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    The Relationship Between Organizational Excellence and Organizational Commitment (In Case of Awash Bank)
    (AAU, 2024-04-12) Wondimu Adugna; Jemal Mohammed (PhD)
    This study investigated the relationship between organizational excellence and employee commitment within Awash Bank. Specifically, it examined how organizational excellence practices, measured using the Kanji Business Excellence Model, influence employee commitment across three facets: affective (emotional attachment), normative (obligation to stay), and continuance (lack of better alternatives). A quantitative approach with a correlational design was employed. Data were collected from 228 Awash Bank employees using a self-reported questionnaire encompassing Meyer & Allen's Organizational Commitment scale and Kanji Excellence Model items. Multivariate data analysis (MANOVA) and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to assess the overall relationship and directionality between organizational excellence and commitment facets. Linear regression analysis explored the explanatory power of excellence dimensions on each commitment facet. The findings revealed a significant positive relationship between overall organizational excellence and employee commitment. Leadership and people management practices emerged as key contributors to excellence, significantly impacting affective commitment. Affective and normative commitments were explained by 34.8% and 15.5% of the variance in organizational excellence factors, respectively. Interestingly, while continuance commitment showed a positive association with excellence, the relationship was not statistically significant. The study highlights the importance of prioritizing affective and normative commitment aspects when designing and implementing organizational excellence initiatives at Awash Bank. By fostering strong leadership, effective people management practices, and continuous improvement culture, the bank can cultivate a more engaged and committed workforce, contributing to its long-term success.
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    The Effect of Total Quality Management Practices on The Performance of Selected Private Banks Operating in Addis Ababa
    (AAU, 2024-03-26) Zemenu Walle; Meskerem Mitiku (PhD. Assistant Professor)
    The major aim of the research paper is to measure the effect of total quality management practices on the performance of selected private banks operating in Addis Ababa. Because of the dynamics of competitive advantages used by service rendering organizations particularly banks and there is no research conducted on the issue in question the researcher was interested to test and assess the effect of total quality management practices on the performance of banks by focusing on four Total quality Management practices (Top management commitment, Customer focus, Employee involvement, and Continuous improvement) were used to measure the performance (Operational performance, Customer satisfaction, Employee Satisfaction, and Market share) of three different banks at a branch level. In order to achieve the aims, mixed method of research with concurrent research design and primary sources of data were used. The data were collected through self-administered questionnaire. Purposive sampling procedure was used to collect data from branch managers; Sampling formula ( Slovin’s formula ) was used to determine the sample size of branch employees. Multiple regressions model and correlation were used to investigate the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The regression test showed that selected practices of TQM have positive effect on performance of selected private banks operating in Addis Ababa. The correlation result indicates that there is a positive correlation between selected practices of TQM and performance of selected private banks operating in Addis Ababa. The research provides that Top management commitment, Customer Focus, Continuous Improvement and Employee Involvement plays the most important role in the performance of banks. The research finding also indicate implementing total quality management practices increase the performance of banks in turn leads to operational performance, customer satisfaction, better market share, and improved employees satisfaction.
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    Factors Affecting Organizational Performance During The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Ethiopian Airlines
    (AAU, 2022-04-27) Helen Meley; Asres Abitie (PhD)
    This study has tried to assess factors affecting the performance of Ethiopian airlines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The type of research design that has been undertaken in this study was descriptive and explanatory. The selected approach for this research is quantitative method. The research has used primary data type. Five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to collect data from employees of Ethiopian airlines head office. From 16, 002 employees of Ethiopian airlines, the determined sample size was 390. In this study the researcher has used Convenience sampling method because of its ease of use for a population which is too large. After the data was collected it was analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics tool. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyze quantitative data from questionnaire questions. Descriptive statistics tools were used to find out whether the COVID-19 pandemic was having a negative effect on each of the independent variables (working environment, organizational culture, employee motivation, training, and leadership) and the dependent variable (organizational performance). The descriptive statistics has revealed that all the independent variables and dependent variable were negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pearson’s correlation and Multiple Linear Regression model were used to determine the relationship between the independent variable with the dependent variable. The correlation analysis result indicated that there was positive relationship between each of the independent variables with the dependent variable. The result of regression analysis implied that COVID-19 pandemic has affected Organizational Performance of Ethiopian Airlines negatively and this is due to changes the pandemic has caused on Working Environment (B=0.398, P=.00), followed by Organizational Culture (B=0.218, P=.00), Employee’s Motivation (B=0.168, P=.004), and Leadership (B=0.140, P=.00) of the company respectively. The pandemic has also affected training programs that used to be provided by the airlines negatively but its contribution to the change on Organizational Performance has shown to be non-significant (B=0.065, P=.157). Owing this, the study concludes that Working environment, Organizational culture, Employee motivation and Leadership predicts Organizational performance of Ethiopian airlines during the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore the airlines should give due attention to the changes the pandemic is causing on each of these factors.
