Center for Early Childhood Care and Education
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Item Contribution of pre-primary education to academic performance of children in grade two andthree AminaHagos primary school;(Addis Ababa University, 2024-08) Tesfamichael Atsbha; FantahunAdmas (PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which preschool affect the academic achievement of children in grade 2 and 3 and giving possible recommendation based on the research findings. Research design for this investigation was mixed method [QUAN/QUAL] model. To select sample from target population the research adopted both comprehensive and simple random sampling. Sample size were taken in grade two 51 students who attended kindergarten 52 students who attended O class and 29 students who join elementary school without any attendance pre-school. Similarly in grade 3 from the total students of 140 kindergarten attendants were 48 O class attendants were 53 and 39 of them were Non participant in any preschool. 6 first cycle teachers were select using simple random sampling and 1 principal 2 vice principal 1 cluster supervisor 2 woreda experts were selected using available sampling. The research employed three data gathering instruments specifically interview document analysis and test report to requisite procurement. Following the gathering and analysis of the data it shows that kindergarten participants in grade two performed 83.3% O class participant’s preformed74.1%and Non-participantsscored 59.3% in academic achievement. Similarly in grade three the average result of the students in first semester was KG participant scores average of 81.5% O class participant score average of 73% and Non participant score average of 64.2% in academic achievement. The study was remark preschool education pre-equipped ability to make learning simple, convenient and best head start to elementary school. Student who participate in preschool excel in academic achievement, reading fluency reading comprehension and numeracy test due to high quality pre-school, high contact hour between preschooler and facilitator and standardized home school distance. By the lack of early intervention in children there is inability to identify a single word in Non participants in pre-primary education. Preschool helps to smooth transition from grade to grade in primary school. The research recommended government full fills materials for preschool education and facilitated to address all over the country equally to address for all children. Government primary schools should accommodate feeding and resting room to increase registration in schools and to decrease drop out and absenteeism.Item Center of Early Childhood Care Education Policy and Practice Gap on Implementation of Preschool Inclusive Education(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Ljalem Tsegaye; Fiseha Teklu (PhD)During visits to preschools in certain areas of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, I became aware of significant issues in the early childhood care and education (ECCE) system. These issues stemmed from a disconnect between the stated policies and the actual practices in terms of the participation of children with special needs in inclusive preschool education.The central purpose of this study was to investigate the gap between policy and practice in the implementation of inclusive education in two government preschools, Netsanet Chora and Hawaria Petros. To address this, I employed a qualitative case study approach, which allowed me to deeply explore and describe the perspectives, experiences, and practices of the inclusive education policy implementers. The study involved 16 carefully selected participants.The findings revealed that the teachers lacked the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively implement the inclusive education policies. Teachers were also working with inadequate resources and support, and there were shortcomings in terms of policy guidelines, standards, a common curriculum, and teamwork. Based on these findings, I recommended the adoption of an interaction model of policy implementation. This model integrates both top-down and bottom-up approaches to foster positive and active collaboration between policymakers at the higher level and the implementers at the local level. KEY TERMS: Early childhood education, preschool education, Education policy implementation, Policy framework CHAPTERItem Perception, Roles And Challenges of Using Folktales In Pre-Primary Education Program of West Shewa Zone, Ambo Woreda(Addis Ababa University, 2024-05) Workineh Nedessa; Fiseha Teklu (Ass.Prof.)The main objective of this study was to investigate perception, roles and challenges of using folktales in pre-primary education program of West Shewa zone, Ambo woreda survey research design was used to conduct the study. 98 teachers from 30 pre-primary schools and 1 educational head office were selected via purposive sampling technique and 5 principals were selected through simple random sampling technique. The instrument was developed by researcher and piloted before it was used for final data gathering and it was found reliable and valid. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and narration. