Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development
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Item Causes and effects of Diminishing water volume in lake chelekleka, bishoftu, ethiopia and strategy for conservation(Addis Ababauniversity, 200-06) assefa, daniel; worku, Hailu (PhD)This study aimed to examine Causes and Effects of Diminishing Water Volume in Lake Chelekleka, Bishoftu, Ethiopia and Strategy for Conservation. To meet the objective of the research, appropriate attention were taken to investigate the land use/cover changes, field observation, interviews with officials and horticulture farmers. Hence, the results of the study Shown, extent of the land use/cover change and its effects seen on Chelekleka Lake and its Swampy areas were very dramatic. That is, majority of the forest land use/covers during the (1973-2010) in Chelekleka Lake Water Shades and its surroundings were converted to crop land, settlement, degraded bare lands, and grass lands. This land use types covers much of the southern, western, Central and eastern parts of the Chelekleka Lake Watersheds and its surroundings. Besides, notably after 1986 land use/cover change was very tremendous and exhibited decline of forest lands, shrub lands, and swampy vegetation. Hence, during 1973- 1986 deforestation and soil degradation in the Chelekleka Lake Watersheds and its surroundings was very sever, which was ultimately affected the depth of the lake. In the same period majority of the forest and shrub lands in upper water course changes to grass lands, crop lands and bare-degraded lands, i.e., markedly, degraded bare land coverage was increased because of acute increase of agricultural lands. Moreover, the land use investigation data conclude the presence of a shift in land use types, for instance, agricultural lands were converted to population settlements areas and crop lands in turn expand to shrub and uncultivable land uses. Similarly irrigated vegetations also occupied the swampy areas of Chelekleka Lake. These land use changes caused massive reduction of surface water coverage and changes its shapes from deep dark blue and compacted shapes to slant shallow and light blue color shapes. Generally study concludes, all the Chelekleka lake especially, The inner and border areas of the lake Chelekleka was dramatically changed into irrigated vegetation and grass lands and hence the dying of the lake was already starting from upper and expands to its central areas. In addition to the challenges of land use change factors like high interest of Horticulture expansion, poorly planned infrastructure developments, lack of awareness and poor attention from governments, and climate change/variability exacerbate the dying of the lake. On the basis of the study findings of the research the following recommendations forwarded undertaking appropriate resource conservation and management approaches, both the lake and its buffer zone should be demarcated and administered by concerned bodies, the silt and sedimentation filled the base of the lake should be removed, appropriately designed ditch and/or bridges to transfer the streams from upper course to the lake should be implemented. Key words: Lake Chelekleka Land use land cover changeItem The Contributions of Mensch En Fur Mensch En Foundation In Increasing Access to Primary Education In Illubabor Zone(Addis Ababauniversity, 2001-06) Redate, Befekadu; Workineh, Tilahun (PhD)The main objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of MfM Foundation in increasing access to primary education in Iliubabor Zone. To conduct this study, a descriptive survey was employed. For this purpose samples were taken from 6 primary schools that were supported by MfM in 6 Weredas. The research study involved four categories of sample population: teachers, students, school principals, Zone Education Department, and Wereda Education Officials and MfM Office officials. Questionnaire, interview and personal observation were the main instruments used to collect the data. Besides to support the study, documents and reports in the MfM Office and Zone Education Department were consulted. Data analysis was made by using statistical tools such as percentage and t-test to identify whether there are differences and agreements in the judgment of the respondents regarding the questions posed on the activities performed by MfM education project. The results of the findings revealed that MfM has provided support to primary education in three major areas; construction of new schools, renovation and expansion of the existing ones. It was found that the community was involved in the education project carried out by MfM by contributing money, site selection for the schools constructed and in the protection of the projects during and after its foundation. In addition to this, it was observed from the findings that support provided to primary education in Iliubabor by MfM, alleviated the problems of about 11 .4 per cent of the children's of the community to get schools near to their villages, chairs and desks and school facilities. On the other hand, it was found out that the major complaint of the community about the out come of the project was, most of the schools constructed, and renovated by MfM do not have fence. Finally, based on the major findings and conclusions drawn, the following major recommendations were for warded to meet the problem under the studyItem Implementation of local Development Plans in Addis Ababa The Case of Eca Ldp(Addis Ababauniversity, 2005-06) Mulugeta, Dejene; Gossaye, Ashenafi (PhD)Urban development especially planned urban development is a recent