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    The Influence of Innovative Strategies on Insurance Penetration in Ethiopia: The Case of Nyala Insurance S.C
    (AAU, 2024-03-14) Adonay Gebrehiwot Gebreegziabher; Mesfin Fikre (PhD)
    Insurance drives economic growth by managing risk and channeling funds, insurance companies fuel development in every economy. The insurance industry in Ethiopia suffers from a severely low insurance penetration. The penetration rate of insurance in Ethiopia is estimated at 0.32% which is very low compared to other countries. The study was undertaken to investigate the influence of innovative strategies on insurance penetration in Ethiopia. To foster a better understanding of the study variables the evolutionary theory of economic change was utilized. The study used a mixed research methodology and employed a correlational research design to achieve the research objectives. The study evaluated the influence of innovative strategies on insurance penetration in Ethiopia by measuring the level of implementation of innovative strategies. The study chose to focus on the Nyala Insurance S.C. a consistently high performing insurance company located in Ethiopia. The sampling frame of the study consisted 207 insurance professionals; while the sample was 106 individuals drawn from four departments: claims, finance, marketing, and underwriting department. Data was collected through the use of closed-ended questionnaires. Out of the 106 questionnaires disseminated 102 were duly filled and returned. The various demographic features and results obtained were presented using tables. The data collected was then analyzed and simple linear regression analysis was used to show the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. The findings of the descriptive statistics revealed that the level of implementation of innovative strategies is high but leaves room for more to be desired. The inferential analysis evidenced that innovative strategies have a significant positive influence on insurance penetration. The research delivers clear conclusions, actionable recommendations for future research, and insights for key players like insurance firms, investors, and policymakers in Ethiopia.
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    Empirical Investigation on the Relationship between Workplace Ostracism, Knowledge Hoarding, Organizational Climate and Quality of Dyadic Relationship Exchange The Case of Ministry of National Defence of Ethiopia
    (A.A.U, 2024-01-05) Berasa Belayneh; Zelalem G/Tsadik (PhD)
    In the knowledge-driven global economy, encouraging exchange of knowledge is essential for organizations development and competitive advantage. On the other hand, social exclusionary practices for instance workplace ostracism and knowledge hoarding prevent knowledge management and impede efficient knowledge flows. While Organizational climate and the quality of dyadic relationship exchanges among employees play an important role in knowledge sharing within organizations by considerably influenceing knowledge management enviroment, work habits and attitudes. This study aimed to examine the relationship between knowledge hoarding as the dependent variable, workplace ostracism as the independent variable, and organizational climate as the mediating variable. Additionally, the study explored the moderating role of quality of dyadic relationship exchange amid workplace ostracism and knowledge hoarding. The research adopted a quantitative approach and utilized a convenient sampling technique to collect data through a survey. The survey questionnaires were administered to the respondents through a Google Form link provided on the daily status report check-up at the Ministry of Defense headquarters. A total of 144 respondents completed the survey, which represented the recommended population size. The data were analyzed using SMARTPLS 4.0 software, specifically employing SEMPLS to assess the model's validity and reliability. The findings confirmed a positive association between workplace ostracism and knowledge hoarding, indicating that employees who experience workplace ostracism are more likely to engage in knowledge hoarding behaviors. The study also highlighted the relationship between workplace ostracism and knowledge hoarding was partially mediated by organizational climate. However, the moderating role of quality of dyadic relationship exchange was found to be statistically insignificant. Although the relationship between workplace ostracism and knowledge hoarding did not significantly vary based on the quality of dyadic relationships, the results still showed parallel slope patterns. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the study's key findings, including path coefficients, specific indirect effects, and total effects, and it discusses the implications of these findings.
