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Item A Prototype Fund Accounting Software for the Budget and Finance Control Department of the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs(Addis Ababa University, 1996-05) Habte Mekonnen; Alabi G.A. (PhD); Biru Tesfaye (PhD)We are now living in an era known as the information age. Information has become the most important input for al l types of systems established to attain certa in objectives . The availability of timely , relevant, and accurate information is critical to operational efficiency and realization of organizational goals The highly acclaimed role of information is always coupled with the use of advanced products of information technology, such as computers and computer software Computerization of manual information -intensive activities in now unavoidable regardless of the profession or the organ ization in wh ich such tasks are performed. Accordingly, this study is undertaken to suggest a course of analysis and design activities that may be employed in computer i zing the major activities of the budget and finance control department of t he Administrate on for Refugee and Returnee Affairs office of the Ethiopi an government. The first chapter describes the project background, justifications , objectives, limitations , and methodology employed in the study High volume of manually processed financial transact ions and structural defects of the existing financial informant ion system are the major problems that served as a justification for this study . Fact finding tools used in this study include structured questioners , structured interviews. record examinations and observation of operations. A specification of system requirements is provided in chapter two. Data flow analysis and process analysis are employed to depict logical features of the system and to ensure the va 1 i dity of funct i ona 1 specifi cat ions. Object-oriented software engineering methodology is used for further analysis and design of the financial information system. Chapter three discusses object structure analysis and object behavior analysis as essential ingredients an object -oriented approach to systems analysis. Chapter four contains adscription of object -oriented design methods employed in building the functional and nonfunctional structural framework of the financial application. The object-oriented design elements employed are class specifications, data structure design, methods design, and user interface design. Chapter five deals with conclusion and recommendations. Recommendations are made for acquisition of an object-oriented database for implementation of the design .Item Information Security Management Framework for Effective Implementation of Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) the Case of MoF(Addis Ababa University, 2020-08-06) Mekonnen, Yafet; Mulugeta, Wondwossen (PhD)The main purpose of the study is to propose Information Security management framework for integrated financial management information system (IFMIS). In this study, MoF was selected using purposive sampling that issues service for different financial sectors around in Addis. The target population constituted 108 employees, the IFMIS and IT staffs located at MoF were included to be part of this study. Data was collected by means of questionnaire; interview and group discussions and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The analyses include frequency distributions, tables, figures and Narrative description. 108 questionnaires were distributed and 84 (78.8%) were returned. In addition to the questionnaires, observation and document review was made to strengthen the respondents‟ view. Accordingly, the data is processed using IBM SPSS V 20.0 Statistical tool. The framework that is proposed extracted from ISO security standard, NIST cyber security framework, literatures, and supported by findings from survey conducted in the MoF. The components are interwoven and all together support implementation of effective security solutions. The study shows that the financial information security management framework and practice is not well maintained to address the MoF information security managements with associated to the IFMIS system. In general, the study shows that there is no standard to security, technical challenge management associated with the financial sectors. The study recommends that the management should involve on any aspect of the IFMIS project to improve the efficiency and minimize risks and technical challenges, the Ministry should have standard information security management framework and risk management techniques and policy to minimize and manage the risk and system. One of the best ways to make sure employees will not make costly errors in regard to information security is to institute organization-wide security awareness initiatives that include, but not limited to face-to-face and multi-media based awareness, techniques that can be fairly inexpensive to implement such as posters, do and don‟t lists and warning banners. These methods can help ensure employees have a solid understanding of the organization security policy, procedure and best practices. With the intention of elaborating on the underlying research that produced it, the proposed ISM framework for IFMIS was presented and discussed in detail – all the components, sub components, as well as the processes followed in preparing the framework. Finally, recommendations are given for the Ministry