phenomena in the history of urban development in the Ethiopian context in general and particularly in Addis Ababa. Various attempts were made to guide the development of Addis Ababa in a planned manner. Starting from the more traditional city organization of Empress 'Taitu', implementation of portions of the other successive Master Plans have contributed their share for the birth of the present urban form of Addis Ababa. The preparation and implementation of Local development plans has become a very visible phenomenon as a means to implement the Master Plans of Addis Ababa since the 1986 MP. Since then various LDPs have been prepared and implemented. As described in the introductory part the purpose of this thesis is to conduct a research on the two main areas concerning the LDPs of Addis Ababa, namely, the challenges and the impacts of implementing LDPs in Addis Ababa. In trying to answer the posed research questions an effort was made to make the research as comprehensive as possible. Hence, possible areas that are linked to LDP implementation such as plan preparation trends, institutional and legal setup for LDP preparation and implementation and the socio -economic impacts of implementing LDPs in Addis Ababa are touched upon in a fairly detailed manner. In the case study section, the case of kaza-INCHIS / ECA LDP is researched to show to the reader the impact and the challenges of LDP implementation in the inner-city areas of Addis Ababa. In the final analysis the research has concluded that the introduction of LDPs has brought about a positive change in creating planned urban development in spite of the problems created in the process of implementing the LDPs in both the physical and socio-economic arenas. Problems are seen in the area of the nature of the plans prepared in that the plans are only two dimensionally conceived, prepared and implemented and that the three dimensional aspect of them is left to grow by chance. Socio-economically it was found out that implementing LDPs in the inner-city areas of Addis Ababa such as the ECA LDP has caused the disruption of the socio-economicItem Social Aspects of Housing, Understanding Communities and Neighborhoods: The Case of Six Areas in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2005-06) yoseph, Ezana; graduate, ChairpersonThe social aspect is something that is yet to develop in the practice of housing in the city of Addis Ababa. Social studies focus on the demographic and land negotiation aspects only, as seen in the practice of the City Administration. The planner hence focuses more on the provision of maximum number of plots with little or no respect to the sociological software issues of communities and neighborhoods. Therefore the research tries to address these two essential units by taking six case studies. The method that was followed to do the research was the case study method. Since the very existence of communities and neighborhoods according to general principles and design aspects is to be investigated, sample areas of six different locations were taken from the city of Addis Ababa. The criterion for selection is representativeness. One aspect of the criterion is age. There are two time packages, that is, older and recent settlement. From the older Old Airport, Lideta and Bole areas have been taken, while from the more recent Gerji, CMC and Saris areas have been considered. The other selection criterion is class. Three samples have been selected in the first package, that is, the Bole area from the more affluent, the Old Airport area from the middle and moderately affluent and the Lideta area from the lower income. In the latter package, since the target of the housing has been basically addressing the middle and lower class, we have only these classes under domain. In both packages, general principles according to literature review have been applied to investigate what exists in terms of communities. In that of neighborhoods, British standard studies1 1 R.N. Morris and John Mogey, “The Sociology of Housing”, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, p.108 ; here the standard has been applied to the case of Berinsfield, even if a resettlement case, the standard applying to non-resettlement cases of housing too. have been considered that were also applied to the resettlement case of Bernisfield, principles that can also apply to other housing cases as well, as in the cases of this thesis. Findings show that the city lacks fully constituted community or neighborhood units in the sample housing areas, as measured according to international standards referred, due to mainly the lack of formal centers. No degree of informality in the existing situation could substitute the formal center, for if so, communities would have surfaced out. Neighborhoods have also been found to be incompletely constituted as well, again a hierarchic reflection of the unfulfilled content of the community, implying the need of centers in the futureItem Street Names: Directories of Mental Maps And Business in Commercial Areas Cases From Commercial Areas Of Addis Ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2005-06) Asfaw, Dagim; Birhanu, Wubshet (PhD)The main objective of this research is to find out the relationship between pedestrian orientation and street naming by analyzing the mental maps created as a result of the physical urban environment in commercial areas. Identifying the impact of street naming which emanates from mental maps on trade is the core objective of the paper. The lack of proper addressing systems especially of functional street names in most African Cities has a deep-rooted problem in the