculties/schools was not found. In conclusion, first year students'
academic adjustment problems were resulted from psychosocial problems, students' lack
of institutional/goal commitment, problems related to university facilities, limited
educational resources and some students' related problems.
academ ic adjustment problems of, first year Madawalabu University students.