Water Supply and Environmental Engineering

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    Effects of Pit Latrines Seepage on Groundwater Quality in Addis Ababa City
    (Addis Ababa Ethiopia, 2024-10) Abraham Gido; Zerihun Getaneh (PhD)
    The water supply for Addis Ababa relies on a combination of surface water and groundwater sources, with groundwater being the dominant source. As the construction of wells has increased dramatically, the quality of the groundwater has become more sensitive and vulnerable to contamination. One potential source of groundwater contamination is seepage from pit latrines due to improper construction and aging infrastructure. This research study aimed to investigate the impact of pit latrines on groundwater quality, specifically focusing on nitrate concentration as an indicator of human waste contamination. The methodology involved creating a groundwater nitrate distribution map for Addis Ababa and then collecting and analyzing groundwater samples from three different areas: a sewerage line uncovered area, a partially covered area, and a fully covered area. The groundwater samples were analyzed using a HACH DR 5000 UV-Spectrophotometer, Hach 2100 AN Turbidimeter and Hanna Ph.ISE.EC instrument. The results showed significant nitrate contamination in the groundwater sample from the Teklehaimanot site, which is located near an uncovered sewerage line, with a nitrate concentration of 58.876 mg/l, exceeding the WHO standard. In contrast, the nitrate concentrations at the Zenebework (7.968 mg/l) and Jemo 1 (11.5 mg/l) sites were lower, suggesting that sewerage line coverage has a positive impact on reducing groundwater contamination from human waste. Further analysis revealed a strong correlation (R square value of 99.99%) between nitrate and chloride concentrations in the groundwater samples, indicating a common source of contamination and the nitrate with turbidity correlation shows (R square value of 99.06%) the cleanness of the well is having a relation with the nitrate concentration. Additionally, a survey of the pit latrines in the high-nitrate Teklehaimanot area showed that the calculated wastewater production exceeded the removal capacity of vacuum trucks, suggesting seepage from the pit latrines. A Spearman rank correlation and Excel analysis revealed a correlation (r value of 0.9) between pit latrine age and the efficiency of waste removal, indicating that the age of the pit latrines affects their ability to contain the waste and prevent seepage.The study also found that improper usage of toilets, with 8 houses directly connected their toilets to the drainage system, further contributed to the groundwater pollution in the area. Ensuring the protection of groundwater quality is crucial for sustaining water supply. The impact of improper pit latrine use and aging infrastructure cannot be overlooked.
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    Effect of New Demand Centers in Water Supply Distribution System the Case of Condominium Houses in Lideta Sub City Of Addis Ababa
    (Addis Ababa Univeristy, 2024-11) Geatachew Welay; Geremew Sahilu
    Problems in providing satisfactory water supply to the rapidly growing population especially that of the developing countries is increasing from time to time. The objective of this research was to assess the problem of Addis Ababa Lideta sub city water supply and distribution network system. This study assessed the hydraulic performance of Lideta sub city water supply distribution network system based on main performance indicators namely high-water loss, inadequate water supply coverage, satisfaction of customers and low operation and maintenance. Intermittent water distribution is the key problem of many water authorities in developing countries including Ethiopia. Hence, this research was conducted to carry out the hydraulic modeling of the lideta sub city water distribution system which is located in the center of Addis Ababa city of Ethiopia. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the hydraulic performance of the water supply distribution system by assessing the situation of the existing water supply distribution system. Water GEMS V8i software was used as a tool to model the water distribution system. The model can be used to identify the high pressure and low pressure in the junctions and the magnitude of velocity through pipes was used as a base to evaluate the hydraulic performance. Modeling results showed a violation of maximum and minimum pressure and low velocity requirements. High pressures in the system occurred both during low demand and peak demand have to be identified. The simulation result of the existing system about 88.78% of the junctions was failed to satisfy the allowable pressure and the velocity of about 40.36% was failed out of range during the peak consumption hour. The model performance measures were checked based on the coefficient of determination. In general, it was concluded that the existing water distribution network systems of lideta sub city categorized under satisfactory hydraulic performance situation and were not supply adequate water to various demand categories of the town. In the modified system, the network runs hydraulic parameters are radically improved using the Pressure Reducer Valve added in the system to reduce high pressure impacts as well as added new water sources wells around the area on water distribution system. The results of the simulation show that the hydraulic simulation about 53.4% of pipes of diameter from the total water distribution system pipe diameters needed to be upgraded.