to act in short and long-term basis to improve the information security management awareness of its employees and in turn improve better information security management practice in the IFMIS.Item Development of Stemming Algorithm for Afaan Oromo Lanugage Text(Addis Ababa University, 2000-06) Mkeonnen, Wakshum; Alemayehu, NegaThis paper reports the design and development of a stemming algorithm for Afaan 01'011100 language. Reviews of Afaan 01'011100 morphology, stemming algorithms, and other relevant materials were made. In Afaan 01'011100, inflectional and derivational affixations are the major word formation processes. The initial design of the stemming algorithm was based on free-context conflation procedures following the longest-match suffix removal approach. An accuracy rate of 71% was obtained from this initial attempt. The improved algorithm incorporated suffix, context-sensitive, and recording rules in the procedures. Before stemming, functional and frequently occurring words, which were compiled as stoplist, are excluded from the input term(s) to increase the efficiency of the stemmer. Procedures for prefix removal and for conflation of words formed by reduplication of first syl lable are also components of the modified algorithm. Using the modified stemmer an accuracy rate of 92% was gained from the test based on a sample of 1061 words. The percentage of errors recorded as understemming and overstemming were reduced to 4.58% and 2.5% respectively from 10.5% and 17.5% for the first version. A substantial decrease in size of sample text is achieved from this stemmer. The morphological complexity of the language is the main sources of errors for the resulting inaccuracies of the stemming algoritlun. For further improvement of the stemmer therefore, detailed study of afaan 01'011100 morphology is helpful. The result of this study in general shows the possibility of employing a stemming algorithm for conflating Afaan Oromo words.Item An Academic Resource Centre in the University of Malawi: It’s Need and a Plan for its Development, Together with Prototype Databases.(Addis Ababa University, 1993-05) Duncan, Vote; Neelameghan, A. (Prof.)The Academic Resource Centre (ARC) discussed in this thesis is an information facility designed to provide information support for the efficient and effective performance of the statutory and public service functions of the University of Malawi and its associated institutions and organizations including related government departments, parastatals, research centres etc. It is conceived as an information centre forming an i ntegral part of the university college and institutions associated with higher learning and research in Malawi. The ARC will utilize viable information technology in conjunction with manual methods. Pre-planning studies undertaken include: a review of trends in information technology (IT), a survey of accessibility to IT in Malawi, an assessment of the existing information support systems of the University of Malawi and their inadequacies in relation to the information and data needs of the variety of users of the academic and research community and the related government and parastatal organizations. Based on the findings, plans to develop the ARC and steps to implement the plans are proposed. The ARC is conceived as a networking of i nformat ion systems wi thi n t he university and the associated institutions as · well as of appropriate institutions in the country and abroad. The ARC plan outlines the requirements in terms of manpower, systems design and implementation. Libraries and information centres which could participate in the ARC network are mentioned. A set of integrated databases consisting of: bibliographic records; information on curriculum development, academic prospectus etc; profiles of experts and institutions; of databases and information systems; of ongoing projects and researches in the University of Malawi, Government and other selected research institutions, databases to is be presented developed as prototypes for the at the ARC. Data entry guideliness are also provided .Training fa c ilities for IT personnel are not adequate in the country and it has led to underutilization of equipment and heavy reliance on vendor service support for the systems. Some suggestions are made in overcoming this problem. Introduction of IT in libraries, documentation and information centres in the country is slowly gaining ground and currently is largely being applied in special libraries and to a certain extent i n academic libraries as well. However, IT applications to generate information products and services is currently limited to word processing and in-house bibliographic database management. Emerging Its, such as CD-ROM, networking and desktop publishing, are yet to be widely used in Malawi. The need for developing national databases to capture and disseminate information generated in the country is emphasized.Item Computer-Assisted Generation of Vocabulary Control Tools and Their Application to Databases in Urban Planning(Addis Ababa University, 1993-06) Bula, Teshome; Neelameghan, A. (Prof.)This thesis discusses and presents the different methods of computer assisted generation of vocabulary control tools, particularly thesaurus and it variations, as well as their application in designing and developing databases and user interfaces to support urban planning activities. The various features and attributes of online databases and search services are