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to determine the perception and roles of using folktales in pre-primary education program and narration was used to indicate the challenges of teachers in telling folk. The result of the study show that pre-primary school teachers were perceived that folktales have important role for improvement of memory and attention of early childhood, thinking, reasoning skill, problem solving and communication skills of early childhood development. Additionally, Folktales have the role for teaching-learning process but its challenging in telling folk to children for they are not familiar with new vocabulary and lack of training and awareness how to present folktales by teachers and lack of teachers in pre-primary schools. All level of educational office, making accessible the video made for the new curriculum in general and other related issues. The teachers and school principals should be adjust the program to invite the elders to preprimary schools for folktales session/period/ and motivate children for folktale. The Oromia Education Bureau, restructuring the modules of the college training to harmonize with the preprimary integrated curriculum approach. Joint work of the Bureau of Education, Culture and Tourism Bureau and the center for the study and research of Afan Oromo language to enrich the folktales in the preprimary schools to support the new curriculum in practice. Recording and transmitting the folktales in the curriculum by the Oromia Broadcasting Media through Gamme- Channel to be followed by parents, children and child-minders. Key Word: Perception, Folktales, Cognitive, Development, RoleItem The Practices of Nebab Bet (School Of Reading) in Dima Giworgis Amhara Region Implications Preschool Program in Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Wubie Andargie; Abraha Asfaw(PhD)This study aimed to evaluate the practices of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, specifically Nebab Bet (instruction, assessment, promotion procedures and teacher selection), in order to draw implications for secular preschool programs. The study utilized a qualitative case study design and collected data from purposively selected participants, including church fathers, Yeneta teachers, and students. Thematic qualitative analysis of data collected through interviews and observations analysis revealed the following key findings: (a) enrollment is primarily based on the student's interest with no other selection criteria; (b) teachers utilize peer coaching and oral teaching as primary methods, with discipline incorporating both rewards and punishments; (c) assessment includes interviews and continuous observation to ensure content mastery for promotion; and (d) teacher selection is based on capability and wisdom as determined by religious authorities. Overall, the study identified lessons for secular preschool programs, including clarity of purpose, self-contained teacher assignment modes, student involvement in learning facilitation, continuous assessment, and competency-based promotion. Additionally, the study highlights the need for further research and ongoing sharing of experiences in this area.Item Play-based Learning in Pre-primary Schools: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of School Teachers in Addis Ababa specifically Gullele Sub City. BY: Yetbark W/tsadik June, 2024 Addis Ababa,(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Yetbark W/tsadik; Fantahun Admas (PhD)The purpose of this research was to investigate pre-primary school teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards play based learning. The study employed mixed methods research design specifically a concurrent embedded research method. Quantitative data were collected from a total of 135 pre-primary school teachers who were selected through simple random sampling. For the qualitative data, pre-primary school teachers were also selected purposefully. Accordingly, to obtain relevant data, the researcher utilized both self-developed and adapted questionnaire consisting of a total of 26 closed-ended items, semi-structured interviews, observations, and document reviews. The results of the study showed that pre-primary school teachers have adequate knowledge, positive attitude, and appropriate practice towards play-based learning. However, the correlation results revealed weak positive correlations between knowledge and attitude, knowledge and practices that is not statistically significant. The strongest correlation exists between attitude and practice. It is recommended that pre-primary school teachers need to take refresher courses in play based learning.Item The practice of inclusive education: The case of Mekanissa School for the Deaf inclusive preschool of Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2024-05) AtsedeMeskelekal; FisehaTeklu (PhD)The objective of this study was to investigate the practice of inclusive education practice .The research is conducted in Mechanism School for the Deaf inclusive preschool of Addis Ababa. A qualitative case study design was used in this research. A purpose sampling technique was used to collect information from 2 school principals, 4 preschool teachers to seek corroboration or assertion of data, the researcher applied triangulation using different research tools.One-on-one interview with preschool teachers and school principals, and classroom observation. In addition document analysis was used to get secondary data.The results obtained were presented, analyzed and discussed in line with the themes derived from research questions by using narrative. It was found that the school principals and preschool teachers attempted to actualize inclusive practices in spite of the truth that they did not have in-depth knowledge and aptitudes or skills in what constitute Inclusive Education. Although the envisaged idea of inclusive education is to ensure education for all learners, the school principals and regular teachers were of the opinion that inclusion can only be applied with confidence to a limited extent. Moreover, they maintained that not all the learners found in schoolmistress eligible to be taught in preschool. This assertion was attributed to poor school infrastructure which does not respond to the call of Inclusive Education and that obstructs inclusion of learners with special/diverse needs. Results suggested that the IE could not enthusiastically practice due to different challenges. Hence recommendations were made to relevant school stakeholders and further research to be conducted in the implementation of Inclusive Education. Key words: Inclusive education, special/diverse needs, inclusive practiceItem Practice of Play Based Learning in Numeracy Instruction: A Case