Street Names: Directories of Mental Maps And Business in Commercial Areas Cases From Commercial Areas Of Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababauniversity


The main objective of this research is to find out the relationship between pedestrian orientation and street naming by analyzing the mental maps created as a result of the physical urban environment in commercial areas. Identifying the impact of street naming which emanates from mental maps on trade is the core objective of the paper. The lack of proper addressing systems especially of functional street names in most African Cities has a deep-rooted problem in the absence of proper urban planning and design principles. The need to grow towards global economy, which is based on the presence of functional addressing system, seems neglected in the day-to-day transactions in the commercial areas of Addis Ababa. Therefore, the addressable objects that buyers and sellers mostly use must be those, which are persistent to urban change and are able to create the strongest mental image in the observers mind, namely the streets. In this research, street patterns current trends of addressing and their impact on trade are studied by implementing basic urban design principles. The case study method is used in the study by selecting three commercial areas in Addis Ababa. This study shows that both street design and naming are weak in the commercial areas and hence pedestrian orientation is loose in those areas. Factors which contribute to this urban problem are: absence of properly designed streets in the commercial centers, absence of street names and where they exist, the weak link between the existing names and their use by pedestrians for commercial activities. Based on the findings, street names in commercial areas can be generated from the dominant physical element in the mental maps of pedestrians and the dominant business in that locality. Thus, the research shows that street names in commercial areas will be effective if they are considered as a directory of mental maps and business in commercial areas. The findings of the study are believed to clarify the link between street design, street naming and trade in commercial areas. The study is based on the cases from Addis Ababa. However, it is believed that it will also serve to be a component of the background paper for the UNECA initiative Functional Addressing System for Africa



Commercial Areas Cases