examined with a view to assessing their relevance to the information needs of specialized institutions, such as the National Urban Planning Institute (NUPI). The need for local databases to provide the type of information needed for specialized local/ sectoral institutions and the role of vocabulary control tools in facilitating the design and development of such databases is discussed. The various types of information needed for preparing urban plans, their sources, and the need for an effective information support systems are discussed. Different types of vocabulary control tools, their structure and display, and procedures for designing and developing them are mentioned. Also discussed are the features of selected softwares and programs useful in the design, development and maintenance of thesauri. Particular attention is given to CDS/ISIS Pascal thesaurus programs (Thes, Mthes, Thesl and Thes2) used in the current work. A classaurus for the field of urban planning has been developed using Mthes pascal program. The terms were collected from specialized documents in urban planning and queries collected from potential end-users of the system at NUPI. The classaurus was used to update the OECD Macrothesaurus t o enhance its utility in the urban planning field. Direct thesaurus generation, with the assistance of computer, from texts and their abstracts without using a language parser is demonstrated. This method of thesaurus generation is found to be effective and time saving. Prototype urban planning databases made up of reference and specialized object-oriented databases (OODBs) have been developed. The integration of the databases was made with the help of ABNCD+ database structure. The integrated database allows search in the different records of the database with a single query. Two user interface facilities are provided: (1) A thesaurus-like search facility to facilitate browsing and navigating through the subject areas into which the records in the OODB have been divided. They can also be applied to the reference records with modifications and editing of the search expressions provided by Mthes. pas; and (2) A structured query worksheet based on the structured divisions of urban planning information. In this context, vocabulary control tools have more potential applications than their usual applications; for example, in database design, user interface, etc. Advances in information technology and development of different thesaurus software have renewed the interest in the application of vocabulary control tools, particularly thesaurus and its variations. This study also presents examples of t hesaurus generation, retrieval of records from the integrated database, the use of the user interface facility, the applications of queries to the data bases and flexible outputs from the OODB.Item Exploring the Possibilities of Using Expert Interfaces to Hypertext Databases for Business Information Storage and Retrieval: A Case Study of the Addis Ababa Business Community(Addis Ababa University, 1997-05) Admassie, Tesfaye; Chowdhury, G.G.(PhD)Information Technology (IT) has brought significant changes in the business world. The business community in Addis Ababa can get significant benefit from the appropriate use of IT. Integration of hypertext and expert systems technology has brought a new dimension to modern information retrieval, because it can help expert users in browsing and navigating while non-expert users can get an expert guidance to retrieve relevant information. Definition, components, historical developments of hypertext and its differences with conventional information retrieval systems have been discussed followed by a discussion on the expert systems technology. The benefits of integration of these two technologies have been discussed along with brief description of some software tools with particular reference to KnwoledgePro. Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce (AACC) provides trade information to its members. However, almost all the respondents in a survey underlined that their information requirements are not met by the existing faciliti es. This result is found to be statistically significant at any acceptable significance level (X2(1)=87.8370, p=O.O). Information requirements of various business sectors have been identified. More than seventy percent of the business houses surveyed possess IT equipment ranging from fax, computers and communication facilities though computer usage is mostly related to word processing application s. Most respondents of the survey indicated their willingness to expand the IT faci li ties and were wi lling to pay for their required business information. Design consid erat ions of an integrated expert and hypertext business information system have been discussed and a quick prototyping approach has been used to develop a prototype business information system. Hardware and software requirements and the implementation issues have been discu ssed. The prototype system consi sting of a hypertext database coupled with an expert user interface would improve the business information facilities in AACC.Item Accounting Information Support System with Particular Reference to Agency for the Administration of Rented Houses(Addis Ababa University, 1995-06) Tessema Geda; Tadesse, Taye (PhD)The management process can be defined as the process of planning, organizing, staffing and cont r olling . The performance of a business can be measured on how well these func tions are being carried out. The main thing to be made is that better quality information which helps management in the process of managing a business. Accounting information, in this regard , plays a great role in: 1) Planning, because reporting information on past periods helps t he user to make predictions about future events . 