absence of proper urban planning and design principles. The need to grow towards global economy, which is based on the presence of functional addressing system, seems neglected in the day-to-day transactions in the commercial areas of Addis Ababa. Therefore, the addressable objects that buyers and sellers mostly use must be those, which are persistent to urban change and are able to create the strongest mental image in the observers mind, namely the streets. In this research, street patterns current trends of addressing and their impact on trade are studied by implementing basic urban design principles. The case study method is used in the study by selecting three commercial areas in Addis Ababa. This study shows that both street design and naming are weak in the commercial areas and hence pedestrian orientation is loose in those areas. Factors which contribute to this urban problem are: absence of properly designed streets in the commercial centers, absence of street names and where they exist, the weak link between the existing names and their use by pedestrians for commercial activities. Based on the findings, street names in commercial areas can be generated from the dominant physical element in the mental maps of pedestrians and the dominant business in that locality. Thus, the research shows that street names in commercial areas will be effective if they are considered as a directory of mental maps and business in commercial areas. The findings of the study are believed to clarify the link between street design, street naming and trade in commercial areas. The study is based on the cases from Addis Ababa. However, it is believed that it will also serve to be a component of the background paper for the UNECA initiative Functional Addressing System for AfricaItem Housing strategies in inner city areas The case of low-income housing in inner city addis ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2005-09) Tesfaye, Mihretu; Gossaye, Ashenafi (PhD)The question of shelter has become more crucial with the rapid urbanization we see today. Developing countries such as Ethiopia have paid too little attention to the shelter problem and how deeply rooted it is in matters of urbanization. The existing housing stock plays the major role in housing provision in these developing countries. Consequently what is to be done with this existing housing stock is an overriding concern of urban renewal efforts. Various urban renewal approaches exist that have different effects on low income housing, such as slum clearance and resettlement, rehabilitation and conservation, slum and squatter upgrading. A study into the very nature of low income housing points in the direction of the roots of the problem. There are various concepts as to the nature of the inner city such as the idea of the compact city, diversity of use and equity. By taking a case study area within the city of Addis Ababa the thesis explores the nature and prospect of inner city low income housing in the context of the city. There has been significant population growth; internal as well as external in Addis Ababa. There have been changes of an economic, social and political nature that have affected the nature of inner city low income housing. Various aspects affect the condition of low income housing within the inner city such as the housing policy, forms of land ownership, availability of financing, land values, regulations, poverty and rapid urbanization. The thesis concludes that for a more effective and sustainable urban renewal approach, the potentials of low income settlements must become an integral part of local development plans. Our choice for the location of local plans should be based on inner city wide assessment of needs and potentials. At a more detailed level, the condition of the dwelling units has made improvements difficult for these settlements. The lack of security of tenure has limited the improvement drives of the people. There is a serious problem of poverty and there is a lack of secure employment. This has led to the inability for most of these settlers to get loans from banks. However, even with the evident dilapidated condition of the settlement, the residents prefer to stay. Cooperating with community based organizations will have far reaching effects in areas such as providing security for housing finance and community participationItem Udp-705 Housing in Urban Context informal Settlements in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2006-02) Lirebo, DanielItem UDP705 hsing in Urban context in formac seitlements in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2006-02) Lirebo, DanielItem Spontaneous Development of Urban Centers An analysis of the transformation process of Adama and its primary commercial centers(Addis Ababauniversity, 2006-03) Mebratu, Addis; Berhanu, Wubshet (PhD)Central areas in Adama have been transforming into either of two forms - blighted and decayed areas or congested and very poor quality urban environments. It seems that the problem exists as urbanization takes place in the context of relatively slow economic growth, ineffective legal and regulatory frameworks and perhaps an absence of a strong and functional social order, all leading to spontaneous urban development. The aim of this study is to understand how these urban areas became to be the way they are today. There have been a lot of studies on transformation of cities in the context of industrialized nations. It is not clear, however, whether or not these studies can explain the situation in the developing world. Attention thus far, in cities in the developing world, has been limited to amelioration