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    Application of Genetic algorithm and Artificial Neural Network in Water Consumption Forecasting and Driving Factors Determination
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024) Terefe Tilahun; Mebruk Mohammed (PhD)
    Accurate understanding of water consumption is paramount for effective resource management, infrastructure planning, and ensuring a reliable water supply. Understanding and determining the driving factors of water consumption has become a key challenge. In order to address this issue, the study employs Genetic Algorithm (adopted for both linear and nonlinear regression) along with an ANN model consisting of one hidden layer with either one or five nodes. The GA and ANN models were used to predict water consumption in Addis Ababa city and analyze the driving factors behind water consumption. The model was developed using input data such as water consumption time series, average temperature, population, construction activity, relative humidity, economic development, number of livestock, industrial development, and holiday/festival. Monthly data on water consumption and meteorology (from 2015 (June) to 2023(August)) were gathered from Addis Ababa city water and sewerage authority, as well as the National Meteorological Agency. Sensitivity analysis is used in the forecasting process to choose the most important explanatory factors. Four different models were developed and their performances were assessed using two metrics: root mean squared error (RMSE) and Normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE). The linear regression GA model achieved an RMSE value of 0.355 Mm3/month and an NRMSE value of 0.0451. On the other hand, the nonlinear regression GA model yielded an RMSE value of 0.339 Mm3/month and an NRMSE value of 0.0430. Moving on to the ANN model with one hidden node, it achieved an RMSE value of 0.325 Mm3/month and an NRMSE value of 0.0413. Lastly, the ANN model with five hidden nodes achieved the lowest RMSE value of 0.3195 Mm3/month and the lowest NRMSE value of 0.0405. Among the four models, the ANN model with five hidden nodes performed the best, according to these results. The study conducted using ANN model with five hidden nodes revealed that the primary factors influencing water consumption in Addis Ababa city are population, relative humidity, and industrial activity. Population was identified as the most significant factors, with an effect size of 18.73%, followed by relative humidity at 16.65% and industrial activity at 12.77%. The additional factors play a substantial role (ranging from 1.1% for average temperature to 11.3% for livestock), to the point that neglecting them in water consumption calculations could result in inaccuracies when forecasting future demand trends.It is recommended that future predictions of water consumption in Addis Ababa city take into account nine driving factors: population, average temperature, construction activity, relative humidity, economic development, agricultural activity, industrial development, holiday/festival, and precipitation.
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    Assessment of Ethiopian Plumbing Code and its Compliance for High-rise Buildings in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-10) Teshager Gebeyehu; Agzew Nigussie (PhD)
    The thesis examines the compliance of Ethiopian plumbing code for high rise buildings in Addis Ababa city. The adequacy of Ethiopian plumbing code with other international plumbing codes and its effectiveness of the design and installations of water supply systems of a building, the design and installation of internal waste water drainage systems of a building, the design and installation of external waste water drainage systems of a building (septic tank), the code compliance of installed sanitary fixtures and appliances and the design and installation of roof storm water drainage systems using both the international and local plumbing codes. New technology PEX-AL-PEX pipe material, grease interceptor for kitchen sink and vent piping system were used for over viewing of Ethiopian plumping codes to the other international plumbing code. Hazzen William equation, plumber’s chart, flow rate and loading units of fixture units were used the analysis of the design of water supply system. The traps and loading units of sanitary appliance, slope and horizontal pipe size, fixture units and vertical pipe size of stack, total loading unit of fixtures and pipe size for both common and combined vent were used the analysis of internal wastewater drainage systems of a building. The rate of flow method, discharge versus total loading unit chart, standard area covered for storage septic tank, volume of sediment, volume of sludge were used the analysis of external waste water drainage systems of a building. Discharge of roof storm water by rational formula. Pipe size capacity of down pipe, intensity of rain fall and specifications of roof gutter were used the analysis of roof storm water drainage system of a building. The local Ethiopian plumbing code was used for analysis of internal waste water drainage systems and the roof storm - water drainage. The international plumbing code and Indian plumbing code is good for analysis of water supply pipe lines and external waste water drainage system. The study focused on assessing whether the installed plumbing components of selected buildings meets the established design requirements, standards and regulations of plumbing codes. Recommendations were also provided to ensure optimal plumbing system designs, functionality and compliance with relevant plumbing codes and standard requirements.
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    Optimization of Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor: A case of Kality Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa Univeristy, 2024-08) Johnny Girma; Agizew Nigussie (PhD); Asie Kemal (PhD)
    Enhancing the performance of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) for unregulated sewage treatment by optimising its operating parameters at a moderate temperature is contingent upon controlling variables like temperature, pH, organic loading rate (OLR), and hydraulic retention time (HRT). The primary goal of the study was to improve the performance of the Kality Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which uses a UASB reactor through optimization of operational parameters. To do this, controllable operational parameters were optimised, toxic heavy metals concentrations were measured in the unit processes like UASB reactor, Trickling filter, and secondary clarifier. Samples were also tested at downstream irrigated soil and plants for toxic heavy metals concentration. Eventually, the UASB reactor was modelled using general process simulation (GPS-X). Sixty experimental data sets were collected during the rainy seasons (June, July and August) and dry seasons (February, March and April). Central composite design-response surface method (CCD-RSM) tool was used for optimization of operational parameters. Using this CCD-RSM, a temperature of 21.58°C, OLR of 2.99kg COD/m3.d, HRT of 4.37hrs and pH of 6.3 operational parameters were achieved during the rainy seasons. Experimental triplications were conducted using the rainy seasons optimized parameters and about 92.70% Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD), 99.06% Total Suspended Solid(TSS), and 94.50% volatile suspended solid (VSS) were achieved . For dry season’s data, CCD-RSM