2) Controlling , because budgets and standards are set, and performances are measured against these budgets and standards . 3) Decision making , because the reporting of possible outcomes based on alternative input allows the decision makers to select the best alternatives. The accounting function also acts as an over all control device for external consti cuent s such as external auditors , Inland Revenue Administra t ion and Other Government bodies . The result of the study reveals that accounting system of A. A. R.H. currently used is not capable of supporting t he management in r elation to investment and economic policy. Therefore , this thesis aims to furnish in prototype computer based accounting information to different level ofmanagers and to interested external users. The proposed computer-based accounting system for the accounting information system of A. A.R.H. emanates from the fact that : a) The existing semi-automated accounting system of A.A .R. H. has not been presented in a suitable form to help management. b) The traditional batch oriented processing of accounting creates a delay to provide timely information. Thus, using the database approach attempts have been made to design prototype accounting information system to be suitable for management in a timely fashi on . The thesis holds Accounting Concept, six chapters, t he Exist i ng the Int roduction part, Accounting Sy stem of A.A . R.H., the Proposed Accou~ t i n g System, System Operation and Implementation Plan and lastly Conclusion and Recommendations .Item Information Support System For Urban-Regional Plan Preparation At the National Urban Planning Institute(Addis Ababa University, 1993-06) Assefa, Temtim; Neelameghan, A. (Prof.)Planning in general and urban-regional plan preparation in particular is now becoming increasingly an information intensive activity so much so that the success of the planning exercise depends on the availability of adequate, timely and reliable information. In Third World countries including Ethiopia, information intensive activities like planning are very much affected by poor information support services. It is in this context that this study deals with the design of an information support system that can provide information tailored to the needs of NUPI's planners, researchers and other professional staff involved in the preparation of urban-regional plans. The study employed a structured method of system analysis and design technique. The required data to design the system were collected by questionnaire survey, interviews and observations. The design of the system was preceded by analysis of the existing system problems and suggestions for preliminary problem solutions. The study reveals that the existing system does not have a well-established data processing procedure resulting, at times, in the underutilization and improper use of information collected at high cost.The users' information requirements were identified as the prime basis for the design of the new system. The information required by NUPI is very diversified including economic, population, services, natural resources, crop production, land use, etc. It covers almost all human experience, generally. In order to satisfy users' information requirement, the system functions such as sample data processing and map preparation that are applied to process the raw data into usable forms are described and documented with the help of data flow diagrams and a set of algorithm descriptions, referred to as logical system design. Basing on the logical system, the design of the physical system was developed for implementation which includes generation and selection of system al ternati ves, and design of prototype output, input data elements, and database. In general terms, the system design proposed in this study can help in partly alleviating the existing problems. The study recommends other system design projects to bring about complete solutions to the prevailing problems.Item A Computer-Based Loan Management and Monitoring System for the Development Bank of Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 1998-05) Ali, Seid; Shibre, Zewde (PhD)Item Communication Patterns in the Pure and Applied Sciences in Ethiopia: A Citation Study of Local Journals(Addis Ababa University, 1997-06) Wafula, Raymond; Alabi, G.A.(PhD)This thesis entails a citation analysis study of selected source journals in the pure and applied sciences, in Ethiopia. The basic aim was to determine the communication patterns of scientists in Ethiopia through the documents that they cited in the research articles, over a ten-year period from 1985 to 1994. By employing a selection criteria-based purposive sampling technique, three source jvul'nllirwere selectea namely: Ethiopian Journal of Agncullural SCiences rEJAS)-; Ethiopian Medical Journal (EMJ); and SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Sciences (SINET). Bibliographic data from a total of 4496 citations were processed, analyzed and presented in accordance with the set objectives. dBASE IV, SAS and WordPelfect 5.1 software were thus used Results obtained, showed that the frequency distribution of the age