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    Effect of Relationship Marketing on Customer Loyalty: In Case of Wegagen Bank, South District Addis Ababa
    (AAU, 2024-02-01) Haftamu Hiluf Gebrerufael; Meskerem Mitiku Ferede (PhD)
    Any business that lacks an effective marketing staff and tactics will eventually collapse. Bankers need to attract and hold onto profitable clients to stay profitable and have a competitive edge in the market. Without a doubt, relationship marketing is used for this. This study's goal is to find out how relationship marketing affects client loyalty. In the instance of South District Addis Ababa's Wegagen Bank. The first and most significant deficiency stems from the researcher's knowledge base; so far, Wegagen Bank relationship marketing has not been the subject of any research. The dearth of research on the district level was another motivation for this study's conduct. The lack of depth in the literature on relationship marketing, in addition to the aforementioned deficiencies, inspired the investigator to conduct this study. Adding new variables is the other driving force. The researcher is therefore driven to carry out this investigation as a result of these driving forces. An explanatory research design was adopted in this study. Convenience sampling was employed by the researcher to select survey takers from the study's total population of 401. Primary data sources were employed in this investigation. A closed-ended questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale that was taken from earlier research was used to gather the primary data. Because this study takes a quantitative approach, the data was analyzed using regression and correlation models with the use of the SPSS version 26 software. The study indicated that while communication was shown to be minor, trust, commitment, empathy, and conflict resolution were found to have a substantial impact on consumer loyalty. This research suggested that to ensure trust, commitment, empathy, and dispute resolution and the bank should reevaluate its relationship marketing. To maintain and sustain sound relationship marketing, the study also suggests specific actions that should be taken by the banks, government, stakeholders, professionals, and academicians. Since relationship marketing has not been thoroughly investigated from various economic sectors, this investigation recommended additional studies to be done in this area.
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    Determinants of Coffee Export Performance of Cooperative Unions and the Moderating Role Ethiopian Cooperative Commission Engagements in Improving Export performance of Cooperative Unions’ in Ethiopia
    (AAU, 2024-06-03) Lamessa Dufera Debela; Lakew Alemu (PhD)
    In Ethiopia, cooperative unions engage in agricultural output export activities, in which. Coffee is the leading agricultural export commodity. There are different factors influencing the performance of coffee exporting cooperative unions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the determinant factors that influence coffee exporting cooperative unions export performance and the role of ECC with a moderating variables between independent variables and coffee export performance of Cooepartive unions.Empericcally, there is limited studies on analysis of the moderating effect of the ECC in pertaining to coffee exporting cooperative unions. Therefore, this study was conducted to fill this gap by investigating into the factors influencng coffee export performance of cooperative unions while accounting for ECC's moderating role. This study is important in identifying determinants of coffee export performance of cooperative unions as well as moderating role of ECC in coffee export. The study used descriptive and explanatory research design and purposive sampling technique was used to collect primary data. This study was undertaken through collecting data from seven coffee exporting cooperative unions (out of twelve) through focus group discussions, key information interviews and surveys. The survey was conducted to collect data from 221 union employees using closed-ended questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data, whereas inferential statistics, specifically Multiple Linear Regressions, were used to conduct regression analysis to investigate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, as well as the moderator role of ECC in imporiving Cooperative uinons coffee export performance. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 27. The finding of this study revealed that quality management practices, market access to experience, management commitment and capability, and marketing strategies are the most important factors determining coffee export performance of cooperative unions. All these variables have been found to have a positive and significant relationship with the performance of cooperative unions coffee export performance. The analysis of moderating variable revealed that the moderating variable, ECC roles, was found to be significant in determining export performance, and quality management practices and marketing strategies remain significant predictors of cooperative union export performance. As a result, emphasizing quality management practices and improving export market access through attractive marketing strategies can boost cooperative unions coffee export performance.