gave raise optimized operational parameters of temperature (23.04°C), OLR (2.23kg COD/m3.d), pH (7.5), and HRT (11.43hrs). Using optimized operational parameters, experimental triplications were conducted and achieved a removal efficiencies 84.07%COD, 99.89%TSS, and 100%VSS which is much higher than the removal efficiency set by Kality WWTP manual (55% COD, 55%BOD5 and 70%TSS). At the halfway point of the HRT, the reactor's process wellbeing was assessed by measuring the VFA to alkalinity ratio, VSS to TSS ratio, mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS), and mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS). Moreover, because of point and non-point sources of wastewater to the treatment plant multiple issues that have public and environmental health significance could be observed. One of the issue is the evaluation of the WWTP’s unit processes for toxic heavy metals. They were evaluated for toxic heavy metals removal since the existence of higher concentration of these metals in WWTP’s unit processes significantly affects the wellbeing of microorganisms through significant change of pH and the formation of complex compound which precipitate and corrodes the distribution pipes. The second issue is associated with the prevalent use of the treated effluent for irrigation by local farmers. Data were collected to identify and quantify toxic heavy metals in treatment plant’s effluent, irrigated soil, and vegetables. The laboratory tests revealed that majority of the toxic heavy metals were present in the samples analyzed (Chromium, Cadmium, Arsenic, Copper, Lead, and Manganese) and the unit processes were inefficient to remove these metals. Furthermore, a model describing the main biological processes occurring in the UASB reactors was developed. General Process Simulation-X (GPS-X) was used in this experimental research since it is the best tool for simulation and optimization of WWTP processes. Before simulation, influent characterization was done for mass balance around the secondary clarifier which was helpful for calibrating the GPS-X model. The sensitivity analysis result showed that model parameters like kinetic (Maximum Specific Growth Rate on Substrate, Maximum Growth Rate for Ammonia Oxidizer, Maximum Growth Rate for nitrite Oxidizer, Maximum growth rate of PAO) and stoichiometric (Ammonia-oxidizer yield, and Nitrite-Oxidizer yield) values were the most sensitive parameters to calibrate the UASB reactor but the most influential model parameter was kinetic value (heterotrophic maximum specific growth rate). Average absolute relative error (ARE) was used to evaluate the best fit between the measured and simulated data sets. ARE values for COD, TSS and ammonia-nitrogen being less than 7-15% showed that the model was calibrated. Finally the calibrated model was validated based on actual dry seasons data sets collected experimentally. As the simulated results showed acceptable model performances, the developed model can be used by operators, designers and researchers for further studies.
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    Quantifying Water Loss Components and Conducting Performance Indicator-Based Assessment for Addis Abeba Water Distribution System
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-04) Fikirte Girma; Agizew Nigussie (PhD)
    Water loss in urban water distribution systems is a significant global challenge, leading to wastage, revenue losses, and contamination risks. The Addis Ababa Water Distribution System (AAWDS) faces similar challenges, a significant portion of the water supplied to people doesn’t reach its intended users. Despite the critical importance of mitigating water loss, assessment practices and understanding of different causes and factors influencing the amount and type of water loss in a distribution system is limited. This study aims to assess and quantify total water losses in the AAWDS, and evaluating system performance. The research examines both real and apparent losses, with a focus on metering accuracy degradation rates and failures, especially in DN 15 mm customer meters, which constitute a large proportion of utility meters. The study identifies a high meter failure rate (0.59%/year) in the system, with water losses due to DN 15mm meter failure estimated at 0.53% of the annual non-revenue water (NRW), equivalent to 470,081𝑚3 /year. Using comparative billing analysis methodology, the research determines meter accuracy degradation rates for different meter models and calculates annual water losses due to meter inaccuracies, totaling US$1.5 million per year. Additionally, the study adopted two techniques, Minimum Night Flow Analysis and Calibration Process Water GEMs V10 Calibrator Software, were used to estimate leakages in district-metered areas situated around Kasanchis area, revealing a daily water loss 756 𝑚3. Leakage identification in the water distribution system of the DMA resulted in shortlisting of 5 points. The research also proposes 12 performance indicators for evaluating the system's efficiency, with some successfully tested on a branch utility of AAWSA. The findings emphasize the need of integrated water meter management (IWMM), leakage detection with calibrator software, and the utility's use of appropriate water loss performance indicators
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    Assessment of Non-Revenue Water and Infrastructure Leakage Index (Ili) Applicability: A Comparative Study In Ethiopian Towns - Adama, Bishoftu, And Mojo
    (Addis Ababa University, 2024-02) Zelalem Tamyalew; Geremew Sahilu (PhD)
    Water utilities in Adama, Bishoftu, and Mojo towns are experiencing significant water losses in their supply systems. To improve their efficiency, utilities need to be able to measure and assess the performance of their water supply systems. One frequently used performance indicator (PI) is the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI). However, the applicability of ILI performance indicators in the water utilities of these towns depends on their current conditions. This study aims to check the suitability of using the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) in Adama, Bishoftu, and Mojo towns in Ethiopia. The primary and secondary data were collected to analyze the water balance and evaluate ILI. Secondary data included system input volume, authorized consumption, and unauthorized consumption, while primary data included water meter inaccuracies, customer water meter inventory, and measurement of pressure in the water supply system for the calibration of Water Gems Connect Edition update 2. The analysis revealed that the non-revenue water (NRW) is high, reaching up to 32.6%, 38.33%, and 47.33%, respectively, as a percentage of system input volume. Additionally, the total water loss for Adama, Bishoftu, and Mojo is 32%, 37.3%, and 45%, respectively, as percentage of system input volume. Of the total water loss in each town, 80.8%, 81%, and 88.33% are real losses, while the remainder is apparent losses. The study also indicates that the ILI result of the town water supply system is excellent, with values of 3.7, 4.4, and 3.3 for Adama, Bishoftu, and Mojo, respectively. However, this result contrasts with the current water loss and NRW, indicating that the ILI does not fully capture the specific challenges faced by Ethiopian towns, such as poor asset management and supply intermittency. Therefore, it is necessary to check the applicability of using ILI in Ethiopia before using it as a system performance indicator.