of cited documents, conformed to a type of exponential distribution. It was also found that most of the cited documents (at least 77.34 percent) were published outside Ethiopia, and also at least 74.36 percent of the cited documents comprised primary sources of information. The most prolific and most cited authors were determined as well as the most frequently communicated subjects in each source journal, respectively. Ultimately, several suggestions pertaining to the figure betterment of the observed communication patterns, were posed Possible future roles of the local libraries and information centers supporting S & T research activities in Ethiopia were highlighted, on the basis of the implications of the communication patterns observedItem Information Technology Application in Institutions of Higher Learning in Ethiopia with Special Reference to Computer Applications.(Addis Ababa University, 1992-06) Bekele, Rahel; Neelameghan, A. (Prof.)Every society and individual need information in the performance of its day to day tasks. Timely, reliable and pertinent information is required to be presented in a form and format convenient to the potential user(s). Information is needed for gaJ,-nful d$C~_don making, effec);ive aDd ef~-icient planning and management and increasing productivity in all sectors and all walks of life; it is needed to support education at all levels, to enhance the quality of life and to create an informed citizenry to sustain democracy. In this regard computers are becoming increasingly more efficient and effeqtive tools for the processing, storing, and retr~eving ,if: ~ , ~.'" 1" and delivery of information in various fields of human computer technology is the principal core, provide a unique opportunity for developing countries to accelerate their socio economic development. However, there are constraints and difficulties that hinder the acquisition, maintenance and effective application of the technology. The present stUdy surveyed through questionnaires, interviews, and site visits the current level of application of computers in Institutions of Higher Learning in Ethi opia . The situation is not satisfactory as a whole.':'!i& ast:-i7t.list';\l~i1t o f "'. highet' body at the nationa l .- -- ~.:- ~ ~ -~ -- .... .- . ~""' .... ~ lev~l. t (l promote cooperation in computer technology in institutions of higher learning in Ethiopia should be cons idered. The body's functions will be to promote and guide the development of computer related resources and their application in order to anticipate and meet t;Jle fut\lre needs of Higher Learning Institutions. Additionally, the body can help in mediating and catalyzing exchange of ideas and informati on among institutions within and outside the country.Item The Marketing of Science and Technology Information Products and Services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of the Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission (ESTC)(Addis Ababa University, 1997-05) Ngulube, Patrick; Biru, Tesfaye (PhD)This thesis addresses the topic of the marketing of information services and products in Sub Saharan Africa with special reference to Ethiopia. It examines the broadened concept of marketing and how the concept has been applied in the library and information services(LIS) world in general and Sub Saharan Africa in particular. The marketing concept which is a philosophy that advocates a user oriented organisation and views users as the lifeblood of the business is also explored. Various marketing models are considered and a network analysis/scheduling model is suggested. The steps in model building were market research and portfolio analysis. The research revealed that marketing strategies are not applied in most LIS in Sub Saharan Africa. Marketing planning is conspicuously absent. Much of what passed for marketing in LIS in Sub Saharan Africa was a variety of discrete activities rather than a planned and coherent programme. Although information services and products exist their utilisation is very low. Utilisation of information seems to depend on the awareness of its existence. For users to be aware and utilize the information resources , and thus maximize the return on investment marketing planning is suggested. The illustration of the network analysis/scheduling model for marketing planning at the Ethiopian Science and Technology Commission is given.Item A Proposed Cooperative System for Medical Libraries in Sudan(Addis Ababa University, 1996-06) Hassan, Omer; Alabi, G.A.(PhD)This s t udy has investigated and reviewed the medical information services and facilities in Sudan, including a survey of medical information users. This is done in order to propose a cooperative programme for medical libraries in Sudan so that the existing services and facilities could be strengthened. The user survey has revealed that there is a lack of access to sufficient and to up to date information sources, especially -------tt:ex.tbookB-ancLsc.iemi.fic~ournals. It also showed that there is a need for user education programmes. The survey on medical libraries r evealed that there is a shortage o f quali f i ed library personnel,as well as a lack of information technology equipment. The investigation of existing cooperation between medical libraries revealed that it is restricted to the exchange of books , gifts, and photocopy services. All surveyed libraries expressed their interest and willingness to participate in an organized libr a ry network. Based on the findings of the study, a cooperative programme has been proposed . This programme includes cooperative acquisition, cataloguing\processing, storage, interlibrary lending and reference services, and cooperative education\research programmes. In order to formalize and maintain the cooperative programme, a network for medical libraries is suggested. It is also suggested that the plan for this network be a phased plan; Phase I includes selection of network activities,identification of participating libraries , and preparation of resource sharing tools.Item CD-ROM Databases as Information Sources for African Resb-Archers: A Ease Study of the CD-ROM Service at Addis Ababa University Library System.