of problems associated with poverty and delivery of infrastructure and social services. The quality of the urban environment was not considered as a priority. This study discusses the different stages in the transformation of central urban areas of Adama in general, and that of its commercial centers in particular, and the effects of the transformation process on the quality of the urban environment. life of the low and middle income inner-city residents of Addis Ababa. Financial, institutional and legal problems are also seenItem Open space and social interaction; the case of balcha condominium in addis ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2006-06) Worku, Rahel; Abebe, Ketema (PhD)Item The Archite cture of Housing the case of gerji Addis Ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-01) Enkossa, Eyob; Singh, Gurdeep(Professor)Currently, Addis Ababa is entangled with multi faceted problem related to urban design issues. Even though some of the issues are mentioned in the revised master plan, physical development controls and the tools & mechanisms have been found weak enough in controlling and guiding the implementation of the goals and objective of the revised master plan. Moreover, the imbalance between the increasing population number and the inadequate social & physical services has brought a significant consequence in the social, economical & physical fabric of the city. Abstract Both the unplanned & planned parts of the city are characterized as haphazardly developed, which is manifested by its poor image and design of urban environment. The fast development of the city, in specific with “Gerji”, has been developed without following a proper urban design guideline. The components of urban design have not been allocated adequately in their proper location address the need of the residents. Therefore, the architecture of housing is the most basic unit qualified for an in-depth study, which in turn can contribute its share in guiding the change rationally to create convenience, comfort, efficiency play & pleasure. The six overlapping dimensions of urban design- Morphological, Perceptual, Social, Visual, Functional and Temporal- are the everyday subject matter of urban design in the process of problem solving that must be considered simultaneously making urban design holistic. Hence, a theoretical urban design guideline should be formulated to direct the rapid development of housing since it is a critical component in the social & economic fabric of nations. Based on the findings & in an attempt to initiate dialogue among stakeholders, the study outlines a general urban design guideline for Addis Ababa, in specific with “Gerji”. The proposed conceptual guideline accommodating the dimensions of urban design with temporal changes has a goal of attaining a successful urban environment conducive to the citizens of Addis Ababa. No neighborhood has also been tested previously on the touchstones of urban design dimensions and it is the belief of the author that this thesis would make a difference in making a good urban place for people and to correct the already done mistakes. Hence, a multitude of parties are concerned, since it is an integrative joined up activity, at the heart of which is a concern for making places for people and shared rather than a particular responsibility.Item Critical assesement on the current operation of Planned public open spaces in addis ababa`s urban Environment: (The Case of Meskel Square and Leghar Park)(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-01) Tsegaye, Kumlachew; Wegayew, _Fisseha (PhD)The City of Addis Ababa, which is the Capital city of Ethiopia and the diplomatic capital of Africa, is currently experiencing multiple problems related with its spatial and Physical development. Its existing urban environment is characterized by poor urban image and absence of adequate facilities and services of international standards. These problems of the city are well prevailed by its poor quality urban public open Spaces, which were designed in such a manner to be utilized for various needs at a city level, among others. The general objectives of this study are therefore to find out how two well known public open spaces in Addis Ababa, Meskel square and Leghar Park, are currently operating and how the society is using them in everyday life; and also to analyse the major factors that affect their current operation. The study will attempt to answer the following questions: how these spaces of the city are currently operating? I.e. how does the society use them in everyday life? Besides, who is responsible for the planning, design and management of urban open public spaces In Addis Ababa? How do urban open public spaces in Addis Ababa created, developed and used? What kinds of facilities are provided by these spaces in the city? And, who actually uses these spaces? The research focuses on the current operation of urban open public spaces in Addis Ababa (i.e. those which are accessible for everyone).It employed a case study method. The current operation of the selected case study areas are analysed according to their sociability, use and activities, access and linkage, & comfort and image. By doing so, the study tries to analyse how several factors related with their planning, management and design affect or influence their current operations or roles in the city. It also tries to draw lessons that might help in the formulation of policies and guidelines related to the issue. The findings of the study indicated that, in Addis Ababa Meskel square play several important roles. It function as a forum for political