Study in Liba Preschool in Legetafo Subcity(Addis Ababa University, 2024-06) Chala Gerema; Abraha Asfaw (PhD)Preschoolers learn foundational mathematics concepts such as counting, patterns, shapes, and measurement through hands-on experiences such as playing with blocks, puzzles, and other materials. The purpose of this study was to investigate the practice of play-based learning in numeracy instruction in LIBA preschool in Legetafo subcity, Oromia region, Ethiopia. Specifically, the study tried to identify teachers’ understanding of play-based learning, types of play in numeracy instruction implementation, and challenges faced by the teachers. Using a qualitative case study design, data was collected from four teachers through interviews and observation and analysis of data using a thematic approach. The result of the study was that two teachers create engaging learning environments by incorporating play-based activities into numeracy instruction. Both used varieties of play-based activities, such as number songs, physical play, and manipulative, to teach numeracy concepts. On the other hand, two teachers relied more on direct teaching methods and did not use play-based activities frequently. The challenges faced included limited resources and a lack of support from the administration. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the preschool should invest in high-quality professional development opportunities for its teaching staff and the preschool should ensure that teachers have access to the necessary materials, dedicated learning spaces, and sufficient time to plan and implement engaging, play-based numeracy activities. Key Terms: Play-based Learning Numeracy Practices numeracy instructionItem Early Childhood Care Practices and Values of Families of North Shewa, Amhara Cultural Background(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10) Hiwot Mekonnen; Fantahun Admas (PhD)This thesis aims to describe, analyze, and understand the early childhood care practices and values of families with North Shewa Amhara cultural background. The study has taken a qualitative method of inquiry, which allowed the investigation of the phenomenon more deeply by observing the life of three families living in North Shewa Zone Metikoria village, Goshebado village, and Debirebirhan city. The study's design is Ethnography because ethnography as a research design is highly suitable to study the culture and practices of a group of people in their natural setting. In this research, it was critical to employ ethnography in order to closely explore the different care practices that families, especially mothers, implement to support the development of their children and to examine the meanings and values underlying the care practices to support the development of their children., And to examine how these practices are influenced by social, cultural, and historical factors. The parents, grandparents, parents, siblings, and the children themselves from the three households served as the main sources of data. A detailed examination of the families' actual lives was documented. Due to their knowledge and experience with indigenous health care and their close association with the families, practitioners of traditional medicine were also discussed. 20 interviews with 5 parents, 5 children, 3 older siblings, 4 grandparents (community elders), and 3 indigenous medicine practitioners. and various field notes were collected in a period of six months’ time. The analysis of the study is presented thematically based on two global themes that respond to the two research questions. The different practices related to health, nutrition, safety, cleanliness, learning, and stimulation of young children are presented in detail and their values are unpacked. The study encourages applying culturally responsive and appropriate approaches to early childhood care that respect and value the uniqueness of the communities children come from. Likewise, it highlights that childhood programs can benefit greatly from the rich indigenous values and practices documented in this study. The findings also indicate the importance of producing more research on the subject because there is a lot of learning and insight that could be generated from the various cultures in Ethiopia.Item Pedagogical Practices in Selected O- Classes in Tahtay Maychew Wereda(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10) Gebreslseie Girmay; Fiseha Teklu (PhD)Children arrive at school with different backgrounds, experiences and different stages of development. The purpose of this study was to identify the pedagogical practice used by O-class teachers in Tahtay Maychew Wereda.. To this end, qualitative research method was used for the study. Five (5) O-class teachers, Five (5) school principals and One (1) wereda curriculum coordinator were taken as sample of the study by applying purposive sampling technique. Interview and observation checklist were used to get data from the target population. The result of the study shows that the common method of learning - teaching practiced in the classroom situation was teacher-centered which is inappropriate at the preschool level. The result of the findings indicates Diploma graduate and specialized teachers in the area, but lack of resource and other related facilities hinder them from implementation of developmentally appropriate teaching method in O-classroom. The result of the finding indicates that O-class teachers select teaching method based on the teacher’s Guide like song, local dance and play. O-class teachers assess children using oral question and observation checklist; in addition they use some instructional materials like small stones and sticks to count number and flash cards. Finally, based on the findings there was great problem related to indoor and outdoor materials and facilities in the selected school. Therefore Tahtay Maychew Wereda Educational Office and other non-governmental organization must pay their attention to the preschool