(Addis Ababa University, 1997-05) Mtanga, Naomy; Alabi, G.A.(PhD)This thesis is a result of the study that was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of CDROM databases in meeting the research and teaching needs of African researchers, taking Addis Ababa University Libraries as a case study. The study was carried out by means of a survey in order to get a user appraisal on how their needs for current information were being met through the CD· ROM search facilities available in the University Libraries. The survey results showed that the service was being underutilized, the major contributing factor oeing, tne lack of awareness abourllie existence of the service-. - The m~tlro-d'nhar the Libraries had employed in publicizing CD· ROM were proved to have been ineffective and users suggested how the Libraries could improve the publicity of the service. Although the number of staff and students who had actually used CD·ROM facilities was very small in proportion to the entire user population, their satisfaction rate was very low and they pointed out certain weaknesses ot the service and recommended measures to be taken in order to redress the situation. The respondents who had not used CD-ROM service in the Addis Ababa University Library System expressed a desire to utilize available databases . The majority of the respondents were in favour of sustaining CD· ROM even at the expense of journal subscription and they also overwhelmingly welcomed the idea to have them pay for the delivery of full text articles provided this would quench their hunger for current information. African university libraries have been urged to carry out periodic evaluations of the CDROM service in order to determine the extent to which it contributes to the fulfilment of the research and teaching needs of the institutions. On the basis of the analysis of the survey results recommendations have been made to the end of ensuring effective and appropriate utilization of CD-ROM databases. The recommendations include a systematic and consistent User Education Programme, including orientation of users on the CD-ROM Service and demonstrations; training of manpower on how to conduct literature searches on CD-ROM; locating the workstations were they are visible and approachable by users rather than putting them in the basement or offices; and tlie enac men of a policyOl1information- to- g-overnl helltilization of available information resources and services, including the effective and appropriate use of CD-ROM databases . In order to save time for the users, it has been recommended that databases be created on the articles received through document delivery and that these first be checked before conducting the search on the CD-ROM databases.Item Research on Drought and Desertification in Sudan: A Computer-based Information Support System.(Addis Ababa University, 1995-05) Osman, Mohammed; Bhattacharyya, G. (Prof.)Information is a crucial resource for conducting research. The present study examines the ways of providing environmental information for researchers in drought and desertification in Sudan. Drought and desertification is one of the serious environmental problems facing Sudan, and it has resulted in remarkable degradation of natural resources. The performance of the economy has been affected accordingly , and a number of serious social problems have cropped up. The government has realized the extent of danger, and has initiated plans to combat desertification through the unification of efforts. The dispersed efforts have to be consolidated through the use of information, and communication technologies, that can facilitate the exchange and dissemination of information. The results of a survey shows that the existing information facilities are inadequate for the provision of reliable information service to researchers, planners and decision makers. This study proposes the introduction of a new computer-based information support system that can replace the old inefficient manual system at IES , and proposes the linkage of the various institutions concerned with environmental issues through networking. Prototype databases have been designed using Micro-CDS/ISIS which can be used for retrieving information using a search interface available at SISA. Measures to be taken for implementation and for further improvements of the prototype system have been suggested.Item An Information Retrieval System for Health Care Services in Somalia: A Strategy for Implementation(Addis Ababa University, 1997-05) Ahmed, Mohamed; Alabi, G.A.