The Status and Challenges of Girls' Primary Education. The case of Dessie Zuria Woreda of the.
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of the study was to investigate the current status and challenges of
female's participation in primary education in Dessie Zuria Woreda. In order to attain the
objective of the study a descriptive survey research method was used. The first sources of
information used in this study include primary school teachers. female students of grade 7
and grade 8, school directors, woreda education omces, woreda women Anairhead and
parents. Secondary data was gathered from documents fou nd in the South Wollo zone
education department Dessie Zuria woreda education office and ten sample primary
schools. Primary Data relevant to the study were collected using questionnaire and
interview and secondary data were gathered from documents. Based on documentary
analysis, through the gender gap has been observed to be narrowed. still the re exists high
drop out and repetition rates officialese that aggravate gender disparity in the study woreda.
Moreover, based on the results of the analysis traditional views of the society to girl s'
education, early marriage and pregnancy, low economic status of parents and household
activities of girls at home were found to be major challenges of females' participation.
Thus, it is recommended that the education sector at the regional. zone and levelheaded
should exert maximum effort to attune provision of education with the national
commitments and international agreements.