students. Because the early years of the child in order to share the future hopes of this country.Item Parenting Style and Preschool Children's Social competence: The case of private preschools in Huruta Town(Addis Ababa University, 2024-10) Mahder Siyoum; Fantahun Admas (PhD)The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between parenting styles and preschool children’s social competence. The study employed quantitative research approach and cross-sectional research design. The data were collected from randomly selected 125 children and their parents, using the social-competence scale and the parenting dimensions questionnaire (PSDQ).The data analysis was carried out using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. In particular, percentage, frequency, cross-tabulation, independent sample t-test, correlation and regression were used. The results revealed that the more of children had 43(34.4%) an average social competence score. Moreover, the results indicated that authoritative parenting style (59) (47.2%) was the most practiced parenting style among parents. There were no statistically significant differences (t) (-0.426) =123, P>0.05 between male and female children across mean scores in measures of social competence. The relationship between authoritative parenting style and social competence scores was strong positive and significant(r=0.884, p<0.01). However, the relationship between authoritarian(r=-0.278, p<0.01) and Permissive (r=-0.381, p<0.01) parenting styles with social competence scores of children were weak, negative and significant As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that authoritative parenting style related positively with children's social competence. In combination, the parenting styles 77.7% predicting factor of children's social competencies. Finally, critical recommendations were forwarded for parents, and other concerned stakeholders in order to assist, aware parenting and enhance parenting practices.Item Assessment of the Implementation of Early Childhood Education (Ece) Curriculum in Private Kindergartens: A Case Study in Kirkos Sub City,(Addis Ababa University, 2023-09) Taye Mammo; Abraha Asfaw (PhD)The purpose of this study was to investigate early childhood education curriculum implementation in private kindergarten and to explore the status, conduciveness of instructional materials and facilities of the curriculum kindergartens (KG) or preschools use and identify the most pressing challenges that are influencing the preschools gov’t curriculum implementation in Addis Ababa City Administration, Kirkos sub city. A total of 27 participants (Preschool teachers, principals, experts) were selected purposefully and involved on interviews. To gather detailed information from the participants and the observed kindergarten situations/contexts and settings, a qualitative case study approach was used. Accordingly, data were collected through interviews, observations, and document analysis. The data gathered from the aforementioned participants was coded, grouped under recurrent themes, and then interpreted accordingly. Findings of this study also revealed that KG schools used various kinds of curricula from different sources. Moreover, the study revealed that in consequence of these curricula from different sources (countries abroad and reference books establishing individuals and business doing enterprises), the curricula that were practiced in the KG schools were not age and developmentally appropriate. Finding of the study also showed that academic areas focused curricula and somewhat semi teacher centered and semi child-centered teaching-learning approaches were largely in practices in these KG schools rather than play-based approach of government curricula. Few KGs try to improve/upgrade the government curricula and apply it and others use another “school developed” curricula. Provision of the gov’t curriculum, syllabus and teacher's guides were also being available to all private kindergartens in adequate amount without preconditions. The study also revealed good commitment of the government to promote KG school education. suggested points on the government curricula was it would better to prepare new highly integrated KG curricula or revisiting the existing competency-based partially integrated curricula partitioned into five thematic learning areas and upgrade it according to the age levels. Key words: Early Childhood Education, Kindergarten, Preschool Curriculum, School Based CurriculumItem Assessement of Literacy Learning Among „O‟ Class Children in Aysaita Refugee Camp and Host Community Schools(Addis Ababa University, 2023-06) Dugabas Mekonnen; Abraha Asfaw (PhD)The purpose of this study was to assess the literacy learning among “O” class children in the Aysaita refugee camp and host Community Schools. A mixed design method was used to conduct the research. There were about 482 children enrolled “O” class learning in the town. About 45 of the subject selected from the refugee camp (about 50%) and 25% of the population, from the host community schools (100 children). Random sampling was used to select 100 students from each school. Finally, 145 subjects were selected for the study. International Development for Early Learning Assessment (IDELA) is a standard tool used to collect data. Interview, focused group discussion, observation, and document analysis were used to triangulate the results. The vocabulary learning of “O” class students in Aysaita Refugee and the host community on vocabulary skill learning, particularly in listing market items in their surrounding children status indicates that the mean value for Refugee school is M= 5.84 and for the host, the community is M=5.68 whereas animal named in Aysaita Refugee (M= 4.60) and the host community (M=4.69). On print awareness skill indicator in the learning of literacy showing in which direction reading continues in the book, hence from refugee students' mean value of M=.62 and the host community's mean