(PhD)Somalia has been characterized by a complex emergency situation since the end of the 1980s. Shortly before the former president was ousted out of power, with the disintegration of the country in 1991, the government collapsed , and various clans took charge of the different parts of the country. In general, Somalia has no viable information systems in all fields of economic development, and serious security problems have made these difficult, if not impossible. In the absence of centralised government and the present security situation, it was not possible to cover the whole country, therefore, this study was conducted in the Northwest zone of the country. The North-West Zone of Somalia (Somaliland) has been in reconstruction and development phase since 1993. A local administration was established, and at the time this study was carried out, security problems were less serious than in many of the other parts of Somalia. With the support of international relief agencies the central health authority was re-established and the basic health services were restored. Today, the management, of these services are hampered by the lack of reliable , timely and relevant information. The status of the health of the people in the zone is assessed on the basis of scanty information which has been routinely collected from health facilities and special surveys. Although, there were a lot of improvements in the collection of basic health data, yet it was difficult, if not impossible , to , analyze and calculate reliable indicators from the available data and provide ways of measuring the health needs of the people and the impact of health care services. The scope of this study was to examine the current health information system with the view to come up with suggestions and recommendations of the possible ways by which the system can be improved for better services.Item Cloud Computing Readiness Assessment of Selected Government Organizations in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2021-01-18) Fekadu, Zenagebral; Lamenew, Workshet (PhD)Cloud computing has caused a revolution in recent years, and it is now regarded as a new IT paradigm. Several studies have been conducted related to cloud computing technology adoption. While such studies focused more on private institutions and for-profit organizations, little attention was given to study cloud computing adoption in government organizations. Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing and industry changing technologies, and its implementation is influenced by several factors. This study adopts Bakry’s STOPE (strategy, technology, organization, people, and the environment) model as theoretical framework. The purpose of this study is to assess the readiness level of government organizations using Bakry’s the STOPE model. This model was chosen to assess the strategic agenda that among different government organizations in achieving cloud computing adoption. Because development goals can be achieved with critically stated strategic priorities of investment. The researcher sought to answer the research question of whether the organizations are ready in terms of strategy, technology, organization, people, and the environment. Mixed method research methodology is employed by collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The research focus is not only on collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data, but also on reasonably incorporating the results of those analyses into a cohesive piece. The survey approach was utilized to collect quantitative primary data, and interviews with managers or team leaders were also undertaken. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 25. Managers, team leaders, and other ICT employees in Ethiopian government organizations are well-versed on cloud services and their benefits. However, due to commitment, security policies, infrastructure limitations and other several factors they are unobservant in the idea of cloud service adoption. Cloud technology has numerous advantages in terms of increasing an organization's storage and computing capacity while lowering costs, and it is the main issue in developing countries when it comes to infrastructure development, as most Ethiopian government agencies are aware of this. However, for various reasons, all the organizations have taken no serious steps to use cloud services. As a result of a survey and interview, this article identifies the key barriers to using cloud services for Ethiopian government organizations. Furthermore, despite positive findings in cloud adoption awareness and people's readiness the paper revealed that these government organizations are not ready in 4 of the STOPE model domains.Item HRM KM Platform for FH Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2021-09-22) Girma, Elias; H/Mariam, Getachew (PhD)The practice of integrating knowledge management into the human resource management function of the FH Ethiopia projects is the subject of this research. The enhancement in project human resource management processes and functions will eventually result in an improvement in the performance of an organization. The advantages of implementing an integrated approach between HRM and KM, in which one encourages and supports the other in order to improve organizational efficiency and employee performance. The main objective of this research is to develop an integrated project HRM platform for FH Ethiopia to enhance the KM practices in the way of improving organizational performance. The main objective of the study was accomplished by identifying gaps. A proposed conceptual framework enables FH Ethiopia to integrate KM in project HRM processes. Especially, FH Ethiopia is