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    The Effect of Taxation on The Performance of Small and Medium Business Enterprises: The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration Kirkos Sub City Administration
    (AAU, 2024-07-04) Kidist Adane; Tewdros wuhib (Assistant Professor)
    The purpose of this study was to look at how taxes affected the performance of small and medium-sized businesses in the Kinkos sub-city administration of Addis Ababa city. In its conceptual framework, the study used taxation as an independent variable and the performance of SMEs as a dependent variable. To direct tThe purpose of this study was to look at how taxes affected the performance of small and medium-sized businesses in the Kirkos sub-city administration of Addis Ababa city. In its conceptual framework, the study used taxation as an independent variable and the performance of SMEs as a dependent variable. To direct the investigation, three researchquestions and three hypotheses were developed. Certain factors, like tax laws, tax rates, andtax reforms, were used to evaluate taxes. A quantitative research approach was used inconjunction with an explanatory or causal descriptive research design. Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire. Closedended questionnaires containing 24 statements graded on a five-point Likert scale were used to gather data. The survey included a sample size of 314 respondents, 300 of whom (95.5%) responded, and it was directed towards a population of 1840 persons. Both descriptive andinferential statistics were used to interpret the findings. The performance of SMEs was foundto have a statistically significant positive correlation with the three taxation variables (taxpolicies, tax rates, and tax changes) according to Pearson Correlation research. Furthermore, the regression analysis revealed that all three taxes variables had a favorableand significant effect on SMEs' performance. Tax policies were identified as the mostinfluential taxing variables in predicting the success of SMEs. Tax rates and tax revisionsfollowed closely behind, with both having a major effect on SMEs' performance in their respective order. The regression analysis results show that taxes accounts for 63.4% of the variance in SMEs' performance within the subcity. The study's findings indicate that tax lawsand changes have not adequately addressed SMEs' pricing issues, resulting in a fall in theirsales revenue. To improve SMEs' performance, the subcity must guarantee that tax policies,rates, and reforms are consistent with their needs. he investigation, three research questions and three hypotheses were developed. Certain factors, like tax laws, tax rates, and tax reforms, were used to evaluate taxes. A quantitative research approach was used inconjunct ion with an explanatory or causal descriptive research design. Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire. Closed ended questionnaires containing 24 statements graded on a five-point Likert scale were used to gather data. The survey included a sample size of 314 respondents, 300 of whom (95.5%) responded, and it was directed towards a population of 1840 persons. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to interpret the findings. The performance of SMEs was found to have a statistically significant positive correlation with the three taxation variables (tax policies, tax rates, and tax changes) according to Pearson Correlation research. Furthermore, the regression analysis revealed that all three taxes variables had a favorable and significant effect on SMEs' performance. Tax policies were identified as the most influential taxing variables in predicting the success of SMEs. Tax rates and tax revisions followed closely behind, with both having a major effect on SMEs' performance in their respective order. The regression analysis results show that taxes accounts for 63.4% of the variance in SMEs' performance within the sub city. The study's findings indicate that tax laws and changes have not adequately addressed SMEs' pricing issues, resulting in a fall in their sales revenue. To improve SMEs' performance, the sub city must guarantee that tax policies, rates, and reforms are consistent with their needs.
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    The Effect of Structural Empowerment on Employees Burnout in Selected Private Banks of Ethiopia
    (A.A.U, 2022-02-01) Bisrat Alemu; Tilahun Teklu(PhD)
    The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of structural empowerment on employee’s burnout in selected private banks of Ethiopia. In order to achieve this goal independent variable of access to opportunity, access to information, access to support, access to resources, formal power and informal power are used. The dependent variable is employee’s burnout. Consequently, this study examined the effect of access to information, access to support, access to resources, formal power and informal power on employee burnout. The study used quantitative data by using structured survey method. Questionnaires were distributed to 391 (three hundred ninety one) employees of Awash bank, Dashen Bank, Abyssinia bank and Hibret bank. From this 344 or 87.9% of the questionnaire were collected and used for the research. The researcher divided the number of sample size and distributed the sample to each banks. The employees of the banks are selected based on their workplace. 80% of the data is collected from the branches while the remaining 20% of the data is collected from the head office of each bank. After determining the branch and the head office simple random sampling method is used to select individual employees. SPSS version 24 was used to analysis the data. Pearson's correlation matrix was used to show the relationship' between the dependent and the independent variables. The researcher also used multiple regressions to get a look of how the independent variables affected the dependent variable. The result of the research indicated that access to opportunity, access to information, access to resources, formal power and informal power had significant and negative relation with employee’s burnout. Contrary to expectation the result of the research indicates there is weak and positive relation between access to support and employee’s burnout. The R square value of the research model indicated that 54.5% of the variance in employee’s burnout can be predicted by the linier effect of access to opportunity, access to information, access to support, access to resources, formal power and informal power.
