The Atiitude of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Trainees Towards Self-Employment in Benishangulgumuz Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to identify the attitude of TVET stu dents towards self employment
and also to explore the Jactors that may negatively or positively influence the allitude of the
trainees towards self employment. To this end, a descriptive survey method was employed Jar the
study. The sample Jar th e survey was selected from th e two Government TVET colleges oj
Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. Questionnaires having 50 allitudinal items construct ed
using Likert scale and 18 supplementary items were administered to 11 8 trainees and 27
trainers. In addition, vocational counselors, entrepreneurship teachers and cooperative training
coordinators were included in the study. The data were analyzed using Jrequencies, and
percentage. The result oj the study revealed aJavorable allitude towards self employment
irr espective of gender, year level and Jelids of study. The study also showed that the proportion
of theory and practice was in th e right balance and the courses were relevant to selfemployment/
job cre ati on. In addition, the result oj the s tudy depicted that th e hand tools in all
TVET colleges were adequate enough in terms oj preparing the trainees to create their own jobs.
However, the machineries in some colleges as well as tex tbooks and relevant reJerence materials
in all colleges were inadequate. Regarding self-employment opportunities as a Junction vJ access
to market Jar finished products and access to credit, it wa s revealed that there was a high
opportunity in each town. Based on this it was concluded that, the altitude of TVET trainees was
positive towards self employment as a Junction , gender differences, year level andfields of study,
self employment creation an d the entrepreneurship course in terms oj preparing the trainees
to create their own job were on th e right track. But it was indicated that the total time set Jar
entrepreneurship course was less in tea ching practically, vocational guidance and counseling
the study showed t ha t the relationship be tween the trainees and the guidance and counselor was
weak and they were not processional in gnonliving advice. In line with the above finding, the
Hollowing points were recommended. Encouraging Jactors like expansion investment, hous ing
development project and in/i"astructure that resulted in Javorableallitudeoj the trainees should
be Jurther expanded. Textbooks and related reJerence materials should be provided Jar all
colleges. Finally, the TVET colleges should work in collaboration with other governmental, nongovernme
ntal and private organizations.