value of M=.52 . Comparing with T- test the two groups, there is no statistically significant difference on vocabulary and print awareness skill development. On the other hand the mean value for children letter identification skill is M= 8.25 for refugee children and 7.31 for host community; emergent writing skill development the mean value for refugee O=class children is 2.33 and host community is 2.98. The comparison made using t- test on letter identification and emergent writing skill development, indicated that statistically there is significant different among refugee and host community children on the two learning skill development. This implies the host community children better identified letters. Meanwhile, the study has indicated challenges in literacy learning in the study area. Lack of rich learning environment, lack of enough inputs to teaching and learning, lack of ability on pedagogical facilitation, lack of parental engagement and absence of qualified “O” class leaders for the program indicated as a challenge for better status of literacy learning in the study area. Keywords: Letter identification; oral comparison; sound; print awareness; vocabularyItem Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Status among 4 to 6 year old Preschool Children of Government and Private Schools in Lideta sub city, Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10) Eyerusalem Getachew; Fantahun Admas (PhD)The study aimed to assess the nutritional status of 4 to 6-year-old preschool children attending government and private preschools. Two schools were selected in Lideta sub-city by using simple random sampling technique and 30 students from government and 30 from private were also selected by using simple random sampling technique. Two data collection instruments; anthropometry measurement and questionnaire were used. Data, including height, weight, and BMI, were collected and processed using SPSS version 27. AnthroPlus software version 1.0.4, a user-friendly tool, assessed children's growth and nutritional status using standardized reference data. The analysis included descriptive stats (percentile and frequency) and inferential stats (regression and t-test), with the binary logistic model applied. Results from the anthropometry measurement reveals that more children in private schools fall within the normal weight category 25(83.3%) compared to government schools 21(70%). Private schools also have a more significant proportion of children with standard height 21(70%) than government schools 16 (53.3%). Similarly, more students in private schools have a normal BMI 28 (93.3%) compared to government school students 24 (80%). These findings indicate that children in private schools exhibit slightly better nutritional status concerning weight, height, and BMI when compared to their counterparts in government schools. Based on the data collected total monthly household income and fathers' employment status were identified as significant factors positively influencing nutritional status, particularly in weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI. However, it was observed that other variables, including the education level of mothers and fathers, the employment status of mothers, primary sources of parental nutrition knowledge, confidence regarding nutritional knowledge, and challenges related to providing a balanced diet, did not demonstrate a statistically significant impact on the nutritional status of children, as assessed by weight-for-age, height-for-age, and BMI measurements. On the other hand, there is no statistically difference in weight for age, height for age and body mass index (BMI) between governmental and private preschool. thus, it is recommended that future research focusing on nutritional status should incorporate a comprehensive analysis of nutrient intake. It would provide a more in-depth understanding of the factors influencing children's nutritional well-being, which can guide more targeted interventions and policies and should Conduct studies in a broader range of schools by Expanding the scope of research to encompass various school settings to conduct studies in a broader range of schools and expanding the scope of research to encompass various school settings.Item The relationship between violent television program content viewing and children’s aggressive behavior in pre-school students: in Bole sub city(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10) Kassahun Tadele; Fantahun Admas (PhD)The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between violent television program content and children’s aggressive behavior in selected pre-school students in Bole sub city, Addis Ababa. Participants were selected using simple random sampling methods. Data were collected from sample respondents using a 5 point likert-type scale questionnaire. The study used descriptive research design. The result of the study showed that children spent watching violent content television programs (accounting for 51.1%, spend a duration of 6 to 9 hours viewing television programs) and it had relationship with their aggressive behavior. All violent television program contents have high and positive significant correlation with the children’s aggressive behavior. There was also a significant gender differences in aggressive behavior of pre-school children boys are more aggressive as compare to girls (mean score of 4.30 with a standard deviation of 1.159). Based on the finding, it’s recommended that, parents should monitor which TV shows their children watch and not readily allow their children to watch violent TV or video show. Furthermore, to bridge the gap the concerned bodies especially teachers and other school management bodies are responsible and in charge of children at school to shape and give direction on how to be gentle and prudent enough for their futurity. . Key words: Aggressive behavior, television program, violent contentsItem The Relationship between Home Experience and Literacy Development