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    The Effect of Project Constraint on Project Performance in the Case of Ayat 40/60 Building Project
    (A.A.U, 2023-07-13) Bethelhem Wondim; Dejene Tulu (PhD)
    The main objective is to analyze the effect of project constraint in construction project performance at Ayat 40/60. Primary and Secondary data sources were used to achieve the specified objectives of the study. Collected information or data were organized and presented in the form of tables and graphs. To analyze quantitative data explanatory statistics and an equation such as multiple regressions were also used, as well Using 87 discovered factors divided into 5 groups, a questionnaire survey was run. 150 of the 154 questionnaires that were distributed were returned. 150respondents were used in the primary data collection and a standardized questionnaire was used. To come up with the results the researchers employed explanatory analysis. The researcher revealed that the project constraints highly contribution in project performance. According to the study parameters including cost, scope, and quality had a big impact on how well the Ayat 40/60 project performed as a result of project constraints during project execution. The other factors time and resource have insignificant impact on project performance. The results also demonstrate that while time, resource, and quality-related factors have a negative association with building construction performance, cost and scoperelated factors have a positive greater favorable effect on project performance. The project cost and scope have also contribution on the performance of the project. The study concluded that cost related factors and scope related factors are positively and significantly influence project performance but quality related factors were found positive but not significant factor influencing the project performance. On the other hand time and resource related factors were found negative and but not significant. It is therefore recommended that project constraints can never be eliminated and each project will have a different set of constraints the only way to properly manage constraints. Policies and procedures should be strengthening by the construction bureau. The stakeholders have to develop a plan and a strategy for each project phase, have good quality control, balance resource use, and have a thorough understanding of each restriction and transparent communication between project team members. Key words: Multiple Regression Analysis, Project Constraint, Ayat 40/60 project, Construction performance
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    The Effect of Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment: A Study on Employees of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
    (A.A.U, 2024-05-21) Elham Muhidin; Jemal Mohammed (PhD)
    This study investigates the effects of leadership styles on organizational commitment in commercial bank of Ethiopia. It examines how three leadership styles - transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire - influence the three dimensions of organizational commitment - affective, continuance and normative. The study has been conducted by both primary and secondary research. The primary research was done using the quantitative approach with the help of survey questionnaire to collect data and the secondary research was used through the review of previously published literatures. A total of 221 data records were analyzed using inferential statistics with the help of the SPSS Version 27.0. Results revealed a positive and consistent impact of transformational leadership on all commitment dimensions. However, Transactional and laissez-faire yielded a mixed result. Transactional leadership showed a negative impact on normative commitment and insignificant impact on affective and continuance commitment. On the other hand, laissez-faire leadership yielded positive impact on continuance and normative commitment and an insignificant impact on affective commitment. The findings highlight the critical role leadership styles play in shaping employee commitment within the Ethiopian banking sector. The study recommends embracing transformational leadership, re-evaluating transactional leadership and consideration of cultural context to fit the context of the bank under study as well as areas that require further exploration. Key Words: Leadership styles, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Laissez-Faire, Organizational Commitment, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, and Continuance Commitment.
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    Factors Affecting Telecommunication Service Quality in the Case of Ethiopian Telecommunication Company
    (A.A.U, 2024-05-29) Elshaday Fikru; Abera Legesse (PhD)
    The purpose of this research was to investigate and analyze Factors affecting telecommunication service quality in the case of Ethiotelecom. This research applied descriptive research and explanatory design technique to analyze the factors of telecommunication service quality. The source of the research is both primary and secondary data. Non probability convenience sampling method is used. And the research applies mixed research approach. The target population of this study is Ethiotelecom residential active customers therefore; sample size for this study is 384. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple linear regression models to identify the relationship between predictor variables of telecommunication service quality, which is innovation, Network security, service failure and Awareness. The overall findings of the study revealed that the data underscores the critical role of innovation, network security, and customer awareness in enhancing service quality at Ethiotelecom. By prioritizing these areas, Ethiotelecom can improve its service delivery, reduce failures, and enhance overall service quality. Investing in innovative solutions, strengthening network security, and actively promoting service quality can help Ethiotelecom maintain its competitive edge and foster long-term customer loyalty. Key words, Innovation, Network Security, Service failure and Awareness.
