Contribution of pre-primary education to academic performance of children in grade two andthree AminaHagos primary school;

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which preschool affect the academic achievement of children in grade 2 and 3 and giving possible recommendation based on the research findings. Research design for this investigation was mixed method [QUAN/QUAL] model. To select sample from target population the research adopted both comprehensive and simple random sampling. Sample size were taken in grade two 51 students who attended kindergarten 52 students who attended O class and 29 students who join elementary school without any attendance pre-school. Similarly in grade 3 from the total students of 140 kindergarten attendants were 48 O class attendants were 53 and 39 of them were Non participant in any preschool. 6 first cycle teachers were select using simple random sampling and 1 principal 2 vice principal 1 cluster supervisor 2 woreda experts were selected using available sampling. The research employed three data gathering instruments specifically interview document analysis and test report to requisite procurement. Following the gathering and analysis of the data it shows that kindergarten participants in grade two performed 83.3% O class participant’s preformed74.1%and Non-participantsscored 59.3% in academic achievement. Similarly in grade three the average result of the students in first semester was KG participant scores average of 81.5% O class participant score average of 73% and Non participant score average of 64.2% in academic achievement. The study was remark preschool education pre-equipped ability to make learning simple, convenient and best head start to elementary school. Student who participate in preschool excel in academic achievement, reading fluency reading comprehension and numeracy test due to high quality pre-school, high contact hour between preschooler and facilitator and standardized home school distance. By the lack of early intervention in children there is inability to identify a single word in Non participants in pre-primary education. Preschool helps to smooth transition from grade to grade in primary school. The research recommended government full fills materials for preschool education and facilitated to address all over the country equally to address for all children. Government primary schools should accommodate feeding and resting room to increase registration in schools and to decrease drop out and absenteeism.



Contribution of pre-primary education