among Kindergarten Children in Kanenus School, Sheger City, Gelan Sub-city, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2023-06) Mishell Kassahun; Abraha Asfaw (PhD)The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between home experience and literacy development among kindergarten children attending the Kanenus School in Gelan sub-city, Sheger city, Oromia region. A quantitative non-experimental correlational study was conducted with 60 kindergarten children and their parents. While questionnaires were administered to gather information on literacy-related home practices from parents, data from students was assessed using the literacy subtest IDELA assessment package. Correlational analysis showed: (a) the four types of literacy-related home practices, i.e., oral communication, parental teaching, shared reading, and parental modeling, were positively correlated with students' literacy performance; (b)Parental modeling and shared reading exhibited stronger associations compared to the other practices. (c) Of the six types of literacy practices examined, all except writing showed a positive correlation with students' overall home experiences; (d) despite most parents having a middle or upper range monthly income; their homes lacked an adequate number of books for children. Based on the results and discussions strengthening school – parent relationship and organizing awareness creation schemes for parents and teachers on integrating home and school literacy experiences are recommended as future actions. Since this research is limited to one setting, initiating further research might also help to generate data for better understanding and wider applications.Item Teachers' Perception on Children's Behavior in the Learning Environment in Burayu Town, Oromia Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2023-08) Oli Kasho; Girma Lemma (Ass. Prof.)The purpose of this study is to look into how children behave in private preschools in Burayu Town in relation to their learning environment. 182 respondents who were chosen from 43 private preschools provided the data. The quantitative data gathered for the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, and frequency. The analysis of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions yielded qualitative data that was categorized using codes and themes.The major study result is that the private preschools in Burayu municipal compounds were not meant to provide preschool education. However, the owners of private preschools try their best to make the classrooms colourful in order to teach youngsters. In school, there are different areas for the children to learn and play. The school climate is safe and welcoming to all students. Every child is participating in the learning-teaching process. Children are encouraged to interact with their classmates. The school provides opportunities for students to demonstrate their cultures. Children's behaviour modifications were detected within 2-3 months after attending the preschool. The family's reaction to their children's behavioural adjustments was favourable. Based on the major findings of the study and conclusions drawn, the following recommendations were made: evaluating the behavioural change of children from family’s feedback is very important and the feedback from the families helps in shaping the children in a positive way; the preschool administration should make the preschool compounds welcoming to all children. Key Terms: Teachers Perception, Children’s behaviour, Learning Environments.Item Socio-Emotional Wellbeing of Children of Divorced and Non-Divorced Parents at Rofam Academy Elementary School(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10) Tarikua Taddesse; Fantahun Admass (PhD)Children are the most at risk individuals getting the badly effects of crisis and conflicts happening around the world. The survival and development of a child’s optimal potential disrupted if the family environment disturbed. Children in the time of bad condition would deprive the necessary love and guidance or the necessary financial means to continue his or her growth and development. Ethiopia, like most African societies, considers as one of the largest population of children in the world that owes deep-rooted gender roles as the father is the breadwinner and the mother is the caregiver. Losing a father or a mother was difficult for children The main objective of this study is to assess the socio emotional well-being of children in divorced and non- divorced parents. Cross-sectional research design was used both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were implemented. In this research, there were 60 study participants the data were collected using questionnaire and interview guide. It has used descriptive statistics with means, standard deviations, frequencies and percentages Children feel sadness they have Exposure for different problems, like divorce and the effects may not manifest until many years afterwards. In addition, they may suffer from severe behavioral and emotional problems, such as being aggressive, having less knowledge, get hyperactivity, conduct problem and pro social problem Therefore, it is recommended that the society, social workers and concerned government institution are advised to play their important role in preventing the prevalence of divorce and ensuring its proper adjustment through changing the social environment in relation to marriage stability.Item Utilization of Instructional Resourecs in Pre-Primary Education Program in "O" Class in Mekelle City(Addis Ababa University, 2016-09) Gebremedhin Haddish; Fisseha Teklu (PhD)The main purpose of this study was to assess the availability of instructional resources, the practice of the utilization of instructional resources, factors that affecting utilization of instructional resources, and the appropriatness of instructional resources in teaching learning process in "O" class in Mekelle City. To this end, a descriptive survey