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    Factors Affecting the Implementation of Essential Health Service Packages 2019 in Health Centers : The Case of Addis Ababa City Administration Lideta Sub-city
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-17) Melaku Tedebebe; Berhanu Temesgen (PhD)
    This research assesses factors affecting the implementation of Essential Health Service Packages 2019 in health centers: the case of Addis Ababa city administration Llideta sub-city. The main purpose of the study was to assess the factors affecting EHSPs 2019 implementation performance in health centers of Lideta subcity. An integrated conceptual framework was developed based on a review of literatures. The primary data were collected from the total population of 8 health centers of Lideta subcity of Addis Ababa, using a survey questionnaire and the respondents were the CEO, Medical directors (Main & deputy) and department heads of Lideta sub-city eight health centers. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as a tool of the quantitative methods. The results revealed that three out of six independent variables were statistically had a very significant contribution for EHSPs 2019 implementation performance ordering as per the strength: implementer’s disposition (ID); clarity of goals and objectives (COGAO); management dynamics (Improvement of institutional capacity, leadership and management) and other independent variables health financing and payment mechanism, resources (equipment,and human resources, ), Stakeholders engagement and support (micro level support from local stakeholders (MLSLS)) and parthnership and coordination were found positive but not statistically significant. As a result, implementer’s disposition (ID); clarity of goals and objectives (COGAO); management dynamics (Improvement of institutional capacity, leadership and management) were the most determining factors in terms of influencing EHSPs 2019 implementation performance in health centers of Lideta subcity. The study also recommend (1) the policy makers should communicate the policy and other relevant documents for all stakeholder at all tiers of the health facilities from the very beginning of polcy process; (2) the government should strengthen the Health insurance system beside allocating adequate budget; (3) the government should motivate the health worker in training and performance based payment; (4) the governments should strengthen and integrate the system using technology and (5) participating the private wing in all policy process will have a significant contribution successful implementation. Key Words: implementation, Essential Health Service Packages, health center.
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    The Moderating Role of Environmental Turbulence in the Relationship Between Strategic Orientation and Organization Performance: The Case of Ethiopian Commercial Banks.
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-13) Yishak Lemi; Lakew Alemu (PhD)
    Strategic orientation creates conditions that enhance organisational competitiveness and performance but existing studies gives less attention. The Purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between Strategic orientation dimensions and performance and the moderating role of environmental turbulence in Ethiopian commercial banks. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design was adopted. This study used two sampling stages. The first one is to sample out the bank’s (strata’s) from the banking industry and secondly a number of respondents within the selected banks. Data were collected from the sample of 221 from four banks head office employees in Addis Ababa through questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the data with the aid of SPSS version 27. In addition, Hayes process model 1 was used for computing and describing the moderation analysis. Evidence from the study showed that the study variables (EO, LO, TO) significantly influenced organization Performance but MO has found to be statistically insignificant in predicting the level of organization Performance. The study also finds that Environment turbulence has a moderating role on the effect between predictors (EO, LO, TO) on organization performance. The study also shows that low environment turbulence is more favorable for strategies than high environment turbulence. Based on the findings, it is recommended banks should practice strategic orientation in their businesses during low environment turbulence. However further research may consider investigating MO independently and further investigate the moderating effect of other factors in predicting bank performance Keywords: Strategic orientation, Market orientation, Entrepreneurial orientation, Learning orientation, Technology orientations, environment turbulence, Bank performance
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    Effect of Organizational Culture on Employees’ Engagement; The case of Heineken Breweries Share Company
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-22) Yulian Berhane; Hailemariam G. (PhD)
    The study has sought the effects of organizational culture on employees' engagement in Heineken brewery share company. The study used quantitative research method and explanatory research design to objectively answer the proposed research questions. Stratified Random Probability sampling technique was used to select the employees’ Descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression were carried out to analyze the data using SPSS version 27. Descriptive analysis was used to determine which culture is dominant in the company and the level of their engagement and Regression analysis was used to assess the effects of organizational culture on the employees’ engagement. The study shows that there is positive relationship between most of the organizational culture (Clan culture, Market culture and Hierarchy culture) and employees’ engagement. However, a significant effect was not identified for Adhocracy culture on