Successes and Challenges in Implementing Occupational Assessment and Certification Programs in Mekelle Zone of Tigray Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose oj the study was to determine the successes achieved and the challenges Jaced
during implementation oJthe assessment and certification programs carried out by cac during
the past two consecutive years (2009 and 2010) since its commencement. The study area was
Mekelle Zone oj Tigray Regional State. For the execution oj this study, both quantitative and
qualitative data were collected through questionnaires, interview, FGD, and document review.
In this endeavor, Questionnaires were distributed to those TVET teachers and graduates who
took occupational assessment. Interviews were conducted with assessment center coordinators
and TVET bureau officials. FGD was held with the cac experts including the director. For data
analysis, tabulated Jrequency number and percentages were employed. The major challenges
revealed by the study include the lack oj independency and inappropriate organizational
structure oj the regional cac; inadequate Jacilities oj ACs; shortages oj financial, material, and
human resources in cac; poor standard oj assessment tools; and inefficient assessors. The
status oj IACP was low. However, there were some successes achieved the most important oj
which was cac became a potential to create competent citizens who can contribute Jor the
development oj their country by encouraging trainers, trainees and other citizens to upgrade
their knowledge and skill according to the required standard. It was concluded that though there
were Jew successes achieved, there were so many challenges that impeded the effective
implementation oj the programs. At last, based on the findings oj the study, some possible
suggestions were Jorwarded which include making the regional cac independent oj TVET and
improving its organizational structure; capacitating the existing ACs and striving to get others;
empowering cac and strengthening its human, financial and material resource capacity,
preparing standardized assessment tools in all occupations and levels; and Assigning competent,
trained and experienced and committed industry assessors.