Housing Development
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Item Management of Shared Outdoor Spaces in Government Developed Condominium Housing in Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2024-09-01) Betelhem Demeke Dilamo; Wubshet Berhanu (PhD]This study assessed the state and management of shared outdoor spaces in condominium housing and their impact on social interaction within selected neighbourhoods in Addis Ababa. Since the launch of Ethiopia's IHDP program in 2004, which aimed to integrate green spaces, playgrounds, schools, and commercial hubs into condominium sites, poor management and improper use of these shared spaces have emerged as significant challenges. Using case studies of two condominium sites, the research aimed to evaluate the state and management of shared outdoor spaces, identify challenges in their management, and examine the effects on residents' social ties. Data collection involved questionnaires, observations, interviews with 30 residents, key informants, and condominium association members, supported by secondary sources on housing management policies. The management of shared outdoor spaces in the Lafto Deset condominium highlights significant challenges. Despite the presence of internal regulations meant to govern these spaces, such as parking areas, playgrounds, roads, and slaughtering areas, are largely ignored in practice. Residents are overwhelmingly dissatisfied, with 93.3% expressing frustration over the poor performance of the management committees. Issues such as corruption, resource mismanagement, budget constraints, lack of commitment, and inadequate communication contribute to this dissatisfaction. Additionally, inappropriate design and neglect exacerbate the problems, leading to unsafe and unsanitary conditions. In contrast, the Ayat Arenguadew Mender site demonstrates a well-functioning management system, fostering better social interactions and community bonds through effective use and maintenance of shared spaces. The study underscores the importance of robust management systems in enhancing the quality of life and social ties within condominium communities. Keywords: Shared outdoor space; Social Interaction; Management system; Addis Ababa; EthiopiaItem Housing and Settlement Transformations in the Surrounding Peri-Urban Areas of Hosanna Town: The Cases of Ambicho and Kidigisa, Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia.(Addis Ababa University, 2019-02-01) Addisyihun Abayneh Hamore; Yonas Alemayehu SoressaRate of urbanization is high in developing countries like Ethiopia. Subsequently, urban areas have been crowded by population increase due to rural-urban migration and increased need of housing and employment. However, due to lack of comprehensive plan to accommodate emerging needs of urbanization surrounding rural ‘peri-urban’ areas become vulnerable for unplanned transformations. Although there is little attempt to study socio-economic and policy issues in the peri-urban areas, the area of spatial transformations in the peri-urban Hosanna is not studied so far. Therefore, the objective of this study focuses on investigating characteristics, causes and processes of spatial transformations happening on transitional peri-urban areas. The study also suggest possible recommendations for the future planning. In order to achieve the esteemed objective, this study used case study method since it is best for descriptive and explanatory analysis. Therefore, two cases, Ambicho and Kidigisa, are selected to have comparative analysis too. In general, the study uses quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the extent and depth of the problem. The study found out that spatial transformations in the settlements happens due to multiple factors such as ‘selling’ land informally for economic improvement and fearing expropriation by government program, and land fragmentation due to densification. These factors transform farm land and rural settlement in to informal residential areas. As a result almost all rural land holdings experience fragmentation and use change. Regarding housing type, four typologies of thatch roof houses are identified in these area. These are ‘Goye’e’, ‘Jagara’, and ‘Sa’l mine’ and ‘ga’p mine’. Each of these typologies serve different purposes. However, the transformations in the area replaced these traditional thatch roof houses by modern CIS roof houses ‘korkoro bet’. Newly introduced ‘korkoro bet’ has two typologies, these are ‘amora kinf’ and ‘service bet’. Overall settlement transformations also include socio-economic change in which previous livelihood base of farming have been replaced by commerce and some informal activities. Buying Bajaj for business or sending family member abroad to generate remittance money are the main activities performed after ‘selling’ of farm land. Therefore, in order to promote infrastructure and service provision and to formalize informal economic activities, this study recommends local governments, community leaders and urban planners to take planning interventions through participatory approach. Planning should also consider livelihood base, sites context and vernacular building culture of the community.Item Housing Condition of Industrial Parks Workers The Case