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Item An Assessment of Lmplemetion of Non-Foral Alternative Basic Education Supported by Ngos: The Case Of East Shewa Zone And Adama City Administration(Addis Ababa University, 2007-06) W/Amanuel, Asheber; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)In Ethiopia, as the basis for any development endeavor, considerable attention and priority has been given to primary education. To this effect, the MOE has established partnership with NGOs to implement educational activities in general and Alternative Basic Education to promote primary education in particular. In practice, however, these activities were highly challenged by a number of problems. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to assess implementation of Nonformal Alternative Basic Education supported by NGOs. Based on this purpose, brief review of related literature and experience of some countries were assessed. Descriptive survey method was used for the study. Data were gathered from facilitators, government and NGO's officials, Center Management Committee members, primary school teachers, and previous ABE students. Data were collected from respondents through questionnaires, focus group discussion and document analysis. In order to select sample population purposive, random and availability-sampling techniques were employed. Appropriate statistical tools (the mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA) were used in order to analyze and interpret the data. The findings of the study revealed that though training was given to facilitators, the training given i17 relation to their duties and responsibilities were insufficient. Consequently, the performance of facilitators was found to be relatively poor. The study also showed that the salary paid for facilitators was unsatisfactory. On top of this, the contribution of Alternative Basic Education in the project area was found to be relatively good in solving the problem of the area. However, in the regional and national level it was not satisfactory. According to the findings deduced from the study, it was revealed that the relation between formal and ABE center was very low. Although community participation was encouraging, the commitments from the government side in supervision and monitoring were at low level. Moreover, the opinion and views of stakeholders towards the use of Alternative Basic Education were found to be positive, which may create fertile ground for expansion of Alternative Basic Education. Furthermore, it was found out that there were problems related to textbooks and reference materials, lack of facilitators' motivation, poor educational facilities, and scarcity of financial support of NGOs. These were the main problems that hinder the implementation of Alternative Basic Education. Hence, it is suggested that facilitators should be motivated and trained with relevant training in relation to their duties and responsibilities. For the success of Alternative Basic Education in promoting primary education, the respective government bodies, NGOs and the community should accomplish their responsibility in organized manner. In addition to this, the government and NGOs should sensitize and mobilize the respective community to expand Alternative Basic Education to underprivileged areaItem The Atiitude of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Trainees Towards Self-Employment in Benishangulgumuz Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2011-07) Tasissa, Gezahegn; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The purpose of this study was to identify the attitude of TVET stu dents towards self employment and also to explore the Jactors that may negatively or positively influence the allitude of the trainees towards self employment. To this end, a descriptive survey method was employed Jar the study. The sample Jar th e survey was selected from th e two Government TVET colleges oj Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. Questionnaires having 50 allitudinal items construct ed using Likert scale and 18 supplementary items were administered to 11 8 trainees and 27 trainers. In addition, vocational counselors, entrepreneurship teachers and cooperative training coordinators were included in the study. The data were analyzed using Jrequencies, and percentage. The result oj the study revealed aJavorable allitude towards self employment irr espective of gender, year level and Jelids of study. The study also showed that the proportion of theory and practice was in th e right balance and the courses were relevant to selfemployment/ job cre ati on. In addition, the result oj the s tudy depicted that th e hand tools in all TVET colleges were adequate enough in terms oj preparing the trainees to create their own jobs. However, the machineries in some colleges as well as tex tbooks and relevant reJerence materials in all colleges were inadequate. Regarding self-employment opportunities as a Junction vJ access to market Jar finished products and access to credit, it wa s revealed that there was a high opportunity in each town. Based on this it was concluded that, the altitude of TVET trainees was positive towards self employment as a Junction , gender differences, year level andfields of study, self employment creation an d the entrepreneurship course in terms oj preparing the trainees to create their own job were on th e right track. But it was indicated that the total time set Jar entrepreneurship course was less in tea ching practically, vocational guidance and counseling the study showed t ha t the relationship be tween the trainees and the guidance and counselor was weak and they were not processional in gnonliving advice. In line with the above finding, the Hollowing points were recommended. Encouraging Jactors like expansion investment, hous ing development project and in/i"astructure that resulted in Javorableallitudeoj the trainees should be Jurther expanded. Textbooks and related reJerence materials should be provided Jar all colleges. Finally, the TVET colleges should work in collaboration with other governmental, nongovernme ntal and private organizations.Item The Effectiveness of Prep ara Tory Origin Secondary School Teachers in North Shew A Zone of Oromia Region(Addis Ababa University, 2008-06) Lemma, Abbi; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main purposes of this study were examining the effectiveness of preparatory origin teachers (POTs) in North Shewa Zone of Oromia Region and identifying factors that affect their effectiveness. Accordingly, data was collected from secondary school students; senior colleagues of the POTs, department heads, vice principals and principals as well as preparatOlY origin teachers. Questionnaires, observation checklists and unstructured interview were used /0 secure the necessary data from these sources. The data obtained through close-ended questionnaires and observation checklists were quantitatively analyzed by using frequency counts, percentages and mean scores. Data from open-ended questions and interview were analyzed by describing or narrating and interpreting to substantiate the quantitative analysis and interpretations. The result indicated that the preparatory origin teachers in the specified zone were partially or less effective as examined in terms of subject mailer knowledge, clarity, variety, task orientation, engagement, moderate-to-high success rate and other two behaviors. It was also found out that negative allitudes towards the profession, insufficiency in the pre-service trainings, recruitment criteria, the impact of plasma, lack of experiences, heavy work load, lack of cooperation, lack of sufficient instructional materials, etc were some of the factors that hinder their