Peri-Urban Intervention and its Socioeconomic and Spatial Impacts on Early Settlers of Adi-Dairo - Mekelle City
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Addis Ababa University
Various studies suggest and forecast rapid urban growth in developing countries. Rapid
urbanization in Ethiopia is a formal process in which inhabitants of designated (including) rural
villages become urban residents by law. However, its empirical development and the
socioeconomic and spatial impact of the intervention on early settlers have not been well
documented and its consequences for inclusiveness have not been well understood.
The main contribution of this research is, first, to fill the research gap by providing a more up-to-
date empirical study of pre-planning development and intervention of peri-urban settlements in
Mekelle and, in particular, in the settlement of Adi Dairo. Second, to know the extent of the
inclusiveness of early settlers on the peri-urban planning process and implemented development
plan. To achieve this objective, the study used a case study method. The study comprises
quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the extent and depth of the problem.
Findings show that the pre-planning peri-urban settlements mainly develop because of
demographics increase (fertility), migration and reclassification or demarcation of the area to the
city. Thus, the settlement gets denser, economically change from agricultural dominant land use to
residence and services use, and change its morphology. Besides, the planning process was weak
in the participation of the settlers, lacks documenting existed socio-economic and spatial situation
of the settlers, weak analysis, and incomplete LDP especially land use and parcellation. This
situation has led economically to losing the primary job, unemployment, unaffordability and extra
expense for transport, service and daily consumptions. Socially to marginalization and
gentrification. Moreover, spatially leads to demolishing and rearranging their house without
compensation, dislocation far from their previous settlement and lack of open spaces. The
transformation has also positive impacts on the provision of infrastructure, accessible streets and
getting an extra source of income.
To solve the negative impacts, the peri-urban settlement should develop with a different type of
developing intervention model within its indigenousness and a thorough analysis of the actual
situation of settlements. Besides, the intervention should be in such a way as to help the early
settlers transform their lives, increases the quality of life, in a compact form, and inclusive in the
planning process and the development plan or design itself.
Adi Dairo, impact, inclusiveness, peri-urban, settlement