Assessment of Ethiopian Plumbing Code and its Compliance for High-rise Buildings in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The thesis examines the compliance of Ethiopian plumbing code for high rise buildings in Addis
Ababa city. The adequacy of Ethiopian plumbing code with other international plumbing codes
and its effectiveness of the design and installations of water supply systems of a building, the
design and installation of internal waste water drainage systems of a building, the design and
installation of external waste water drainage systems of a building (septic tank), the code
compliance of installed sanitary fixtures and appliances and the design and installation of roof
storm water drainage systems using both the international and local plumbing codes. New
technology PEX-AL-PEX pipe material, grease interceptor for kitchen sink and vent piping
system were used for over viewing of Ethiopian plumping codes to the other international
plumbing code. Hazzen William equation, plumber’s chart, flow rate and loading units of fixture
units were used the analysis of the design of water supply system.
The traps and loading units of sanitary appliance, slope and horizontal pipe size, fixture units and
vertical pipe size of stack, total loading unit of fixtures and pipe size for both common and
combined vent were used the analysis of internal wastewater drainage systems of a building.
The rate of flow method, discharge versus total loading unit chart, standard area covered for
storage septic tank, volume of sediment, volume of sludge were used the analysis of external
waste water drainage systems of a building. Discharge of roof storm water by rational formula.
Pipe size capacity of down pipe, intensity of rain fall and specifications of roof gutter were used
the analysis of roof storm water drainage system of a building.
The local Ethiopian plumbing code was used for analysis of internal waste water drainage
systems and the roof storm - water drainage. The international plumbing code and Indian
plumbing code is good for analysis of water supply pipe lines and external waste water drainage
system. The study focused on assessing whether the installed plumbing components of selected
buildings meets the established design requirements, standards and regulations of plumbing
Recommendations were also provided to ensure optimal plumbing system designs, functionality
and compliance with relevant plumbing codes and standard requirements.
plumbing code, plumbing system design and installations, water supply system, waste - water drainage system, roof storm -water drainage system.