A Prototype Fund Accounting Software for the Budget and Finance Control Department of the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs
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Addis Ababa University
We are now living in an era known as the information
age. Information has become the most important input for al l
types of systems established to attain certa in objectives .
The availability of timely , relevant, and accurate
information is critical to operational efficiency and
realization of organizational goals The highly acclaimed
role of information is always coupled with the use of
advanced products of information technology, such as
computers and computer software
Computerization of manual information -intensive
activities in now unavoidable regardless of the profession or
the organ ization in wh ich such tasks are performed.
Accordingly, this study is undertaken to suggest a course of
analysis and design activities that may be employed in
computer i zing the major activities of the budget and finance
control department of t he Administrate on for Refugee and
Returnee Affairs office of the Ethiopi an government.
The first chapter describes the project background,
justifications , objectives, limitations , and methodology
employed in the study High volume of manually processed
financial transact ions and structural defects of the existing
financial informant ion system are the major problems that
served as a justification for this study .
Fact finding tools used in this study include structured
questioners , structured interviews. record examinations and
observation of operations. A specification of system
requirements is provided in chapter two. Data flow analysis
and process analysis are employed to depict logical features
of the system and to ensure the va 1 i dity of funct i ona 1
specifi cat ions.
Object-oriented software engineering methodology is used
for further analysis and design of the financial information
system. Chapter three discusses object structure analysis
and object behavior analysis as essential ingredients an
object -oriented approach to systems analysis. Chapter four
contains adscription of object -oriented design methods
employed in building the functional and nonfunctional
structural framework of the financial application. The
object-oriented design elements employed are class
specifications, data structure design, methods design, and
user interface design. Chapter five deals with conclusion
and recommendations. Recommendations are made for
acquisition of an object-oriented database for implementation
of the design .
Information Science