effectiveness. Finally, based on these findings some pragmatiC and possible suggestions were forwarded to help improve the disserved state of affairsItem Integration of Cultural Elements in Selected Textbooks of Addis Ababa Primary School Curriculum(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Awel, Abdulhayi; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)This study is focused on integration of cultural elements in selected textbooks of Addis Ababa second cycle primary school curriculum. The objective of the research is to study the integration of the diverse cultures of the different ethnic groups in selected textbooks of the second cycle primary schools of Addis Ababa. To carry out this the objective was to analyze whether the selected textbooks (of Social Studies, Civics and Ethical Education , Amharic, Physical Education and Music) reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity. These textbooks are purposefully selected. Content analysis is used as a main method by forming four cultural categories such as Hero/Heroines, Material culture, songs and plays and values separately for each of dominant and diverse ethnic groups. The data collected through content analysis are also supplemented by survey data gathered from teachers found in sample primary schools curriculum developers in Addis Ababa and Education Bureau. The findings of the research show that cultures of dominant ethnic groups most incorporated culture in the selected textbooks of Addis Ababa second cycle primary schools. Cultures of diverse ethnic groups are very insignificantly mentioned in the contents of Social Studies, Amharic and Music textbooks. In Civics and Ethical education and Physical education however better incorporation was observed but with little pages devoted to diversity and multicultural concerns in Physical education. The study also revealed that major diversity and multicultural issues are poorly contextualized and inefficiently exploited. And , in the light of the research findings recommendations were madeItem Integration of Cultural Elements in Selected Textbooks of Addis Ababa Primary School Curriculum(Addis Ababa University, 2009-06) Awel, Abdulhayi; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)This study is focused on integration of cultural elements in selected textbooks of Addis Ababa second cycle primary school curriculum. The objective of the research is to study the integration of the diverse cultures of the different ethnic groups in selected textbooks of the second cycle primary schools of Addis Ababa. To carry out this the objective was to analyze whether the selected textbooks (of Social Studies, Civics and Ethical Education , Amharic, Physical Education and Music) reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity. These textbooks are purposefully selected. Content analysis is used as a main method by forming four cultural categories such as Hero/Heroines, Material culture, songs and plays and values separately for each of dominant and diverse ethnic groups. The data collected through content analysis are also supplemented by survey data gathered from teachers found in sample primary schools curriculum developers in Addis Ababa and Education Bureau. The findings of the research show that cultures of dominant ethnic groups most incorporated culture in the selected textbooks of Addis Ababa second cycle primary schools. Cultures of diverse ethnic groups are very insignificantly mentioned in the contents of Social Studies, Amharic and Music textbooks. In Civics and Ethical education and Physical education however better incorporation was observed but with little pages devoted to diversity and multicultural concerns in Physical education. The study also revealed that major diversity and multicultural issues are poorly contextualized and inefficiently exploited. And , in the light of the research findings recommendations were madeItem The Status and Challenges of Girls' Primary Education. The case of Dessie Zuria Woreda of the.(Addis Ababa University, 2010-07) Getnet Damte, Getnet; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The main objective of the study was to investigate the current status and challenges of female's participation in primary education in Dessie Zuria Woreda. In order to attain the objective of the study a descriptive survey research method was used. The first sources of information used in this study include primary school teachers. female students of grade 7 and grade 8, school directors, woreda education omces, woreda women Anairhead and parents. Secondary data was gathered from documents fou nd in the South Wollo zone education department Dessie Zuria woreda education office and ten sample primary schools. Primary Data relevant to the study were collected using questionnaire and interview and secondary data were gathered from documents. Based on documentary analysis, through the gender gap has been observed to be narrowed. still the re exists high drop out and repetition rates officialese that aggravate gender disparity in the study woreda. Moreover, based on the results of the analysis traditional views of the society to girl s' education, early marriage and pregnancy, low economic status of parents and household activities of girls at home were found to be major challenges of females' participation. Thus, it is recommended that the education sector at the regional. zone and levelheaded should exert maximum effort to attune provision of education with the national commitments and international agreements.Item Successes and Challenges in Implementing Occupational Assessment and Certification Programs in Mekelle Zone of Tigray Regional State(Addis Ababa University, 2011-06) Kiros, Hayelom; Hussien, Abdulaziz (PhD)The purpose oj the study was to determine the successes achieved and the challenges Jaced during implementation oJthe assessment and certification programs carried out by cac during the past two consecutive years (2009 and 2010) since its commencement. The study area was Mekelle Zone oj Tigray Regional State. For the execution oj this study, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaires, interview, FGD, and document review. In this endeavor, Questionnaires were distributed to those TVET teachers and graduates who took occupational assessment. Interviews were conducted with assessment center coordinators and TVET bureau officials. FGD was held with the cac experts including the director. For data analysis, tabulated Jrequency number and percentages were employed. The major challenges revealed by the study include the lack oj independency and inappropriate organizational structure oj the regional cac; inadequate Jacilities oj ACs; shortages oj financial, material, and human resources in cac; poor standard oj assessment tools; and inefficient assessors. The status oj IACP was low. However, there were some successes achieved the most important oj which was cac became a potential to create competent citizens who can contribute Jor the development oj their country by encouraging trainers, trainees and other citizens to upgrade their knowledge and skill according to the required standard. It was concluded that though there were Jew successes achieved, there were so many challenges that impeded the effective implementation oj the programs. At last, based on the findings oj the study, some possible suggestions were Jorwarded which include making the regional cac independent oj TVET and improving its organizational structure; capacitating the existing ACs and striving to get others; empowering cac and strengthening its human, financial and material resource capacity, preparing standardized assessment tools in all occupations and levels; and Assigning competent, trained and experienced and committed industry assessors.