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    Assessment of Lead Contamination via Soil and Water in Addis Ababa Daycares
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-04) Eden Belete; Zerihun Getaneh (PhD)
    Lead exposure can come from different environmental media soil, water and air impose negative health effects if ingested by humans, children’s are the most vulnerable. The objective of the study were to investigate i) lead level in water and soil of daycares facilities in Addis Ababa, ii) lead level in water sources (both surfaces and ground water) that supply water sources to Addis Ababa city. Graphite Furnaces Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy were used to analyze the concentration of lead in soil and tap water of 28 day cares. Samples were taken from 11 sub cities, sample size were determined based on the number of daycares in each sub city. Sample from sources (ground and surfaces) of water supply were also analyzed. The result indicated that the mean level of lead in soil and water of day cares were 2.37 and 8.26μg/l are within the permissible value of 10μg/L according to WHO standard. The result from sources of water shows that the lead level in surfaces water sources before treatment were above the permissible value (10μg/L ) whereas the ground water sources were within in the acceptable limits . Integrated exposure uptake bio-kinetic model were used to determine the blood lead level of children’s below 4 year of age. The mean blood lead level were 1.78μg/dl. Even if the BLL were below the blood reference value of 3.5μg/dl (according to CDC) there is no safe blood lead level value low lead level can have adverse effects in children. Lead level in drinking water from daycare centers is greater than the lead concentration from water sources this shows that there is sources of lead in between water sources and daycare tap water.
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    Impact Assessment of Koshe (ቆሼ) Open Dump Site Leachate on Ground Water Quality, Addis Ababa
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-04) Tarekegn Tadesse; Zerihun Getaneh (PhD)
    One of the primary threats to the quality of groundwater is thought to be open dump sites. The study focused on Koshe open dump site which is the official active Open dump site for Addis Ababa city. The main purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Koshe open dump site leachate on groundwater quality around the dump site. The study was conducted from November 2022 to May 2023 giving a total of thirty-eight (38) parameters of the six (6) groundwater samples and one (1) leachate sample. Judgment sampling was used for data gathering. Physico-chemical parameters were analyzed at Horticoop Ethiopia (Horticulture) PLC Soil, Water, and Plant Analysis Laboratory. Samples of leachate and groundwater were analyzed to evaluate the impact of leachates on groundwater through the comparison of their physicochemical nature. Groundwater and leachate samples were collected and analyzed for selected water quality parameters and compared to the Ethiopian Water Quality Standard, EPA, and WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality fourth edition WHO. The physicochemical characteristics of the groundwater samples around the Koshe open dump sites indicated high concentrations of Electrical conductivity, Potassium, Iron, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Total Alkalinity, Nitrate, Phosphate, Cadmium, Bicarbonates, Arsenic, Salinity, Cobalt, and Silicon above the Ethiopian standard, WHO, and EPA thresholds for acceptable drinking water quality. Because of the distance and located on upstream of Koshe, the well located in Ayer Tena high school was all most in all parameters, especially in parameters that indicate the impact of leachate on groundwater quality(Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, Lead, Mercury, molybdenum, nitrate, potassium & phosphate) shown significantly low concentration relative to the other wells. The leachate quality analysis revealed an extensive range of different contaminants that affect groundwater quality. Parameters such as; Electrical conductivity (EC), Total suspended solids (TSS), Turbidity, Total dissolved solids (TDS), Dissolved oxygen (DO), Potassium, Sodium, Iron, Manganese, Lead, Mercury, Total Alkalinity, Chloride, Ammonia, Phosphate, Sodium, Boron, Arsenic, Cobalt, BOD, and COD fall in the red category of Effluent & Solid Waste Disposal Regulations SI6 which is referred to as being a high environmental hazard. According to the National sanitation foundation water quality index (NSFWQI), The Weighted arithmetic index method (WAIM), and The Canadian Council of Ministers' environment water quality index (CCME WQI) analysis of the water quality status of groundwater well samples fall in poor quality and unfit to drink category. Nemerow's pollution index (NPI) analysis indicated that the contributing parameters which are responsible for polluting water quality in all groundwater well samples are Hydrogen ion (pH), Electrical conductivity (EC), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), iron, Phosphate, Molybdenum, Temperature, Bicarbonates, Nitrate, Cadmium, Ammonia, Total Alkalinity, Arsenic, and Mercury. The result of the correlation analysis indicated a strong positive and negative association between parameters at a 0.01 and 0.050 confidence level. The presence of physicochemical parameters such as Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, Lead, Mercury, molybdenum, nitrate, potassium & phosphate in groundwater wells which are located around open dump sites can lead to the conclusion that indicated there is a significant impact of the Koshe dumpsite on the groundwater quality.