a project-based organization and project HRM needs big attention in terms of retaining knowledge (tacit) that obtained throughout the project implementation. The study attempts to answer three research questions that focuses on ehancing orgizational performance. These questions are intended to bridge the gap between knowledge management practices and human resource management operations. The study effectively addresses the issues by developing methods that, in turn, improve employee and organizational performance. The study uses design science research methodology to answers the research questions. Experts of the organization look upon the proposed conceptual framework, which developed as per the design requirement. The research approach for this thesis was established based on six procedures to answer the research questions. Experts from the organization were selected for interviews based on their valuable contribution to the study. Their input gives crucial data for the researcher about the current setup of KM in the organization. The researcher uses documents and performs a physical observation to understand the culture and awareness of staff towards KM. This study has substantial implications for organizations that are predominantly project-based. The study shown that project managers, team leaders, and team members should think about leveraging prior project knowledge and experiences. Generally, this study contributes in the organizational initiatives to strengthen knowledge management practice by developing comprehensive knowledge management policy/strategy compatible with organizational strategy, enhance the level of employee awareness regarding the concepts and benefits of knowledge management, implement a knowledge management system and revive employees to take an active role in knowledge management initiatives that enhances organizational performance. The findings of this research have major management consequences, especially for project-based organizations.Item A Framework Development for Application of Data Warehouse in the Ethiopian Banking Industry the Case of Dashen Bank(Addis Ababa University, 2022-01-29) Tesfaye, Zelalem; Mulugeta, Wondwossen (PhD)Data warehouse is the fastest growing technology integrated with Business intelligence to make a better decision using analytics on the current as well as historical data of the organization. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework for the application of Data warehousing technology in the Ethiopian banking industry, the case of Dashen bank. The research followed the Kimball dimensional data modeling technique to show the conceptual and logical data model. For this particular Applied research, a qualitative research methods are believed to be more suitable in describing the process of developing the data warehouse and Data collection is mainly based on Focus Group discussion between the staff members of the IT department, Observation and document assessment to evaluate the current status of data integration and readiness of the bank for the application data warehouse. With this the readiness of the bank is evaluated, the data concentration area in the bank’s current system is also identified, source databases and the type of data with these systems is also identified and these findings analyzed and represented using the UML class diagram on the conceptual level. Based on the conceptual level, conformed dimensional tables and Fact tables with their attributes and measures are identified. The logical design section of the study shows the relationship of facts and dimensions using star schema of Kimball dimensional modeling. The finding of this research tried to shows the benefits of the application of data warehousing technology in the Ethiopian banking industry using the conceptual and logical design of the data warehouse in the case study organization.Item Assessment of Ethio Telecom Readiness to Deploy 5g Network Technology(Addis Ababa University, 2021-09-19) Kemal, Amin; Lamenew, Workshet (PhD)Information and communication technology has taken as the significant factor for socio economic development of the world in all aspects and sectors. Today‟s world has undergone massive changes. The emergence of online and digital marketing, e-health, e-government and other different e-services connect people to mobile technologies. Mobile technology evolution begins with 1G in 1971 and now reaches 5G. Before deployment of any new technology readiness assessment should be made. The aim of this study was to assess readiness level of Ethio telecom to deploy 5G network technology in the country. To achieve research objectives Bakry‟s (strategy, technology, organization, people, and environment) model was used by applying both quantitative and qualitative research approach. Data was collected through Likert scale based questionnaires and interview from 96 Ethio Telecom employees and 3 top level directors respectively. The demographic survey data was analyzed using SPSS version 25, and descriptive and analytical statistical reports for measurement model (reliability and validity of questionnaires) and structural model (significance test, R2, path coefficient and T-statistics) were generated using Smart PLS 3. The finding of the study from data analysis shows that readiness level of ethio telecom to deploy 5G network technology is ready in terms technology, strategy, human capital and organizational readiness but need improvements on environmental readiness.