of Hawassa Industrial park(Addis Ababa University, 2019-03-01) Selamawit Teku Jego; Imam Mahmoud HassenHawassa industrial park is one of the early developed industrial parks (inaugurated on June 2016 GC) found in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR) of Ethiopia. Housing condition of Industrial park workers’; The case of Hawassa Industrial Park IV The park is specialized in garment production, and currently has 12,600 employees of which 10,000 are operators (low payed and nonprofessional employees) and 2,600 are professionals and expatriates. The number of employees are expected to grow to 60,000 in the next five years. Most workers have come from different rural area of SNNPR. There is none enough housing provided. The study focuses on housing condition of the low payed IP workers, unlike different studies made were related to industrial parks development economic impact and heath related issues. It assessed the physical, economic and social aspect of the housing condition of industrial park operation workers and analysed the socio-economic impact of the housing condition on the lives of these workers. The study finally forwarded possible solutions to the problems identified. The housing study was made on two purposively selected case sites (Adis Ketema and Dato Odahe areas of Hawassa industrial park employees living in both case study sites were interviewed and key informants ; Federal , regional and Zonal officials related to the study, landlords, Hawassa city administration, SMFI, the local micro finance institution were primary data sources to get an all rounded data. The study found out that the workers live in rental houses borderline affordable, however the housing scheme that is currently providing for HIP workers, aside from its inadequacy in terms of numbers has challenges of financial viability for the landlords. It also has limitations in fulfilling basic physical requirement of residence. Over crowdedness and lack of privacy was noted in these houses. But in spite of the poor housing quality and less services availability, large number of workers preferred to rent rooms in new expansion areas of the city: the rural neighbourhoods. The workers social and economic life has also been negativity affected due to their housing condition. The study finally recommended to the federal, regional and HIP system should do. Housing the IP workers need supported housing development with in and on the satellite towns would share the load. The housing development should not only be provided but must be integrated with services and infrastructures.Item Satisfaction Level Assessment of the Integrated Housing Development Program (IHDP) Residents: The Case of Key Bahir and Mickey Lay Land Condominium Sites Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa Unversity, 2019-06-01) Nardos Seleshi Kelkay; Imam Mahamoud HassenResidential satisfaction is individual residents' subjective evaluation of their comprehensive satisfaction regarding their housing and neighborhood environment. Many researchers in different fields have examined the personal, physical, economic, social, institutional and managerial dimensions of housing satisfaction. The Integrated Housing Development Project (IHDP) is the flagship housing project in Ethiopia since 2005. It is implemented by the government targeting to provide affordable housing to low and middle income sections of the society. This research assessed the satisfaction level of the IHDP condominium residents in Addis Ababa. It took the case of two condominium sites that have been lived in for a number of years, one in the inner city and one in the outskirts of the city. I.e. Key Baher and Mickey lay land site. Out of the internationally used dimensions of housing satisfaction survey, this research chose the two most affecting dimensions (i.e. Physical and social dimension) to measure the satisfaction level by relating it to the objective and implementation of the IHDP. Case study method is used as a research method. Qualitative method is applied for collecting data and quantitative method to compute and analyze the collected data. The target populations are taken from condominium houses constructed by AAHCPO and distributed to beneficiaries through lottery system or any other means. Purposive selection method was used to select sample residential houses to conduct the interviews. In order to make the study fair and representative of the whole study site, the samples are taken from each block /building typologies, each floors and housing typologies (Studio, one bedroom, two bedroom and three bedroom). The main finding of the study is that the residents of both condominium sites are generally satisfied by having a dwelling for their family. There were variation in the level of satisfaction among residents depending on whether the condominium is located in inner city or urban periphery, weather their housing unit is top floor or ground floor, better housing structural quality, proximity to major public service and utilities, absences of children playground, absence of adult recreation center, neighborhood cleanness, day and night bar noise and lack of living experience in multi-story houses were the main contributing factors to the lower satisfaction level of