employees engagement. Thus, Clan culture is the most dominant organizational culture traits with beta value 0.371, followed by Hierarchy culture (B=.213), Market culture (B=.148) and Adhocracy culture (B=.064). The significance level of Clan culture, Hierarchy culture, Market culture, Adhocracy culture is 000, .004, .046 and.366 respectively. This implies that there is statistically significant relationship between all cultures and the employee’s engagement with the exception of Adhocracy culture. Therefore, the null hypotheses related to Hierarchy culture, Market culture, Clan culture, were rejected and Adhocracy culture was accepted. Based on the findings, the study recommends that Heineken brewery share company should focus on other Cultural Aspects: Since adhocracy culture does not seem to impact engagement, explore other cultural dimensions such as Clan Culture: Emphasizing a family-like environment, with a focus on collaboration, communication, and employee development. Market Culture: Focus on competitiveness, goal achievement, and productivity which might resonate better with the employees. Keywords: Clan culture, Adhocracy culture, Market culture, Hierarchy culture and Employees engagement
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    The Role of Family Dynamics During A Transition to an Entre-Preneurial Career: A Study of Youth Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
    (A.A.U, 2024-02-17) Jebessa Teshome Bayissa; Mohammed Seid (PhD)
    The purpose of thesis is to explore the role of family dynamics in the process of the transi-tioning of adolescent family members to an entrepreneurial career. It draws on a longitudinal study of young entrepreneurs who chose their careers in entrepreneurship through co-establishing new firms against a family embedded in an institutional setting where entrepre-neurship career choice is not the common norm. In this case, the study explores how the youth entrepreneurs relate the transitioning process to their entrepreneurial career to family members’ feelings, actions, and reactions. The thesis lines up with two strands of the litera-ture - career perspective and family embeddedness approach. In a way it further steers earlier works which suggest viewing entrepreneurship from a career perspective and the role of fa-milial relations in the process of realizing entrepreneurship career. The thesis compares fa-milial relations with venture creation processes by a family member.The findings of the thesis show that family dynamics including the perception and expecta-tion of parents, siblings, and extended family members about business career influences the development, and formation of entrepreneurial career. The entrepreneur -family relational dynamics during the venturing process shows that mothers tend to be the most significant others in supporting the entrepreneurs’ career during the early stage of venturing, fathers come in the middle stage of the venturing. Moreover, the findings show relational tensions in the early stage of venturing, familial scaffolding during the startup stage and entrepreneurs’ increasing aspirations to become independent at the later stage of venturing. Because entre-preneurs live and mainly network among the family members; entrepreneurial career mainly takes part in a family setting confirming the role that family dynamics contributes to the tran-sition of a family member to entrepreneurial career. It proposes the understanding of the process of transitioning to entrepreneurial career as the process of individuation from family relations. The thesis argues that in an institutionally void and unconducive family setting to entrepreneurship, young entrepreneur’s motivation towards entrepreneurial career influ-ences the family context and fosters quick individuation and challenge the unconducive fami-ly setting toward business. The thesis contributes to the literature of career perspective of entrepreneurship and family embeddedness.
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    The Impact of Work-Life Balance Dimensions on Employee Engagement, The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction: The Case of Bunna Bank Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-21) Mekbib Tola; Abera Legesse
    The General objective of this study is to investigate the Impact of Work-Life Balance Dimensions on Employee Engagement, the mediating effect of Job Satisfaction within the Specific Context of Bunna Bank in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methodologically, there is explanatory design with quantitative data type. The questionnaire was including validated scales to measure the constructs of interest from the Job Demands-Resources model (e.g. facets of work-life balance, engagement, job satisfaction, etc.) for Bunna Bank managerial level responds. The Data was then undergone rigorous statistical analyses including descriptive analyses, and multiple linear regressions modeling to examine relationships between work-life balance dimensions, engagement and satisfaction while accounting for potential confounding variables. The descriptive statistics indicate that while employees at Bunna Bank generally express moderate levels of job satisfaction, there are areas that require improvement, including fulfillment, growth opportunities, autonomy, recognition, and work-life balance. Similarly, the engagement levels of employees are moderate overall, with room for enhancement in work engagement and commitment, clarity of role and responsibilities, and feedback and recognition. The regression analysis reveals that work-life balance factors significantly influence both job satisfaction and employee job engagement. Finally, the Andrew Hayes PROCESS Macro Model analysis shows that the importance of addressing work-life balance and job satisfaction within Bunna Bank, as these factors have a significant impact on employee engagement. It is essential to note that these conclusions are specific to the context of Bunna Bank in Ethiopia and the variables considered in the analysis.