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    Performance Assessment of Sewer Network in Addis Ababa: The Case of Kality Catchment
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-12) Getye Fekadu; Agizew Nigussie (PhD)
    Urban development usually exerts enormous pressure on the existing sewer network systems. The deficiency in the performance of the sewer network becomes one of the most critical issues in the sewer system sector that requires immediate action. Kality Catchment sewer system has problems related to sewer system coverage, manholes overflow, and capacity deficiency. The main objective of this study is to assess the performance of existing sewer network in Kality’s Catchment with respect to pipe capacity (depth/rise), and surcharge using Bentley SewerGEMS CONNECT. Both primary and secondary data were collected and TOOLS such as Arc GIS, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office Excel, and Geographic positioning system (GPS) were used. Model analyses were conducted under three possible scenarios. The wastewater generations for the first and second scenarios were estimated based on water consumption bill data by considering active and potential sewer customers for both scenarios, respectively. Additionally, a projected wastewater generation was derived from land use data for the third scenario. The sewer system coverage in the Kality Catchment was estimated to be 17.63%, showing only the proportion of active sewer customers relative to water customers in the study area. The steady-state analysis of the sewer network, considering peak flow conditions, revealed that approximately 1.01%, 1.49%, and 4.16% of pipes exceeded their capacity (d/D) (>90%) values. This accounts for lengths of 5,415.10m, 7,956.20m, and 22,249.10m for the first, second, and third scenarios respectively. Additionally, approximately 2.88%, 3.74%, and 8.35% of pipes experienced surcharge, accounting for lengths of 15,372.40m, 20,019.10m, and 44,654.50m for the respective scenarios. The pipe capacity (d/D) exceeded when the d/D ratio reached 0.9(90%), and surcharge occurred when the water level rose above 15cm of the manhole rim elevation during peak flow conditions. These locations with deficiencies in both pipe capacity (d/D) and surcharge covered lengths of 1,691.90m, 5,334.80m, and 17,577.50m for the first, second, and third scenarios respectively. It is recommended that the utility upgrade the existing sewer network, as well as expand a new sewer system and connect to the system unserved areas and customers.
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    Development of Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency Curves for the City of Addis Ababa under the Changing Climate
    (Addis Ababa University, 2023-09) Lideya Abdissa; Agizew Nigussie (Phd)
    Hydrologic design of water management infrastructures is on the basis of specific design storms derived from historical rainfall events available in the form of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. However, it is expected that the frequency and magnitude of future extreme rainfalls will change due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere. Developing intensity, duration, and frequency (IDF) of rainfall with the reflection of future climate change is required for designing and managing water infrastructures. Thus, this study presents a rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves for Addis Ababa city under base and climate change scenarios. For this purpose, historical daily rainfall data was collected from Ethiopian National Meteorological Service Agency and bias-corrected CORDEX rainfall data for RCP 8.5 climate scenario was used. Appropriate methods for filling of rainfall data gaps and calculating areal rainfall were employed. Rainfall data tests for independence, stationarity, homogeneity, trend and outliers were also conducted using relevant methods. The data were found to be independent, stationary, homogenous with no trend and outliers. By using EasyFit computer program, the probability distribution that best fits the historical and future rainfall data was selected The Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution was found to be the best fit distribution. Daily historically rainfall and climate scenario data were generated and disaggregated in to hourly basis using the method indicated in ERA Drainage Manual. Expected rainfall quantiles (XT) for 10min up to 180min durations were computed for return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years using general extreme value (GEV) frequency analysis. Future Rainfall intensities under climate change scenario RCP8.5 were found to be greater than the historical rainfall intensities by 27%–79% in the period2010-2039; 37%-88% in 2040-2069; and 55%-104% in 2069-2099.; Hence, intense rainfall events are expected in the future and design of stormwater management systems should take this into account.
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    Effects of Ineffective Wastewater Drainage System on Quantity of Wastewater Reaching Rivers and Treatment Plants in Addis Ababa
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-12) Sisay, Dula; Geremew, Sahilu (PhD)
    There have been rapid land use change both in the center and in the outskirts of Addis Ababa. However, the existing conventional wastewater drainage system has been in use in the central part for around 40 years while sewer system has not yet developed in the expanding residential areas. In view of that, this research was conducted to identify how ineffective existing sewer system and onsite wastewater management facilities are contributing for the discharge of untreated wastewater into rivers in addition to assessing inflow and infiltration quantity in the existing sewer. For these purposes, Senga Tera and Tulu Dimtu study areas were selected to represent urban densification and urban expansion respectively. The existing land use plans of both areas, and as-built data and sewer master plan for the existing sewer system were collected and reviewed. Flow rate were manually measured at selected manholes on field for model calibration in addition to analyzing six months of ArcGIS water use data’s. Moreover, the number of stories and floor areas of high-rise buildings which are now under construction were surveyed in Senga Tera. Similarly, field research was conducted to identify the existing onsite wastewater management facilities inTulu Dimtu. Then, steady state analysis and modeling for the existing sewer system and for the proposed nonconventional sewer system in Tulu Dimtu were conducted using Sewer GEMS V8i. Accordingly, it was revealed that 87% and 53% of the existing manholes in in Senga Tera could be surcharged and overflowing due to rapid land use change during wet weather season respectively. It was also found that around 15.59 l/s of wastewater was cross connected into the nearby storm water drainage system. As a result, overflows and leakage through the walls of the existing cesspools in Tulu Dimtu and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) from manholes and sewer cross connections in Senga Tera area have been found to be factors for the discharge of untreated wastewater first into the nearby storm water drainage system and then outfall into nearby rivers. Moreover, the quantity of average inflow and infiltration which was estimated in Senga Tera was around 71%. This in turn could contribute to induce SSOs on the existing sewer system in addition to become a factor for the hydraulic overloading of the existing Kality Wastewater Treatment Plant. Therefore, it is recommended to enhance the existing sewer system through master plan review and to use non- conventional sewer system instead of cesspools in the expansion areas.