residents.Item Density and Transformation on Small Plot Residential Neighborhood; The Case of Mekelakya Sefer, Addis Ababa(Addis Ababa University, 2019-06-01) Elham Mohammed Ahmedtaha; Elias Yitbarek(PhD)The research is conducted to understand the residential density, housing transformation and the relation between the two in a small plot residential neighborhood commonly known as ‘Mekelakya Sefer’. The neighborhood is made up of plots ranging from 63.5m2 – 78.8 m 2. The site has been chosen because of its small size and the extensive transformation it has undergone. The research is explanatory in its nature and has both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Interviews, maps, random survey sample and purposive case study samples were used to gather data. The research mainly employs timeline comparative study between the original and current state of the neighborhood for analysis and interpretation. The study found that Housing unit density was decreased and conversely household density has increased in the site due to housing transformation. The housing unit density owes its decrease due to the extensive joining of small plots to make larger ones. And the increase of household density is mainly through the wide spread practice of house/room rent within a housing unit. Regarding housing transformation, there are two types of transformation; Extension type and Tabula rasa type. From the different motives of housing transformations, transformation due to Socio-economic reasons are the prevalent motive of transforming. Houses transform not to increase or decrease the density but to have more space for their socio economic activities. From these activities 2 (two) activities stand out as the factor to determine residential density change. These are Joining of plots and house/room rent. Joining of plots decreases housing unit density and house/room rent increases household density. The study recommends the encouragement of regulated transformation activity as they provide affordable housing to tenants. At the same time, transformation increases and residential and commercial ‘mixity’1 of the neighborhood which is one of the goals of compact city. The study also recommends that allotted plots should not be too small as to push owners to merge them as one plotItem Peri-Urban Intervention and its Socioeconomic and Spatial Impacts on Early Settlers of Adi-Dairo - Mekelle City(Addis Ababa University, 2020-05-01) Bisrat Hadush Nega; Yonas Alemayehu SoressaVarious studies suggest and forecast rapid urban growth in developing countries. Rapid urbanization in Ethiopia is a formal process in which inhabitants of designated (including) rural villages become urban residents by law. However, its empirical development and the socioeconomic and spatial impact of the intervention on early settlers have not been well documented and its consequences for inclusiveness have not been well understood. The main contribution of this research is, first, to fill the research gap by providing a more up-to- date empirical study of pre-planning development and intervention of peri-urban settlements in Mekelle and, in particular, in the settlement of Adi Dairo. Second, to know the extent of the inclusiveness of early settlers on the peri-urban planning process and implemented development plan. To achieve this objective, the study used a case study method. The study comprises quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the extent and depth of the problem. Findings show that the pre-planning peri-urban settlements mainly develop because of demographics increase (fertility), migration and reclassification or demarcation of the area to the city. Thus, the settlement gets denser, economically change from agricultural dominant land use to residence and services use, and change its morphology. Besides, the planning process was weak in the participation of the settlers, lacks documenting existed socio-economic and spatial situation of the settlers, weak analysis, and incomplete LDP especially land use and parcellation. This situation has led economically to losing the primary job, unemployment, unaffordability and extra expense for transport, service and daily consumptions. Socially to marginalization and gentrification. Moreover, spatially leads to demolishing and rearranging their house without compensation, dislocation far from their previous settlement and lack of open spaces. The transformation has also positive impacts on the provision of infrastructure, accessible streets and getting an extra source of income. To solve the negative impacts, the peri-urban settlement should develop with a different type of developing intervention model within its indigenousness and a thorough analysis of the actual situation of settlements. Besides, the intervention should be in such a way as to help the early settlers transform their lives, increases the quality of life, in a compact form, and inclusive in the planning process and the development plan or design itself.Item Assessment of Environmental Sustainability of IHDP-Developed Buildings the case of Mekanisa-Kotari Condominium Housing(Addis Ababa University, 2021-06-01) Bezawit Teshome; Wubshet BerhanuEthiopia is a second most populous land locked country found in east