demonstrations; as a social space whereby the community performs its historic, religious and other socio-cultural activities which include: Sport tournaments, music festivals, recreation and ritual observances. On the other hand Leghar Park. Currently functions as a transit station area though it is not designed for this purpose. The significance of both public open spaces in the city is unarguable; however, currently due to various factors their operation or performance as a public space is highly threatened. Problems related with these spaces of the city are multifaceted. They have problems related with their management; access, environmental design; and physical design. Additionally the privatisation of considerable amount of other public open spaces in Addis Ababa has affected the accessibility and in general the public ness of such spaces in the city. To improve their weakness and to protect and enhance the positive attributes of the public open spaces, the study recommends the following. Revitalization policies and programs that are based on urban design principles and guidelines should be developed. The programs should take into account: the users` characteristics and purposes of these spaces, the accessibility, management, environmental design and physical design of these spacesItem Life cycle assessment of glove Leather In elico-gloving and hide unit(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-02) bekele, Kebede; Gessese, Nebyeleul (PhD)The leather industry is composed of different production stages and it is characterized by using a large quantity of water and various types of chemicals .The wastes generated are categorized as a high polluting nature and usually are of solid and liquid types. Currently, except few tanneries in Ethiopia, the majorities are not aware of the environmental impacts associated with their activity. Even they are not willing to have treatment plant because of its cost for erection and running the plant. However, Elico- Gloving and Hide unit (EGHU) constructed the primary treatment plant at a cost of 8 million Birr .The plant is still functional and its running cost is around 550,000 Birr per annum. In addition to this the company is practicing on ISO-14001 .In this paper a study is performed at EGHU by implementing Life Cycle Assessment methodologies. Inventory analysis on the major inputs and out puts of the production processes in the skin tannery and impacts of the related activities are carried out. Based on the adapted impact assessment method the major problems of EGHU are identified. The possible improvement options for the existing problems are suggested. The research result shows that the implementation of the suggested improvement options will have significant benefit for the factory and for the environment. Since practicing on LCA in Ethiopia is at the infant stage, this thesis may serve as source of information to tanneries and other industries on the LCA methodology and on the existing environmental problems of the leather industryItem Developing Analytical Framework that Accounts the Environment, Social and Economic Aspects of a Production System (the Case of Pthiopian leather Industries(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-03) Seyoum, Tewodros; Tefera, Nurelegn (PhD)Using a life cycle Assessment, impacts of a product can be described in technical terns by assessing and quantifying inputs and outputs during the various stages of a product’s life cycle. Techniques such as Environmental cost Accounting (ECA) and Social Auditing (SA) create opportunities to describe impacts of products in social and economic terms. By combining these tools we can finally derive at a comprehensive approach to decision making. This report tries to prescribe an analytical frame work that combines tools and techniques such as LCA, ECA and SA to yield a robust and comprehensive approach in the analysis of environmental impacts. In addition case study leather industries in Ethiopian context are discussed to illustrate how such an approach can be applied and its potential improvement for sustainability by reducing environmental stress and creating economic benefit in a social balanced wayItem Public transportation system and its impact on urban mobility: The case of Addis Ababa(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-07) Kassahun, Meron; Singh, Gurdeep(Professor)A review of relevant literatures covering the issue of public transport and its impact on mobility suggests that, a heavy reliance on this mode of transport increases the efficiency of urban mobility while at the same time easing the level of congestion. The literatures reviewed also suggest that the presence of an efficient public transport system creates a safe, sustainable and equitable urban mobility. This study evaluates the extent to which the public transport in Addis Ababa has an impact on the urban mobility of the city. It also assesses the possible strategies and approaches that can be devised to enable this mode play a significant role in mitigating the worsening level of congestion that we see in the city today. The study mainly relies on secondary data for its analysis and findings; however primary data has also been generated and analyzed with the help of sample surveys and structured interviews. The overall findings of this study revealed that despite the fact that an efficient public transport system is the best way to maximize urban mobility, in reality this mode of transport is in a critical condition to begin with in Addis Ababa. Furthermore it has been observed that increasingly heavier reliance on vehicles with small passenger carrying