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    Optimum Coagulant Dose Prediction for Water Treatment using Artificial Neural Network (Case of Legedadi Water Treatment Plant)
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-04) Eyerusalem, Alemayehu; Agizew, Nigussie (PhD)
    Water obtained from surface or subsurface sources is crucial for life. But direct use of raw water has serious health risks. Different water treatment processes can be used to make the raw water safe for domestic purposes. Coagulation and Flocculation is one of the treatment stages used to remove colloidal particles through the use of chemicals (coagulants) that enable the formation of larger flocs that can be easily removed by sedimentation and filtration. Determination of the optimum coagulant dosage is important to meet the required water quality. For instance, a high coagulant dosage may lead to high residual chemical in the treated water, high sludge volume, and increased load on the filter units. All these can result in poor water treatment performances, high operational costs, and process complications. Jar test has been used widely to determine the optimal coagulant dosage for a given water quality. However, this practice has some drawbacks such as it is time-consuming, the probability of making errors is high and it is impractical for highly variable raw water turbidity. Consequently, the need to develop new tools and techniques to determine optimum coagulant dosage becomes important. However, quantifying the relationship between the process inputs and output in the water treatment unit process is very difficult with the existing process model. Thus, Artificial Neural Network was used to develop the models in this research as it is a robust technique that allows the development of a multi-variable and complex non-linear relationship. ANN Multi-Linear Perceptron type with one hidden layer was used to simulate the jar test for the optimum coagulant dosage forecasting. Two models were developed and their performances were evaluated based on Root mean squared error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R 2 ). The first model which enables prediction of turbidity for a given coagulant dosage and other factors was the process model. The second model which allows determination of optimum coagulant dosage to attain the desired turbidity level is the Inverse Process Model. The RMSE and R 2 values were found to be 0.0748 NTU and 0.6121, respectively for the Process model. For the Inverse Process model the RMSE and R 2 values were found to be 0.225mg/l and, 0.9823, respectively. These indicate that a good performance of the ANN-based model to simulate the jar test could be obtained. The models can be used to optimize the coagulation process within the available raw water turbidity range of Legedadi Water Treatment Plant.
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    Assessment of reasons for Yield Decrease of Water Wells in Akaki Well Field based of Design, Construction and Operation
    (Addis Ababa University, 2022-03) Bethelhem, Kena; Mebruk, Mohammed (PhD)
    Groundwater is of paramount importance for the city of Addis Ababa and the majority of the groundwater supplied to the city comes from drilled wells in and around Akaki-Kality sub city. Even though numerous water wells are built over the years, the majority of the wells fell to provide anticipated design yield. The study mapped 70 wells found in Akaki Phase I, Akaki Phase II, Akaki Phase IIIA & Akaki Phase IIIB on ARCMAP to see the spatial distribution of wells and their performance over the years. From the map, some wells were observed to perform better than their neighboring wells and some wells were found to perform worse than the neighboring wells. Therefore the research engrossed in understanding the reason behind this phenomenon mainly by focusing on the design, construction, and operation of selected wells from all phases of Akaki well field. The selected 35 wells were grouped in accordance with their performance. Data from the well-completion report was organized and analyzed to identify the possible reason for the decrease in yield. Parameters used to compare the grouped wells were depth, elevation, screen arrangement, geologic medium, filter material used, construction process, year of construction, and the drilling contractor. The result showed bottom elevation of some better performing wells is deeper than those in a worse condition which means they are tapping water from a deeper aquifer. Another finding was 60% of the study wells have 30-50% of their casing screened. Some wells perform worse than their surrounding wells because their screened section is lower. For these wells, it can be suggested to increase the screen section in accordance with the water-bearing formation. From the analysis done using the Cooper Jacob method, it was found that the majority of the wells are developed within the radius of influence of one another meaning pumping water from one well is affecting the neighboring wells. Another finding of the research is the drawdown result from single and multiple well tests which showed 100% of the wells are being affected by the surrounding wells which supports the result obtained on the radius of influence of those same wells.