Africa. With the fast growing economy, urbanization and population the country‟s need to housing increased rapidly. Due to the increase urban population there is a high need of standard housing. The government is forced to introduce a new program called Integrated Housing development program (IHDP). Since 2006 it provides housing opportunities for low and middle income families while fulfilling other objectives related to housing. The mass housing provision of the IHDP developed building must be assessed for sustainability in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the building in the long run. This study of assessment on environmental sustainability of the IHDP developed building is to examine and measure the environmental sustainability of the Mekanisa-kotari condominium site. In order to answer the research questions the research takes a case study method performed in Mekanisa-kotari condominium with a quota sampling technique of non- probability sampling used for qualitative data based on sustainable/Green/ building components compiled from international standards chosen for this research due to the lack of the country‟s sustainable assessment tools. According to the data analysis the sites green area development, non-polluted air, good environmental quality on natural lighting, air quality, thermal comfort and quality view are the components which have a positive experience among the residents. This should be enhanced and supported by professionals and government. The other components such as water efficiency, use of recycled material, solid waste disposal system, dampness conditions of the building, durability of the building parts and the operation & maintenance are impacting the environmental sustainability of the site. This components needs a quick interventions starting from policy, programing and planning, design and also use & operation of the buildings. Finally the study recommends some solutions to implement based on the assessed data on the current use and operation stage of the buildingItem Potential of Housing Developments in Addis Ababa to Incorporate E- Working, E-Learning and Supportive Infrastructures. The Cases of Enderase, Mickey Lelandand Bole Arabsa Project 15 Condominium Sites, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2019-02-01) Ayele Bedada Duguma; Imam Mahmoud HassenRecent global technological developments are bringing Eco-friendly solutions to urban situation where there are ineffective uses of resource and loss of time. While there are local researches that studied housing developments from angles of open spaces, relocation, job creation and income generation, construction technology and etc., there are no studies in housing made through ICT and other related supportive infrastructures, regarding Homeworking and Learning from Home. This research studies the existing ICT and related technology types and the extent of their usage at three different condominiums in the city Addis Ababa in relation to e-learning and e-working in order to investigate the potential of housings in Addis Ababa to incorporate homeworking and learning from home activities. The research in general shades light on the potential of housing developments in Addis Ababa in terms of meeting the needs of residents in flexible living, working and schooling conditions. The research employs qualitative and quantitative data simultaneously. All household members from selected blocks are surveyed through interview while sampling of sites, blocks and households is done through random and systematic sampling. Key informant and resident Questioners are conducted through self-enumeration and Interviewer-assisted techniques in open and close ended formats. The research questions indicate four main areas: (1) the existing technology types and (2) the extent of their use, (3) favorability of selected housing developments for e-learning and e-working and (4) the future of housing development in Addis Ababa in meeting the needs of residents in flexible living, working and schooling conditions. Findings show, there are high potentials for e-learning and e-working at Enderase, Mickey Leland and Bole Arabsa project 15 condominium sites as most of the residents use internet, are computer literate and have expressed strong interest to engage in e-working and e-learning activities. Since almost all of the country’s universities are connected through an underground data cable and online education is being conducted at university levels, even without internet service, e-learning can be implemented though Ethernet by connecting housing with the universities. The research in general recommended the integration of technological organizations and innovation centers of the city during implementation of housing projects to upgrade housing developments. This furthermore allows residents to be effective and benefit from the global economy. Spatial recommendations of the research include: ICT infrastructure layout at different clusters of housing blocks, housing units, communal blocks and proposed supportive infrastructures through consideration of urban spaces and housing units’ arrangement during integration of ICT infrastructure; existing land use plan, if there is any, while introducing supportive and related