research design was employed to conduct the research in forty four (44) "O" classes. The sources of data, then, were "O" class teachers, school principals, school pedagogical center coordinators and observation. There were sixty seven (67) "O "class teachers, forty four (44) school principals and forty (40) school pedagogical center coordinators in the public "O "class in Mekelle City. In this study census sampling techniques used to conduct the research. The instrument used for data collection was: a questionnaire, interview and observation. The data analysed through the use of percentages and descriptive statements. The results changed into percentages and statements and finally tabulated using tables and interpreted. The findings of the study revealed that the availability of instructional resources within "O" classes was inadequate or insufficient, degree or status of utilization of instructional resources were weak, and there were several factors that affected the utilization of instructional resources.The instructional resources also were not culturally and developmentally appropriate to teach the "O" class children. Most of the instructional resources were locally prepared from the environment by teachers. Therefore, the study recommended that the concerned bodies should pay special attention to make children learning more meaningful and concrete by providing adequate and appropriate instructional materials in the teaching learning process. Keywords: Availability, utilization, instructional materials, factors hindering utilization of instructional materials.Item Exploring the status of children's school readiness and its relationship to structural and process qualities in Private and Government preschools of Kirkos sub-city(Addis Ababa University, 2023-10) Ferehiwot Mulatu; Fantahun Admas(PhD)This research aimed to explore the status of children’s school readiness and its relationship to structural and process qualities in private and government preschools of Kirkos sub-city, Addis Ababa. A mixed research approach was employed to investigate the research questions. Out of the selected four schools a total of 94 preschool children from KG 3 or preparatory class participated in this research in the readiness measurement test. School readiness assessment results and direct school observations were the main sources of the quantitative data. Qualitative data was collected using Key Informant Interview (KII) was conducted with four school principals taking one participant in each preschool. The study applied IDELA’s standardized International Development of Early Learning Assessment analysis to investigate the level of the children readiness for primary school in a holistic manner and direct observation tools were used to measure the relationship of the children readiness level to the process and structural qualities of both private and government preschools. The study's main finding was the readiness level of the private preschools students is significantly different compared to their government counterpart, however, there was no significant relationship between school readiness level and process and structural qualities of the preschools. In the end, the study recommends that schools and educational administration bodies make a proactive effort to increase the qualities of preschools and make the school environment more conducive in order to achieve a better readiness level of the students. Key words: School readiness; Process quality; structural qualities; IDELA.Item The Perception of Parents and Teachers Towards the Implementation of Pre-Primary Inclusive Education In Southern Zone of Tigray At Woreda Raya Alamata Timuga Governmental School.(Addis Ababa University, 2023-09) Adane Damte; Fisha Teklu (PhD)The overall objective of this study was to examine the Perception of Parents and Teachers towards the Implementation of pre primary Inclusive Education at woreda Raya Alamata. In spite of the expected benefits of inclusion, studies were rarely conducted concerning the perception of PTA towards the implementation of pre primary inclusive education in the study area. This paper studied on the perception of PTA towards the implementation of pre primary inclusive education. It explored significance of perceptions, factors that might be affect teachers’experiances, teachers’ role and training in an inclusive setting and challenges of inclusive education. Teachers’ and parents’ perceptions were found to be influenced by the nature and severity of the disabling condition, training of the teacher, experience, gender and availability of support. The study used qualitative research methodology. The target population of this study were parents and teachers who were working in the implementation of pre primary inclusive education program in the study area. The study sampled 20 respondents who were selected through prposive sampling technique such as parents, teachers special needs expert, woreda educational expert and principals of the sampled school. The researcher employed both primary and secondary sources of data and data was collected using Key informant Interview, FGD. The qualitative data was analyzed and interpreted through thematic analysis. The results of this study discovered that parents, educational professionals such as teachers, principals, special needs experts and woreda education office expert who had received some form of training in inclusive education had positive perception whereas the untrained teachers and parents had negative perception towards the implementation of pre primary inclusive education. The study concluded that the educational professionals and parents’ who have positive perception towards children with special educational needs is essential to build an inclusive learning environment whereas who have negative attitude delays the implementation of pre primary inclusive education practices in the governmental school. Key words: Perception, PTA, Implementation, Inclusive Education, Governmental school, Alamata