Assessement of Literacy Learning Among „O‟ Class Children in Aysaita Refugee Camp and Host Community Schools
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the literacy learning among “O” class children in the Aysaita refugee camp and host Community Schools. A mixed design method was used to conduct the research. There were about 482 children enrolled “O” class learning in the town. About 45 of the subject selected from the refugee camp (about 50%) and 25% of the population, from the host community schools (100 children). Random sampling was used to select 100 students from each school. Finally, 145 subjects were selected for the study. International Development for Early Learning Assessment (IDELA) is a standard tool used to collect data. Interview, focused group discussion, observation, and document analysis were used to triangulate the results. The vocabulary learning of “O” class students in Aysaita Refugee and the host community on vocabulary skill learning, particularly in listing market items in their surrounding children status indicates that the mean value for Refugee school is M= 5.84 and for the host, the community is M=5.68 whereas animal named in Aysaita Refugee (M= 4.60) and the host community (M=4.69). On print awareness skill indicator in the learning of literacy showing in which direction reading continues in the book, hence from refugee students' mean value of M=.62 and the host community's mean value of M=.52 . Comparing with T- test the two groups, there is no statistically significant difference on vocabulary and print awareness skill development. On the other hand the mean value for children letter identification skill is M= 8.25 for refugee children and 7.31 for host community; emergent writing skill development the mean value for refugee O=class children is 2.33 and host community is 2.98. The comparison made using t- test on letter identification and emergent writing skill development, indicated that statistically there is significant different among refugee and host community children on the two learning skill development. This implies the host community children better identified letters. Meanwhile, the study has indicated challenges in literacy learning in the study area. Lack of rich learning environment, lack of enough inputs to teaching and learning, lack of ability on pedagogical facilitation, lack of parental engagement and absence of qualified “O” class leaders for the program indicated as a challenge for better status of literacy learning in the study area.
Keywords: Letter identification; oral comparison; sound; print awareness; vocabulary