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    The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employees’ Performance in the Case of Awash Bank and Dashen Bank: A Comparative Analysis
    (A.A.U, 2024-06-19) Hana Nebiyu; Yohannes Workaferaw (Associate Professor)
    This study examines the impact of emotional intelligence on employee performance at Dashen Bank and Awash Bank, employing multiple regression analysis to explore the influence of selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The study was collected data using questionnaire from managers/supervisors, officers and other employees of Awash bank and Dashen Bank head office, out of 162 the total questionnaire 157 questionnaires were filled and returned from the Dashen Bank and Awash Bank. A quantitative research design and descriptive and explanatory study approach were used in this study. The information used on this observes have been Questionnaire adapted from preceding literature. The scope of the take a look at turned into constrained to randomly decided on banks. Conceptually, there are 4 dimensions of emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, Self- management, Social awareness, and relationship management. Information collected from respondents based on 5 points Likert scales were analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. The result reveals that Awash Bank’s regression model, with an R Square of 0.864, accounts for a higher variance in employee performance compared to Dashen Bank’s 0.735. Significant predictors of performance at Awash Bank include all four emotional intelligence components, while at Dashen Bank, social awareness and relationship management are the primary drivers. The findings suggest that a comprehensive focus on emotional intelligence, particularly self-awareness and self-management, enhances employee performance more effectively. Recommendations include implementing tailored emotional intelligence training programs, promoting a culture of emotional intelligence, and conducting regular assessments to ensure continuous improvement. This study underscores the critical role of emotional intelligence in optimizing employee performance and organizational success.
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    Effects of Electronic Banking Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: the Case of Dashen Bank S.C
    (A.A.U, 2023-06-28) Meron Berhanu; Salehu Anteneh(Phd)
    With a focus on Dashen Bank in Addis Abeba, the study's main objective is to explore the impact of e-banking service quality on customer satisfaction, for Rating extent importance of the quality dimension, (Tangibles, Reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy). Each element measures customers' expectations and perceptions of bank's e-banking service. The study sample consisted of 384 Dashen Bank customers chosen at random from four districts in Addis Abeba using a non-probability sampling approach, out of which it focused on a convenient sampling technique. 354 properly filled survey question response has been gathered and entered SPSS ‘20. According to the findings, majority of Dashen Bank customers are found to be dissatisfied if the bank's e-banking service performance is less than what the expected to receive (negative disconfirmation). The Pearson correlation test results show that independent variables all the angles of e-banking service quality, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles, are significantly and positively associated with customer satisfaction, and as a result, all hypotheses were accepted. Customer satisfaction assurance is ranked first in terms of the correlation between the dependent variable and its magnitude, followed by reliability, responsiveness, responsiveness, and tangibles. Finally, the researcher made a constructive suggestion to ensure quality e-banking services, such as: For the bank to take effective action to bridge the gap between customer expectations and recovery performance, it is necessary to understand what customers expect from them. Furthermore, the results of this study demonstrate that banks can evaluate at least five aspects of service quality to analyze caliber of services offered and identify which aspects still need to be improved.
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    The Mediating Effect of Organizational Learning on the Relationship Between NBE Monetary Policy and Selected State-owned and Private Commercial Banks Of Ethiopia Profitability
    (AAU, 2024-07-01) Hailemeskel Wegayehu; Dejene Tulu (PhD)
    A country's economy is heavily reliant on a properly functioning banking system to keep money flowing smoothly. The banking sector has consistently served the economy by ensuring profitability. Monetary policy, on the other hand, is a short-term government policy used to control a money supply and keep inflation under control. The objective of this study was to examine the mediating effect of organizational learning on the relationship between NBE monetary policy and the commercial banks of Ethiopia profitability. To achieve the study's objective, the researcher employed an explanatory research design and a quantitative research approach. The study's target population consisted of senior managers from seventeen Ethiopian commercial banks. 264 respondents were selected using a random sampling technique. A structured and self-administered questionnaire was developed for NBE monetary policy dimensions (reserve requirement, liquidity requirement, Treasury bond purchase, foreign exchange surrender requirement, and credit cap expansion), organizational learning, and bank profitability, and distributed to target respondents. This study used 211 questionnaires, and the results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson Correlation analysis reveals a statistically significant negative relationship between all NBE monetary policy dimensions, while organizational learning had a statistically significant positive relationship with bank profitability. Furthermore, the regression results showed that NBE monetary policy dimensions (reserve requirement, Treasury bond purchase, foreign exchange surrender requirement, and credit cap expansion) had a negative and statistically significant effect on bank profitability, whereas liquidity requirement and organizational learning had a positive and statistically significant effect on bank profitability. Among the study's variables, credit cap expansion was identified as the most important factor in bank profitability. According to Hayes' SPSS Process Macro findings, organizational learning partially mediates the relationship between NBE monetary policy and commercial bank profitability. Thus, it is strongly advised that banks diversify their revenue streams through organizational learning, such as expanding wealth management services, interest-free banking, and increasing commissions, service charges, and fees, rather than relying solely on loans and advances. Decision-makers also needed learning agility to seize the opportunity and adapt the bank's business model to changes in monetary policy. Depending on the study findings, additional recommendations were made.