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    Assessment of Pipe Failure Causes (Case Study on Chiro Town Water Supply Distribution System), Ethiopia
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-09) Masho, Dekamo; Geremew, Sahilu (PhD)
    Intermittent water distribution is the key problem of many water authorities in developing countries including Ethiopia. Hence, this research was conducted to carry out a risk assessment of water supply pipe failure (burst) in the water supply system of Chiro town which is located in the eastern Oromia Region of Ethiopia. To investigate the cause of pipe burst in the town water supply distribution network, physical, pipe installation condition investigations of the distribution system and water GEMS modeling were utilized. Chiro town water supply distribution system was constructed in 2013 to 2015. More pipes were laid from 2014 to 2015 especially uPVC pipe and HDPE, but more pipe bursts were observed in uPVC pipe and HDPE pipe. According to pipe failure (burst) history recorded in the town water supply distribution system, more types of pipe burst were found in plastic pipe (uPVC pipe and HDPE) than the other types of pipe (DCI and GI pipes). The water supply distribution piping is mainly of plastic pipes (89.17%) and 10.83 % other types. According to Chiro town’s water distribution system, the investigation of the factors causing pipe failure in the system was based on considering three factors (pipe condition assessment) such as physical factors (types of pipe materials, pipe diameter, pipe installation years), environmental factors or pipe installation conditions (pipe cover, pipe bedding and backfill practiced conditions) and hydraulic parameters (internal water pressure, transient pressure and also velocity). As per the research results, the main causes of pipe burst in the water supply system were the type of pipe materials and its PN, water pressure, poor pipe installation practices, absence of selected material pipe bedding specially at rocky area and also absence of sufficient pipe cover and back fill for plastic pipe or uPVC and HDPE pipes. In general, frequent pipe burst in the system leads to water losses and this contributes to interruptions (intermittent) of water supply in the town. Based on pipe condition/situation assessment and the relation between the parameters which contributes to pipe failure, identify which parameter/s are more related to the cases of pipe failure than the others and develop equation based on their relationship of the parameters with the probability of pipe failures. This is significant to rehabilitate /replacement/repair and improve the reliability of town water distribution system and providing more attention to pipe burst reduction strategies which are vital for remedial measures.
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    Comparative Assessment of Low Impact Development Controls on Flood Mitigation (The Case of Wollo Sefer to Gotera Route, Addis Ababa)
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-11) Biniam, Berhe; Geremew, Sahilu (PhD)
    Urbanization alters hydrological cycle and increases runoff by changing permeable surfaces into impermeable ones. In Addis Ababa, which is found in Awash catchment; rapid urbanization and development is altering permeable surfaces into impermeable ones; including impermeable roof surfaces. This phenomenon lowers the capacity of the land to infiltrate and store stormwater, and contributes in increased runoff volume and rate; causing flood damage as a result; which is not adequately managed by the current conventional drainage systems of the city. The study area which is the route from Wollo sefer to Gotera is one of the areas found in the city affected by flood due to immense urbanization. By decreasing runoff volume and increasing storage and infiltration, Low Impact Development (LID) practices are capable of minimizing and even avoiding flood risk if integrated with the existing drainage system. The objectives of the study are, evaluating the performance of the existing drainage system of the study area, apply four hypothetical LID controls (bio-retention cells, rain barrels, green roofs, and permeable pavements) to see the difference, comparing the LID controls on the basis of avoiding flood with a minimum area of application, and selecting the feasible one using storm water management modeling (SWMM) tool. The study revealed that the area has eleven subcatchments and flooding problem exists in it; because the drainage system is not found to adequately prevent this issue solely. Calibration of the model resulted in R2 = 0.9714, and RMSE = 4.867; which proved a good agreement between the model and the actual values. Trials and errors testified that the minimum area on which LID controls can be applied to avoid flood risk was 58320m² (36%) of the area of the third subcatchment. If the aforementioned LID controls except green roofs were applied on such an area, flood problems would be avoided. Since, building areas were found to cover 60% of the third subcatchment, rain barrels were chosen as the feasible LID controls that can be installed on the least area possible to avoid flooding problems.
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    Study on Storm Water Drainage Situation in Addis Ababa “Case Study for Jemo-Iii Condominium Site near Glass Factory Area”
    (Addis Ababa University, 2016-03) Tillahun, Tessema; Meron, Mebrahtu (Ms.)
    Flooding has long been recognized as the most damaging and costly natural hazard in many countries considering the frequency and influencing extent. Due to the rapid urbanization and the global climate change in the urban areas, the frequency of devastating floods tends to be higher and the loss of human lives and property show no sign of decreasing. In order to decide on minimizing the impact of floods an effective flood volume estimation model is required. The proper design of any storm drainage system involves the accumulation of certain basic data, familiarity with the project site, and a basic understanding of the hydrologic and hydraulic principles and drainage standards associated with that design. The rational method is the most common method in use for the design of storm-water drains, where the momentary peak flow rate is desired. The method provides peak runoff rates for small urban and rural catchment areas, less than 50 hectares (0.5 km2), but is best suited to urban storm-water drain systems and rural ditches. It shall be used with caution if the time of concentration exceeds 30 minutes. For the study area the storm-water sewer network has been analyzed based on the selected outfall facilities, selected network schematization and agreed designed criteria using interactive mathematical model on Excel. This study shall contribute a lot to control the flooding problems of the study area and enhances the ability of planners, researchers and city development actors to formulate and implement sound policies to minimize undesirable future flooding impacts and management alternatives.