infrastructures.Item Influence of Housing Density on Open Space Utilization The Case of CMC Apartments, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2020-06-01) Amanuel Alemu Desta; Elias Yitbarek AlemayehuThe primary focus of this thesis is studying housing density and its influence on open space utilization, interpreting the subject both conceptually and numerically. The researcher Purposively selected respondents from seven types of buildings which are found in CMC compound to study the implications of Housing Density with the residents’ open space utilization. The analysis for this thesis is classified in to two broad sections. The first section being quantitative in its very nature, uses secondary sources to calculate density. The later section, links housing density with open space utilization of the residents by selecting two most common characteristics of density as reference. These are: Enclosure (Horizontal attribute) and Building height (Vertical attribute). These are further discussed by contextually defining and classifying the buildings in the compound for ease of relating density with the residents. It was found that respondents with enclosed open space utilize open space more than those which are not enclosed. Highly enclosed neighborhood however, disconnects spaces resulting in introvert spaces. Additionally, building height increment is found to discourage residents in using open spaces. The study also discloses numbers regarding density by using the most common measurements such as Net and Gross housing density, FAR, BAR. The housing density, based on the results from gross housing density calculations the housing density of CMC apartment being 24.67 Hu/Ha is below the lowest bench mark set for gross housing density nationally. Hence low housing density. As far as the international standard for net housing density is concerned the net housing density being 88.85 Hu/Ha falls under medium density housing. The thesis recommends that beyond for the needs for accommodation and density, it is essential to take in to account the ties these entities have with the residents. Along with the provision of open spaces building layouts of the compound both in cluster or building level are important. It is with such detailing that the interests of residents could be fulfilledItem Housing and Settlement Transformations in the Surrounding Peri-Urban Areas of Hosanna Town: The cases of Ambicho and Kidigisa, Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia(Addis Ababa University, 2019-02-01) Elham Mohammed Ahmedtaha; Yonas Alemayehu SoressaRate of urbanization is high in developing countries like Ethiopia. Subsequently, urban areas have been crowded by population increase due to rural-urban migration and increased need of housing and employment. However, due to lack of comprehensive plan to accommodate emerging needs of urbanization surrounding rural ‘peri-urban’ areas become vulnerable for unplanned transformations. Although there is little attempt to study socio-economic and policy issues in the peri-urban areas, the area of spatial transformations in the peri-urban Hosanna is not studied so far. Therefore, the objective of this study focuses on investigating characteristics, causes and processes of spatial transformations happening on transitional peri-urban areas. The study also suggest possible recommendations for the future planning. In order to achieve the esteemed objective, this study used case study method since it is best for descriptive and explanatory analysis. Therefore, two cases, Ambicho and Kidigisa, are selected to have comparative analysis too. In general, the study uses quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the extent and depth of the problem. The study found out that spatial transformations in the settlements happens due to multiple factors such as ‘selling’ land informally for economic improvement and fearing expropriation by government program, and land fragmentation due to densification. These factors transform farm land and rural settlement in to informal residential areas. As a result almost all rural land holdings experience fragmentation and use change. Regarding housing type, four typologies of thatch roof houses are identified in these area. These are ‘Goye’e’, ‘Jagara’, and ‘Sa’l mine’ and ‘ga’p mine’. Each of these typologies serve different purposes. However, the transformations in the area replaced these traditional thatch roof houses by modern CIS roof houses ‘korkoro bet’. Newly introduced ‘korkoro bet’ has two typologies, these are ‘amora kinf’ and ‘service bet’. Overall settlement transformations also include socio-economic change in which previous livelihood base of farming have been replaced by commerce and some informal activities. Buying Bajaj for business or sending family member abroad to generate remittance money are the main activities performed after ‘selling’ of farm land. Therefore, in order to promote infrastructure and service provision and to formalize informal economic activities, this study recommends local governments, community leaders and urban planners to take planning interventions through participatory approach. Planning should also consider livelihood base, sites context and vernacular building culture of the community