capacity, such as private automobiles and mini bus taxi, is resulting in congested junctions, with heavy traffic. Other factors such as the existence of only one dominant core area in the city, demand overlap that emanates from the similar working hours that are observed for almost all institutions in the city have also been identified to be the main drawbacks that need to be addressed to create an efficient public transport system in Addis Ababa. While assessing ways that can make this mode become more efficient, it was further noted that there are other factors at play, namely, the existing transportItem Assessment of Management Options for Domestic Solid Waste in Addis Ababa (Case study of French Legasion Area(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-07) Tsegaye, Fitsum; Assafa, Berhanu (PhD)In any solid waste management study information on solid waste characteristics and rate of generation is essential. One of the main constraints for proper planning and design of solid waste management in Addis Ababa is the absence of reliable and up to date study in this area. Since the lion share of the municipal solid waste (76%) is contributed from residential houses giving solution to this part will contribute much for the over all management of the municipality solid waste. The assessment of management options for domestic solid waste was done in an area called French Legasion situated in Yeka sub-city, one of the 10 sub-cities of Addis Ababa city government, with the objective of assessing the characteristics of solid waste generated at the household level and its level of impact on the environment as well as identifying sustainable management options accounting for economical, environmental feasibility and social attitudes. To get reliable data 120 households were randomly selected from the study area. A structured questionnaire was used to collect household level data on the socio-economic and daily traits. The solid waste of each household was collected, sorted and weighted for 11 consecutive days for compositional and generation rate analysis. The proximate and ultimate analysis was also undertaken in the Addis Ababa chemical engineering laboratory and in the analytical laboratory of ILRI. Statistical software called Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 10) was used during the analysis for both the structured questionnaire and the collected solid waste data. According to the data analysis the composition of the waste was found high in food waste (55.35%) followed by ash and dirt (22.29%); the average generation rate was determined to be 196 gm/cap/day with the average density of 311 kg/m3. The correlation analysis clearly showed that the generation rate positively correlated to the socio-economic background of the households and negatively correlated to the educational backgroundItem Study on municipal solid waste management of Addis ababa university(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-07) Seyoum, Kassahun; Kaba, Tassisa (PhD)The activities involved with the management of solid wastes are the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing and disposal of the waste with best principles of environmental considerations. Physical and chemical analyses of refuse must be known to develop and design proper management of the waste. Prior to sample collection for the analysis, preliminary site visits were made to observe the physical nature of the solid wastes in dust bins at different localities of the university, and sites were selected for sample collection. Following stratified random sampling technique and using preliminary site investigation, a total number of 8 sites were selected to get representative sample for the study. Physical and chemical analyses were done to determine selected parameters, which were considered relevant for selection of appropriate solid waste disposal method The characterization of MSW from 8 sites belonging to the three categories viz. students mess; student hostels; and offices- have shown that the quantum and physical characteristics from A.A.U. campuses show trend towards developed countries and major metropolitan cities in Ethiopia, depicting a higher standard of living. In chemical analysis a modified equation, based on percentages of compostable fractions, paper, and plastics with rags, has been suggested for estimation of energy content of the solid waste. Based on the analysed parameters, proposal for solid waste disposal of A.A.U. has been presentedItem Public Transportation System and Its Impact on Urban mobility: The Case of Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2007-07) Kassahun, Meron; Singh, Gurdeep(Professor)A review of relevant literatures covering the issue of public transport and its impact on mobility suggests that, a heavy reliance on this mode of transport increases the efficiency of urban mobility while at the same time easing the level of congestion. The literatures reviewed also suggest that the presence of an efficient public transport system creates a safe, sustainable and equitable urban mobility. This study evaluates the extent to which the public transport in Addis Ababa has an impact on the urban mobility of the city. It also assesses the possible strategies and approaches that can be devised to enable this mode play a significant role in mitigating the worsening level of congestion that we see in the city today. The study mainly relies on secondary data for its analysis and findings; however primary data has also been generated and analyzed with the help of sample surveys and structured interviews. The overall findings of this study revealed that despite