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    Assessments of Urban water Supply and Loss Managements, the case of Adama Town
    (Addis Ababa University, 2015-12) Siraj, Abduro; Geremew, Sahilu (PhD)
    The aims of this research is to assess the situation of the urban water supply and demand, total water loss in distribution system and build a model to provide possible scenario in order to meet water supply with demand by reducing pressure effect in the system to minimize water loss in the town. Whereas, the significance of the study is to make responsible body to be aware in order to satisfying the water demand in Adama town water supply scheme. Water production and consumption, the pressure zones or topography and customers‟ meter reading (water billed) approaches was used to evaluate the water loss. The distribution of water connection per family, per capital consumption and the level of mode of services have been used in assessment of water supply coverage in study area. In process of evaluating, model building and analysis; tools such as Microsoft excel, Auto CAD and Water CAD v6.5 was used. The existing water supplying situation; the distribution of mode of service in the town house connection, yard connection and public taps were 5%, 60% and 35% respectively. Also average per capital consumption is 34.5L/c/d, whereas the average of water connection per family was 0.527 (52.7%) connection/family. On the other hand, water loss is analyzed in sampled kebeles and town levels, by using different methods like, percentage of loss and loss per number of connections. So at town level, currently in average, 34.05% of produced water is lost from the system due to many reason, effect of pressure, aged pipe, lack of good maintenance etc. In the modeling, the system has been modified using the design criteria of velocity and pressure. Areas with high pressures in the existing system have been identified and solution was established using pressure-reducing valves, which used to reduce effect of pressure and minimize water loss. In Adama town, due to different reason; water supply is not satisfying the demand of the town, currently, Adama Town Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprise produce treated water only 233L/s whereas the water demand is 364L/s, from this result, a gap between supply- demand is 131L/s. The impact of leakage in distribution system is high; to minimize the breakage of pipe lines and physical loss, the old aged water pipe lines should be replaced in order to improve the adequacy of urban water supply of the town.
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    Assessment on The Performance of AAWSA Controlled Sewerage System - The Case of Arada Sub city
    (Addis Ababa University, 2011-11) Rekik, Tsegaye; Habtamu, Hailu (PhD)
    Wastes originating from domestic, commercial, and industrial sources (often mixed with storm water) are collected, treated, and discharged back into the environment. The purpose of sanitary service is to prevent ground water pollution and minimize water borne diseases. The city of Addis Ababa provides sewerage service to its inhabitants by connecting their internal sewer lines to the sewerage network; however the level of service is still regarded as very low. This paper is therefore meant to assess the performance of the existing sewerage system both in technical and economic efficiency terms specifically in the Arada sub city, Addis Ababa. To achieve this, different evaluation methods were used. The methods comprise field visits (accompanied by capturing some pictures of the problem areas), cost analysis and comparison of the two common waste disposal techniques used in the city, Viz. vacuum truck and sewer line, gathering  from customers in order to identify the satisfaction level and finally evaluation of the sewerage network using sewer CAD version 4.3 to check and compare the existing hydraulic capacity and the future expectations. From the field visits different problems are identified which include manhole rising, manhole overflow, manhole loss and infrastructure problems. From cost analysis and , it was identified that there is lack of awareness and interest by the customers to connect their waste disposal point to the sewerage line. However, it was found out that sewer line is efficient than vacuum truck service considering cost and service efficiency. Finally the sewer cad analysis indicated that the existing sewer network can serve under capacity if the upstream area loads are excluded. However, the inclusion of the upstream area (Merkato site) to the Lideta existing sewerage system resulted in a complete system failure. The identified problems associated with sewerage system can therefore be overcome through having efficient operation and maintenance services in cooperation with other infrastructure agencies and through awareness creation.
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    Utilization of Underground Solid Waste Management System for Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia: Case study on ‘Lideta’ Sub-City Condominium
    (Addis Ababa University, 2021-05) Mahlet, Abreham; Mebruk, Mohammed (PhD)
    Managing wastes has become a problem especially in highly urbanized areas. There are a lot of human activities that contribute to waste generation. If these waste materials failed to be disposed in the proper manner and in the proper place, create a serious problem to humans and threat to nature. Solid Waste Management plays a big role on the preservation of life and nature. Ethiopia is considered as the tiger economy of Africa for its fast growth and development, this advancement also affects a solid waste management. There had been some attempt to implement policies to promote proper solid waste management. This study is concerned on the implementation of underground waste management system for a more efficient, economical and environmentally-friendly waste management solution. Design of UGSWM has been proposed based on varies parameter including solid waste generation, number of population, area of existing bin, number of building. Analytical formula are applied to compute different solid waste rates. A case study is conducted for reasonably selected (i.e., Lideta sub city condominium) site and proper design had investigated to meet the required objectives on various components of the system used for installation process. In conducting this study, interview questionnaires were answered by 60 household residents, 2 hospitals and 6 business/commercial establishments’ respondents of Addis Ababa community. The survey was conducted to gather information on the knowledge and practices respondents have on solid waste management. The awareness of the residents in the Addis Ababa about solid waste management is low. The practices and compliance of residents indicates the knowledge and training they have acquired. Solid waste management is a human obligation to fulfill. The inefficiency and failure to sustain proper solid waste management is a societal, environmental, economic, and political issue. This paper concludes that a truly integrated solid waste management system could be realized by implementing underground solid waste management and should be implemented to Addis Ababa city to ensure for healthy environment, economically.