the fact that an efficient public transport system is the best way to maximize urban mobility, in reality this mode of transport is in a critical condition to begin with in Addis Ababa. Furthermore it has been observed that increasingly heavier reliance on vehicles with small passenger carrying capacity, such as private automobiles and mini bus taxi, is resulting in congested junctions, with heavy traffic. Other factors such as the existence of only one dominant core area in the city, demand overlap that emanates from the similar working hours that are observed for almost all institutions in the city have also been identified to be the main drawbacks that need to be addressed to create an efficient public transport system in Addis Ababa. While assessing ways that can make this mode become more efficient, it was further noted that there are other factors at play, namely, the existing transportItem Cleaner Production Assessment In The Ethiopian Alcohol Industries A Case Study In The Sebata Alcohol & Liquor Factory(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-07) Teffera, Belay; Assefa, Berehanu (PhD)Sebeta Alcohol and Liquor Factory (SALF) is a sister company of National Alcohol and Liquor Enterprise (NALE). The factory was established in 1914 in Sebeta town and uses molasses as raw material for the production of potable and technical alcohols. It consists of a distillery and filling plants. Its installed daily production capacity is 2500 liters of potable alcohol and about 5000 liters of various liquors. The current production capacity was found to be on average 2100 liters of 95.7oGL potable (fine) and 250 liters of 93oGL technical alcohols per day when the factory was running normally. Water balance, material balance and energy balance were drawn only for the distillery plant for the filling section was under maintenance during sampling. The molasses, water and energy consumption were found to be 6.3 kg, 168 liters and 22.12 MJ liters per liter of 96oGL alcohol. The average BOD, COD and TDS in the wastewater were 20,866, 53,514 and 19000 mg/l respectively. The total alcohol loss from the fermentation, decantation and distillation process units was significant with the value of 13.22 %. The stillage from mash column is found a severe source of water pollution. The fermentation efficiency (78.02%), alcohol recovery at distillation unit (83.3%) and overall alcohol conversion efficiency (65.0%) were found to be low compared to values of similar technologies in India, South Africa and Brazil. The steam generation and distribution systems were studied and the boiler combustion efficiency was found extremely low (29%) resulting from excess air supply. Similarly, other sources of heat loss were identified and carefully examined The cleaner production options were generated, selected and evaluated for the distillery plant. CO2 Recovery, Cooling water recycling, lost heat recovery in the stillage and spent lee, indirect heating, generation of methane and fertilizer from stillage were considered for improving resource utilization and reducing pollution loads. Other GHK practices were recommended to bring overall efficiency in the plantItem Groundwater Pollution and Public Health Risk Analysis in the Vicinity of Reppi Solid Waste Dumping Site, Addis Ababa City Ethiopia(Addis Ababauniversity, 2007-08) Zewdie, Tesfaye; Faris, Kebede (Professor)Background: The daily waste generation in Addis Ababa city from each individual is expected to be 0.252Kg. Current waste generation in the city is 2,940 m3/day of which 80% is colleted and disposed on dumping site every day. This open dumping site has no liner system and other groundwater pollution and public health risks control mechanism. Objective: To analyze groundwater pollution and public health risks in the vicinity of Reppi solid waste dumping site Addis Ababa City, Ethiopia. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in Reppi solid waste dumping site from April 10 to 25/ 2007 to analyze associated risks to the groundwater and the public health in its vicinity. For groundwater issue leachate, nearby well water and far away spring water samples were collected based on the distance difference and for public health issue. Based on standard sampling procedures 316 in the near by community and 316 from the controlled group were used for the study. Extreme care was taken to avoid alteration of chemical composition of samples during sampling. The study parameters for leachate, and groundwater quality were determined in Addis Ababa City Environmental Protection Authority and Ethiopian Geological Survey Water Laboratories. It includes physicochemical parameters such as PH, chloride, total hardness, alkalinity, TDS, TSS, DO, BOD, COD, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phosphate and trace metals. Standard methods were used for the analysis of the samples. The public health parameters were collected using pre designed questionnaires. Result and discussion: Physicochemical analysis of leachate and groundwater showed that more than 95% of parameters in nearby well water analysis is more higher than the far away spring water and much exceeded WHO drinking water quality standard. This may be due to contaminants transport from dumping site to ground water. More than 95% risk ratio Public health risks were found in the nearby residents. Conclusion: From this study we can conclude that there is an increase in risk to ground water and public health that is reported near Reppi solid waste dumping site. There fore the concerned authority should take appropriate intervention measures to groundwater and the health of the community